cachaemhil-blog · 7 years
Heneral Luna - Movie Review
The Heneral Luna is an influential movie release in 2015, it is most expensive Filipino film produce. The Heneral Luna is action-historical theme and this movie it’s receive many awards. It is directed by Jerrold Tarog and produce by Artikulo Uno Production. The film was break the previous record with the highest grossing Filipino Historical Film in our country. In 1898 on the province of Bulacan, President Emilio Aguinaldo with the Minister Apolinario Mabini and the Cabinet is debating about the Americans go in the Philippines. Filepe Buencamino and Pedro Paterno support the agreement of the Americans. But Heneral Antonio Luna and Heneral Jose Alejandro just wants the freedom of the Philippines. Heneral Luna ask the Cabinet to allow the pre-emptive strike while the Americans is not there in Manila. President Emilio Aguinaldo is make sure to the Cabinet that the American promise they will help the Philippines to be free with the Spaniards, but suddenly the Americans they go in the city of Manila and they want a possible war with Filipino. Heneral Luna and his trusting army Heneral Jose Alejandrino, Koronel Francisco “Paco” Roman, Kapitan Eduardo Rusca, Kapitan Jose Bernal, and Koronel Manuel Bernal is tired because of the campaign against the of forces United States. In that day, there’s a lot of damage cause of the war against to the Americans with their Heneral Arthur McArthur and Heneral Elwell Otis. Heneral Luna ask a more weapons but kapitan Pedro Janolino refuse the order, Heneral Luna was embarrassed Kapitan Janolino of to the front of his personnel. Heneral Luna made 4,000 group of people with his statement if they not follow his order they going to die according the law of Artikulo Uno. While the war is happening, Buencamino and Paterno support for the Americans for the freedom of the Philippines, Heneral Luna became angry of these and he order to arrest them. The campaign of Heneral Luna was blocked of Heneral Tomas Mascardo because he refused to give more troops, he only wants to follow the order of the president. While Heneral Luna and Heneral Mascardo fighting in Pampanga, the Americans continue to fight in the Filipino and while other Heneral like Gregorio Del Pilar was retired. Heneral Luna want to resign on his job but the President Aguinaldo refuse and finally he allow to do the plan of Heneral Luna. Afterwards the headquarters of Cabanuatuan send a Telegram to Heneral Luna and said that to go in the headquarters to meet the president. Heneral Luna go to the Cabanuatuan but he did know that this the end of his life, Heneral Luna was killed by the troops of Kapitan Janolino and torture his body. In the movie, Heneral Luna is the strongest person in his time, he can sacrifice his self for the freedom of our country and for the freedom of the Filipino. President Emilio Aguinaldo is intelligent person, he will think deeply if his moves are bad or good to able to maintain his reputation as a President of the country. Apolinario Mabini it’s like the second hand of President Aguinaldo, he supports of all the plan of the President. Filepe Buencamino and Pedro Paterno they are wants a money and power that’s why they agree and want to be part of businesses of the Americans. Kapitan Pedro Janolino was the bad and untrusting person, because when Heneral Luna needs a help he did not do anything and he kill Heneral Luna. Heneral Mascardo also a bad because he refuses to the order of Heneral Luna. The influence of Spaniards of the Filipinos example is the Filipino are not united, because other Filipino trying to be a became Americans or Spaniards and they want a power and money. The culture of Spaniards is influence in people for example other Filipino always think first there self before to the others to protect their self like being selfish. In the politics, they want to preserve their position to continue their businesses and gain a lot of money and their power to able to control the people. this is a thing that Spaniards influence the Filipino people. I conclude that in the past, the Filipino in the Philippines is not united so that’s why until now we are not free in the Americans. It’s like until now they trying to control us and control our government. The politician in the Philippines they work to get a many money to grow there self, they not think about the people in the Philippines that sometimes they can’t eat because of lack of money
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