caiseboli · 6 years
pls help.
this is the longest shot in the world, and i have no idea how to make this post or how to even tag it, but there’s a mun i’ve been thinking about nonstop for the past like 2 years...
their url was infxrnalii, they deactivated back in 2016, they rped twin muses. one was a kim hanbin fc named dante and the other was an im changkyun fc named ryu.. i believe they were demons? of some sort? 
they’re probably not even in rp anymore but i loved writing with them so much and i miss them a lot, so if anyone here has heard from them / knows their whereabouts, even if it’s not recent news, i’d be grateful if you shared it with me. if you reblogged this, too, i’d appreciate it so much ^^ thank you regardless
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caiseboli · 6 years
i’m sorry, what? _ AU
doeun knows she fucked up. spilling her cover to even one person, no matter how important they are, what she trusts them with, or what they’ve done for her in the past means nothing to her superiors. she’d gone through pretty specific and intense training just to prove she wouldn’t blow her cover or crack under pressure... but it’s their fault, she thinks, seeing as they hadn’t dug deep enough and threatened her with a personal topic or a being that could shake her up just right. the consequences are harsh, not only for her, having to face reality again, however momentarily; but also the unfortunates dealing with grief all for nothing. because there’s no body in the coffin they bury, and there was no real relationship, either. each and every foundation was built on lies.
it makes the headlines, ‘young girl killed a in taxi-cab accident’ - and just like that, the short lived life of jacqueline moreau has come to a (partly) unexpected end. it couldn’t last forever, doeun knew that from the beginning, it had to come sometime. even though it’s purely technical difficulties that prevent the female’s immediate relocation to begin another mission, she interprets it as the company’s way of punishment. the hatred for her real life is obvious, and though she’s risking her prime to do this work to save the country, selflessly... she wouldn’t put it against her commanders to stretch out her reassignment period and in turn force her to acknowledge the truth of her own upbringing.
it makes her anxious, the thought of leaving the house in the time that passes. so she lives solely off ordering everything to arrive at her door until she just can’t take it anymore - which comes fast, at barely a week later. though jax was a friendly girl, and made many connections in the months she was alive, doeun has to assume that anyone ‘close’ to her would have to be over it by now. she was pretty purposely never anything of significance. but that doesn’t mean someone else couldn’t have interpreted their friendship as something more. closer, stronger. enough for it to hurt for longer than 2 days. unfortunately, that’s one of the few things she can’t do. outright tell people to not get attached.
regardless of her unease, she’ll reach the conclusion that leaving is a necessity. a five minute trip at the most, that’s her plan; covering up heavily with ‘inconspicuous’ clothes that fail to do their job. with the heat these days, it makes doeun stick out like a sore thumb that she’s wearing even a light jacket, the hood hiding her effectively, at least from the back. it clouds a bit of her vision from the front too, but that’s fine, she’s not interested in making eye contact with anyone except maybe the cashier of the convenience store once she’s finally done stocking up on the essentials she’d begun to run out of. unfortunately, eun is so focused on keeping her eyes towards the ground that she doesn’t notice the familiar face lurking nearby, eyeing her down, desperate.
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caiseboli · 6 years
finding himself there, in what feels like a house for dolls – all bright and pretty and picture-perfect – makes him feel quite a number of things, yet first and foremost he is–uneasy. it’s nothing surprising, really; if anything, yoongi is so used to feeling that way (out of his element, a complete stranger, unaccustomed to things people usually would be), that it’s almost normal. almost. looking at the female, equally bright and cheerful as the place itself, he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, hesitating to speak up again. even his voice sounds odd around here, too low and gruff, standing out as much as his all-black attire. he feels almost sorry for breaking the carefully thought-out consistency of the bakery.
usually, maybe he wouldn’t feel it that strongly, the idea of not belonging, but today was just one of those days. and maybe, even despite not having the greatest sweet tooth in the world, the tastes of cakes and chocolates and colorful treats lost to his taste buds, today is precisely the kind of day that the cake isn’t such a bad idea. he can appreciate the deep richness of dark chocolate incorporated in between the sweetness of a fluffy sponge that the female’s bakery somehow always gets right.
