calendarproject · 5 years
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Here are my March daily audio explorations. Some good, some not so good but always reflective! Free MP3 downloads;
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calendarproject · 6 years
02 | 19 Track Notes
Feb 1 - V-Shaped Club
About: A silly name for a spa here in my neighborhood.
Tech Notes: Made on the street with Reason/Noise Engineering on the laptop.
Feb 2 - Eyeshot Bridge
About: English graffiti always looks strange here in Thailand and ends up giving things like pedestrian bridges permanent names.
Tech Notes: This Maschine lock-shot session is based off an early practice template I made when I first got the MK3. I basically took 2 triangle waves run through various settings on Ohmicide, acting as an evolving multiband waveshaper. Automating through all the different models  has been an inspiration.
Feb 3 - Soft Pale Packets
About: Vivian made wontons.
Tech Notes: A Silent Way session with Logic and the Plague of Demons, DLD, Clouds.
Feb 4 - AM Light Rails
About: A 5 AM trip to the pub to watch the Super Bowl is always interesting as I see so little of Bangkok around that hour.
Feb 5 - Too Many Coming At Me
About: Another one of those days where everyone is talking at you, derailing any good ideas. 
Feb 6 - Pray For Rain
About: The pollution has been hovering above downtown Bangkok like a big dirty yellow hat.
Tech Notes: Based around the movement of 5 different kinds of noise flavors, with some Numerology sequences layered over the top.
Feb 7 - Pledge
About: Something had me thinking of the pledge of allegiance today, and how/if reciting it everyday when I was young had an effect on me.
Tech Notes: Trying to work analog type sequences and noise loops into the Maschine lock-shot session.
Feb 8 - The Swans
Feb 9 - The Simple Existanse
About: Easy day around the way, Thai food on the street, casual visit to the relatives.
Tech Notes: One of my Alchemy pianos meets the Turing Machine/Braids/DLD.
Feb 10 - PWMON
About: A minute of noise for the late Phil Western. Only worked with him for a couple weeks, but he is the singular reason I didn’t give up on the Atari-shelled Logic back in 1998. Wonderful, big hearted guy. RIP Phil.
Tech Notes: Pure Atoner noise.
Feb 11 - Glue Factory
Feb 12 - Water Covered Sphere
Tech Notes: Maschine and modular nastiness. 
Feb 13 - Small Crack In The Surface
About: Weathered surfaces of Thailand.
Tech Notes: All sounds designed from a 4 bar piano track, granularized.
Feb 14 - Two Early Saints
About: Spent the day at the always fun MBK in downtown BKK.
Tech Notes: Maschine lock-shot ambient drone session.
Feb 15 - Is This What I Was Supposed To Do?
About: The curious joy of confined spaces.
Feb 16 - Sweet Longkong
About: Another addictive Thai fruit discovered today, so the sugar rush had something to do with the tempo/frantic nature of this track.
Tech Notes: Went old school and broke out some Useful Noise v2 sounds this time around.
Feb 17 - Sim One
About: One of those days you wonder if life is a simulation.
Tech Notes: Maschine lock-shot drone session, with some improvised melodics.
Feb 18 - The Hammerhead
About: Zero inspiration today, so…
Tech Notes: …just plug in a bunch of triggers into a bunch of Noise Engineering and see where it goes.
Feb 19 - Everyone Loves Me Today
About: One of those days where everywhere in went around the neighborhood everyone was smiling and talking to me, even if I didn’t understand what they were saying. Somewhat unnerving!
Tech Notes: A west coast session. 
Feb 20 - Slat Transport
About: After riding around in the back of a “Subaru” all day.
Tech Notes: This Drone and Bass track is Maschine meets the modular, with the drones coming from the Trogotronic and the Brain Custard and the DC Bass from Tides.
Feb 21 - Laddering
Feb 22 - Nothing Nice
About: The day started by my AC dumping a bunch of water out just inches away from my modular. Didn’t improve much from there…
Feb 23 - Orchids of Asia
About: The hi-jinx of Robert Kraft.
Tech Notes: A Maschine ambient lock-shot session.
Feb 24 - Never Shop Alone
About: Vivian named this one.
Feb 25 - plenty of fates worse than yours
About: Always important to remember just how good you have it.
