cactustrologist · 6 years
kafka for the signs
Aries:  “From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back. That is the point that must be reached.” 
Taurus: “Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”
Gemini: “I am a cage, in search of a bird.”
Cancer: “You are the knife I turn inside myself; that is love. That, my dear, is love.”
Leo: “By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.”
Virgo: “I usually solve problems by letting them devour me.” 
Libra: “Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.”
Scorpio: “I am in chains. Don’t touch my chains.” 
Sagittarius: “I am free and that is why I am lost.” 
Capricorn: “In man’s struggle against the world, bet on the world.” 
Aquarius: “I never wish to be easily defined. I’d rather float over other people’s minds as something strictly fluid and non-perceivable; more like a transparent, paradoxically iridescent creature rather than an actual person.” 
Pisces: “You can hold yourself back from the sufferings of the world, that is something you are free to do and it accords with your nature, but perhaps this very holding back is the one suffering you could avoid.” 
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cactustrologist · 6 years
Signs as Nina Cried Power
Nina Cried Power: Libra, Capricorn, Leo
NFWMB: Aries, Gemini, Cancer
Moments Silence: Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus
Shrike: Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces
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cactustrologist · 6 years
the signs as apollo vs dionysus
Apollo (apollonian): represents beauty, order, light and clarity. celebrates the sublime, balance, creation, illusions and dreams, skill, fullfillment, possibilities, the human as the Artist.
Libra, Virgo, Cancer, Taurus, Gemini, Capricon, Leo
Dionysus (dionysan): represents darkness, chaos, irrationality and uninhibition. celebrates intoxication, destruction, instinct, pleasure, orgiastic passion, the dissolvement of all boundaries, excess, the human as Art. 
Aquarius, Scorpio, Aries, Pisces, Sagittarius
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cactustrologist · 6 years
Moon Signs with...
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Aries Moon…
…with a Fire Sun: exaggerates impulsivity, has a magnetic pull on others, great vibrant energy
…with an Earth Sun: strengthens leadership ability, optimistic outlook, enterprising
…with an Air Sun: receptive to change, sharp intellect, powers of persuasion
…with a Water Sun: impressive originality, emphasized imagination, intense emotions
Taurus Moon…
…with a Fire Sun: warm and affectionate, physically imposing, fiery enthusiasm
…with an Earth Sun: enhanced persistence and determination, stable and patient
…with an Air Sun: practical, financial intellect, firmer decision-making
…with a Water Sun: bestows magnetism, artistic, and good follow-through with creative ideas
Gemini Moon…
…with a Fire Sun: excellent leadership ability, independent and adventurous spirit
…with an Earth Sun: increased versatility, quick-witted and practical
…with an Air Sun: sharp intellect, gift of gab and an excellent communicator, super charming
…with a Water Sun: emotional understanding, strong creativity, love for learning
Cancer Moon…
…with a Fire Sun: enthusiastic and dramatic flair, charismatic, and creative
…with an Earth Sun: very protective and loyal, strong passions
…with an Air Sun: alluring and an excellent reader of people, highly sympathetic
…with a Water Sun: deep and intense emotions, very intuitive and hypnotic
Leo Moon…
…with a Fire Sun: fun-loving, strong leadership skills, animated disposition
…with an Earth Sun: intense, passionate nature, warm-hearted romantic
…with an Air Sun: dynamic and social, open-minded, contagious laughter
…with a Water Sun: colorful, very influential, affectionate and loving
Virgo Moon…
…with a Fire Sun: strengthens creative pursuits, strong common sense, regal demeanor
…with an Earth Sun: industrious, practical, and very responsible
…with an Air Sun: refined intellect, original and meticulous
…with a Water Sun: rare balance of psychic and realist, introspective and thoughtful
Libra Moon…
…with a Fire Sun: good-natured, polished, and charming