“i haven’t dieted in–a long time. good metabolism. also, lack of care,” he says finally, a small cough somewhere between the words, as if he hasn’t spoken in a long time. his voice is quiet, like he tries to make himself as small as possible to just fit in. “fans have learned to stop expecting me to flash my supposedly hot body at them–we have jungkookie for that, thank god,” he chuckles lowly, just barely, right under his breath, as he picks up one of the teeny-tiny forks, the kind that feels more like a toy than an utensil, that looks nearly ridiculous in his hand. “surprisingly, the dream had no sweets in it. which is weird, right? since it’s our main connection. it was something very–very different than the sweet, calm reality of this bakery.”
“oh... i just assumed.” as always, jacqueline’s first thought upon seeing (and sometimes meeting) idols is that they’re on a strict diet per request of their company. in the few variety shows she’s had the chance to watch, almost all of the celebrities have mentioned being on one, at least, so it’s not like it’s a wild guess. “you're very thin.” she comments quietly, a compliment that almost doesn’t seem like one.. very likely to be misinterpreted. and if questioned, she won’t deny any concern she has about it. yoongi does kind of look like he could break apart at any second. but what man wants to hear that? it’s a little lame how much the younger female can and will carry on with this topic. “are the other boys as lucky? blessed with good metabolisms too?” doeun doesn’t fit in that category: she was a chubby child. but all it took was the death of her parents to cast away the addiction of junk food and tada! the extra pounds are shed. just one binge and she’ll balloon right up again, she’s sure. say goodbye to that beautiful soldier’s body. 
“abs or anything like that really aren’t all that important anyway.” everything that comes out of jacqueline’s mouth feels unnecessary. usually a bright and bubbly girl, in the presence of someone as important as him, she can’t help but feel like she needs to respond to every little thing he says.. and it has to be good. her fast growing discomfort is probably evident in the way she seems to try and sink into the nearest chair. “but don’t.. tell jeongguk oppa i said that, he’s very pretty. it feels a little wrong, though, i hope he doesn’t think people only like him for his body.” (if only people know how much it pained doeun to have to call someone 3 years younger oppa) jax is hesitantly motioning for him to sit down in the seat across the table, “if you have.. time to sit?” another assumption: idols never have any time for a break. the bags under the elder’s eyes make that one a little harder to deny. though, perhaps that’s a choice. she’s very aware of his abilities to compose and produce music on his own.
“you’re scaring me..” another painful thing doeun has to do, her duty as a spy with a particular cover story, is pretend like unscary things are terrifying. it’d be considered ‘cramping her style’ if she cared anything about how people perceived her. it’s a little hard to care when no one she talks to on a daily basis ever gets to know the real her, anyway. once again, jacqueline begins talking with her hands, this time gesturing towards the cake to let the elder know she wants him to have the first bite. “i expect some serious critique.” she whispers this, just as a little side note, before she continues on again with her whole fearful routine. “did i die or something?” she has so many questions right now. and doeun can’t lie about not being interested in hearing what he has to say. just the way he worded it is enough for her not excuse herself and slink off ‘back to the kitchen’.
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caiseboli · 6 years
how to: not die so often
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caiseboli · 6 years
“ i dreamt about you last night. ” (i'll happily write with any muse, really)
“are you sure it wasn’t about all of the sweets i prepare in one day instead?” jax smiles big, cheerful, two hands behind her back in a way that seems polite yet… suspicious. she knows the male through a strange connection: the bakery she works at just happens to be the special little one his group’s manager(s) frequents for desserts for special occasions. being that she’s only been in korea for a few ‘months’ now, she’s only had the chance to meet him once. somehow that led her a way more huge opportunity, the request of a special delivery done purely out of the goodness of her heart (because the shop doesn’t do those otherwise) rewarded with... well, an honor to meet the very group herself. even if only for a brief moment. it’s now that she pulls her hands out from behind her back to reveal a slice of cake with two forks. “i know you’re probably on a diet and all, but i won’t tell if you don’t!” she figures now is a good time for a nice little bribe. “as long as you give me more details of this dream...”
