calistapledger · 7 years
The Story Of Calista: A Masterlist
If you are observant enough you’ll see that all the titles are song titles so I’ll make a playlist for Cal soon with all these songs and link it here soon. [Also I got lazy with chronological timeline order when posting so in this list it’s all in order]
Cal’s Playlist
Illea’s Daughter [Cal’s Newsletter]
Issue #1
Issue #2
Issue #3
Issue #4
About Me/Cal
Practice Challenge 1: What I Was Born To Do
Practice Challenge 2: Legally Blind
The Selection
First Interview/Impression: A Very Nice Prince
Challenge 1/The Ball: Something Bad Is Happening 
Challenge 2/ First Dates: Chip On My Shoulder 
Elimination: Goodbye Love 
Post Selection 
When Will My Life Begin 
The Thrill of First Love 
Days Like This 
Moving To Mars 
Results Reaction: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun 
Forever and Always 
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calistapledger · 7 years
Forever and Always
[A/N: @ariciaeast @debbieker @theiahuntley @emmalynatwood @madelynknightoftheselection (I don’t even know if Maddie is active anymore) this is a little late, I was supposed to post this on Halloween to spook y’all. Better late than never. Special mention to @isabellafaulkner and @evadne-leventhorpe for making cameos in this; they were the only ones to know about this little project. Anyways when you get to the lyric bit, you should play This.]
I was officially all moved in and we couldn't be happier. Our relationship was flourishing, we were both independent and doing our own things. College was fantastic and I'm so close to graduating, I could almost taste it. To celebrate my moving in with Aly, I decided to cook for us. Both of us were capable but I hated it so mostly Aly would cook for us over the weekends. I only cook for him on special occasions and this was one.
I knew how much he loved his Grandma’s dishes so I called her up for some family recipes. For our starters, I made Granny Costas’ Special Stifado which was a Greek stew typically made from meat (I chose beef because Aly and I are nuts for that), tomatoes, onions and herbs. Granny told me that he adored Keftedes, meatballs cooked with herbs and onions. Being the Asian I was, I needed that to accompany rice so I picked out a Greek rice dish called Spanakorizo off the Internet. It was spinach and rice cooked in lemon and olive oil sauce.
It was tedious but with the help of my aids, I was able to recreate Granny’s recipes just as he came home. I stood by our dining table with my scarlet dress on that he loves so much with a huge grin on my face. The door opened and I could barely contain my excitement. I was going to greet him when he slammed the front door. His footsteps sounded sluggish and he kept breathing out sighs of frustration. I dropped my grin and walked towards his silhouette.
“What's wrong, darling?” I felt his body tense when I hugged him. The tension of his fists clenching and unclenching thumping against me worried me.
“I don't want to talk about it.”
“Okay.” I nodded understandingly. I'll coax it out of him eventually. I felt my way up his neck and undid his tie before guiding him towards the dinner table.
“I made you a spread, straight from Granny Costas’ Family Recipes. I'm kind of mad you never introduced me to your cultural food.” I teased, hoping to cheer him up. All I got was a halfhearted snort. I took my place across him and we dug in.
“How was work?” He sighed again.
“I rather not talk about it.”
“Alright, what do you want to talk about?” He took a bite of his food, the food sliding down his throat was evidence enough.
“How about how you made this delicious meal all by yourself?” He exclaimed and I giggled. There's my Alystair. We discussed how Granny had to explain over and over until I had it committed to memory. It helped that Aly didn't move any of his cooking supplied so I easily navigated all the ingredients. I took my time and I consider it a miracle that I didn't burn down the house. We kept the conversation light and soon decided to call it a night.
As I snuggled up next to him, I nudged him.
“Are you sure you don't want to talk about it? I mean isn't this what it is to have a relationship; to support each other during the hard times. Please tell me what's wrong.” I even widened my eyes innocently. He sighed resigned and caved. He held me tighter when he started to explain.
“I'm being drafted.” My whole world came crashing down with those three little words.
“What?! But you're the Captain! You should be deploying soldiers for the draft not being deployed.”
“Darling, I'm only a Captain. I have higher authorities to answer to. It's a small dispute in North Africa, because Melody Nolan messed up the dinner party that doubled as a Treaty Dinner and they want to put a stop to it before it blows into a full on war.” Typical, there had to be repercussions of those who had failed to do their dinners. Why did my boyfriend had to get dragged into this though? I couldn't do anything at this point so I sighed, defeated.