…with an Earth Sun: adaptable, diplomatic, and creative
…with an Air Sun: graceful, an ability to win people over, quick-witted
…with a Water Sun: artistic vision, highly intuitive and romantically inclined
Scorpio Moon…
…with a Fire Sun: compelling and driven, influential on others
…with an Earth Sun: authoritative with great leadership skills, ambitious and self-reliant
…with an Air Sun: captivating, idealistic, more intense emotions
…with a Water Sun: highly imaginative, emotional, and sensual
Sagittarius Moon…
…with a Fire Sun: super adventurous, yearning for new experiences, and very confident
…with an Air Sun: optimistic and cheerful, extroverted, discerning intellect
…with an Earth Sun: more adaptable, independent, creative outlook
…with a Water Sun: talented artists, expressive, very open-minded
Capricorn Moon…
…with a Fire Sun: mesmerizing, reliable, ambitious goal-getter
…with an Air Sun: resourceful, patient, and inventive
…with an Earth Sun: deep, hidden emotions, responsible, powerful personality
…with a Water Sun: committed, strong-willed, dynamic
Aquarius Moon…
…with a Fire Sun: compassionate, progressive, and persuasive
…with an Air Sun: emphasized intelligence, humanitarian, stimulating conversationalist
…with an Earth Sun: tolerant, innovative, very independent
…with a Water Sun: highly creative, clairvoyant tendencies, quirky and individualistic 
Pisces Moon…
…with a Fire Sun: deep emotions, sense of sophistication, hypnotic
…with an Air Sun: very sympathetic, clairvoyant tendencies, artistic 
…with an Earth Sun: loyal, perceptive, and idealistic
…with a Water Sun: highly intuitive, spiritual, and sensitive
as always, thanks for reading! 🌕💕
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cactustrologist · 6 years
My rising sign is Capricorn. My boyfriend is rising cancer.
good talk.
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cactustrologist · 7 years
Pisces and Cancer compatibility?
generally going to be a good pairing, with the only potential problem being possible boredom for either sign
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cactustrologist · 7 years
Real eyes realize
i've noticed mostly sun/asc/1st house
Aries: distractible, animated, large and amazed, bright
Taurus: mostly blue or striking, softness, still
Gemini: almond, alert, darting, tinged with green, changing
Cancer: watery, moon shaped (crescent or full), deep hued
Leo: mostly brown - become golden in the sun, animated
Virgo: blinks often, alert, can be green and mossy, bright
Libra: mostly blue or lighter in hue, warm eye contact, changes with conversation (moves, bigger, smaller)
Scorpio: hypnotic, mesmerizing gaze, iris like rabbit holes, beguiling swirls
Sagittarius: almond and mostly brown, often astigmatism, becomes wide with amazement
Capricorn: still, striking, there is an oldness about them, dry
Aquarius: translucent, crystal, bright, mesmerizing, clear
Pisces: blinks often, sleepy, dark hued, watery, swirly
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cactustrologist · 8 years
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Natural Eye Color Chart
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cactustrologist · 8 years
aries sun - you’re enthusiastic and energetic, impulsive and sometimes brash. Natural leader, you don’t like to be a follower in the crowd.
aries moon - you rush into things without thinking them through, optimistic, happy. You don’t like manipulating people - you play it straight. You don’t sulk when you don’t get your way.
aries rising - you’re brash, optimistic, you don’t think things through. You’re independent, self relying, honest and fearless.
aries mid heaven - you’re full of confidence, a good organiser, you might be shy until you’re the center of attention and then you shine.
aries mars - very impulsive, gets angry really fast but then forgets about it, restless when you’re bored. you can be openly aggressive and probably quite accident prone. you’re not patient. you love competition.
aries venus - you’re really not very subtle, you flirt a lot. you’re impulsive, impatient and passionate. you fall fast. you like to be the group leader among your friends. not afraid to stand up for themselves.