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caiseboli · 6 years
“ life’s too short to care anymore. ”
breathing in heavily, kiha exhales a whole string of words. “god, i love that sentence.” it’s one of the few things besides a few select things like.. pottery, classical music, blood, and dead bodies that gets his heart really pumping. it’s so deliciously wicked-sounding. people who say it make him feel like they wanna be dangerous, play some evil games, and while kiha’s not one for company, he is one for havoc. along with tricking people to join him and then having the satisfaction of bashing their brains in later on, effectively saving his dirty little secret! the male can’t say his curiosity isn’t piqued right now. he needs to know. “what do you intend on doing about it?” he asks, genuine, head tilted and everything, biting his lip as he stares at the older woman from across the table. a quaint little lunch date. even killers enjoy those.
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caiseboli · 6 years
“ i want to be in love. ” to any muse!
"oh! it sounds so great, doesn’t it?” the young baker sighs, palms pressed together and resting against her right cheek. a sleepy type of pose played off as a daydreaming teenager that’s not actually a teen. not actually a baker either, but jax-- or doeun- will proudly take on any cover story handed to her, no matter how lame or degrading. anything to rightfully protect her home and its citizens! right now, she’s playing the part of jacqueline, the young baking apprentice from france with a perfected but feigned accent. the pair are at her workplace currently; a cute little bakery in the heart of seoul. “i don’t think we have any of cupid’s arrows in the back, but i did just finish some macarons before my break!” reaching out, she grabs onto the other’s wrist, shaking it around excitedly before rising to her feet and trying to pull them up with her. “c’mon, let’s go get some to snack on! and i can give you a tour of the kitchen!”
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caiseboli · 6 years
“ i’m way too scared to fall. ”
kiha scoffs, annoyance written plain as day across his face. children and their naivety. of course, the older male has some other pretty strong opinions on the matter. ones he doesn’t mind sharing because she opened her mouth first, trusted him with a piece of vulnerability, and he’s out to get revenge on just anyone he sees fit at this point. his parents crushed his soul so he(broke their brains)’ll take as many as he wants in return. “hasn’t anyone ever told you that falling is a natural part of life?” not that he’ll ever admit to doing such if asked. which he has a feeling she will. kids like their reassurance. and for a brief second, the troubled look on his face will disappear as he recalls such fond memories. the fall of his beloved parents. damn, he thinks about them a lot. one thing kiha can be sure of is no matter how cruel or rude he is to this young girl, his now rightful spot as an heir won’t be threatened. who are they gonna believe? a child or a charming young male? “just make sure you don’t do it more than once. it gets pathetic pretty fast.”
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caiseboli · 6 years
six-word sentences.
“ frankly speaking, i wanna give up. ”
“ they love me cause i’m hot. ”  
“ just try to guess the answer. ”
“ everyone here knows you don’t care. ”
“ fine, do things your way. ”
“ i want to be in love. ”
“ no, i would rather make money. ”
“ shut up already, i’m not going. ”
“ because you said that, fuck you! ”
“ i hate you more than anything. ”
“ just sit down? let me explain? ”
“ can i be a little nasty? ”
“ there’s nothing wrong with being sexual. ”
“ i want you to like me. ”
“ don’t you dare lie to me. ”
“ i’m way too scared to fall. ”
“ terrified of my love for you? ”
“ we were both afraid, shut up. ”
“ it wasn’t anyone’s fault. not really. ”
“ life’s too short to care anymore. ”
“ i dreamt about you last night. ”
“ really? what did you dream about? ”
“ i dreamt you chose me instead. ”
“ how did you become like this? ”
“ this isn’t any of your business. ”
“ i’m losing my mind, losing control. ”
“ you weren’t there! i needed you! ”
“ please don’t start with me, okay? ”
“ why do you always leave me? ”
“ this is all we have left. ”
“ i turned around. you were gone. ”
“ all i can think about is you. ”
“ wow, you look like shit today. ”
“ i called and you didn’t answer. ”
“ i wanna be a child forever. ”
“ today, my love is in mourning. ” 
“ your words felt like sharp knives. ”
“ say something nice or don’t speak. ”
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caiseboli · 6 years
open to: m/nb plot: muse a takes a picture of muse b in their car to post on snapchat to say how fine muse b is and totally gets caught. ( i saw this as a plot a million years ago okay ) connections: strangers 
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rei had pulled up to the ice rink parking lot and happened to notice someone she never saw before in the car beside her. and what she was was ..appealing. she couldn’t help but try to snap a picture of the other beside her when he flash had gone off exposing her. her face burned pink and she quickly lower her seat and let herself sink down trying her best to hide from the other embarrassment written all over her. she closed her eyes for a moment hopping they wouldn’t say or do anything about her actions.