“When do you leave?” I asked tiredly.
Please be a year or more.
“Next week. They want to shut it down as soon as possible. I'm sorry.” I couldn't respond. I just turned on my side and forced myself to wake up from this twisted dream. I just got him, I can't lose him now. He understood and hugged me from behind. He held me as I cried myself to sleep.
The week had come and gone. He was at the door with all his bags packed. I looked at him resentfully. “Don't go.” I pleaded. He simply hugged me tightly. “I love you, I'll be back. I promise you I'm going to be safe.” With one last kiss, he was gone.
She's sitting at the table The hours getting later And he's supposed to be here She's sure he would have called
I was making myself Keftedes with Spanakorizo because it was a day I particularly missed him.  I sat by the table waiting for the rice to cook and checked the time with my shades. 5pm, any minute now he’d call.
She waits a little longer There's no one in the driveway No one’s said they’d seen him Why is something wrong?
She looks back to the window, Suddenly the phone rings A voice said something's happened And she should come right now
I'm sure he was delayed, I assured myself while staring at the phone. Its blurry silhouette mocked me. I paged Emory, his best friend who was in North Africa with him. Not five minutes after I paged Emory, the phone rang and I turned away from the window.
“Calista? It's Emory, you need to get to Angeles General as soon as you can. Aly is in critical condition.” I was shaking as I assured him I’d be there and hung up. We just fell in love and moved in together. He can't be taken away from me this soon. I breathed to calm myself down. I gave myself a few moments of silence.
Her mind goes to December She thinks of when he asked her He bent down on his knee first and he said

I want you forever Forever and Always Through the good and the bad and the ugly We'll grow old together Forever and Always.
I thought back to Christmas. It wasn't exactly a proposal because we knew we didn't want to rush into anything. But he did give me a promise ring and we pretended it was an actual engagement.
I'll never forget what he said to me.
“I want you forever, forever and always. Through the good and the bad and the ugly. We'll grow old together, forever and always.” I thought it was sweet for the first two lines until I realised and gave him a deadpan look.
“You did not just quote my favourite band to me.” He chuckled sheepishly. I shoved him playfully, laughing. Afterwhich we popped the champagne and had a little dance in our apartment. It was silly but that step forward meant a lot to us.
I fiddled with my ring until I calmed myself long enough to call Izzy. She was the only one in town and my first instinct was to call her. She could make me feel better in any situation. Without hesitation, she came to my rescue. As she manically drove me to the hospital, I texted the rest of the Breakfast Club and Vad the situation, to keep my hands from shaking so violently. Izzy offered me words of comfort until we reached there.
She pulls up to the entrance She walks up to the front desk They lead her down a million halls A maze that's never ending
They talk about what happened But she can barely hear them She tries to keep a straight face As she walks into the room
I burst in dramatically, as Izzy guided me to the front desk. “I'm looking for Alystair Costas. I'm his wife.” I fibbed. Before the lady could tell me, Emory called out to me. “Cal! I'm so glad you're here.” He pulled me into a tight hug. I was taken back, Emory wasn't one for affections. This made me even more nervous about Aly’s condition. I started peeling at my nails. Then a new voice chimed in. “Miss Ledger? I'm Alystair’s Doctor. He's been asking for you. Allow me to explain his condition
” Her voice faded away, I just wanted to see him.
She must have caught the desperate expression I wore and gave me a gentle smile before guiding me to his room. Izzy assured me that she'd wait outside since the room didn't permit more than two visitors. I needed to be brave for him so I relaxed my facial muscles, made myself cool and collected before following the doctor into his room.
She sits by his bed side Holding his hand too tight Talk about the kids they're gonna have And the good life The house on the hillside Where they would stay

Stay there forever, Forever and Always Through the good and the bad and the ugly They'll grow old together And always remember Whether for rich or for poor or better They'll still love each other
Forever and Always
“Hi stranger.” I say softly as I sit down by his bed. “Hi, love.” He says hoarsely. I sense him smiling and instinctively hold on to his hand tightly. A habit I developed recently whenever I get scared. He reached out to cup my face but gasped and made a quick movement which I assumed to be a wince.
“Hey, take it easy. I need you to be strong for when we make kids.” I teased, wanting to take both of our minds off the situation at hand. He chuckled weakly but winced again.