taurus sun - you’re stubborn, you appreciate beauty. You like to be around pretty things and you have good taste in everything. You can be very blunt. You put extra time into how you look so you always look good. You’re reliable and capable, and you can be kind of possessive
taurus moon - you like to be happy, you’re strong willed. you’re very romantic
taurus rising - you’re steady and capable, careful and cautious. You’re comforting to be around. You can be a little possessive, you might view your partner as personal property. You like the good things in life - food, clothes, money. Because of this, you’re always well dressed
taurus midheaven - you’re persistant and like to be in charge. You’re stubborn and tough
taurus mars - easy going and calm, very focused on their goals. not very adaptable, but you’re reliable and dependable. you’re conventional and straightforward in relationships.
taurus venus - you don’t like drama, you’re cuddly and you’re attracted to someone who will provide a stable relationships. you have a strong sense of commitment.
gemini sun - you’re intellectual, and you have opinions. Lots. Some people might think you’re a little two faced sometimes, but you just change how you think and act a lot. You’re affectionate, kind and generous.
gemini moon - you’re fun and pleasant to spend time with. You’re witty and charming. You can also be moody and irritable. You’re very open minded, you’re loyal and loving.
gemini rising - you’re curious about everything, always looking for something to boost you socially. When you admire people, you might subconsciously mimic their movements. You’re a great multitasker. You don’t like schedules
gemini midheaven - you can multi task, and you do it well. You can focus on multiple things at once. You like diversity.
gemini mars - easily bored, can become unfocused easily. restless, you have a lot of energy. you’re imaginative and creative, never boring
gemini venus - natural flirt, witty, likes variety. not very sentimental, but bright and good natured. full of life and fun, knows all the gossip, charming
cancer sun - emotional, wants to be center of attention, upset when you don’t get your way. You want to feel secure in relationships.
cancer moon - you’re very emotional and want to be enter of attention. you want stability and security in a relationship and require people to give themselves fully to you. You get upset when things don’t go how you wanted and you probably think the world revolves around you
cancer rising - when you are center of attention, you love it. You are very emotional, and you like getting your way.
cancer mc - you’re quite a careful person, you want stability and security in relationships. You worry a lot, and you often get emotional.
cancer mars - can be v passive aggressive, they like to feel secure before they act on something. passionate and creative, can be very moody.
cancer venus - you want a committed, predictable relationship. you like to snuggle (aw). you find it easy to read people, and care for them according to that. you are very easily hurt. you look for friends/partners with a big heart.
leo sun - You have a huge ego and you like to be around people you love. You try to project an image of success but sometimes you feel really self-conscious. You like to be in charge. You are really bad at taking criticism, because it feels like a dig on you personally, not on whatever it is you’re doing. You like to be the center of attention, especially when its somewhere you’re comfortable and with people you actually like.
leo moon - you’re sociable, happy to be the spotlight in social situations where you’re in charge/comfortable, you like entertaining your friends in an environment you’re familiar in. You have a lot of integrity. If you get upset, you prefer to retire somewhere you won’t be bothered and have privacy. In relationships, you might get a little jealous, but you’ll never become possessive.
leo rising - you love being center of attention, and people are attracted to you. You have a magnetic personality, you’re creative and you speak your mind.
leo mc - you understand that persistence pays off, you are very generous. you can be very stubborn. You’re very dignified. You’re easily insulted and take everything personally.
leo mars - you want to be significant and give a lasting impression. you have a lot of physical energy, you’re playful. you are compassionate and have a good sense of humour.
leo venus - you like to brag about your relationship and you demand a lot from your partner. you have high expectations of your partner but you can be very generous.
virgo sun - so you’re a organised person. You like order and planning your actions, but you can also work well in chaos as long as you have things that make you happy in there too.
virgo moon - you want happiness and security. You like doing little jobs like running errands, you find it relaxing. You love routine, you’re shy, and you love to stay busy.
