caijennichi · 4 years
Sometimes you ship villains because you like their dynamic. Other times, you ship villains because you like the "power couple" trope, or because their aesthetics complement each other, or maybe because even the nastiest scumbags of this world deserve to be loved.
But sometimes, sometimes you ship villains for the sweet, sadistic joy of taking a horrible bastard without a single redeeming quality in sight, ripping his chest open with your bare hands, grabbing his shrivelled up husk of a heart, and forcing it to feel.
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caijennichi · 4 years
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k.d.: In high school, I took an aptitude test that said I was 98 percent guaranteed to be a mechanic.
Anne: I’d love to pull into your garage and see you wiping your hands on a greasy rag.
k.d.: I’d say, “How can I help you, little lady?“ 
Anne: And all the cute girls would come to your garage and the other mechanics wouldn’t get it.
k.d. and her good friend Anne Meredith in Rolling Stone, August 1993
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caijennichi · 4 years
Those were 2.20 minutes well spent!
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caijennichi · 4 years
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The Nine of Cups
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The Nine of Swords
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The King of Swords
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The Hanged Man
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The Hermit
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The Six of Swords
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The Eight of Cups
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The Five of Cups
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The Sun
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The Three of Swords
‘The Ghetto Tarot’: Haitian artists transform classic tarot deck into stunning real life scenes:
Welcome to the Ghetto Tarot, a project from award-winning documentary photographer Alice Smeets and a group of Haitian artists known as Atis Rezistans. The idea was to take the classic Rider-Waite tarot deck of 78 cards and create a photographic version of each card using settings and objects in the vibrant ghetto of Haiti.
As Smeets says, “The spirit of the Ghetto Tarot project is the inspiration to turn negative into positive while playing. The group of artists ‘Atiz Rezistans’ use trash to create art with their own visions that are a reflection of the beauty they see hidden within the waste. They are claiming the word ‘Ghetto,’ thus freeing themselves of its depreciating undertone and turning it into something beautiful.”
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caijennichi · 4 years
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just saying
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caijennichi · 4 years
Statement from the OTW Board of Directors, Chairs, & Leads
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The OTW stands against racism and discrimination in all its forms. We apologize to anyone who has suffered from our inaction in making the OTW and AO3 a better environment for Black fans and fans of color. And we apologize especially to users who, due to this very inaction, have felt unwelcome on AO3. We also apologize to the scholars whose work we cited out of context, leading to their harassment and distress. otw.news/otw-board-31b18
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caijennichi · 4 years
I got so addicted to this series that I bought all of them over the course of two days a month or so ago.
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Q&A with Murderbot and ART on Instagram posted before the release of Network Effect
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caijennichi · 4 years
This list is making me really hungry. I have 2.
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I’m at 5 what about you?
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caijennichi · 4 years
Trump racism poisons all his decisions. Trump can never acknowledge black excellence.
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caijennichi · 4 years
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What’s encrypting your internet surfing? An algorithm created by a supercomputer? Well, if the site you’re visiting is encrypted by the cyber security firm Cloudflare, your activity may be protected by a wall of lava lamps.
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Cloudflare covers websites for Uber, OKCupid, & FitBit, for instance. The wall of  lamps in the San Francisco headquarters generates a random code. Over 100  lamps, in a variety of colors, and their patterns deter hackers from accessing data.  
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As the lava lamps bubble and swirl, a video camera on the ceiling monitors their unpredictable changes and connects the footage to a computer, which converts the randomness into a virtually unhackable code.
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Codes created by machines have relatively predictable patterns, so it’s possible for hackers to guess their algorithms, posing a security risk. Lava lamps, add to the equation the sheer randomness of the physical world, making it nearly impossible for hackers to break through.
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You might think that this would be kept secret, but it’s not. Simply go in and ask to see the lava lamp display. By allowing people to affect the video footage, human movement, static, and changes in lighting from the windows work together to make the random code even harder to predict.
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So, by standing in front of the display, you add an additional variable to the code, making it even harder to hack. Isn’t that interesting? 
via atlasobscura.com
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caijennichi · 4 years
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“If I die, pull him apart by five horses and implicate nine generations of his family.”
+ bonus
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caijennichi · 4 years
Zi Rui<3
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Xiao Qian + Zi Rui
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caijennichi · 4 years
This show has completely stolen my heart. It’s so sweet, and more clever than it seems on the surface, and the actors are all perfect.
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The Romance of Tiger and Rose | 传闻中的陈芊芊 | episode 17
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caijennichi · 4 years
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This campaign defies censorship in social media to raise awareness for early detection of breast cancer
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caijennichi · 4 years
I am so glad I saw this on both Twitter and Tumblr today. Worth it.
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Queen for the Win
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caijennichi · 4 years
Are You Social-Distancing, or Are You Colin from “The Secret Garden”?
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caijennichi · 4 years
While people are inclined to whip out their phones and film when they see something alarming happening, those videos are not always recorded in a way that can be used as evidence in a legal proceeding or to support advocacy tactics.
At the human rights organization WITNESS, where I work as the senior U.S. program coordinator, we’ve learned that video has a greater chance of making an impact when it’s filmed ethically and strategically, and released in coordination with advocacy and legal efforts. Using the camera in your pocket can be a valuable way to ensure the world bears witness to abusive policing and systemic racism, help hold authorities accountable, and advocate for the real safety of our communities.
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