“I thought you didn't want kids.” “Well I change my mind so get better and give me Mini Alys soon!” “The apartment is too small for a family.” He played along and his voice was gaining strength.
“We could get a house on the hillside. Kind of like the rolling hills in Sound of Music.” I continued the fantasy. It distracted both of us from our respective pains and it was nice to just hold his hand and talk about our future without a care in the world.
“Of course, how do you solve a problem like Calista?” He sang softly. I gave him a faux pout. “Hey! I'm not all that bad.” He reached out cautiously this time to tuck a lock of hair behind my ear and pulled me closer to him. He pressed his lips against mine and I felt the tears coming on. Why did he have to go and do that? It was like he was saying goodbye. I pulled away first and put on my ‘happy’ voice.
“So this hillside house, I want us to stay there forever. Until we die, like how cool would it be to grow old together and be buried there where we can haunt it from the grave!” He gave a raspy laugh to that. It didn't seem to have hurt him and that in itself was a relief.
“Darling, we'd have to get married before the kids and house.” He pointed out. Always the practical one, I smiled at him tenderly.
On cue, Vad barged through the door with Izzy and Emory trailing behind her.
“I'm here!” She rushed over to envelope me in a bear hug. I quickly try to tangle Aly out of it, seeing he needed the space. Izzy joined in and burrowed my face into their shoulders as I allowed the tears leak out. They rubbed my back and whispered comforting words. After I pulled myself together, I pulled back and smiled, relieved to have them here for moral support.
Then she gets an idea And calls in the nurses And brings up the chaplain And he says a couple verses She borrowed some rings from the couple next door Everybody’s laughing as the tears fall on the floor
I scanned the room realising that two of my best friends and Aly’s best friend were here - sure, it wasn't the same without the rest of the Breakfast Club but I had to make do.
‘Darling, we’d have to get married.’ Echoed through my mind before the lightbulb lit up. I excitedly exited the room, leaving everyone in a state of confusion. I called up the nurses and relayed my plan to her. She smiled kindly and patted my hand, telling me that she'd follow through. That's when I knew he was a goner. I swallowed as I packed away that miserable thought.
The nurse showed up with the chaplin moments later. Vad came up to me with rings,
“You're lucky I have a private jet and was getting my parents’ rings resized.” I thanked her with all my heart before returning back to Aly’s room gleefully. I smile cheekily, holding up the rings and gesturing to the priest. Izzy gasped while Emory caught on and laughed. I went to his bedside with the help of Izzy and sat down. I shot off instructions. Asking Emory to stand by Aly’s side as his best man while Izzy and Vad were my maids of honour. The priest stood in front of us and began the ceremony.
She looks into his eyes and she says

I want you forever Forever and Always Through the good and the bad and the ugly We'll grow old together
And always remember Whether happy or sad or whatever We'll still love each other Forever and Always Forever and Always
“I want you forever, Alystair Ajax Costas. Through the good, bad and the ugly times. We'll grow old together.” I insisted on the together bit before continuing, “Always remember, whether happy, sad or whatever, we’ll still love each other. Forever and always, that's a promise, Alystair.” I kept my voice fierce and steady. There was no way I was going to let him go without a fight.
She finishes the vows But the beeps are getting too slow His voice is almost too low
As he says

Just as I had my last word, his heart rate seemed to have slowed. My eyes glanced back and forth from his face to the machine. He lets out a violent cough. He regains himself and slips his hand up my cheek, cupping my face so gently, you’d think I was the fragile one.
I love you forever Forever and Always Please just remember Even if I'm not there, I'll always love you Forever and Always
He rasps out his vows and I grip his hand tightly, as if that was the only thing tethering him to this world. We exchange the rings. I’m shaking as he slides mine onto my finger. We just sit there, our hands clasped together. We said everything that needed to be said and yet, I broke down crying when I heard the long beep.
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calistapledger · 7 years
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calistapledger · 7 years
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The Calystair Apartment
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calistapledger · 7 years
Moving To Mars
Three months later, I’m starting a new term at AU (Angeles Uni). While I was supposed to be excited, I was groaning in frustration instead. The administration office informed me that the Uni was increasing their dorm fees. My parents could easily pay for it and they offered to the previous term. I turned them down because I needed to my prove my independence. Even with the balance of my Selection pension - the town had more than enough funds to fix their housing problems - it wasn’t enough for the dorm fees.
