caligious-anderson · 11 years
Calvin could feel his insides being ripped apart by Patrick; it created a sense of pain and pleasure which confused his nerves to the point where he wasn't sure if he needed to stop or continue but he was sure that the noises leaking from his lips only encouraged the splendid torture. "I don't need anything but your cock" he repeated while still gripping the boxes. Without warning Patrick's lips met his and he longed for their interaction to be prolonged as long as it possibly could, but it was quickly interrupted. A gasp escaped his lips as he was jerked from his comforting position and was slammed against the wall. Cal nearly came instantly as he realized that Patrick was pinning him with his hips and pushing himself farther into his longing hole. He felt a steady warm liquid slide down his thighs which he wasn't sure if blood was leaking from him or if it was some sort of bi-product of their contact; nor did he care as he found his hips pushing against the upcoming thrusts. Calvin pulled Pat's head to his face and nibbled on his lips, his breath still continuously wavering as their skin made contact.
When was the last time anyone cleaned the attic?
Patrick didn’t know if Calvin was doing it on purpose or not, but the way the guy’s ass clenched down on his cock every time he tried to pull out just made it all the more better to slam back in, ripping apart his cunt and gaining a scream of pleasure from the bottom. From the looks of it, though, Calvin seemed too out of it to be tactful, which could only mean that the guy’s body had grown so needy for cock, so desperate to be full. And Patrick fed Calvin’s ass over and over again, just the way they both needed it. “Yeah!? Want me to leave your ass so sore every morning you won’t be able to do anything the rest of the day? Bet you do. You don’t need anything else but my cock.” Patrick slammed in once more then leaned forward to lock lips with Calvin, the kiss becoming angry and desperate in mere seconds. “C’mere.” Keeping himself inside Calvin, he grabbed the smaller man and lifted him up, groaning as he, somehow, managed to push deeper still. He took them to the nearest wall and slammed Calvin to it, before his hips started to do the same to his ass.
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
Calvin kept his face against the cold glass window for most of their travel to the secluded secret spot that Alex had in mind. His cheek dragged up and down as they hit every bump, making it near impossible for him to fall asleep even if he wanted to. He felt the man's hand intertwine in his and a smile tugged at the side of his lip. The difference between their sizes was evident as Alex's hand nearly engulfed Cal's in a warm inviting grasp. He closed his eyes for the rest of the trip, his hand still tightly grabbing the man's hand and imagined what the scenery would be like where they were going. He opened his eyes as he heard the pavement beneath them turn to dirt and he sat upright, rubbing his face with his free hand before looking out the window to see trees surrounding them. He laughed as Alex suggested that he wasn't going to murder him. "Psh, as if you could even kill me. I'm a hunk of man beef I can take down anyone." As he finished his sentence they arrived at their destination. Calvin slid out of the truck and his skin made contact with the nippy brisk air. He shivered once before taking in the area around him, it was perfect. "This is beautiful Alex." he claimed before turning his attention to their things. He went to the back of the truck and opened the hub before pulling out their belongings and the tent. He struggled to carry them all but he managed. Calvin wobbled to the clearing and dropped their bags, He took a deep breath of fresh air before turning back to Alex. "You're setting up this tent, sweet cheeks."
Night Under the Stars || Calvin & Alex
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
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"I'm going to continue make assumptions until proven wrong."
"Supposed?" How cute of you.
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
It took Calvin all but ten minutes to pack up his clothing and personal items into his freshly cleaned gym bag in anticipation for Alex's arrival. He hadn't known exactly where he was going to be taken but he was hoping it would be somewhere where he could gain some peace and quiet from his brothers that insisted on being noisy all night. Cal had always enjoyed being outdoors so it was only natural that he accepted his professor's proposal to go camping. He walked down the hall to the entrance of the frat and slumped down on the steps, cradling his head with his hands. Once Alex arrived he grinned from ear to ear. He hadn't seen him in a couple days and he was yearning to interact with him. Cal rose from his position and approached the door. He grabbed the handle and pulled on it and slid in with his bag on his lap. "Hey there, sweet cheeks. I hope you know where you're going." 
Night Under the Stars || Calvin & Alex
Alex was a little shocked that Calvin accepted his request to go camping, but, the two did kind have a bond so it only made sense. When told that he was being timed, Alex groaned, quickly running around his apartment and putting everything in a pile so he could carry it all to his truck. He made sure to pack about three pairs of clothes, and his bathing suit, knowing that they would most likely go swimming in the lake that they were gonna be camping next two. He also made sure that he packed some lube and condoms because Calvin and Alex just can’t keep their hands off of each other.
Once he had all of his things packed up, he grabbed the tent that he stored away in a closet, making sure that all of the pieces were still there. He even went as far as to grab a giant blanket and a few pillows. He quickly began to bring stuff out to his truck, throwing the pillows and blanket in the back, and putting the tent in his toolbox that was attached to the bed of his truck. When he was finally done and had everything in his truck, he climbed in, starting it up and driving across campus to the Beta house, spotting Calvin standing there. He pulled up and rolled down the window, winking at Calvin, “Fancy a ride hot stuff??” he asked with a wide smirk.
