Okay, hm. How about three favourite and three least favourite Californians?
Paige, because who doesn’t love Paige? Madison, simply because she’s rich. And Hayden because he’s super sweet.
Least favourite:
Jonah. Jesus fucking Christ, boy. Ashley is a moody cow and Arielle is happy all the damn time.
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What do you think of everyone in California?
Everyone? No way. Be more specific.
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Will Phoebe ever settle down?
I have no idea. Either way she seems to fuck things up, no matter where she is.
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who do u think the next couple will be
Paige and Peyton, definitely. 
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how do you know i was talking about the new guy?
Who else is she going after?
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I think that Hayden's a virgin.
Who doesn’t?
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Do you think Jonah will ever settle down?
Honestly I hope he does but the way he’s treating Peyton isn’t right. First he was in love with her and then Phoebe and then Peyton and now Phoebe again? He needs to pick a girl and stick with her.
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Is this still active even?
Yes, it is but admin G hasn't really had time for it lately. But feel free to send her some gossip for when she does!
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she goes for the gays
Hold on, let me make sure I'm getting this right. New cute guy is gay?
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Peyton was kidding herself if she thought people wouldnt realize she was pregnant quickly. Unless she thought he fat would hide it for longer.
Sing it, honey. Apart from that last bit: never call a girl fat, even if you’re joking. 
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It looks like arielle goes for the type of guys who arent into people like her if you know what i mean
It’s a slow day for me, ‘non. Please elaborate.
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Do you think Peyton should pick Jonah or Lance?
Okay, I’m going to be honest here. This whole ‘love triangle’ or whatever it is is complete shit. Lance isn’t stable enough to support her and the baby, which he proved by heading for the hills as soon as he found out about the little tyke, and Jonah isn't ready to commit to anything. Really all she needs to do is ride off with Paige into the sunset and they can raise the beautiful child together and be in lesbians with each other for the rest of their lives.
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two new people within two days What do you think about them?
Abby is annoying and that’s really all I have to say on her. Hayden seems nice and has already spoken to plenty of girls, so hopefully that will stir some things up around here.
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Whose the first person you think Hayden will 'spill' everything to?
Aura, no doubt.
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