There was one other option...
Were we even ready? I didn’t want to move in with him out of convenience, it had to be a step we wanted to take together. A step that we are both ready for.  I sighed, exasperated before returning to reality. I looked at the receptionist and told her to take me off their dorm billing list. I went off to find Eurus.
I barged into his room, flipping off his roommates’ wolf whistles. I stopped, not knowing where he was. He had two other roommates - it was a big room. As mad as Eurus and I get with each other, we always looked out for each other.
“I’m over here, just keep walking until I say stop.” Moments later, he indicated to me to stop. I caught a glimpse of his silhouette and turned to face him. “We’re talking now?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Don’t be smart, that’s my thing. Yes, we’re talking now, and I need to move in with you.”
“Yeah!” His neanderthal roomies cheered.   “Eff off! That's my sister!” “You know you can swear, I won't tell Mom and Dad.”
“Sorry, sis. I can't let you move in because the Uni doesn't allow girls and boys to room together - even if they are siblings. Jay already asked when he wanted to room with Lana Peters. As if he could pass them off as siblings.” I rolled my eyes at the antics my brother and his friends get up to. I just sighed, defeated and left, after promising to catch up with him one of these days. I was lugging around my things and wandered around campus before settling in the cafeteria.
I jumped at the sound of someone plopping on to the seat across me. A familiar, gentle hand reached out to soothe me.
“It's only me, darling.” Shit. I scrambled to hide my bags. “I know.” With that short phrase, I stopped short. I am going to kill Eurus. I realised I said that last part out when Aly chuckled. “Don't kill him, he was doing me a favour. Now, why didn't you tell me that you couldn't stay in the dorms anymore?” He was kind about it, knowing that I was disgruntled by this situation.
“You know why.” “Enlighten me.”
I throw my hands up in the air, exasperated. “I don't think we are ready to move in together.” I blurt out harshly. His silence was terrifying. I opened my mouth to defend myself when he spoke. “You're practically over all the time, just move in with me. It would be a convenience for everyone.” My face twisted into an ugly grimace. This is exactly why I didn't want to move in.
Moving in is a milestone in a relationship you take with careful consideration and truly wanting not out of convenience. I relay this to him and he could only chuckle. I give him a pointed look. “I'm glad my dating philosophies are a joke to you.” He clasps our hands together. “You know that's not what I meant. You're so adorable when you take things like this so seriously. How about thinking of it as a sleepover? And if you find another place, you can move out anytime you like.”
I tapped my chin and thought it over. I knew he used the analogy to put my nerves at ease but the more I thought it over, the more I liked the idea of it.
“Okay. Just know that if you break my heart, I'll be heartbroken and homeless.” I say seriously before bursting into laughter.
“Duly noted, darling.”
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calistapledger · 7 years
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Cal's Playlist
Fic Titles/Soundtrack
What I Was Born To Do [Bring It On]
Legally Blonde (Blind) [Legally Blonde]
A Very Nice Prince [Into The Woods]
Something Bad Is Happening [Falsettos]
Chip On My Shoulder [Legally Blonde]
Goodbye Love [Rent]
When Will My Life Begin [Tangled]
The Thrill of First Love [Falsettos]
Days Like This [Falsettos]
Moving To Mars [Coldplay]
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun [Miley Cyrus]
Cal's Songs
All I Want Is Everything [Victorious]
So Much Better [Legally Blonde]
[Note: This is a constantly growing and evolving playlist, everytime I post a new fic I'll update this with the song title the fic is named after and also feel free to suggest any songs that remind you of Cal]
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calistapledger · 7 years
Now 80 pages and 36k words. With the storyline I have planned, including the birth of Calystair’s babies, I might go over 100 pages.
Fun Fact
I have dedicated 73 pages and 33k plus words to Cal’s story. That’s amazing and for my amazing friends who love reading about Calystair @isabellafaulkner @ariciaeast @debbieker @evadne-leventhorpe I will keep adding on to her story. Also look out for a Results Reaction ficlet; I’ll be posting it soon, I’m currently transcribing the rp texts.