Tech Notes: Fell into too many old habits on this one.
Feb 26 - Jet Lan
About: A viral video of a 7 million baht robbery was all over the news here today.
Tech Notes: Alchemy meets modular with some Electribe thrown in.
Feb 27 - Covered Over
About: The whole day was a fog.
Tech Notes: Simple modular session with Sheep, Plague of Demons, Clouds and NLC drones.
Feb 28 - The End Of The Curve
About: The relief of knowing I made it through another month, still inspired.
Tech Notes: Another on location laptop Reason/Noise Engineering bit.
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calendarproject · 6 years
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Here are Februarys daily “audio fingerprints” for download. Noises, drones, ambiences, themes, another fun month of audio inspirations.
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calendarproject · 6 years
Feb 6 - Pray For Rain
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calendarproject · 6 years
01 | 19 Track Notes
Jan 1 - Indefinite Transition 
About: Minutes after midnight in the studio in Bangkok. Happy New Year, let’s drone out!
Tech Notes: An ambient improv on the Maschine MK3 playing “lock scene” automation. The source were 4 simple sine waves, waveshaped through Ohmicide in various states creating complex tones to build and fall.
Jan 2 - Like A Monkey King
About: After a not uncommon Keith over-reaction to something insignificant, Vivian told me stop acting “like a monkey king”. Think she meant “King Kong’, still funny.
Tech Notes: The science of over-compressing and waveshaping EVERYTHING!
Jan 3 - Decline
About: Creators block already!
Tech Notes: Granular experiments to clean out the cobwebs.
Jan 4 - Picking
About: The isolation of waiting alone in public.
Tech Notes: Moody sequencing in Reason with the Noise Engineering plugins.
Jan 5 - Pabuk
About: Vivian was observing the aftermath of Tropical Storm Pabuk by watching Thai disaster movies. Disturbing.
Tech Notes: Reaktor and the Electribe with a bit of unease from the modular making a dissonant sine wave overload.
Jan 6 - Retroviral and Repeat
About: Too many zombie movies for 1 day!
Tech Notes: Maschine randomized beats meets Noise Engineering/Numerology for a quick spat. Sadly, not really finished.
Jan 7 - Bear White
About: The sound from inside a television tube trying to get out.
Jan 8 - Inverting The L
About: Inspired by someone I saw from Tokyo.
Tech Notes: Shoving a bunch of things through the matrix mixer/modular to see what comes out.
Jan 9 - It’s just noise, you get used to it
About: A late night noise disturbance.
Tech Notes: A load of Useful Noise samples improved on Maschine using lock scenes.
Jan 10 - Market Viels
About: Trying to communicate only seeing ones eyes and not speaking the language very well.
Tech Notes: Launchpad/Numerolgy improv. 
Jan 11 - The Disappearing Man
About: Peoples nickname for me back in the day as I had a habit of ducking out of social occasions mid-party unannounced. Takes on a different meaning living on the other side of the world, in a neighborhood where few speak english.
Tech Notes: When nothing seems to work, I just plug in the Nonlinear Circuits Brain Custard and let to go into it’s droney chaotic glory. Best drone machine in the entire audio market IMHO.
Jan 12 - Mattress 
About: Some things you can’t unsee.
Tech Notes: An isolation build on the Modular and Maschine.
Jan 13 - Red China Style
About: Chinese plastics, the true environmental disaster of Asia.
Jan 14 - Lost On Suk
About: Going down to the “farang” part of Bangkok is always a bit unnerving as I so rarely see foreigners in my neighborhood. 
Tech Notes: More Useful Noise samples played and processed on Maschine.
Jan 15 - Staring Back At Myself
Tech Notes: Reaktor granular patches improvised on Maschine MK3 using Dent 2 as the main tonal processor.
Jan 16 - This Is The List
About: Watched way too many movies today.
Tech Notes: I think I’ve listened to too much Depeche Mode in my life, it’s starting to come out unknowingly of my pours. Fairly pedestrian stuff coming out of my modular today.
Jan 17 - Playing The Wire
About: Got the creators block so I thought I’d try some single source track making with the 4MS Atoner. 
