cafecybersword · 5 years
To Enzan-kun, do you have a favorite food?
Enzan: .....no
Blues: He has a weak spot for sweets, especialy sherbet and anything with frozen lemonade.
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cafecybersword · 5 years
This question is for blues. Have you ever found an effective way to make Enzan-kun take care of himself? If so, what is it? And would you be willing to share? I think that, short of knock out gas, nothing would get this guy to sleep!
Blues: It's better in many ways to force him to take care of himself. In recent times copybots have slowly become more common, giving me better chances to take care of my operator. If he won't stop to eat even at home, I'll gather something from the fridge and bring it directly to his desk. I keep reminding him whenever clock strikes midnight, and take care he gets coffee when needed. It's hard to go against his will, but at times I need to force him to take breaks.
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cafecybersword · 5 years
To Enzan-kun, how do you manage stress so well? You have so many things to do, such as running your company, net savior duties, and many more things as well!
Enzan: A lot of caffeine will keep your mind bright.
Blues: ...though in fact, Enzan-sama barely sleeps or eats and is constantly absorbed in his work. I know he is extremely exhausted but he fails to ever show it, so it's as if nothing bothers him. I greatly adore his determination, and help him to my best ability.
Enzan: Though in a way, I wouldn't know how to live with nothing to worry about. A vacation wouldn't just work, I'd only be more stressed. When all you do for years is work you get numb to it and all the stress it causes.
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cafecybersword · 5 years
Hello again Enzan-kun. I was wondering if you could tell us what happened when you encountered duo, and what happened after that?
Enzan: All my memories of it are rather hazy. Encountering a God of sorts will never not feel like a fever dream, especialy with no-one who wasn't there remembering any of the events Duo caused. It's as if the whole ordeal never happened.
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cafecybersword · 5 years
Enzan-kun, do you ever get any sleep? You seem a little like an insomniac.
Enzan: What do you mean, four to six hours is plenty of sleep and more than enough for me.
Blues: No- sir, that's not healthy. You don't even sleep very deep majority of the time. Imsomnia is the correct word, and it worries me.
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cafecybersword · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Character aesthetic boards for Enzan and Blues
I used way too much time with these honestly
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cafecybersword · 5 years
Ask muse how good they are at..
💋 - kissing 👼 - babysitting 🍛 - cooking 💃 - dancing 🎭 - acting/performing arts 🍻 - tolerating alcohol 😠 - managing with their temper 📝- planning and following their plan 🎤- singing 🙊 - keeping secrets 🌷- taking care of plants/pets 😈 - manipulating with others 🏊 - swimming 😂 - telling jokes 📰 - keeping track of world news 📚 - worlds history knowledge ⌚- keeping track of time 💪 - staying fit 😏 - lying 🚗 - driving a car 👗 - dressing with style 🔮 - magic 🔪 - melee weapons 🔫 - ranged weapons 💞 - expressing their feelings 😓 - acknowledging mistakes 🎺 - playing an instrument 🎁 - making gifts ✊ - keeping promises
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cafecybersword · 5 years
Music Note!
((I, the not so great admin, get to reply these ones: with Enzan one of the many songs I associate with him is Throne by Bring Me the Horizon. For Blues... good question? This is more of a shippy one but I can see How Can I Live by Ill Nino fitting well how Dark Blues/Blues see Enzan))
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cafecybersword · 5 years
For every 🎵 I get I'll post a song I associate with my muse!
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cafecybersword · 5 years
Roast my muse. Tell them the hard truths about themselves that they need to hear.
Alternatively, send 🔥 + a URL/name and my muse will roast them.
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cafecybersword · 5 years
Hi enzan and blues! How are you doing today? And may I ask what your favorite battlechip is?
Enzan: A regular busy yet quiet day. No NetSavior missions today, so I'm focusing on my duties as IPCs vice president and keeping up with schoolwork. Blues on the other hand is keeping himself busy with battle practise and regular rounds around the nearby net to ensure it's safety. As for my favorite Battle Chip, it would have to be Neo Variable Sword or the Muramasa. Neo Variable Sword is one of the strongest and most beautiful sword chips - Muramasa on the other hand is based on japanese mythology and it's quirks make it excellent in battle.
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cafecybersword · 5 years
Enzan, why do you drink so much coffee?
Enzan: How else would I stay awake during night shifts? I need to replace the lack of rest with something. It also keeps my blood pressure more stable.Blues: It also might be becoming an addiction to him...----((Admin adds: yes, in Stream it is mentioned Enzans blood pressure is notably low.))
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cafecybersword · 6 years
whats inside your pet, blues?
Blues: I prefer things simple and I don't deserve to be treated as a human. Thus, unlike a certain Megaman, I have a fairly simple decor in my space in the PET. Only some few furniture Enzan-sama insisted to add for making it more cozy - like an one person sofa and one small table. Oh, and also a flower vase. I'm not sure when or why was that fake flower added there...
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cafecybersword · 6 years
blues, how it felt like to be under the control of dark energy? and to hurt enzan-sama?
Blues: It was.. strange. I knew what I was doing but it didn’t feel like I was in control. I knew everything Darkloid Blues did, but I felt like it wasn’t me. My program was rewritten, my emotions were twisted. I still get irrational thoughts about him returning, produced by my self defense extensions. I still feel.. guilt? The human equilevant must be guilt. Guilt about hurting my operator, who I have sworn to protect. I know I could have killed him, and I find it extremely terrifying.
I do not like talking about this, I’d rather avoid being asked about this anymore.
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cafecybersword · 6 years
what are blues biggest fears tho?
Blues: ...I fear my darkloid counterpart in some way. I at times get irrational thoughts about him taking over again. In the end, though, my greatest fear is being put to hurt Enzan-sama. I could never forgive myself if I did so.
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cafecybersword · 6 years
skeleton: what is your biggest fear? (for enzan)
Enzan: It's... complicated.
Blues: What sir means is that it's quite personal. His worst fears range from my Darkloid counterpart to his own father and then he himself - or so he has told.
Enzan: Yes. I quess I indeed am afraid of how I am and who I am. I want to be what my father wants me to be and nothing else, it's terrifying to know I can never be what I'm expected to be and what I want to be because I have my own personality and weaknesses.
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cafecybersword · 6 years
Haunt, for the Halloween asks?
Blues: Paranormal activity is scientificaly impossible. There is no such thing as "haunted" objects, but you can stage them easily.
Enzan: I will not believe until I see it myself. Only if you can prove me haunted or cursed objects excist outside of the Cyberworld, I will believe in them.
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