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calistapledger · 7 years
The Story Of Calista: A Masterlist
If you are observant enough you’ll see that all the titles are song titles so I’ll make a playlist for Cal soon with all these songs and link it here soon. [Also I got lazy with chronological timeline order when posting so in this list it’s all in order]
Cal’s Playlist
Illea’s Daughter [Cal’s Newsletter]
Issue #1
Issue #2
Issue #3
Issue #4
About Me/Cal
Practice Challenge 1: What I Was Born To Do
Practice Challenge 2: Legally Blind
The Selection
First Interview/Impression: A Very Nice Prince
Challenge 1/The Ball: Something Bad Is Happening 
Challenge 2/ First Dates: Chip On My Shoulder 
Elimination: Goodbye Love 
Post Selection 
When Will My Life Begin 
The Thrill of First Love 
Days Like This 
Moving To Mars 
Results Reaction: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun 
Forever and Always 
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calistapledger · 7 years
Days Like This
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I was curled up by Aly’s side, my head resting on his upper arm and knees tucked into my body comfortably. His music floated calmly across the room from the music player. I had my eyes closed lazily, taking in the serene atmosphere. Aly was reading our favourite book - The Storied Life of AJ Fikry - out loud. “We aren’t the things we collect, acquire, read. We are, for as long as we are here, only love. The things we loved. The people we loved. And these, I think these really do live on.” That was an appropriate paragraph and I couldn't help but think back to the Selection. I'm not my condition, I'm not defined by my relationship with Dom in the Selection and I'm most definitely my friends’ companion and Aly’s partner. I'm an inventor and a training engineer. I snuggled closer to him, before interrupting him. “Days like this make me believe that I can be truly happy.” I sighed, contently. “Were you not happy before?” He teased. “You know what I mean.” I paused momentarily, before taking the plunge, “I love you.” I needed him to know. It was a long time coming. While books told me it had to be done in a special moment, I learnt that isn't so. You tell them when you're ready, and expect nothing in return. I expected nothing from Aly, yet it unnerved me when he came to a still.
“What's wrong? You don't have to say it back -” He cupped my face and kissed me. He poured all of his love into that one kiss. “I didn't think you'd say it first. It caught me off guard. I love you too, Cal.” I sighed, contently. I leaned on his arm once again as he continued reading. “It is the secret fear that we are unlovable that isolates us,” the passage goes, “but it is only because we are isolated that we think we are unlovable. Someday, you do not know when, you will be driving down a road. And someday, you do not know when, he, or indeed she, will be there. You will be loved because for the first time in your life, you will truly not be alone. You will have chosen to not be alone.” I couldn't never truly feel alone with Aly around.
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calistapledger · 7 years
Prince applications
We will be taking applications for the next prince. An outline for the information you should give us has been created.
Basics Full Name (and reasons behind the name if any): Nickname: Age (19-21): Sexuality: Caste: Occupation: Appearance Hair(style, length, color): Eyes (color, shape, lashes): Body Type (height, weight, body type): General Appearance (including face shape): Face Claim/Look Alike: Ethnicity: Personality Stuff Personality (At least 4 Sentences): Background/History: Likes: Dislikes/Fears: Talents/Stengths: Weaknesses: If you could explain his fatal flaws, what would it be?: Dreams/Aspirations: Romantic History: Thoughts about the Selection: How does he treat the palace staff: What is his Ideal First Date: Describe his Dream Girl: How well does he speak publicly, especially during the Reports: Quotes (applicable to him/things he’d most likely say): Relationships Who is his Family: Who are his Exes: Who are his Friends: Who are Enemies: Character Building Information(all optional, but highly recommended) If a Person disagrees with him, how would he react: What does Your Character Have in Their Fridge? What does Their Room Look Like? What Would Their Room in the Palace Look Like(aside from the basics)? Favorite Vacation Place? Favorite Color/Food/Drink/Book/Movie/Animal/Holiday? Right or Left Handed? Most Treasured Possession? What is their daily routine before the day starts? What would they like to be remembered for after their death? Instruments Played: Fun Stuff Introverted or Extroverted: Which Option Would They Pick in Truth or Dare and Why?: Superlative (Think yearbooks, what would they be most likely voted as): Spirit Animal or Plant (yes, I’ve heard it all): What Would They Do with 1,000,000 Dollars?: Heads or Tails?: Do They Dream in Color or Black or White?: Thoughts/Opinions on Selfie Taking: Sum Up Your Prince in One Word: For the Creator Name: Tumblr Account: Age: Are you studying?: (If Applicable) Would School/Work affect your ability to participate this OC: Reason for Entering as the Prince: Why should he be the chosen Prince: How Available would you be to be the Prince:
Please answer as much information as you can in a word document and share/email it to [email protected]. If you do not have a gmail you may copy and paste the questions and send us your answers over tumblr directly.  
