So now we're talking about fair pay and residuals for actors and writers can we start talking about fairer pay and streaming residuals for musicians. Particularly smaller musicians who are locked in unfair contracts and have no control over the licencing and usage of their music. And session artists who work for one day and receive no residuals, no matter how much revenue the music they created generates. And local "booking agents" who capitalise on the market while giving their artists almost none of the money from their ticket sales.
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All I want is Nothing- A frerard theorists dissection/ overanalyses
Hello my darlings <3
in this blog series I am going to be overanalysing Frank Iero's solo project album "Stomach Aches." I love this album very much I literally believe Frank Iero to be a genius when it comes to song writing and I also am obsessed with his voice, it has this emotion tied to it that just come's naturally to him in a way that is doesn't for a lot of singer song writers.
But you already know who Frank Iero is, otherwise you wouldn't be here! So in this blog I am going to dissect the first track on the album Stomach aches for the purpose of contributing to the proof of frerard. Because it did happen. I have dug sooooooo deep into the internet hole which is frerard that no matter how much bs they talk about being 'Just friends' can pull me out of it. So there, if you don't want to believe me that's fine, but if you do then by all means read on.
So the track All I want is nothing first makes a reference to the MCR song DESTROYA (need I say more) before it begins with the phrase:
All I want is you,
This is not an uncommon phrase in most song's and it's pretty self explanatory so we'll move on,
I think back to the heart attack
where the world seemed so brand new.
The phrase heart attack i think could be referring to one of three things;
one of which being the song Save yourself I'll hold them back, which if you analyse the lyrics is literally a song from party poison to fun ghoul ( But more on that another day )
Another possibility is that it is in reference to the fact that Frank was in love with both Jamia and Gerard and he considered that a heart attack because it was all to much loving these two people and knowing that ultimately one of their hearts would break.
A third more likely option is the fact that before MCR's revenge tour Gerard's dad literally had a (nonfatal) heart attack. This also links to the line afterward, "when the world seemed so brand new" It was at the beginning of MCR, which Frank and Gerard have so many times said that being in MCR is like being reborn....so yeah.
Wasted time with a crooked spine
when I really should've spent my time with you
Now out of the whole song this is the line that confuses me the most after reading various blogs I realised that most of them say that this is making reference to Gerard's scoliosis, and i too thought that until I realised that Frank Iero is a cryptic poet and doesn't literally mean a crooked spine. So I researched the metaphorical meanings behind a spine and I found that Having a spine or a "back Bone" means to be strong and resilient, however having the opposite ( a crooked spine if you will) means a lack of courage or will.
Do you see it? This also fits in pretty perfectly to the line after, "when I really should've spent my time with you" He's saying that he wasted time fearing telling someone how he really feels, and out of that fear, neglected to have the relationship with that person that he so desired. He is saying, " I wasted time being to scared of telling you how I feel, when i could've spent that time being with you"
Now All I want is nothing
All i want is what I can't have
All I want Is nothing
Okay so the chorus, I believe Frank says all he wants is nothing because he feels that their relationship is nothing now>He feels it's non existent because Gerard is with someone else, which is supported by the next line of "all I want is what i can't have" This is obvious, he feels that Gerard belongs to someone else, that he can't Have him. But Frank still wants Gerard even though Gerard doesn't belong to him anymore.
If I can't have just
one more second of your
undivided attention.
Okay so you need to understand that Frank used to get ALL the attention on stage. Jesus Christ pro rev was frerard at it's highest as far as we can tell... But then out of nowhere Gerard got married. And so little by little Frank stopped getting so much "Stage gay" I mean it was true on behalf of both party's they where both as bad as each other when it came to the stage homo, but then they just got their libidos in check and stopped jacking each other off on stage. And Frank missed that, he missed all of Gerard's attention being on him.
All I want is you
This is Frank saying that he still wants Gerard, I don't really need to explain further do I?
All I have are memories
of how you felt lying next to me
All we are is a memory
Frank is making it clear that this person is not his anymore, that this person is not in his life as a romantic partner anymore, he's saying that "we don't exist anymore" even referring to their relationship almost like he's mourning. All we are is a memory.
I used to have a best friend
now just one more enemy
Okay we all know Frank and Gerard where best friends, Its common knowledge. But they had a falling out during the end of pro rev aka. 'The frerard fight' I'll link the video at the bottom if you haven't seen it already, they've since made up but it has never been the same. After that it was like Gerard was begging for attention and Frank wasn't having a bar of it, because he was hurt. This could also be what the crooked spine line is talking about, perhaps Frank is saying that he wasted to much time being mad at Gerard.
If i cant have just one more second
of a time
when i was yours and you where mine
and all I want is everything
we never had before
but i still want more
Frank explains the first line pretty well himself, but in saying that all he want's is everything they never had before, he could be saying that he wanted to be public about their relationship. Which is what a lot of Frerard theorists suggest and I think is partly true. But what I think he wanted was exclusivity, I think we wanted Gerard to be exclusively his, and in turn he wanted to be exclusively Gerard's.
All i want is you
to want me,
to want me,
to want-
Again I really don't need to explain that one.
Thankyou so much for reading and I am very grateful that you made it to the very end, also I would love to hear your insights into this dissection of All I want IS Nothing I appreciate your ideas and find them very helpful in the hope of piecing together what the fuck happened between these two.
Here is the link to the Frerard fight as promised
Anyways darlings come back next time cause I'm doing The whole stomach aches album in order and then if you enjoyed this, possibly hesitant alien although Gerard's lyrics can be harder to fish out lyrics with an alternative meaning i will try for you :)
Have an amazing evening, I need to sleep because i have school in five hours
love you byee :333
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this is true
i love mikeygirls cause seeing one on the dash always feels like a deer bolting out in front of your car on a dark road and seeing them say shit like "i want to wear his skin like a scuba suit" or "i would turn him into a haunted doll and put him in so many situations" is like having that deer go straight through your windshield
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Whenever I need song writting inspo I come here it just feels so much this peice just has a chokehold on me I don't know why.
still waiting for your train, taxi, car, plane. don’t keep waiting, just go. please leave. that motormouth will take you wherever you want, whirring and buzzing along, the occasional stutter or single syllable speedbump the only thing that stops you. i don’t have much in comparison to you. full of thunderclouds and dreams and dissatisfying satisfactions. tiny little drips of words drip drop drip drop until suddenly good old indy comes sprinting through, giant rolling sphere hot on his trail like a bowling ball knocking down all the pins of resistance. then it’s not a drip, it’s a flood, and i’ll fucking drown you in me. bumping down the road, teeth gnawing through your lips. there’s a canyon up ahead, but you don’t see the forest for the trees. don’t worry, i’ll catch you, for the crags and the spires and the danger at the bottom will turn to dust. roiling, lazy guts filled with nothing but instamessage bloops and noxious coffee grounds. that’s nothing that anyone (anyonemeaningyouormeoryouoranyone) wants to see.
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so this is my first post here I guess ummm I don't really know what to talk about. I like music and art and my chemical romance and I'm writting this at 12:11 am. I'm really bored and unfulfilled with life and I would rather do anything than go back to school in a few days so yeah that's me I guess. I'll post when I feel like it.
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