calebblacksmith · 10 years
Caleb frowned slightly, more in confusion than anything else. The thought of them both talking to each other about it wasn't necessarily something he perceived as bad, but he should have let Emma know first so they were all on the same page. "No, i wanted to tell you. I just had to make sure before i told, well, either or you about it." Leaning down, he rested his forehead against hers, signing so she would have to read his lips. 'I want you to be happy too, Emma. You deserve it after all the shit you've been through.' He pulled back a little to look at her as she went on, tiling his head slightly but smirking when she called Aliyah pretty. "You like her, huh? Well we can definitely work with that." Caleb never thought about it before, but fuck wouldn't that be amazing. "It's not you're job..." He muttered, but cut himself short as he kissed her properly this time, walking her back towards the bed. It was all he could seem to think about right now.  
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Nodding a little, she always tried to think that, to believe that, but it still haunted her subconscious. It was the reason she didn’t sleep much - or if she did, nightmares and night terrors would take over. She never told anyone about those things, how bad it would get… how she lost her hearing. Shaking off the bad thoughts, she smiled up at him. Her fingers brushed the back of his neck, before trailing over to trace across his shoulder before signing. "Yes," she shrugged a little, "It’s ok, Sir. She thought I knew, but… I understand. You don’t have to tell me anything, if you don’t want. I just want you to be happy." She was glad she was hearing it from him now, though she hadn’t been sure he’d tell her anything.  Watching his lips, she got the gist of his words before she leaned in, kissing him softly. Shaking her head, "It’s not fucked up. You’re allowed to want two slaves, Sir. I only had one conversation with her, but she’s nice - and… and she’s pretty," she blushed a little. "My job is to please you, Sir, and that’s all I want. If having both of us does that, I’m more than happy for you to have us both."
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
Caleb smirked gently at her words. "I'm pouring my heart and soul out here and that's the best you got?" He teased lightly, well aware he was barely making sense. However her last words did cause something to stir in him. He didn't know if it was relief, or something else entirely; but without warning he was hit with a sudden urge to kiss her, pushing her down against the counter-top and pinning one arm just above her head as he started to kiss down her neck. His other hand drew a lazy trail down to her hip before he felt some there, like a dent in her skin he'd never felt before and he pulled back only to find a weird looking black symbol seared into her flesh. "Liyah what the fuck is this this?" 
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Aliyah frowned slightly, more in confusion than anger or anything else. How was it even possible to love two people at once in this sort of way? Surely that couldn’t be a thing. “I always knew you we’re tapped, Caleb.” She whispered gently with a soft smile. Sharing him would be strange to say the least, but she didn’t feel angry at him either. Maybe it would have been different had they been in a proper relationship, because they weren’t, not really. He was first and foremost her best friend before anything else, even if he did drive her mad. “Well you’re never gonna lose me, so you get that idea out of your thick head right now, got it?”    
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
"That's very true. They say one thing and mean another." He answered honestly, before looking at the blonde. "Someone's punished you? Who?" There were some messed up people around, he knew as much, but Caleb didn't know any specifically so far. "I'm sure other's want you too, but i'll go file it now... See you soon Charlie." With that, he turned to walk out of the cells and fill out the paperwork.
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Charlie sighed and shrugged. “I think some of them can’t decide what they want.” she said softly “Some just like to punish slaves for no reason.” She added nearly under her breath her cheeks turning a little pink. “Thank you sir at least someone wants me.” Charlie said her face lighting up in a bright smile. “I’ll be waiting here for you then Sir I doubt that anyone is going to be taking me away anytime soon.”
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
"Ok then, it's in the past now anyway..." He smiled, brushing her hair out of her face. Caleb knew that Emma must have had a pretty horrible life to end up as willing to serve as she was, without so much as a complaint. In truth he doubted he'd be able to listen to it all without wanting to kill everyone in her past. "Never." He smirked, grabbing hold of her hips and pulling her closer. It took a while for what Emma said to register with the wolf, and the more he realized the more confused he became. "You met her...? Emma, i'm sorry that should have come from me." Caleb spoke softly. He felt bad that she had to hear it from someone else, but he also knew Aliyah well enough to know how much crap he was going to get off her because of it. "Of course i do. Both of you are, somethin' else--- So you get along with her ok then? I know i've put you both in a fucked up position." 