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calistapledger · 7 years
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episode 5 season 2
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calistapledger · 7 years
The Thrill of First Love
A/N: This actually takes place before the reaction fic but it was still a work in progress when I posted the reaction. I’ll post a masterlist of all the pics in chronological order tomorrow. Props to anyone who can guess which fave book character inspired Cal to become an inventor (hint: the character is from a beloved children’s book series that became Netflix series recently). Tagging @isabellafaulkner, @ariciaeast, @debbieker and @evadne-leventhorpe beause I know they loveee reading about Calystair.
I settled in college perfectly well. The workload was rather intensive but I knew what I was signing up for when I sent in my application. The experience was made even better when I was given the most helpful professors who were willing to go over the lesson again after the class in case I missed anything. I had easy going acquaintances but never anyone to truly open up to until Eurus showed up. Yes, Eurus Ledger, my annoying little brother or best friend since birth. It really depends on my mood.
I had finished a successful term and I was all ready for my second term. I breathed in the fresh air of the college campus as I made my way to my Creative Writing class. Engineering was my major but it didn't hurt to deepen my love for my hobby. I was minding my own business when I heard a loud thud slump next to me.
“Hey sis.” Came his sultry voice. Did he really have to use the flirty tone with me? I jumped in my seat before turning to his direction. “What are you doing here?” Wasn't he off parading as a model? He came close enough to show off his grin and I pursed my lips in a tight smile. “Mom and dad said that if I was gonna be a model I’d have to get a formal education for after my looks fade.” He fainted dramatically on my lap. What a baby. I rolled my eyes before pulling him up.
“Okay...that doesn't explain why you're here.”
“Oh please, you aren't the only one who got Mom’s brains. Besides Angeles Uni is near where I work, Cal.” He scoffed. I raised an eyebrow. “Where exactly do you work?” “We aren't called the Angeles Angels for fun, sis.” Have I been so caught up with my life here that I've completely shut out my brothers? He must have caught the guilty expression I wore and chuckled.
“I forgive you, sis. Let's get together for lunch to catch up. Now pay attention, class’s starting.” New friends can be nice but there’s nothing like reconciling with your best friend.
Lunch had another surprise awaiting me. Eurus and I walked laughing over Zephy starting a food fight in school. Father had turned red as a fire truck when the school called him up. Seems like Zeph is going a rebel phrase. I was laughing and the next thing I know I'm in Aly’s arms. His aftershave was always too prominent for me to ignore. He kisses me and I hear Eurus making a gagging noise. Real mature, E. In retaliation, I stuck out my tongue in his direction. I smooth over Aly's shirt and grin up at my boyfriend.
“This is the best surprise. How did you manage to get off work?”
“There's only a few girls left in the competition so security isn't as tight as it used to be. I managed to get Emory to cover for me.” Trusty Emory, he was Aly’s second in command and always reliable. “I also realised it's due time that we went out on a real date.” 
I gasped, I’d been so busy with college that I didn't realise Aly and I hadn't gone on a real date. Before I could excitedly agree, Eurus cleared his throat behind me. I internally groaned. I did promise him that we'd catch up during lunch. I turned to smile at him before going back to my boyfriend.
“I promised Eurus we'd have lunch. Aly, this is my kid brother and best friend, Eurus. E, this is Aly, my -” “The guy who ruined your chances of becoming Queen.” My brother sneered. “Excuse me?” I was completely caught off guard. I didn't know E cared so much about the Selection. “You could have had a better life, Cal.” I have never heard my brother be this upset before, it was unnerving to see him so. I could tell Aly was too stunned to say anything, his breathing was all messed up.
“I am having a better life! Dominic would have probably stuck me in that cage in a prison of a dress, playing shadow to his rule! Here I'm with the man I love and going to Uni, something I never thought possible without Aly and my friends suggesting it. So don't you dare talk to him like that, E.” I was seething. It was not fair to Aly to be yelled at just because Dominic was a douche and I didn't like him. Eurus could only scoff bitterly.
“That doesn’t mean I have to like this one.” “His name is Alystair and you will treat him like a person but I understand. I owe you lunch so I’ll meet you at the cafeteria.” I waited for him to be out of earshot before turning to Aly.