word of the day: irrational. 
kiha is a people-watcher. not because he finds it peacefully pleasing. not because he wants to get a taste of or look into someone else’s life; curious. he’d use the term victim-hunting if it was a verb he could use aloud without garnering the wrong kind of attention... especially with the things he was once accused of. he doesn’t need his parent’s case being reopened even though it’s long since been put to bed. he’s smart enough to know luck is only a momentary thing, but he’ll happily push it until it’s all run dry. with specific things. the right things. the necessary things. like cleaning the earth. 
even the strongest have weakest points, and his kicks in at the wrong time. isn’t that how it always goes? there’s a glare that could kill running rampant on his face. to lock eye-contact with him right now, you’d probably get that chill down your spine - that familiar instinct that something bad is going to happen. to lock eye-contact with him right now, kiha thinks, ( our word of the day comes into play quite heavily around here ) you’d be able to see exactly what he’s thinking. from just one expression, you’d know.. he was there to take a life. and he wasn’t just going to stop at that.
he’s used to the pestering flashes of cameras. being an heir, once having important parents.. yeah, that gets your picture taken quite a few times. but we’re circling back to those unreasonable thoughts right now. if there’s anything kiha can’t let the public see, first, it’s him being in casual everyday clothes. that’s not appropriate for a high class businessman. even on his off days, he should be donning suits and dress shoes. and second, that gaze. for reasons already stated. the girl in the parked car next to him seems to have taken a hold of his favorite little miracle... luck. he’s in a good mood today. the worst thing that’s happened so far is the snap of a camera pointed in his direction. 
he’s calm when he pops the lock of his door, opens it, steps out, and makes his way over to the woman beside him. it’s probably a little concerning, to a stranger, the way he bends down and pops his head in through the open window space. but so was taking the picture of a person you don’t know.. without permission. they’re both technically playing dangerous games here. he’s just more experienced in winning. “would you mind deleting that?” he asks politely, head tilting, charming smile lacing his features this time. he’ll propose another idea. a little obscure, but at least this time, he’ll have more control over what the world will find out about him. “i’ll let you take another one. a much better one.” yeah, he’s that type. he’ll make you swoon and give you stomach pain in the same instance: give you that feeling like you better run, that something’s just a little bit off.
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caiseboli · 6 years
Even though this is extremely easy to google, I figured I’d copy and paste and compile a list of some of the live music venues in Seoul that if you wanted, you could obviously use as legitimate place where your muse could / does perform. ( I don’t know if it’ll be just me, but finally finding a spot where I think my muse could fit in best really gave me some inspiration / motivation. ) 
Keep reading
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caiseboli · 6 years
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                              looking up for a moment, his legs kick back and forth with his position, laying chest-down on his couch. ❝ so, tell me a bit more about your request, again? who’s this person you’re trying to get ruined? ❞ he’s used to getting revenge on the average bully or an abusive parent, or the rare company ceo who is corrupt, but he’d never quite heard something like this. ❝ i mean, i’ll do it, but i just wanna hear the story again. ❞
yeonha bites her tongue as if to refrain questioning why jiyoon hadn’t taken in her words and swallowed them down properly the first time she explained. “her name’s yihae.” she starts out slow, but before she knows it, all of the words are just gonna come tumbling out again. she’s got a real evil-genius type plan in her brain and it’s best to get it out all out before it disappears and is replaced with the drool-worthy love of her life, churros. “listen, i really love birds. like, as in, i have 120 photos of bird memes, one for pretty much EVERY situation you could think of.” if you want some backstory on how yeon found out about this boy’s particular service, i’ll tell you in between her very brief pauses. “i whip them out constantly like some sort of defense mechanism. they’re really great. so anyway, yihae. i sent her a new one i found, and...” see, yeonha doesn’t go to university like most of the people her age do. 