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Tilting her head a little, 'I don't know. He owned me so — all that mattered is what he wanted.' She tried not to get into detail, not much for talking about her past unless he pressed her a little on it. She trusted Caleb, but didn’t want to upset him and tell him about those things. 'I'm glad you don't. Never?' she grinned, leaning in, up on her toes, and kissing him back. She hummed a bit as she felt her the wall behind her, trying to tug him closer until their lips parted. Watching his lips, she frowned softly, her hand touching his cheek, fingers lightly brushing the skin. 'It's ok. I know. I met Aliyah during my last rental. I mean - was that what you wanted to tell me? She's pretty - and nice. You really want me even though you have her?'
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
"Well it's fucked up. Most of them say they hate disobedience so you of all people shouldn't be down here." He shrugged in turn, it really made no sense to him. "Oh, right. Well even so, it's more than i know and you're stuck in here." Caleb nodded, a softly smirk on his features as she stated she'd like to be rented. "Great. It might be a little late, 'cause i'm already renting someone right now, but i promise i'll be back soon, alright?"   
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Charlie shrugged. “I’m either too perfect or I do something else wrong, either way i’m not what they want.” she explained glancing up at the wolf. “I only know because they come to visit other slaves here.” she pointed out and a bright smile crossed her face. After weeks of just sitting in a cell could it be that she had finally found a Master willing to rent her. “I..I think I would really like that Master Caleb.”
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
"True... Although 'wasn't that bad' sounds like an understatement." He couldn't understand why anyone would want to treat Emma that way, or any of the humans for that matter. The wolf smiled down at her when she talked about not wanting to leave, glad to know she felt the same way. "I don't want you to either.... And that, is something you never have to ask me." He smirked, leaning down to kiss her, subconsciously backing her against the wall before he pulled away just enough to look at her. Caleb knew he couldn't do the exact same thing again, he needed to talk to Emma before anything else happened. "Look, i need to talk to you about somethin', only... i don't really know how to word it."
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Smiling softly at him, she was already thinking about what to make later, but brushed it aside to focus on the conversation. Looking at his lips, she nodded, 'Yeah, I guess it was though… he could get to me from the bars, but that wasn't bad, I guess.' Emma felt like she had to be sure of what he was saying. She didn’t want to get her hopes up that she could be there with him every night. Shaking her head, she shrugged a bit, 'I don't know. I didn't think anybody would. I wanted… you to, to want me, but I tried not to think about it too much. I don't really understand why I feel like this with you. I just know I don't want to leave.' She trailed off, not sure how to even explain herself. Smiling up at him, she kept one arm wrapped around him, 'Can I kiss you, Sir?'
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
If you let me, here’s what I’ll do, I’ll take care of you.
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
"That’s—- god, no. No, Aliyah, that’s not what i mean at all. I still want you, i do, more than you’ll know…. Look, I know this is fucked up, and you know how crap i am at explaining things. But i need both of you. It’s selfish, and i’m pretty sure i’m seriously tapped to even be thinking like this it’s just—- I don't know. It’s screwed up, but I can’t lose you over this, Liyah. You hear me?”
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{Backdated to the 17th of December}
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
Sam Smith - I’ve Told You Now 
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
"Yeah? I'd have though most of the people here would want someone like you." All Caleb seemed to hear was people complain about the behavior of the humans, and yet the obedient ones were overlooked all the time. "Then you know more than me. If it's not another wolf then i tend to miss them more often than not." In that moment, a thought came to mind. "So how do you feel about some time out of the cells then, Charlie?"
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Charlie nodded. “I know, it’s just hard to keep track on everyone. People keep coming and going. I think i’m the only one who hasn’t gone anywhere.” she said with a small sigh. “Yes I heard that another human came and a wizard who i’ve met already. I guess i’m used to it, i’ve always been a slave the only difference now is that there are more supers around.”
Charlie smiled softly “Thank you Caleb sir.”
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
"I'll keep that in mind." He acknowledged with a nod, more than happy for her to cook and bake if it was what she wanted to do. The wolf definitely wouldn't be complaining. "I bet... but i do kind of get it, Emma. The feeling safe bit i mean, if you think about it that cage was like a barrier." Caleb almost laughed when she signed out the word in syllables, but nodded his head all the same 'I do understand what you're going on about you know. And of course i want you, why wouldn't i?' He smirked softly, pulling her in when she hugged him. "Yeah. I just need to rent one more person first and then we're set." 
