caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
Ephemeral Art
“ Washed Ashore”
14”x 12”x 24”
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Ready Made
“ The Pandemic is CAP”
16”X 6”X 12”
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Artist Statement
In this Assignment we were to create a Readymade that not only utilized the transformation of an everyday object but conveys my idea of identity and purpose in this time of the pandemic. I thought about many different objects to use, and I experiment with many different ones as well. However, the last thing I had in my mind about using was the old cap in my closet that I had since middle school. It was perfect, since unlike the other objects I pondered using, was an obvious everyday object that was not being in use. I was instantly able to come up with a concept after a few minutes of making my decision. I thought about the current state of the world during the pandemic and was stood out to me most was the word “thought “. As of lately no one has been giving the fact that we are technically still in a pandemic despite things returning to normalcy much thought. Most people don’t wear masks or even sanitize things much anymore. These practices that we adopted for the future of our health and safety are now being pushed the very back of many people’s minds. That’s how I decided to utilize the cap as if it were a person and focused on placing the extra objects in the back underneath as a display of health and safety being an afterthought these days. I added the thorns and questing to both give it that readymade look and construction as it is no longer an everyday object that can be of use. The question mark however, does aid more to the concept that most of us aren’t really even sure about what we should or shouldn’t be doing during these times.
OG Sketch IDEAS/ Concepts
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This semester as a whole was certainly a challenge for me; I don’t create 3D art and I haven’t made sculptures since I was a child in art class. However, it was definitely a learning experience. The most difficult assignment was probably the Ephemeral Art project. It was surprisingly difficult collecting good sticks and twigs and when it came to assembling them together I was at a loss each time I want to make progress. The assemblage process in its own was tedious and challenging as well. It was as if I was playing a game of Tetris with weak reigns instead of blocks. I wanted mine to look natural and not so put together so I really had to take my time and analyze my materials and constantly size them amongst each other. However, I was very satisfied with its out come and it easily my favorite as a finished piece that I like.
My favorite Assignment however, was the soap carving. I found it quite therapeutic and relaxing. It was also very satisfying using a sharp knife on new soap since it pealed off in a very satisfying way. The soap I had used also smelled really good. The only downside was that my soap cracked a lot but I resolved a lot of those with a brush of some warm water.
Overall, I believed 3D art was not my forte and I never bothered with it until this class. I didn’t understand it all and I didn’t resonate with it as an artist. However, over the coarse of the semester and doing different types of 3D assignments I learned that’s it more than just carving marble and putting stuff together. There are so many more things to consider such as with the Ephemeral Art and the ReadyMades. I felt like I’ve grown a bit more as an artist I learned that I can make cool abs interesting things to if I try and I’ve definitely learned a few more forms of 3D art that I can continue to hone as a result as well. I’ve gained a new sense of inspiration and creativity and I definitely feel like I actually create anything regardless of medium if I set my mind to it.
This was a very enlightening class and experience as a whole.
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
Symmetrical Asymmetrical
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Soap Carving
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
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Ephemeral Art
I wanted to capture my Ephemeral art piece in natural settings. Since the work was made from nature I wanted to showcase in nature to see if I managed to successfully create a natural looking piece. I went to the beach and took many photos there since the weather was great and my piece looked really good against the sand. It easily blended in with the scenery and became one with its surroundings while remaining bold and individual. My favorite photo was the one captured with my piece sitting on the moist sand of the shore showcasing the waves and water in the background. I also captured photos of my piece amongst fellow earth tones as well as greenery to showcase a striking contrast.
The making of this Ephemeral art was tedious and a bit more challenging than I thought it would be. Collecting usable twigs and sticks that weren’t decaying or producing new life was definitely a feat. Especially once I created my base and frame work and began searching for more things to fill it in. I wanted my Ephemeral art to have many shapes, textures, and details. I wanted to created a unique piece that wasn’t repetitive but still melded together. I treated this project as a puzzle. The twigs and sticks I used were pieces that I only glued if they fit together. Despite minor frustrations of having burnt myself a couple times twitch the hot glue and occasionally having my twigs break in the middle of gluing due to too much pressure; I enjoyed this experience and I had fun challenging myself to manipulate the twigs in my favor. It was definitely out of my comfort zone but ,I’m really satisfied with both myself and the fruits of my labor. I can definitely see myself creating Ephemeral art again if I have the time and patience.