virgo rising - you’re shy when you meet new people, and you’re nearly always reserved and quiet. You’re probably a picky eater. You adapt well to new situations. You like to keep busy. you’re a loyal and reliable friend.
virgo mc - Youre crazy analytical - you organise everything around you. You’re not subtle either, you come right out and say what needs to be said. You like to be very neat, but you can work well in chaotic environments as long as you have things that make you happy with you. You tend to over think things that you shouldve moved on from long ago.
virgo mars - you’re practical, sometimes a little bit scattered. you can be critical and sometimes stubborn, you’re not very aggressive though. you’re a perfectionist. you can be shy and humble.
virgo venus - not very flirtatious. you’re a good listener, you don’t like boastful people. you like to take your time before getting into a relationship. you want to feel useful, but you don’t like being taken advantage of.
libra sun - you like harmony, and want everything to be in balance all the time. youre sensitive to the needs of others. You always try to understand the other side in an argument, and don’t mind stepping down to compromise. You’re very social, you’re very stylish and people like you. You’re a little flirty by nature. You prefer to be in a relationship than single.
libra moon - you don’t like to be alone - you like having a partner. You flirt a lot - intentional or not. You always want to have your way, and you like to have other people supporting you and your goals. Your mood changes a lot though, you’re pretty unpredictable.
libra rising - you’re really charismatic. You attract people to you, and you don’t know what to do without your special someone by your side. You know how to dress well, you really like material goods and physical comforts. You’re very polite.
libra mc - you feel that if you can attain balance and harmony, you will be happy and successful. You’re a good team player. You’re self conscious of your social position. You present yourself well in a poised, elegant way
libra mars - you can be indecisive, but its because you like to weigh up pros and cons before you act. you’re very charming and you can sometimes be a little passive aggressive. you need a lot of motivation, you don’t like rude people.
libra venus - you’re idealistic, and a romantic. you fall in love easily, often for the wrong people or too soon
scorpio sun - you’re intense, self reliable, and full of emotions. you’re imaginative, loving and loyal
scorpio moon - you live for emotional intensity. You can see through people, right into their deepest feelings. You don’t like being criticised, and you can be very jealous.
scorpio rising - you’re someone you wouldn’t want to screw with,  you can be pretty intimidating and people either love you or hate you. You have crazy strong defence mechanisms, and this comes in handy for your strong drive to succeed.
scorpio mc - you’re self motivated, you know what you want and how you’re going to get it. You can be a little intimidating.
scorpio mars - you’re quiet and subtle but a formidable opponent. You have powerful emotions. You’re very passionate and sensual
scorpio venus - you’re intense and deep. you’re good at giving your full attention to your partner. you aren’t afraid of intimacy or commitment.
sagittarius sun - you’re smart and adventurous, but you speak your mind and can sometimes offend people. think before you speak next time.
sagittarius moon - you are a traveller, wanting to go to new places and expand your horizons. You want to be in charge, you hurt people sometimes when you speak your mind
sagittarius rising - youre enthusiastic, and you love a good adventure. You hate being still. You’re opinionated, and you like sharing your opinions. You like a little competition to prove your worth every now and then.
sagittarius midheaven - you like to be in control, you like to be in charge. You can be pretty blunt sometimes and upset people. You love adventure and want to travel and expand your horizons.
sagittarius mars - you’re not known for patience. you’re used to getting your own way, and you can be very persuasive.
sagittarius venus - you like to learn things all the time, you can be a little judgemental. you need space and freedom to be happy. you’re easygoing, you’re honest and blunt.
capricorn sun - practical, reliable, wants to work hard and not take shortcuts. likes material possessions and wants to be rich tbh
capricorn moon - you want to feel useful and productive. you like to get your own way. You don’t show your emotions, and people think you might be a little cold. You just don’t like showing them in public.
capricorn rising - You take everything seriously. Youre practical, responsible for as long as you can remember. You like material possessions. You work hard/have worked hard to get to where you are/where you want to be.