Tech Notes: All sounds are from the Atoner, chopped up for various bits. The Atoner is great for buzzy stuff, kinda hard to get much bass out of it. Not what I was hoping for.
Jan 18 - The Not Unexpected Barrage Of Joy
About: A trip to the market is always such a great example of the simple happiness of Thai life. Sometimes the joy is overwhelming.
Jan 19 - Feel Inside
Tech Notes: Shoved a bunch of CV into my NLC Plague of Demons module and mixed it in my matrix mixer sending it around the modular for processing. Feels good.
Jan 20 - Dragdown
About: Some days are down slope-shaped. Best to end them fast.
Tech Notes: Numerology playing Braids, Plague of Demons modules. 
Jan 21 - uncomplicated existing
About: Fighting through creator block.
Tech Notes: A Reason granular experiment processing several different samples at different frequencies through the same noisy uneven granular processing. 
Jan 22 - Nam Tok
About: Vivian took my head off with hallucination inducing levels of chilis tonight in our beef nam tok. I barely remember making this track.
Tech Notes: More track smearing and implied melodic experiments with Maschine.
Jan 23 - Transversive
Tech Notes: A live loop ambient session with the NLC modular and Maschine MK3 lock scene real time modulation into Ableton.
Jan 24 - Karat Unglued
About: Nothing like a few hours of Thai Soap viewing to send me running for the studio. Thai’s like their frantic drama!
Tech Notes: A combo of Reason and Reaktor Blocks for this one. The Reaktor Turing Machine modulating everything and Noise Engineering Reason plugins getting frantic.
Jan 25 - Martyrs
Tech Notes: Used just about everything: Numerology, Modular, Electribe, Maschine and Alchemy on this one.
Jan 26 - Elysian Fields
About: My busy Bangkok neighborhood, so energetic for most of the day and night gets downright spooky after 10 PM.
Tech Notes: Smeared Numerology sequences played on the Launchpad to go with an ominous custom Alchemy piano.
Jan 27 - Mutual Combat 
Tech Notes: Maschine vs Trogotronic. More experiments in over compression with Maschine MK3 beats and the evil Trogotronic 679 for all the tonal tensions. 
Jan 28 - Promise Has Been Derailed
About: One of the problems with having a home studio is how easily life can get in and derail what was thought to be a good idea. Have no idea where I was going with this as my day was “interrupted” several times.
Tech Notes: Started as a Reaktor granular experiment with some NLC modular bass but ended up using some old Logic tricks once the original idea was lost.
Jan 29 - Waking On Ice
About: From a dream where I was walking on thin ice, only to find the ice was enclosed and there was no way out.
Tech Notes: First thing in the morning pre-coffee modular noise with Mutable Instruments and Nonlinear Circuits modules. 
Jan 30 - Tiergarten
About: One of my favorite German names. Saw it today, used it.
Tech Notes: Shift register random sequence driving a Tides module gong along with some Alchemy tracks, Vacuum Pro bass and guitar loop through Guitar Rig.
Jan 31 - Solace
About: The comfort of knowing I’ve successfully achieved what I set out for for January!
Tech Notes: Numerology sequencing one of my Alchemy modified pianos with the modular on bass and the Electribe 2 with the tiny electronic drums.
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calendarproject · 6 years
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The Calendar Project: 
One of the biggest reasons for my move to Thailand a few years ago was to have more time and greater freedom to make music. After a couple of years here I realized that I needed to really focus in on this as I felt I was pissing away way too many days with little to show for myself. So I decided I would start to make a new track, piece of audio or noise everyday as a way to make every day a little more memorable, basically putting an audio fingerprint on each day.
I started in on this in January 2018 and it didn’t take long to realize that I really didn’t have a plan going into this. I didn’t have contingencies for problems in or out of my control and worst of all I found I was repeating things I had already done, not challenging myself. So I carried on casually for the rest of 2018, but focused on learning new things, new processes, new gear with the idea of doing the Calendar in earnest starting 2019.
So after a fairly successful, fun and on schedule January it’s time to release the tracks out into the wild. There are themes, little melodic bits, and sometimes just noise, all audio fingerprints or soundtracks for those days, made for or inspired by something I did, saw, heard that day. I’ll be releasing free MP3s for now, so download, enjoy and let me know what you think as I carry on through February.
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