“I’m so sorry he did that, it completely blindsided me.” I giggled softly at the pun, “Pun intended. I’ll meet you after lunch, alright?” I kissed him goodbye and headed off to find my brother. Lucky for me, E caught me as soon as I made a pass for the cafeteria. I loved being independant and all, navigating the campus on my own but sometimes it was nice having someone to guide me around.
“I’m not going to pretend I’m not upset with you. That was completely uncalled for, I thought you thought the Selection was a joke?” Was the first thing I said to him when we sat down. I knew he was rolling his eyes. “We all saw how happy you were at the Palace. And to throw it all away for that guard, was a waste.” I narrowed my eyes at him when he spat out the word ‘guard’.
“Being a guard is not beneath you, Eurus. In fact, they are a caste above you, you will do well to remember that. I did not throw it away for a guard, why can’t you believe that I’m truly happy? You know what, I thought I could do this without being furious with you but I am. I need to cool off. Let’s take a raincheck on this lunch.” With that, I stormed out of the dining hall. The nerve my brother had to act this way. I exited the campus, and always there when I needed him was Aly, waiting for me.
“I knew you couldn’t talk to him while you were still upset. Are you okay to go on a real date?” He pulled me closer to his side, comfortingly. I leaned in gratefully and nodded. I just needed to be whisked away and pampered today. I knew I could trust Aly to do just that. We got into the car and next thing I know, I hear waves crashing against the sand. I have never heard a more lovely sound at the moment. The sea breeze hit my face as soon as I stepped out of the car. I inhaled deeply, taking it all in.
“Now I know you can’t see how lovely the water looks but I know how much you love the sound of waves crashing and the smell of the sea. So I thought the beach would be a perfect place for our first date.” I practically tackled him with my hug. I thanked him over and over before kissing him all over. We giggled as we clumsily made our way to a table he had someone set up for us. I felt extremely fancy, and couldn’t stop grinning.
“Hello, I’m Jeeves and I’ll be your personal waiter for the day.” A personal waiter! He really shouldn’t have. Once Jeeves was away, collecting our drink selection, I pounced on Aly.
“You shouldn’t have spent so much on me!” He slipped his hand on top of mine, sneakily. “I wanted to so don’t protest. Just enjoy it.” I huffed before giving in. Jeeves brought us our drink selection; I opted for cider while Aly settled for red wine. Then came out a full course meal, I could barely keep up. They were hard to keep track of so I just focused on the most important thing: My date.
“How do we go about this? This isn’t exactly a proper first date, we know so much about each other.” I asked, I didn’t want to royally screw this up like I did my last first date. He reached out and rubbed my shoulder, comfortingly.
“Hey, relax. It’s just me. And you know I’ll definitely be more interactive than your last date.” We laughed at that. I wondered how my friends were faring, being in the Elite. Half of us managed to get in and I was so proud of them, I just hope Dominic wouldn’t break their hearts. I thought about what Aly and I could talk about when it hit me.
“You just lit up, what brilliant idea do you have now?” I heard the smile in his voice. “I realised you only know so much about me is because of all the media exposure I’ve gotten from the Selection. We’ve never really talked about your life before the palace. I only know you were a Five and you played the violin. I’ll be honest, I pegged you to be a pianist.”
“A pianist? With these hands?” He snorted as he splayed out his fingers towards me. I took them in my own hands and fiddled with them “I happen to like these hands, thank you very much.” I stuck my tongue at him before continuing, “Well, tell me more! I want to know all about your life.”
He was quiet for a moment and I could hear the gears turning in his head. He was probably putting it all together in his head coherently.
“Where do I even begin?”
I can tell you firsthand, Alystair Ajax Costas has had an interesting life. His Grandfather is the Royal General and his Mother was Major Anya Costas, next in line to be General after the General retires. Before that could happen, Anya fell in love with Aly’s father, Ajax. Of course General Costas didn’t approve of the match, seeing that she was a Two and his father was a painter, a Five. Anya didn’t care for her father’s opinion and ran off with her lover. She became a Five and soon had Aly, Alice and later Ambrose. I didn’t even know he had a brother until now. He simply chuckled when I relayed this to him.