capricorn mc - you want to care for others, you’re confident and you know how to handle situations. You want to make a positive impact on the world. You’re practical and systematic. You have a strong sense of duty and dedication.
capricorn mars - you like to be in control, you’re determined and orderly. you’re responsible and reliable. you’re practical and you can come across as pessimistic sometimes.
capricorn venus - you like to impress people with your wit, you’re responsible and in control. you like to be alone, its hard for you to let down your guard. you want to help your friends succeed in life.
aquarius sun - you’re kind of an oddball, but somehow the weird works for you. You crave freedom and you think you’re better than everyone. You are rebellious when your freedom is challenged. You pretend you don’t have any emotions. you’re unique and a little bit nuts. You’re a humanitarian, you care more about the world than yourself/people you know.
aquarius moon - you’re observant. You have a pretty big ego, and you want to stand out for being unusual. You’re stubborn, but youre also kind and compassionate. You’re a humanitarian. You really hate criticism.
aquarius rising - youre friendly and likeable. Your humour is kinda weird and not many people get it. Your’e very unique and you like being in the spotlight.
aquarius mc - you like learning. you’re good at making plans and putting them into action. you fear humiliating yourself in public by looking stupid.
aquarius mars - you’re proud of your independence. you have a lot of ambition and energy, you value freedom. you stay faithful and you’re loyal unless you’re bored.
aquarius venus - you’re very open minded, you don’t like restrictions. you don’t display many feelings in public. you want your partner to be your friend more than just a lover. you don’t like clingy partners.
pisces sun - spiritual, compassionate, full of love. emotional and intellectual. tactful, charming, you’re not great at making decisions. you’re generous to those you love, you’re a huge romantic. you’re very creative, do well in the arts.
pisces moon - You’re emotional, and are good at sensing how others feel. You’re compassionate and full of love. Your sense of humour is silly. You’re sweet and soft hearted, genuinely care about everyone.
pisces rising - you’re unpredictable and can seem to change personalities on a day to day basis. You’re not too great at decision making, and you see the world through your own biased eyes. You don’t want to stand out too much. You really love animals, and probably want to have pets/already have a few.
pisces mc - People probably think you’re a little emotionally unstable, but you just have a lot of feelings. You are sensitive to other’s feelings, and you always want to help comfort people. You don’t take extreme sides on anything. You understand what you need and what you want.
pisces mars - you’re gentle and mild, go with the flow. you’re attracted to the arts, you play games to get what you want. you’re very sensitive to your environment.
pisces venus - dreamy and soft hearted, you want your partner to know that you love them unconditionally. you like romance and tenderness. you’re compassionate and sensitive, you can understand people and always forgive them.
all in one post so you can use this as a ref
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cactustrologist · 8 years
I am...
Aries rising/sun: Intensely/Self-Centered
Taurus rising/sun: Stubbornly/Possessive
Gemini rising/sun: Vocally/Talkative
Cancer rising/sun: Cautiously/Caring
Leo rising/sun: Dramatically/Proud
Virgo rising/sun: Logically/Critical
Libra rising/sun: Anxiously/Agreeable
Scorpio rising/sun: Obsessively/Passionate
Sagittarius rising/sun: Excessively/Optimistic
Capricorn rising/sun: Deliberately/Goal-oriented
Aquarius rising/sun: Seemingly/Opinionated
Pisces rising/sun: Deceptively/Manipulative
Examples- Leo rising/Cancer sun: I am dramatically caring; Virgo rising/Aquarius sun: I am logically opinionated; Taurus rising/Sagittarius sun: I am stubbornly optimistic; Gemini rising/Capricorn sun: I am vocally goal-oriented.