every single friend she’s got, if she recalls correctly, though, goes. she’s the odd one out here. but that just wasn’t for her. she won’t say it came as a shock to her parents after she almost flunked out during high school. blah blah, insert something about stereotypes and high standards here-- “she called it ugly. she just FLAT OUT called it UGLY. can you fucking believe that?” yeonha puts a really big emphasis on the swear to show her inner feelings of utter rage. how dare someone call a bird meme ugly, after all! back to the story, though... well, we all know yeonha is a diehard traceur. traceuse, actually, but that doesn’t sound as nice, so she sticks with the male term. if you don’t know what this means, it’s what you call a person who does parkour. she has a whole channel dedicated to showing off her moves, too. 
some of the most famous videos are “late to school” POVs. late to anything, really- but school is usually the first one you’ll think of. and yeon’s really interested in becoming an actress, so what better to do than pretend you actually go to a uni you DON’T belong to? “i don’t think i’ll ever get over her calling it ugly. does she not have a heart?! she knows how much they mean to me!” a scowl makes its way over her face as she retells such an emotional story. it’s hard to not get lost in the atmosphere and feelings of it all... ( dramatics are really her thing. ) but back to the story, yeonha often trains at random colleges around the area before campus security manages to get on her ass for running across their rooftops or climbing up their walls and windows while class is in session. 
“what i need you to do is a little out there, but it’s worth it. it’s the ultimate payback.” other times, however, she does in fact manage to blend in! enough to catch sight of flyers hung up everywhere. including the trees she loves to use to pretend she’s a monkey. yeon’s not the biggest fan of reading but if there’s bright colors and big fonts? she’s usually down to try it out. and what she finds on said flyers is really interesting. just the type of thing she needs to make yihae realize the seriousness of the situation she caused. “can you start a rumor that.. every time people send her pictures of birds-- she calls them ugly? but it’s because she’s actually trying suppress her avian feelings? which, apparently, is the bird version of a furry. you might want to do some actual research on that first, though.” 
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caiseboli · 6 years
open to: m/f/nb. plot: yeonha is a Master Climber™. what do master climbers do? they hang out in high places. your muse is probably looking at their phone when they get hit in the eye with a pair of dangling legs.
it’s not like she meant to give someone a black eye with her foot. but at least it makes for a good story later on? besides, you’re supposed to watch where you’re going! in every single direction– right, left, down, and up. you never know what’s coming. before all of this happened, though, let me tell you what yeonha was doing. paying a tribute to her (still alive) bird, the only thing she loves in this world besides her mother, churros, and being a parkour goddess. she’s sitting on the branch of a tree in the park, squawking and cawing her heart out. getting the few occasional looks, but it turns out, she’s so good at blending in with and mimicking the other winged creatures that not many others around the area look up and notice her presence.
“look, i’m sorry! even though this isn’t my fault.” the sincerest apology yeon can muster after she jumps down from her perch up above. “i was making sounds. not for you specifically as a warning, but you should’ve looked up to see what was going on, in the very least!” she scoffs, sighs, shakes her head, goes through a whole sequence of emotions, playing, trying to lighten the mood with a stranger she just accidentally assaulted. “the only thing i have to offer as a token of my.. errr… sorry..ence?” she might’ve just forgotten the word she was going for. but she’s quick on her feet! literally and for once, in her head, too. “apology,” she corrects herself, “is a really great, live parkour show right in front of your very eyes. or eye. can you still see out of the one i kicked?” she really doesn’t know how to show empathy. or concern. or anything serious.