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
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Ephemeral Art Progress
I started filling out my structure. I cross hatched some twigs along with a lateral placement to add some variation, so that it flows better and doesn’t look so stiff. Now I just have to finish my journey of filing the rest of it out.
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
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Ephemeral Art Progress
I built up the base and frame much more. I added more sticks to the base structure so it didn’t look too hollow and to make it more sturdy. I used mainly curved sticks (I picked out the straight ones) so that it flows better. I plan to start filling in the structure with the skinny twigs next. I also may alter the frame if I can find more curved and bendable sticks.
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
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Ephemeral Art Progress
I began constructing the structure and base for my sculpture. I had collected medium sized sticks for the base and frame and I will use all the small and thin twigs for the filler. I like the shape I have going on so far. It took me a while to even figure out how I was going to start, but I eventually was able to slowly piece my sticks together. I payed attention to their shapes and angles so that my structure is balanced and doesn’t fall apart in the midsts of my project.
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
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Ephemeral Art Progress
I’ve collected more twigs. It was a bit tough since, we mainly have palm trees around where I live but there were a few oak trees and I was able to scourage there. Most of them were mossy, rotten, or fragile, though so I’ll have to go to a park and get more.
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
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Carving this soap was certainly a journey. In the beginning, I had no clue what I was doing or where I was going with it. The early stages were more trial and error than transformation progress. My soap was both moisturizing and dry. I had little to no problem with my pair knife carving through, however, there odd air bubbles and dry areas throughout my soap bar. It was frustrating, once I got into a groove and beveled my shapes every now and then they’d crack or fall apart. I had to change my path so many times because of this. Eventually, I just went with the flow and smoothed out the broken or uneven edges with warm water whenever I came across them. I wanted my carving to be very detailed. I ended choosing this little slab of marble for my base because I thought it gave it a professional sculpture aesthetic. It came from an old trophy of mine that I dismantled. I thought it was a perfect size as well, it gave my piece just enough lift without being to overbearing. Despite it all, I really enjoyed carving this soap. It was very satisfying watching the soap slowly transform due to my carving techniques. Although I was hesitant about it at first but, I actually like the way my carving came out. It looks otherworldly, like and alien chrysalis or something. I would definitely carve something out of soap again. It is very therapeutic.
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
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I carved more beveled shapes on the opposite side of my soap. However, I tried to go for a slightly different pattern. Initially though, I was going to carve it the same as the other side. Then, I realized my soap has random dry layers which explained the random cracking despite my extra care when carving. I was able to mend some sides and edges with warm water and a small paint brush. However, some designs cracked completely and that’s how I ended up doing different designs.
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
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I started off shaving away at the hard edges; I was trying to get a feel for the soaps texture. The soap I found is quite soft and smooth. Despite using a partially dull pairing knife, I carved through it very easily. It also smells really good so that’s another plus. Since the soap was easy to carve I decided to try and go for beveled shapes and gaped openings. However, my knife is rather pointy at the tip, so I cracked a lot of my edges by accident. But since the soap is so smooth some weren’t a tough fix. I was really enjoying carving away at the soap and watching it slowly transform. I initially didn’t want to stop but I cracked another edge that’s a tough fix and ended there (bottom left). The scent also started to make me sneeze. Anyway, I’m going to try to fix the corner and probably take the same rout on the other side of the soap as well. Regardless of the struggles, I’m having a lot of fun with this project and I can’t wait to see how it will end up.
