caffeine-waves · 4 years
Lordy it’s been awhile. Well for my three loyal followers I’m here with the update.
1. I wrote a whopping eight drafts of my main essay. I had a really hard time writing a compelling essay that struck a balance between showing and telling. HUGE props to my family for all the editing. Especially my brother who let me cry and then dove right back in.
2. I really thought all my applications would be done before March first. I was incorrect
3. I’ve submitted 3 of my 6 applications!!
4. Fall semester ended as it often does in a bit of a sputter. I also worked on a social media project for a company I’ve worked for before. Things went relatively well except that the boss and I have some fundamental differences that we can’t seem to get past.
5. Spring semester is just about half over and rolling smoothly. I’m in a math class for the first time since high school. Luckily it’s a class I’ve already taken.
6. I got a part time job and am a certified grocery goddess.
I think that’s it! I’m sure I’ll have more to say soon. Until then be safe and get vaccinated.
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caffeine-waves · 4 years
I’ve been a little neglectful of…well really all my responsibilities lately.
BUT my common app is done (besides essays) and I’m doing well in all my classes so far.
I promise I’ll come back with a more substantive post soon but this is all I have in me for now.
And happy Rosh Ha-Shana to all my fellow Jews. Wishing everyone the sweetest of New Years.
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caffeine-waves · 4 years
fuck college…i am going to go be a trout………
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caffeine-waves · 4 years
yes i am an academic & hate academia
yes we exist 
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caffeine-waves · 4 years
Best laid plans… !
After a few rather frustrating phone calls yesterday I’ve had to cancel my registration at the schools I was planning to take the bulk of my credits at this semester.
After some harried searching I’m registered for 6 credits and have been given a bonus couple days of summer because classes don’t start til the 31st.
It’s not really what I wanted or what I’d planned (and I love a good plan) but it’ll be good enough to keep me occupied for a little bit each day.
A lot of other much more eloquent people have already made this observation but I think something important we can take from this time is the knowledge that even when things completely fall apart there are always ways to keep forging ahead. I’m by no means comparing my inability to take a couple college courses to a deadly global pandemic but as I’ve found myself in a time of transition it’s been helpful to keep looking forward.
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caffeine-waves · 4 years
Good news 2 followers! I finished the very bad internship so now we can commence with planning for transferring and the new school year.
I’m taking 11 credits at two different places (11 total not 11 at each yikes) as a non-matriculates student after which I will more than likely cap out both my credits I’m allowed to take before I matriculate and credits I care to take above the transfer limit.
On the transfer front I’ve made this handy dandy spreadsheet as well as one to track my application progress
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I’m not really in the business of being secretive so here’s everything splayed out including notes about where I already applied as a freshman.
I’ve been struggling a lot with this decision to transfer to be entirely honest. As a student who has progressed through a little over half a bachelors degree, it’s been hard prioritizing my own happiness over just pressing through and finishing undergrad.
Tomorrow is my first day of this very odd in between year so happy back to school season everyone. May the cooling temperatures soothe all our souls (bath and body works fall scents are back and also soothing).
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caffeine-waves · 4 years
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I don’t often recommend books to anyone (even in real life) because I think taste in reading is really subjective.
I grew up devouring audio books because as a visually impaired child who had not yet come to terms with needing assistance audiobooks provided the path of least resistance.
Once I got into high school and started reading for school I almost entirely stopped reading for pleasure. I lost the patience and the desire but over the past couple years especially during school breaks when there’s not much else going on I’ve been trying to find books and authors that I really like. I LOVE personal essay and “Places I Stopped on the Way Home” is a really great collection about being young and living in New York City. Not exactly a life I ever lead but sort of adjacent.
I bought this from a YouTube recommendation (also not very normal for me) and have devoured it while I’m waiting around for my internship to end.
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caffeine-waves · 4 years
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200816 : strategic angling to avoid mistakes shown in picture ;-; school is almost starting as im packing to move back to campus... hopefully nothing goes wrong
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caffeine-waves · 4 years
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‪16th August - Daytime or night time – what’s your favourite time during summer?‬
Night time, despite the fact that I don’t stay up very late. It’s just a more comfortable temperature at night
🎶: “Fight the Good Fight”- Triumph
-A, 8/16/20
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caffeine-waves · 4 years
The Secret History but instead of a Bennington knock-off, it takes places in the   Final Fantasy House of Internet legend.
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caffeine-waves · 4 years
So today it hit me that I have an entire year with no plans except transfer applications.
I’m about 5 days away from finishing a pretty hellish internship (that literally gave me hives) and am just not ready to dive into another one especially one that doesn’t pay. I am planning to take at least one class in the fall semester but selection is slim as a non matriculated student. The third option is to get a job but I’m nervous about working in a state with no mask mandate and don’t have a car to get me there. The fourth option, I suppose, is travel but no one wants Americans right now and I don’t blame them.
I realize that it is a privilege to be able to do virtually nothing for a year.
Because I intended this to be more about documenting my application journey than going through several quarter life crises I’ll assure you that I have been working on it. I have a list that is almost complete (if a little long) and I want to start drafting essays once the previously mentioned hellish internship is over. I can’t believe the summer is almost over. I hope you are enjoying good weather while you can.
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caffeine-waves · 4 years
the secret history is fight club for pretentious english majors
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caffeine-waves · 4 years
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I’ve had this same dilemma too many times
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caffeine-waves · 4 years
“It is a muggy August morning and the air in the room is still. Well over half the year has gone by already, which is a worry. I wanted to make something of myself this year. There’s still time, I think. Definitely some time.”
— Yrsa Daley-Ward, “The Terrible” 
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caffeine-waves · 4 years
Happy Sunday tumblr void
As uncool as I think introductions are, I’m in a rather non-traditional situation and I thought I should explain
My name is Sophie, I currently live in eastern Vermont, and I was previously a college sophomore.
I had some difficult luck applying to college my first time due to (most likely but honestyly no one really knows) very average test scores in a pretty competitive year. I ended up and a school that I initially really liked but turned out not to be the greatest fit.
Corona brought with it not only a big switch up in the function on nearly every college in America but also a large decrease in my financial aid package. While the world is still a mess and my parents still let me live at home I’ve decided to take the year off and apply as a junior transfer (maybe sophomore because I went to a school with very few academic requirements) to begin fall 2021.
I LOVED appblr as a senior in high school but noticed that there were very few people documenting the experience of a transfer applicant so I have come to fill the gap. The rest is up in the air.
XX (except we can’t hug because of the global pandemic)
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