california-condork · 9 days
This one might be depressing, sorry y’all
I’m a whole adult and yet my abandonment issues/childhood trauma are so bad that this image made me start sobbing uncontrollably, on the inside I’m the most helpless baby condor you’ve ever seen in your life tbh
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california-condork · 10 days
unhinged 30 days of otherkin challenge
Saw someone mention doing this ages ago and I wrote up my own for fun, but then forgot about it. So, here, uhhhh have this
- go feral
- if you're polykin, pick whatever kintype is most pertinent for each question, or the kintype you'd like to answer for
- anyone is welcome to do this, despite this being labeled for otherkin
1. what type of dirt would your kintype eat?
2. warm or cold ocean water
3. describe a pie made from three ingredients your kintype would eat, crust included, go
4. if your kintype suddenly opened their eyes, what would they be looking at?
5. do you like sticks
5. 5 again. do you like leaves
7. does your kintype migrate
8. sleepy or awakey
9. are you smaller or larger than a breadbox
10. describe the vegetation around your kintype's feet
11. what's the most specific or unusual shift (if you experience them) you've experienced
12. what website is your kintype most like
13. hey, how's it going
14. if given a cellphone, what would your kintype do with it
15. how do you make your room/home/surroundings more suited to your kintype
16. tell me about your favorite kind of fabric…like, just in general, unrelated to your kintype(s)
17. are you bitey
18. how does your kintype feel about chia seeds
19. can your kintype knit? if not, could your kintype knit if given instructions
20. describe your kintype's skin texture in great detail
21. glossy or matte
22. wildcard, I'm getting tired of writing these
23. you hear a scratching noise around the corner, what does your kintype do
24. what's your kintype's most acute sense
25. alone in a forest with no provisions, how long does your kintype survive
26. describe your kintype as a canned vegetable
27. it's getting dark out, does your kintype sleep, wake up, or PANIC
28. how many fingers do you have and why
29. what's a really nice smell
30. has 30 days of this unhinged you further?
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california-condork · 10 days
Me in my cozy little nest because I’m sad
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california-condork · 12 days
Miss my wings, it’s so fucked up I can’t wack people in the face with them anymore </3
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california-condork · 13 days
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California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus)
© Steve Zamek
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california-condork · 15 days
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California Condor
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california-condork · 15 days
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Avian August 2023 day 12 - California condor watercolor by Keyon aka Kirsten Dennis
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california-condork · 25 days
i see a lot of people talking about how graceful and beautiful avian kins are, ( which don't get me wrong y'all really are :O <33 ) but i think we all need to take a moment every now and again to embrace the other side of avian kinship, for example:   ⭒ singing really loudly at 6am to wake up everyone sleeping for miles   ⭒ stealing shiny things like people's car emblems and coins   ⭒ menacingly approaching people eating in public and stealing their food   ⭒ crossing roads in large groups and causing traffic jams   ⭒ ripping up the anti-roosting spikes on building i hope you can see my vision, and we can work with it to build a beautiful tomorrow >:D /hj
YES!!! as a crow, this is correct. i will steal people's things and scream loudly in trees and behave erratically in such a way that the general public will be mildly disturbed and I will laugh the entire time
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california-condork · 26 days
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some sketchy self portraits <3
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california-condork · 26 days
Not to be gay but I'd let you preen my wings. As homies, y'know.
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california-condork · 26 days
As a fellow birb, I am obligated to do my part in mildly inconveniencing humanity via Silliness 🫡
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I hope this trashed balcony helps the sabotage effort :>
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Me on the weekdays (I’m going to school undercover to sabotage the humans heheheheheehe):
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california-condork · 26 days
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On this Scavenger Sunday we visit with a California condor at Marble Canyon in northern Arizona.
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california-condork · 28 days
sometimes seeing your theriotype irl is painful. like, look! i’m just like you! but your thoughts, your feelings, your instincts, your mind, your movements, they’re all exactly where they’re meant to be. when i see you, i am suddenly so incredibly aware of how incredibly human-shaped i am, the parts that are jammed in awkward places because they were not meant for someone like me. the body i inhabit constricts how i’d move naturally, molded me into something else. as i am now, you’d never recognize me. i am nothing like you
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california-condork · 1 month
*stares at you stares at you stares at you*
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Hiiii :>
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california-condork · 1 month
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Rarest Animals In The World That Are On The Brink Of Extinction
California Condor (Gymnogyps Californianus)
Wikimedia Commons
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california-condork · 1 month
Caught these California Condors while riding my harley at Big Sur.
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california-condork · 1 month
Wet beast Wednesday don't forget Palestine
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