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
Text Message ---> Calvin
Alex: Then taking that as a yes, you want to go.
Alex: Let me load up my truck and everything.
Calvin: I'll be sitting on the steps of Beta, I'm timing you. :)
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
Text Message ---> Calvin
Alex: Heyy you! So a little birdy told me that you were interested in going camping? I have a tent, and I know a place we could go?
Calvin: Nothing sounds better than laying down underneath the moonlight and falling asleep against your chest to the sound of rain against our tent.
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
He was honestly excited to see how Dom worked out, he was one of the most fit brothers at Beta and Calvin couldn't be even compared to him in muscle mass. Sure he was thin and had a solid body but Dom had weight to him which was something that Cal found himself looking forward to seeing naked. Calvin jumped a little as his shoulder was tapped on and he turned to see Dominic standing there, much sexier than he remembered, expecting his jock strap immediately. He reached into his bag and pulled out his favorite white pair and handed it to Dom with anxious eyes. Calvin grinned and stood facing the man pointing at his attire, "There's a private change room if you want, but I won't look if you decide to drop your drawers right here." he said biting his lip, unsure if he would be able to abstain from gaining an erection immediately after seeing his brother naked. Calvin turned around and bent down to zip up his gym bag, exposing his bare hairy ass and hole to Dom. "So what exercise do you usually start off with?"
Two Jocks Pumping || Calvin & Dom
Sometimes being in a good mood worked to his advantage, and sometimes it did not. As Dominic made his way over to the gym, he couldn’t decide whether it did or didn’t this time. It must’ve been a good year  since he’d last worn a jockstrap; the last time being his last game as a wide receiver for the Bruins, before his course load had become so heavy that he had to give up on all notions of playing a sport. That said, his workout routine hadn’t changed one bit since then, so he was no stranger to the gym, easily finding his way to the locker room where Calvin was to be waiting for him with a jockstrap to wear during their ‘workout session,’ which was really just a warm up for sex. Smirking at the thought, he wound his way through rows of lockers until he found the brother already fitted in a jockstrap of his own and nothing else, his ass completely exposed and all but begging to be taken. Dominic knew he’d have to play the game this time to get it, though, so he merely closed the distance between himself and Cal, tapping his shoulder and setting his gym bag on the bench behind him before stripping out of his t-shirt and kicking off his trainers, standing only in a pair of airy gray sweats. “So… where the fuck is my jock?” he said, running his tongue over his lips and making a head-tilting gesture. “Kinda wanna get to work already.”
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
Calvin practically sprinted to his professors house in anticipation of getting fucked by Zeke again. He had loved his night with Alex and him so it was only natural that his body craved to meet his professor's once more. He had also been promised the added benefit of cuddling with him afterwards, something that he had always been interested in taking place with the man. If one thing was for certain Calvin was determined to avert any eye contact because he knew as soon as he saw the man's deep blue irises he was bound to melt into putty, to easily be molded into any of Bradford's desires. Once he arrived at the address that was given to him via text message he knocked anxiously, rocking on his heels while he awaited a response.
Come on Over || Zeke+Calvin
The act of sexting was something Zeke could not get enough of, especially when it was with his students. After the other night he knew that he wanted to have Calvin again whenever possible. While the sweet sentiment of looking into his eyes was nice there was something much more physical he had in mind. Thankfully Calvin shared the same idea and offered to come over, adding the image of bouncing on his cock to make things even more tempting. So of course he invited the boy over without any hesitation. 
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
He found himself frowning and letting out whines in protest towards his professors' cruel attempts at seducing him. Calvin refused to give satisfaction to either one of them despite his desire to rub himself he covered his head in a pillow, drowning out the world around him so that he could remain sane throughout their torturous ways. His dick, regardless of the lack of visual or vocal stimulation was already pleaing to escape his tight jeans, his outline clearly visible to the world around him. His will faltered for a moment and he opened his view to see the two men still playing with one another and he quickly covered his eyes once more, trying to get the mental image of the two men groping each other out of his mind.
Double Trouble || Cal/Zeke/Alex
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
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"And he continues to do exactly what I said not to do. Seriously sir stop with the compliments I'd rather not have my head get so big that it explodes."
Despite the Weather
I think arrogance is pretty sexy, honestly. Especially when it comes to someone like you.
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
Text // Cal → Zeke
Zeke: I love sexting but I can tell you want this.
Cal: Your apartment or my bedroom, sir?
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
Text // Cal → Zeke
Zeke: Sex then cuddling?
Calvin: I'm not sure anyone could possibly decline that offer.
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
Text // Cal → Zeke
Zeke: Well this is awkward. That's sweet but I had the idea of sex... oops.
Calvin: I also wouldn't mind bouncing on your dick while staring into your eyes, either work.
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
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"There's nothing attractive about arrogance, which is where I'm going to be heading if someone of your stature continues to compliment me."
Despite the Weather
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
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caligious-anderson · 11 years
Text // Cal → Zeke
Zeke: I can tell you like them. How about you tell me what you want me to do to you?
Calvin: I'd be perfectly content with you holding me in your arms until I fell asleep while staring into those beautiful blue eyes of yours.
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