calebmcelroy · 6 years
Waiting for Kristen felt a lot longer than it truly was. It was the anticipation that seemed to slow time, making every second feel like minutes. It didn’t help that he had made sure everything was in order and tidied up long before she arrived, now having nothing to do while he waited. Editing a video was pointless when he knew she would be here before he finished. Trying to watch TV only served to make him more restless, the passage of time only marked by commercial breaks, which seemed to come so often while the minutes barely progressed. 
Shaking his head, Caleb wondered why he was so worked up over collabing with Kristen. He chalked it up to simply being excited, as well as Kristen being one of the few Youtubers he collabed with without meeting before hand. Most people he’d met through conventions or through other Youtube friends, but Kristen was someone he reached out and contacted after his fans sent her name his way. She was talented and seemed sweet, judging by her videos and their correspondence before this. It didn’t hurt that she was cute, too, but Caleb didn’t put that thought at the forefront of his mind.
After checking Twitter again (and finding there were no new tweets again), a knock on the door sent him to his feet, long legs striding towards the door. A smile appeared on his face as he saw Kristen on the other side of it. “Hey!” he greeted, holding out an arm to hug her (he was a hugger, though he realized after making the gesture that he wasn’t sure if she was or not). “Come on in. Did you make it here okay?”
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calebmcelroy · 7 years
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Re: Re: Re: Future Collab?
Sorry, I didn’t mean to come off callous… if you got that. Just definitely a little starstruck, I guess. I mean, I didn’t think this would happen EVER. But thank you. Not only for liking what I’m putting out, but helping me reach more people. It’s like you’re complimenting me and my channel all in one - which is pretty amazing, truthfully. Thursday is perfect actually, but I need to know what kind of snacks you like. I make a mean chicken wing dip. Let me know!
Craving cookies instead of chips… Kristen
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Re: Re: Re: Re: Future Collab?
You didn’t at all! And thank you - I’m flattered, but seriously I’m so impressed by your work and hope to see you grow, and maybe I’ll be the one starstruck ;) I’d love to help you grow! Obviously I’m reaching out because I’d love to meet you and get to work with you, but it’d also be amazing to help you grow and see the numbers you deserve to be seeing. I like any and all snacks, and I’ll have to try that dip for myself! I’d love that, and now you’re making me crave cookies instead of chips too, and I just ran out... Also, what do you like on your pizza? Dinner’s on me!
I’ll never be able to get rid of my sweet tooth, Caleb
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calebmcelroy · 7 years
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Re: Future Collab?
First of all… what? I can’t believe you even introduced yourself! I also can’t believe you’re subscribed to me (or how you get enjoyment out of beauty videos, but none of my business.) Truthfully, I think you’re crazy that you’d want to collab with me, but I couldn’t turn you down. Your content has been inspiring me since I joined over a year ago :). I live in North Hollywood currently, so I’m not sure if that’s close? I mean, it’s not close anywhere in California with traffic, but please get back to me. I’d really love to meet you and collab.
Crossing my fingers,  Kristen
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Re: Re: Future Collab?
Of course I’m subscribed! I may know nothing about beauty or beauty videos, but I like listening to you and wanted to hear more of it. I wouldn’t deny your claims that I’m crazy, but I don’t see why it’s so crazy to want to collab with you - I think your stuff is really good, and I’d love to share it with even more people :). I’m really happy to hear that I inspired you, because you already inspired me to reach out for this collab. Haha, nothing is close in Cali traffic, but I think we can make it work! Does this coming Thursday work for you? You can stay as long as you’d need to, if it’s a bit of a drive.
Excited to work with you, Caleb
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calebmcelroy · 7 years
To: Kristen Hale From: Caleb McElroy ([email protected]) Subject: Future Collab?
Hey Kristen,
My name is Caleb McElroy, and I’m one of your newest subscribers. My subscribers have been telling me about your channel recently, and I’m honestly mad I haven’t heard about you sooner - I seriously love your work! I was wondering if you’d like to collab at some point in the near future, because I think we’d make some great videos and I’d also love to get to know the person behind the camera :) Let me know what you think! My schedule is super flexible over the next few weeks, and I’d love to have you over to brainstorm and film sometime.
Hope to see you soon, Caleb
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calebmcelroy · 7 years
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