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caiseboli · 6 years
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Is someone else present?
He isn’t expecting someone else to be there, no. God forbid he get caught like last time. All he can think about was getting lectured by the local police. ’We catch you everywhere you shouldn’t be, Srisati,’ they’d say, ’I don’t want to find you trespassing ever, ever again.’ Of course, Vi isn’t listening to any of that. Abandoned buildings mean spooky pursuits. Ghosts. Phantoms. Spirits. Energy leftover from those that used to reside. They were almost portals. Why leave a building standing if no one else can go in? Sounds foolish. Greedy, too.
It’s all good. Pendulum in one hand, cellphone in the other.  There’s nothing that can put a damper on his little adventure, even if there’s a chance that he’ll– is that a person climbing that wall? A girl? Virote rubs the back of a wrist across his eyes, not believing his own vision; after all, he ‘tends to hallucinate when he’s tired ( which happens more often than he’d like. ) That’s a human. A person. They don’t seem to be a cop, though. ❝HEY! Hey, you! What are you doing?❞
if only her friends saw her now. yeonha’s that girl with the cool, chill vibe.. ( aside from when she’s screaming her lungs off, imitating her pet bird, trying to summon demons with just how loud they’re both squawking. ) she’s got the reputation of being a bad bitch, scared of nothing, weak for nothing. but a voice coming out of nowhere, in an already sketchy place, listen-- it’d make anyone react in a way they normally never would! a natural queen of multi-tasking, she both drops the camera that was in her mouth and lets out a high pitched battle screech at the same time. covered in drool, the piece of equipment hits the ground that thankfully isn’t too far below. she hadn’t quite gotten high enough to reach her destination just yet but to climb all the way back down to get something someone else that’s around could easily fetch? waste of time and energy. she’d still do it, but just know, it’s a waste. 
“testing my spiderman skills, what does it look like?” not totally a lie, this was definitely at least practice if a good video didn’t come out of it. though.. “good” or not, yeon would probably still upload. instead of reversing back down the building, she continues on forward. reaches the only point of entrance she’d been able to spot, carefully maneuvering and re-positioning to swing just one of her long legs over the windowsill as a means of leverage, to pull the rest of her body up and in through the opening. it’s not until after she exerts all that effort that yeonha realizes she could’ve just set herself up for a royal disaster. “can you hand me that camera you made me drop?” she has to bite her tongue to hold back from spewing threats and in turn accidentally giving the strange boy bad ideas. like, ones where he could totally run off with her expensive little piece of technology and she’s trapped on the second story like some rapunzel ass bitch. “don’t mind the drool. i don’t have rabies or anything.”
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caiseboli · 6 years
open to: m/f/nb. plot: your muse catches yeonha entering an abandoned building. how do they react?
years of parkour training prove time and time again they’re useful. not only in situations where a fast, grand escape (obstacles included) needs to be made, but even when she’s not being chased away. still causing chaos, obviously, yeonha’s not herself without making trouble, but at least this place has no guards. it’s abandoned! that should mean it’s free roam whether there are signs that say “keep out” hung or not. the surrounding fence is hopped in no time at all, followed by a quick scan of the premises. 
the only way in is up, she’d spotted a smashed second story window and deems it her only option, with the front entrance being boarded. here comes the task of scaling the building, and yeon’ll start one foot after another, like rock climbing without designated places to grab or step onto. sometimes, you see, yeon has to film videos alone, if no one’s available. today is one of those days. she could easily put her camera in her backpack and wait until inside to start recording, but what’s the point if she doesn’t get a good shot of her totally sick climbing skills? so you’ll never guess where that piece of equipment currently is. hint: it’s inside her mouth. 
