caardigaw · 3 months
me in the middle of a panic attack: wow the human condition 💖 so many fascinating things to experience in thjs world i’m very lucky
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caardigaw · 3 months
It angers me so deeply when the most beautiful incredible people behave like they have no self worth. Fuck the world for doing this to so many people
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caardigaw · 3 months
No rizz just fear of abandonment
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caardigaw · 3 months
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caardigaw · 3 months
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caardigaw · 4 months
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caardigaw · 4 months
you're laughing. pope francis just called catholic priests a bunch of faggots in front of his bishops and you're laughing
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caardigaw · 4 months
E più le persone sono cattive più imbruttiscono. Come se quello che hanno dentro si riflettesse fuori automaticamente.
Isabel Celima
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caardigaw · 4 months
How period looks like
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Master of the Greenville Tondo (1454 - 1513)
Saint Sebastian. Detail. 1500 - 1510
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caardigaw · 4 months
carlos sainz after getting fired
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caardigaw · 5 months
“Il ventennio fascista non fu, come oggi qualche sciagurato immemore figura di credere, un ventennio di ordine e di grandezza nazionale: fu un ventennio di sconcio illegalismo, di umiliazione, di corrosione morale, di soffocazione quotidiana, di sorda e sotterranea disgregazione civile. Non si combatteva più sulle piazze, dove gli squadristi avevano ormai bruciato ogni simbolo di libertà, ma si resisteva in segreto, nelle tipografie clandestine dalle quali fino dal 1925 cominciarono a uscire i primi foglietti alla macchia, nelle prigioni, tra i confinati, tra i reclusi, tra i fuorusciti. Venti anni di Resistenza sorda, ma era resistenza anche quella: e forse la più difficile, la più dura e la più sconsolata. Vent’anni: e alla fine la guerra partigiana scoppiò come una miracolosa esplosione. E il 25 aprile finalmente i vecchi conti col fascismo furono saldati: e la partita conclusa per sempre. Vittoria contro noi stessi: aver ritrovato dentro noi stessi la dignità dell’uomo. Questo fu il significato morale della Resistenza: questa fu la fiamma miracolosa della Resistenza.””
— Piero Calamandrei
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caardigaw · 5 months
I'm just saying, if there's a curse that runs along your family line and you don't tell your kids about it, how the hell are they supposed to go on a quest to stop it?
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caardigaw · 5 months
She feels so used. All of the men that she knew have used her for something. She does not always mind being used. Used for love. Used for peace. Used for light. Used for comfort. But they used her for ego boosts. They used her for amusement. They used her for pleasure. They used up her body. They used her so they would not be alone in the city their job required they spend the weekend in. And the thousands of dollars they spent on her may as well have been lit on fire. Or thrown in the trash. She was nothing to them. She meant nothing. She can't escape that nothingness. She can't quite conceptualize how she can mean nothing to so many. Some men have apologized to her, and though they are forgiven; she is nothing still. In nothingness.
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caardigaw · 5 months
talking to people while holding a beverage is awesome because you don't have to know what to do with your hands and when you don't know what to do with your face you can just take a sip
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caardigaw · 5 months
the idealized version of my tomorrow self will fix this
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caardigaw · 5 months
Dear professor this assignment did not nourish my fundamentally curious soul so i did not do it No penalty full 100 points please Goodbye!
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caardigaw · 5 months
I don't trust anyone who hasn't acknowledged their capacity for evil.
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