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Laughing softly, she shook her head at him, 'Thank you - I'm happy to make more for you - or anything you want.' Getting to the topic about the cage, she should’ve known he’d ask or wonder, but it didn’t dawn on her. It was natural to her. 'It's hard to put into words, but I guess I knew if I was in the cage, everything was ok or something. Maybe part of me felt like I belonged in one, like a pet. I don't know.' She’d spent so much time being a pet to her last two Masters that she found it hard to see herself in any other light. Still, she offered him a slight smile when he signed that he understood. Seeing him move forward, she lifted her gaze to his, returning the soft kiss. His words made her smile which slowly turned into a grin, 'Did you say… claim?' she spelled out the last word to ensure he knew what she was signing. 'Really? You - You want me?' she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him. Pulling back to sign again, 'Wait - that means you only have to rent me one more time, right?'
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
"Again, my suite." Was the last words his said with a hint of playfulness to them, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to work out how to even start. "Alright, well… Look, you know how much you mean to me and everything. Hell, this is the weirdest relationship i’ve ever fucking been in and it’s been like what… eight months now..? Liyah i swear this doesn’t make me love you any less, but… but i think i might also love someone else…”   
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{Backdated to the 17th of December}
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
"Alright, then we'll stick with that one." He smirked back, nodding at her words. "I don't know, people come and go from this place all the time. You might not even be the newest anymore... You're still handling it well though." He replied, considering the blonde hadn't been here long she still seemed almost at ease. "Well It's nice to meet you, Charlie."
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Charlie sighed when he didn’t start shouting at her, supers were sometimes hard to gage a reaction from as they could shout for near no reason at all. “Caleb…that’s probably easier to say and will save time.” She said chuckling a little and nodded. “Umm yes i’m new, it seems as if everyone has already been on the island a lot longer that me which means I’m still finding my footing. I haven’t even been outside yet.” Charlie sighed. “I’m Charlie.” She said pushing her hair behind her ear.
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
"You’re wearing my top, so i can’t exactly put it on now can i?" He pointed out with a smirk, opening the fridge and getting two beers out. "There’s some stronger stuff over there if you’d rather have that." He tilted his head in the direction of the cupboard, but opened both just in case and handed one to her. "It’s really not that simple, Liyah…"
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{Backdated to the 17th of December}
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
"I know, but they look too good to eat." He pointed out with a soft smirk before he began watching her hands. Taking in everything she was signing, it all seemed to start fitting into place. That made a lot more sense to him than her just liking the idea of a cage. 'Okay, i guess i can understand that.' A small smile came to his lips when she we went on to explain about feeling safe with him, watching her fidget for a moment before taking a step closer and tilting her chin up. Placing a kiss against her lips, he then pulled back. "I didn't want you to leave either. Which is why i'm gonna try and work on claiming you."  
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Following quietly along, she smiled up at him, 'You do? You could have eaten them. I'd make you more. I like cooking and baking - especially if I know your favorites.' He seemed preoccupied though, and part of her wondered if something was wrong. Getting to his suite, she turned to look at him, watching his hands. It made sense now. Maybe he didn’t see the cage as a good thing. 'It's — complicated, I guess. Before here, I was a pet for a long time, and for years I had a cage. I hated it at first, but then… it was just like - comfort or safety. I felt safe there. It came up when Briac rented me, and he said he had one with a pet bed and - I don't sleep much - cause of the nightmares, but I feel better in the cage. Except… with you,' she shifted a little bit, growing shy, 'I… I feel like that without it. I feel safe with you. When I was here last time - I didn't want to leave,' she admitting, slowly looking up at him.
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calebblacksmith · 10 years
Caleb headed out of the cells with her, keeping hold of the leash loosely like he knew he probably should do until they reached his suite. "I still have those cakes you made, they look amazing." As they walked, the thought that had been plaguing his mind since they last spoke seemed to surface again, and for some reason he couldn't help but ask, only he signed this time. 'So there's no right or wrong answer here, but... do you prefer sleeping in a cage or a bed, Emma?' 
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Emma waited patiently, knowing Caleb assured her that he’d rent her. She already wanted to see him again. Tilting her head up at the approaching figures, she smiled softly when he entered. The guard put the collar on her, giving him the leash. She wanted to hug him, but wasn’t sure she was allowed, 'Yes, Sir,' she still couldn’t help but smile up at him, following him out of the cells.
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