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cactustrologist · 8 years
I just realized something… I don’t think saying the rising sign/ascendant is a “mask,” is fair or accurate enough to describe the potency of the ascendant. Or really what the ascendant is. It isn’t something detached from one self, like the way we remove a mask as if it was just for glamour. It’s the way we develop our Sun (which I briefly discussed here), as It’s a part of us. Instead of it being the mask, it’s our skin. Symbolically, our Sun is the structure of our internal part. As the Moon is like the soul and the blood in our veins, the light in our eyes. Don’t disvalue the psychological value of the ascendant/first house. 
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cactustrologist · 8 years
how would a cap sun, pisces venus female & a cancer sun and venus male be in a relationship??
man that's one harmonious pairing. could possibly get a bit dull but largely compatible
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cactustrologist · 8 years
May apply to Ascendant or sun as well. Aspects to the sun & Venus matter.
Self-esteem is generally fragile. They seem confident and self-assured, but on the inside, their opinion of themselves fluctuates wildly, ranging from sheer conceit to self-loathing. They need validation from others, and if they’re deprived of that, there can be a lot of anxiety surrounding their value. They judge themselves harshly and it’s difficult to recover from embarrassment.
Self-esteem is increased by victory; coming in first place or being the best; encouragement; feelings of strength, bravery, and capability; independence; proving themselves (especially to themselves); learning from mistakes/defeat.
Self-esteem is generally steady. They’re humble and down-to-earth about themselves, with a very realistic opinion of their worth. They can have difficulty with feeling secure inside in the beginning of their lives, but once they have a solid grasp on what makes them unique and valuable, nothing can shake their confidence, and they’ll seldom depend on others to define them.
Self-esteem is increased by self-acceptance; surrounding themselves with pleasant possessions & people; being spoiled/pampered; taking time to relax & replenish their energy; low stress; aesthetic beauty; feeling natural/elegant.
Self-esteem is generally erratic. Their opinion of themselves fluctuates with their mood & the context. They easily become dissatisfied with the state of themselves due to their many various interests, which leads to inconsistent admiration and consequentially inconsistent aspirations. Their confidence relies on the “facts” about their beauty, accomplishments, etc.
Self-esteem is increased by satisfying details; being able to keep up with themselves; freedom to develop & change; variety & constant stimulation; having options; engaging people; being able to express their thoughts.
Self-esteem is generally introspective. Their confidence can be unstable and inhibited, particularly when they’re young, but they tend to be more secure in themselves once they have a good awareness of their nature/identity. Their value must be discovered before they can feel or appreciate it, and it may take a long time for them to do so if they’re on their own in that endeavor.
Self-esteem is increased by support; sympathetic people; reassurance; emotional openness, catharsis; close loved ones, people who are interested in being intimate with them; positive reactions; healthy expression of self.
Self-esteem is generally glowy. They radiate confidence and pride; they’re typically secure within themselves, knowing their value & easily sharing it with others. If they doubt themselves, it’s because something external is obscuring their inner light – true self-value shines boundlessly from inside them and it’s invincible once they claim it and learn how to own it intrinsically.
Self-esteem is increased by validation; praise; attention; compliments; popularity; affection; positive, enjoyable experiences; creativity; inspiration; being received well; self-expression; grand gestures of love & adoration.
Self-esteem is generally weary. They can be extremely insecure, lacking confidence due to trying too hard to be worthy of it. They’re harshly critical of themselves and constantly strive to be beautiful and valuable, which takes its toll on their very essence – they tend to shrink further into themselves the more distance they feel stands in the way of what they intend to be.
Self-esteem is increased by making progress, noticing positive results of their efforts; good health & hygiene; appreciation; acknowledgement; feeling able, organized, and useful; being thanked; admiration; being understood.
Self-esteem is generally buoyant. Their confidence fluctuates erratically, yet gracefully; the lows are taken in stride and the highs are positively elating. They reflect the opinions of others and tend to take things very personally but they typically convince themselves that their insecurities are silly, and return to airy self-acceptance, which can easily turn into oblivious vanity.
Self-esteem is increased by acceptance; integration; inclusion; positive social interaction; peaceful bonds; being well-liked; having fashionable interests & friends; being talked about; attracting & being interesting to others; romance.