He was raised in a loving household full of art and music - his mother picked up the piano soon after marrying Ajax. So I was right about him having pianist fingers, it was literally in his blood. At some point in his youth, he became fascinated with the Royal Guards and his mother eventually revealed to him that he came from a long line of Royal Generals, Majors and Captains. Immediately, he was taken to living up to that dream and begged his mother to take him to see his Grandfather. Long story short, his Grandfather was too happy to see his grandson and offered him a position right away. The General never really forgave Anya for her life choices but they were civil now.
“Within the next five years, I’m looking to be Major Costas.” That was a wonderful life story and I was completely enticed.
“Oh, that was a treat! I want to know more! How did you decide that you wanted to play the violin instead of going into arts?” “How did you know you wanted to be an inventor?” He countered, teasingly, “It was a gut feeling, although I always knew I was meant for something bigger.”
“You’re wrong, it wasn’t a gut feeling for me. A favourite book character inspired my want to be an inventor and with Uncle Ro, it all fell into place.” I finished the last of my dessert and propped my elbows up on the table, resting my face on my fists.
“Now tell me more about Ambrose! I can’t believe you never told me about him.” “He never came up.” “You could have just been, ‘Hey, this is Alice, we have little Ambrose back at the mansion.’” I dropped my voice really low to mimic him but failed miserably.
“I do not sound like that!” He grinned goofily, I could tell, his voice lightened up but then continued to tell me more about his brother. Ambrose dabbled in both music and art. He was a painter and photographer; he usually melded the two mediums together, and played all sorts of instruments beautifully.
“He’s gay as well so we can set him up with Eurus, if that would earn me brownie points.” I froze momentarily at that statement. Aly seemed to notice and froze with me. “Did I say something wrong? I didn’t mean to offend you.” “What are you going on about, you nutter? I’m pansexual, remember? I’m completely fine with gay people, it just never occurred to me that Eurus could be gay.”
“Ah.” With that one word, I could tell how relieved my boyfriend was.
“It makes sense.” I shrugged and we moved on. Eventually we were done with our meal and getting to know one another for the day. We decided to call it a day. We stood up and I sincerely thanked him for a wonderful date. He kissed my hand like a perfect gentleman in response. I simply rolled my eyes and pulled him to me.
When we kissed, it felt like the very first time. My chest was exploding with fireworks and I felt completely at home. He smelled like the sea breeze that had washed over him during the last few hours we spent at the beach. He tasted of chocolates and I couldn’t get enough.
“Now, that was a proper thank you.” He laughed when we pulled away. “Take me out more often. There’s more where that came from.” I winked at him.
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calistapledger · 7 years
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183 notes · View notes
calistapledger · 7 years
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Yale University, Old Campus
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calistapledger · 7 years
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my campus is so pretty
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calistapledger · 7 years
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calistapledger · 7 years
I want to do this sooo ask away!
Although here are some of my limitations: I don't think I can do one person show from a movie or play I can do a British accent, and speak really badly in Tamil.
[OOC: Anything related to memories or personal stories is gonna be as Calista; technically everything is Calista]
Voice Ask Meme!
I think hearing people’s voices is really cool, but I haven’t found a voice meme I’m happy with, so I wanted to make my own! 
Here’s how the game is played: If you want to hear me do any of these, just send me the number(s) you want to hear and I’ll make an audio post! Include whatever specifics you’d like to hear me do in the ask - these are more guidelines than actual rules. Basically, it’s just like any other ask meme, only I speak the answers instead of typing them out!
1) Give an introduction! 
Put specifics in the ask
2) Read a poem!
Feel free to specify a poem in the ask
3) Read a passage from your favorite book or fanfiction. Alternatively, do a one-person-show of a scene from a movie or play. 
Feel free to suggest a passage or scene in the ask. If you want me to do a dramatic reading of Green Eggs and Ham, I will. 
4) Tell a joke. (Preferably a really bad one)
5) Tell a story from your childhood. 
Feel free to suggest a story in the ask, like asking me about the first time I did x, y, or z!
6) Tell me about the most exciting thing you’ve ever done or would like to do. 
7)  Tell two truths and a lie, so that people have to guess which is true. 
8) Give an instructions on how to preform a task of the asker’s choosing. 
Example: If the ask says “teach me how to dougie,” you must give vocal instructions on how to dougie. 
9) Can you record yourself speaking in different languages/accents?
10) Sing a song, if you dare!
Feel free to suggest a song in the ask! (If I don’t know the song, I might sing you something else instead, but I promise it will still be worth your while.)
Feel free to reblog so more people can play!
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