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How is proshipping a coping mechanism?
- Provides a sense of control to those with paraphilias
- Allows people to safely handle their intrusive thoughts
- Allows people to project their trauma onto fiction, able to see their favorite characters handle what they have gone through
- Prevents people from acting on negative thoughts
Proshipping is safe and valid.
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Happy birthday to Kaeya my chaotic, goofy, tries-to-be-cool boyfriend, you’re a dweeb and I love you
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🦋 Hey hey proshippers! Youre all super wonderful and amazing and i support every one of you <3
LGBTQ+ proshippers are valid <3
Minor proshippers are valid <3
Adult proshippers are valid <3
Abuse/csa victim proshippers are valid <3
System proshippers are valid <3
Self ship proshippers are valid <3
Proshippers who ship these things as a way to cope are valid <3
Proshippers who do it for fun are valid <3
Every proshipper is 💕✨valid✨💕
Youre all so valid and ily all so much, remember to drink some water, eat something- even if its only something small, rest, and just be you. 💕💕💕
Feel free to reblog or comment with anything else youd like to add :) 🦋
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Y'all other problematic villain fuckers ever just... Take solace and a bit of comfort in the fact that your villainous F/O would mangle the shit out of someone who hurt/is hurting you? Or that they would carefully and calmly talk you down from doing something you'd violently regret? Do you ever sit and think about your villain, as powerful and lethal and feared as they are, being firmly on your side and doing all they can to support you? Because your villain F/O is always going to be on your side.
No problem is too small. No incident is too insignificant.
Your villain loves you and would commit even more atrocities than usual on your behalf, if they thought it would genuinely help... But they would also commit fewer, and maybe even hold you back from violence themselves, if they saw that you needed gentler and more careful support. They will be your steady rock, just as you are their soft comfort.
Your villain loves you, unconditionally and unashamedly, and will help you overcome your pains and worries in any way that they can.
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Newest alter: *gesturing but essentially translated to* I wrote a thing
Cade: Came for my throat is what you did
Me: whaaaat?
Na: *slides me their stuff*
Me: You really did aim for the jugular… good job
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Okay so in ❤️ Nikki I had maybe 1 f/o outside of Nikki herself and now in the new game ✨ Nikki I have almost f/o’d the entire main cast because they’re all stunning and amazing and I’m a simple being of gay feelings
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Mikey has stolen my heart and has given me brain rot. I don’t usually like time travel shows but TR is really good and I really like the characters
Mikey is definitely main romantic f/o through, due to my mental health rn I’m not too keen on sharing but if you have a tag I can block that’d be fine
Draken and Mitsuya are also pretty high on my scale and I may be looking at Baji but I’m only on episode 10 with some fanfics and art under my belt.
Takemichy is my brother and idk if he gets big brother or little brother rights so he just gets brother rights
Mikey in my good end is definitely this specific Mikey
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I just love how he looks and he looks good like this so I’m going with it
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Dave a being selectively mute and humming or huffing or typing what he wants wants to say if it’s longer because I haven’t had piece since that one dream is a thing now
Just soft as fuck “hmmm~”s when I want his attention and he is acknowledging me and I get to say cute shit that he giggles at and sends cute notes back to me? Hell fucking yes
I love him so Damn much, like he could just tug at my shirt in public and point at the weird as book or movie or game he wants us to get and I’d be like “hell yeah” or “this looks awful let’s do it”. Then we get home and he tells me all the shitty jokes he’s thought of while we’re out and I get to watch him fumble over wording because he half forgot one of them and help him word things if he can’t think of the right word and it’s just a barrage of bullshittery and we don’t even end up playing the game/show or reading that book because we’re too busy laughing
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13 year old DreamTime content because I realized Dave would’ve seen that phase of my life and also because I wanted to draw this hug but adult Dave is too damn tall
I wore striped long sleeves or striped tank tops every day of every week all year long because I don’t even know
Am I also making up for lack of content because I didn’t know self ship was a thing back then? Just a bit
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Me meeting literally any of the other androids: Oh wow! hi!!!
@ Markus and Connor: *trying to be smooth and probably failing* Hello there~
@ Simon: *garbled noise of distress*
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Of all people I could fall for in Twisted Wonderland it still baffles me to no end I didn’t fall for the Alice in Wonderland themed characters hardest, my childhood niche, oh no I fell for the huntsman and the Evil Queen stand ins like an absolute fool.
Rook Hunt leave my head challenge has been failed multiple times and Vil is just as guilty
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My Genshin Impact self insert! They are from Lumine and Aether’s original world (QPP brought them through) in their world they are the God of Dreams. They are also a cross world reincarnation, in Teyvat they used to exist as Sharna another God of Dreams but died early on during the wars. They don’t remember much of Tetvat but the Adepti and Archons recognize them.
They’re an electric conduit and can store electricity in their body (because neurology jokes). They can then release this electricity as if they’re a Electro Vision user and Venti made them a fake Vision. Their weapons are twin daggers and a rapier.
They were dating Lumine and Aether before the two left for Teyvat to visit the God of Void (QPP) and didn’t come back, the time difference meant that the God of Void came to find them in the original world only to find Cadence the God of Dreams who hadn’t seen their significant others in a few months.
Poly shipped with all romantics!
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I like to think he’s a Rain Cloud!
They can create acid rain, run on water, and merge with flowing water. I think would be the independent subclass!
As an independent class he will lose if he has to pair up with a Song Bird, but seeing as he is the lowest health scale it may have to happen. If he has to pair up he can still help his Song Bird win and help other allies or sabotage enemies
I’m in a mood so:
Reblog with an image of your f/o and I’ll assign them a random character class from a racing/sabotage game that showed up in my dream!
Anti’s dni
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I feel like Heavy Runner would fit
They can use heavy weapons with no speed penalty and break in game obstacles.
They lose automatically if they get caught by a Teacher with a weapon or destroying an obstacle. They can however continue to help allies or sabotage enemies
I’m in a mood so:
Reblog with an image of your f/o and I’ll assign them a random character class from a racing/sabotage game that showed up in my dream!
Anti’s dni
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Okay so he’s my favorite class: Black Out!
Can completely stop a damage attack as long as they have the mana to do so and can courier themselves and others through vents.
If they take any primary damage (Melee, first hit of a spell, etc.) they automatically lose, all secondary damage (status effects and such) is fine however and they are still in the race, even if they die from secondary damage as long as they never took primary damage they are still in the race. Even after losing they can choose to aid allies or sabotage enemies
I’m in a mood so:
Reblog with an image of your f/o and I’ll assign them a random character class from a racing/sabotage game that showed up in my dream!
Anti’s dni
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Sugar Mouse!
Can hide in vents, replace gifts, rewards and bonuses with explosives or acids, and is the smallest of all classes earning them a speed boost
They will automatically lose if they die but they can respawn to aid allies or sabotage enemies!
I’m in a mood so:
Reblog with an image of your f/o and I’ll assign them a random character class from a racing/sabotage game that showed up in my dream!
Anti’s dni
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