caligasolus · 2 days
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Witchy Wooper
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caligasolus · 2 days
(via shepherdmakestiktoks)
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caligasolus · 2 days
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caligasolus · 2 days
we all know pokemon was made by an autistic person but consider the idea that it was made for autistic people as well:
1. absolutely nothing in the entire game requires dexterity or quick reaction time. you can beat the game with no problems even if you have the reaction time of a shuckle
2. game mechanics based on categorization, things placed neatly into categories that are easy to memorize
3. there are multiplayer elements but the game itself? completely single player. no social interaction required to enjoy the hell out of this game
4. you are not only encouraged but expected to have empathy for and form an attachment to these virtual creatures that do not actually exist, which is very easy for an autistic person with hyperempathy to do
5. the whole point of the game is collecting things. autistics will understand this one
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caligasolus · 2 days
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Diagram of my kitten who fell asleep on my lap that i drew through tears. Pleawse. I cant get up
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caligasolus · 4 days
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caligasolus · 4 days
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I've actually seen this statistic before and I believe it.
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caligasolus · 4 days
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caligasolus · 8 days
Simple Ways to Practice Magick Everyday
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Say a small prayer or do a short meditation before you get out of bed in the morning.
Write down dreams or visions you had.
Stir your first cup of coffee or tea counterclockwise to banish negativity and bad luck or clockwise to bring positive energy.
Draw daily tarot or oracle cards (you can also use a pendulum) for guidance.
Cleansing yourself and home using sound or smoke.
Ancestor or spirit offerings
Pick out your clothes, shoes, jewelry... ect with intention.
Write a sigil or petition paper and burn it.
Take a ritual shower. You can spice it up with candles, herbs, and crystals, or you can simply step under the water and imagine all the negativity and bad energy washing off you. You can also recite a chant.
Every time you look into the mirror, say an affirmation
Take a walk outside and ground yourself to Mother Earth.
Dance!! Dancing is an excellent way to rise the energy, and it helps with opening the sacral and solar plexus chakra and getting in touch with the inner child.
tip jar
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caligasolus · 9 days
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caligasolus · 10 days
always thinking about this image
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caligasolus · 13 days
word of the day: “woowoo”
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caligasolus · 13 days
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What if?...
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caligasolus · 13 days
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caligasolus · 13 days
i’m okay with change and i’m fine if things are no longer the same i embrace change
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caligasolus · 13 days
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caligasolus · 13 days
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