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kind of amusing because the blue jay was already a bunch of triangles so he looks totally normal
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sunsets after 7pm now !!!!!!!!!!! we made it guys !!!!!!!!!!!!
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People in the BDSM and kink communities are the only people who are normal about sex, actually, and we should all learn from them.
I think everyone should familiarise themselves with the theory for such key concepts as consent, rejecting a sexual practice for yourself without judging it morally for others, sub drop and how it can happen even in the most vanilla sexual encounters, and aftercare and how it’s often needed in even the most vanilla sexual encounters (but often treated as a joke and something to ridicule).
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caffeinateddiscoverer · 10 hours
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everyone on replies is terrified of this fact but i just think it's so sweet and heartwarming. she's holding our hand and leading us somewhere secret and we're both giggling like kids. i love her
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caffeinateddiscoverer · 13 hours
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1920′s “Three Women Under an Umbrella” by Gerda Wegener. From Art Deco, Art Nouveau & 20th Century Decoratif Arts Group, FB.
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caffeinateddiscoverer · 13 hours
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caffeinateddiscoverer · 14 hours
The largest known population of one of Australia’s rarest birds has been found living in Western Australia’s Great Sandy desert.
A team of Ngururrpa rangers and scientists detected the stronghold of up to 50 night parrots - a critically endangered species once feared extinct - living on Indigenous-managed land, according to a study published in Wildlife Research.
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caffeinateddiscoverer · 14 hours
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caffeinateddiscoverer · 14 hours
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caffeinateddiscoverer · 14 hours
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caffeinateddiscoverer · 14 hours
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caffeinateddiscoverer · 14 hours
What's the weirdest "Can't sleep must do something to stop the anxiety spiral" activity you've done?
I made slowcooker pulled pork at 5am this morning.
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caffeinateddiscoverer · 15 hours
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The red crowned crane traditionally nests in marshes, but most have been drained. So the cranes are raising their offspring in an irrigation channel. All through the summer, the chick is entirely dependent its parents for food. The family won't be able to move on until the chick can fly. BBC Earth
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caffeinateddiscoverer · 19 hours
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Dispute, Białowieża forest, Belarus/Poland, 2023 - by Jacek Stankiewicz, Polish
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caffeinateddiscoverer · 19 hours
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Eugène Francois Adolphe Deshayes (French, 1868-1939) - The Algerian Coast
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caffeinateddiscoverer · 19 hours
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warp core breach (b^_^)b
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caffeinateddiscoverer · 20 hours
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A small meltwater stream dripping into the river. Ruttjebäcken, Sweden.
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