Self-esteem is generally all or nothing. They’re very cutthroat in the inner competition to be better than they used to be and they can sink into terrifying depths of self-hatred if they fail themselves. If they achieve what they aspire for, they can become obnoxiously conceited. There is rarely a balance – it goes from one extreme to the other very easily (but it’s not exactly unstable).
Self-esteem is increased by distance or extreme closeness; knowing other people intimately; being mysterious; having an impact on others; loyalty; deep connections; intensity; becoming stronger after being hurt; being guarded.
Self-esteem is generally carefree. They always try to let go of their insecurities. This often leads to arrogance and vanity, since they sometimes their desperate aversion to being weighed down by negative feelings can result in being carried away by positive ones. They tell themselves a lot of things “don’t matter” because they don’t want to face the discomfort of low self-value.
Self-esteem is increased by enjoyable distractions; trying new things; adventure; discovery; realizations; feeling wise and untamed; being free to do what they wish & make their own decisions; getting away with bad behavior.
Self-esteem is generally brutal. They lack self-compassion and they’re critical of themselves, but they’re also down-to-earth and pragmatic about their value. Self-hatred motivates them. They use their insecurities to their own advantage, to improve themselves, even if it’s unhealthy or painful. Sometimes it works too well & they become conceited. Other times, they end up hurting themselves.
Self-esteem is increased by success; accomplishments; respect; having influence and authority; being self-sufficient; solving their own problems; having answers; leading; control; wealth; being considered important.
Self-esteem is generally contrary. They’re very concerned with what they’re not and this is how they discover their value – by resisting insecurity & criticism of all kinds and trying to prove the opposite. They do this to positive things too sometimes; they’re essentially playing devil’s advocate when it comes to their value, and that’s where they find equilibrium between the inner & the outer.
Self-esteem is increased by breaking rules; being unpredictable; challenging standards & assumptions; being given the space to openly express & define themselves; changing the minds of others; inspiring others; being a role model.
Self-esteem is generally amorphous. They vaguely absorb both positive and negative perspectives on who they are, and the result is fluid confidence that relies on their emotional state (and the emotional states of those who surround them). They’re typically unaware of the “truth” about themselves so they never feel secure in any opinion they form about their worth/beauty/etc.
Self-esteem is increased by fantasy; absorbing positivity; devotion; sacrifice; powerful emotional experiences & connections; artistic expression; mutual reflection of beauty; being explained; poetic love, “magical” relationships.
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cactustrologist · 8 years
Neptune:8th house🔮🔱🔮
-extremely psychic and intuitive -interest in spirituality/communicating with the dead -charismatic but in a mysterious way -strange dreams that are often precognitive -tempted to do witchy shit for your own personal gain -may have some kind of death wish -doormats;easily manipulated -problems(confusion,deception) in finances -easily addicted to drugs and alcohol -submissive(not just sexually but in nature) -spiritual attitudes towards sex or dependent on sex -easily hypnotized -death could be a mystery,occur through sleep,drugs,coma,or suicide even
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cactustrologist · 8 years
The Zodiac Power Couples
Aries / Leo
Taurus / Virgo
Gemini / Sagittarius
Cancer / Libra
Leo / Aquarius
Virgo / Capricorn
Libra / Aquarius 
Scorpio / Gemini
Sagittarius / Aquarius
Capricorn / Leo
Aquarius / Capricorn
Pisces / Leo
More Zodiac Here
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cactustrologist · 8 years
The Signs and When They'll Meet Their Soulmate
2016: cancer, libra, pisces
Already have: capricorn, aquarius, virgo
2020: leo, scorpio, gemini
2025: taurus, sagittarius, aries
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cactustrologist · 8 years
i love to do intense research on things that have zero impact on my life and have no correlation whatsoever to my general interests. i know a lot about combustion engines 
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