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caiseboli · 6 years
okay, granted he’s stumbled here at god knows when uninvited and if that wasn’t already rude enough he has the audacity to think she would let him in. and he does get startled when the food is taken and the door closed. he’s about to knock again with a shout this time but it goes slamming open nearly giving him a heart attack because damn how much energy does she have?  it’s enough to make him rethink this visit because no way he can keep up. not when he’s living in a constant state of hungover.
he wouldn’t be yewon if he didn’t find something to complain about. however, the mention of ice skating nearly has him backpedaling the fuck out of there because he isn’t keen on breaking his neck today. nope. that is not how he’d like to go. “wait just a minute, yeonha.” he begins. he’s already had these bickering moments with her already. the woman has an iron will or maybe yewon is lowkey a pushover. “i cannot skate. i came to eat. not suffer a broken back or something. no way. i can see it now. it’s gonna be like a scene off final destination. no wayyyy. if you want me to go down it’ll be on my own terms, thank you!” but he’s entering anyways, eager to make himself at home, and enjoy the food with her always finding sharing the company with someone else over a meal makes it considerably more enjoyable.
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“final destination’s a really great series,” she comments, and tilts her head back to stare up at the ceiling as if a few of the iconic, intense scenes were being projected above. really she’s just silently admiring the brilliance and creativity, as a lover of action, thrill, and gore- she’s appeased immensely by the films. “if anything, that makes me want to go more.” now, yeonha’s the queen of loopholes.. and has a way with words. not in the sense that she’s intelligent and witty, but that she knows how to twist someone else’s sentence and shove it back into their mouth so it’ll come out how she likes, instead. “what do you mean? if you fall, it’ll still be on your own terms. it’s not my fault if you have bad balance and coordination.” followed by a scoff and the shake of her head, she’ll spin around and make a beeline towards the living room quarters of her (and her mother’s) home. there’s a couch by the coffee table but she’ll sit on the floor instead, to be closer to the food. aggressive with the way she dumps the contents of the food out on the table, clearly not caring or even thinking it’s possible for there to be any glass bottles inside. “what if after ice skating, we come back here and watch the FD movies? now that you mentioned them.”
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caiseboli · 6 years
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The bass rumbled through his chest as he enjoyed the loud music, nodding along to the heavy beat. His car roaring as they tore through the streets. Beck was in a pretty good mood at the moment, not having any plans for tonight so he decided to call up the other and go on a joy-ride. Taking his hands off the wheel he couldn’t help but move to the music while rapping along. Finally looking over at the other and giving them a confident crooked smile. “Scared?” 
“do you even know me?” a series of disappointed scoffs make its way past her mouth. the one and only thing you’ll ever find yeonha chasing after is adrenaline. she craves thrill, breathes recklessness, and exudes adventure. more than capable of getting what she wants on her own, sometimes these trips can be extra fun with a companion at her side as well. she’ll take any type of person: someone that’s just as down for anything like her, or maybe one a tad on the scared & nervous side to throw in some amusement and teasing. considering his current careless actions, yeon labels beck as the former. even though parkour comes first and skateboarding is second on her list of “favorite modes of transportation”, she’d never turn down a nice, preferably fast drive through the very much awake no matter what time of day or night it is city. the speedometer reaching a dangerous high can also be enough to get her heart racing the way she likes it. 
but it’s not quite reached the peak just yet. and beck might show off with his whole no-hands thing but his eyes are still on the road for the majority of it. her full trust is in him that if some abrupt thing were to occur, he’d be able to regain control again fast enough to avoid it. she’s living it up in the passenger seat, showing off rapping skills of her own, and attempting to dance in the chair that doesn’t allow her too much movement... when she gets an idea that’ll lead to kicking this whole experience up a few notches. she says goodbye to the only thing still keeping them at bay when she leans across the center console, puts her finger on his chin without a second thought, and turns his head towards her again. she’s not the biggest fan of physical touch, but sometimes even yeonha can’t help herself when the moment is right. inches away from his face is when she speaks again. “what about you? are you scared?” leaving no time to answer, her frisky, devilish side steps in for a spontaneous, hard kiss on the mouth that’ll last longer than just a few seconds. enough to keep him occupied, to keep both his hands and now his eyes distracted from their noble positions of guarding multiple lives.  
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