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
In this video, I filmed myself peeling the apple first! I only had a green apple, so the skin was a bit thick and tougher to peel through in comparison to the potato. I was able to peel the entire thing, it just took a bit more effort and control. I attempted creating shapes with the apple as well. Carving gaps and shapes such as the little triangle weren’t so tough. Carving circles however, was a bit hard. It might have been due to the softer, airy texture of the apple in comparison to the firm potato that made it difficult though. I was able to carve some small holes after a few more attempts.
I am very curious towards how carving the soap will go. I’ll try to pick one with a weight and texture similar to a potato though the apple was ironically light despite being bigger than my potato.
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
I often cook, so it wasn’t hard to peel the potato. Although, I was significantly slower since I didn’t use my potato pealer. So, in this video I’m exhibiting my mediocre ability to create hole/circles. I can do it quite well with the potato since, I’m used to cleaning out soft spots and roots the potato may have. I finished the vid off with my pealing skills since I forgot to film peeling off the skin.
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
Assemblage Assignment:
Final Composition
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The art of Assemblage allows one to express their creativity through piecing together all types of unwarranted materials to create a work of art. In this assignment, I was tasked to do just that. Assemblage is a form of sculpture, your work can take any form through various art mediums and types. This is why my approach to the assignment was to let my chosen materials both inspire and guide me. As for how
I went about choosing my objects, I took a similar path. I chose my objects based on what sparked the most inspiration. The objects that I could in vision being pieced together along with the objects I found that matched some of the concepts I already had been visioning were the ones I chose. The same went for choosing the bases for my objects to be placed. My approach to choosing the color for my pieces was just as free spirited. I simply chose the color black for two reasons: one, black is very bold, and two, because it is black history month.
In this assignment both pieces were to be nonobjective and display both symmetrical and asymmetrical balance. I chose to display symmetrical balance in my piece with the shallow rectangular frame. In this piece there is even symmetry displayed long columns across the board. While each object is not equal in size or shape, they are displayed in a semi equal fashion in which their lengths and widths match up symmetrically. In my piece with the deep box frame, asymmetrical balance is displayed through purposely uneven perpendicular corners and object displacement to create an illusion of balance. In both pieces I did my upmost best to creatively establish asymmetrical and symmetrical balance using a color and objects that I believed best heightened their appeal and sentiment. With that said, in full comprehension of this assignments objectives I believe I both completed what needed to be done as well put a bit of myself into this assignment .
This assignment was certainly a tedious one, but it was very enjoyable. I ironically had a lot of fun spray painting my objects. I don’t like strong chemical smells or messy mediums. Yet, despite the odor and debris, I found it quite satisfying watching my objects alter from very light colors to black. Overall, I rather enjoyed this assignment and can see myself creating assemblages again in the future.
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
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Assemblage Project Update
I originally had some foam items that, I showcased in my earlier posts that I painted but, unfortunately they ended up melting when I sprayed them outside. So ended up using some of my other remaining items to design my assemblage (that’s why some aren’t spray painted). The first one was my first concept at the asymmetrical piece. That I ended up changing in the third and fourth image. And the second is one of my attempts at the symmetrical piece. I only taped them to test so that’s what the little white pieces you see on both assemblages are. I’ll need to go over both again with more black spray paint.
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
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Assemblage construction
Phase 2
I’ve spray painted both base frames, the longest materials I have and a couple of other things (basically until I almost emptied both of my paint not realizing how much paint the frames took up). It was also windy so I need to get more paint and continue the few remaining items I have that aren’t already black.
But, I’m looking forward to start my concepts assemblages in next phase.
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
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Assemblage Progress
Phase 1
I’ve gotten more things to include in both of my pieces. I have more less everything ready.
As well as another more shallow frame (wood) for some diversity, as it wasn’t featured in my previous post.
Both pieces will be spray painted black ( I got the spray paint added as well)
However I will most lied assemble them as I see fit ( so please pay no mind to the contents in each particular base).
I’m looking forward to painting my materials and such in the next phase!
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caitlanwhitelocke · 2 years
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Symmetrical and Asymmetrical balance sketches
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