calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
☆°✧; –––––  𝔫𝔬𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔞 𝔡𝔢 𝔩𝔲𝔠𝔞 // .
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NOAH: UGH i wish NOAH: he’s like the most well behaved dog i’ve ever walked NOAH: cheddar and pickle would FLIP if i brought him home lmao
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callie: oh wow. and he’s tiny! pocket sized! callie: like you! callie: yeah, pickle just got back so i don ‘t want to piss him off.
➤  :  𝓼𝓷𝓪𝓹 . ⌊ from NOAH. ⌉
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
☆°✧; –––––  𝔧𝔞𝔰𝔭𝔢𝔯 𝔠𝔥𝔬𝔦 // .
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The chain was still oddly sentimental, belonging to his father and all but it wasn’t nearly as heartbreaking losing that than it would be if he lost the ring. “I think that’s a little harsh, but you get your point across… As they continued walking, he noticed how she didn’t meet his eyes once the entire walk back to his car. “I’m glad that he didn’t do any worse… Holding you back seems like a lot of work…”
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“yeah yeah. you can take the girl out of the south side and all that shit.” she waved her hands in front of her. “i just hate bullies.” she groans, her anger gone by now. “yeah, well, i work out.” she looked up at jasper and winked at him, linking her arm with his and letting out a sigh.
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
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“Thank you…” He muttered under his breath before putting the ring back in his pocket. “I’ll be fine, it’s just a game and it’s just a chain that can get replaced… The ring didn’t ge fucked up so that’s all that matters- the real question is if you’re okay? You got pretty heated for a second, I thought I was going to have to hold you back…”
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“i’m glad it was just the chain. or else i would have thrown him in lake michigan with a cinder-block tied to his feet.” callie’s eyes narrowed as they walked, not meeting jaspers eyes. “oh, i’m fine. if he had done any worse you would have tried to hold me back, but it probably wouldn’t happen.” she elbowed him, a smile on her face.
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
“Superior? You were the one who brought up money.” Lola scoffed, not actually seeing what the big deal was. “I was busy with texts from work, I already said it was my fault. Well you’re a little nosy huh?” She said pulling back when the other girl looked at her bags then rolling her eyes when trying to mimic her voice. “Right like you didn’t start with your ‘payless’ comment.“
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“just because i said something about money doesn’t mean i want you to pity me and give me cash because you almost feel bad.” callie rolled her eyes. “all i wanted was a genuine apology. but instead you gave a half assed one, and kept walking like nothing happened. ya know, before you were concerned about your ugly shoes.” she spit, looked at the other girl. “i’m over this. move along.”
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
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NOAH: look at this PUPPY i get to walk every wednesday NOAH: he’s an angel NOAH: and he loves cuddles
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callie: oh my god. callie: bring him home. callie: steal him.
➤  :  𝓼𝓷𝓪𝓹 . ⌊ from NOAH. ⌉
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
“Wow, I was just trying to be nice. You said it was like fifty bucks worth of stuff didn’t you?“ The blonde mused putting her hands up playfully a small grin on her lips. “Seriously take it for your-” She looked around at the floor not knowing what any of this was for. “your bakery? Bake sale? I’m not sure.”
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“that wasn’t you trying to help me and you know it. that was you thinking you're superior to me.” callie laughed. “if i hadnt flipped out you would have kept walking. in your expensive little shoes, with your weird costume fetish or whatever.” she waved her hand, peeking into the bag in her hand. “that little comment? ‘but I wouldn’t expect you to know anything about that’.” callie mocked her, her voice high pitched and whiny.
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
finn knew callie had tough skin which was part of the reason he loved giving her so much shit. “don’t knock it till you try it cal,” finn warned, smirking at the girl. he glanced down at his shirt, trying to see if there were any ash remnants we’re on him. “oh shit,” finn laughed, seeing the tiny black stain on his jeans. “i accidentally ashed the joint on myself last night.” the memory slowly emerged from the back of his mind. he pulled callie in for a hug, knowing she had to be grimacing the entire time. “even though i know noah had to convince you to do that, i’ll accept it,” finn commented, ruffling her hair like she was a little kid. “they’ll be gone by morning, no doubt. when are you going to smoke with noah and me anyways?”
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“what, you think i’ve never been to a strip club?” callie laughed. “jesus, finn you’re gonna light yourself on fire someday. is it burned through? i can patch it if you need me to.” she stated, her motherly instinct showing it’s teeth again. callie squealed as finn wrapped her up in a hug. “you’re all dirty!” she laughed, her voice still high and shrill, but a smile on her face. “she might have suggested it.” callie murmured to finn. “seriously though! tell me what you think!” she exclaimed. “i’m trying to get this baking thing down pat. “when you get your lazy ass out of your apartment and come to mine.”
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
“Don’t worry they didn’t and they’re mui mui’s but I wouldn’t expect you to know anything about that.“ Lola hadn’t even bought them herself it was a gift from one of her guys. The blonde opened up her wallet going through the money and gave the other a 50. “Here keep the change.“ 
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callie rolled her eyes, seeing the type of girl she was dealing with. one who cares about her designer shoes and getting new blonde highlights. callie was the kind of girl who worried about putting food on the table for her siblings. probably something this girl never had to worry about. “you know what?” she stood up, calm as she could. “take that fifty dollars and shove it up your ass.” she spoke quietly moving closer to the girl with each word. “you’re not worth it.”
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
“Pinche mierda.“ The blonde muttered stepping in all the food that had fallen on the floor ruining the bottom of her heels. She picked up her foot for a moment to look at the damage it had done on her shoes before looking up at the red head. Lola wasn’t the kind of person to get in between someone trying to make their money so she let out a sigh. “How much is your shift?”
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“oh i’m sorry! did my groceries ruin your heels?” callie gasped, a scowl on her face as she watched the other girl focused on her shoes. “i’m sure they have more at payless!” the growl slipped out of her, her mouth moving faster than her brain as she tried to grab what food wasn’t ruined. “48.50.” she responded, her eyes narrowing at the other girl.
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
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He looked down and breathed, “I know it’s not okay, okay? I just- I can’t have that kind of conflict on my team… I’m just as mad as you…” His hands fiddled with the ring in between his fingers, he was going to have to get a new chain. “You can mentally kick their asses, okay? We don’t want you getting an assault charge…” Jasper almost laughed, trying to crack a joke, “Can we go now?”
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“he’s crazy!” callie gritted out, her voice raspy before stalking away, her arms crossed over her chest. “i’m sorry. are you okay?” she asked, the anger starting to dissipate. “dumb question. boys can be so dumb, i swear.” she shook her head. it was taking everything in her not to turn around to scowl at the players. “i have one at home you can have.” she quietly told him. “assault charge my ass. he deserved it.”
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
Lola was walking into her apartment complex bag full of costumes in one hand and her phone in the other. She was scrolling though her messages responding to a few of her viewers especially that ones that had sent coins. When she felt her shoulder collide with another another person it didn’t stop her from looking up from her phone. “My bad.“ The blonde muttered as she kept walking. 
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callie’s arms were full. flour, eggs, sugar, you name it. hell she was sure she had a bottle of molasses in one of the bags. ‘brina had been helping her hone her baking skills and she had gotten quite a bit better. she pushed the door open, easy to do, but the stairs were next. she took her first tentitive steps in the lobby, when someone crashed into her - knocking her bags to the floor. “oh, fuck!” she groaned. “your bad?! this cost an entire shift!” she yelled at the girl who kept walking.
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
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giovanna is on her knees, fixing one of the vents, and looks over her shoulders for a moment. “i sure hope you aren’t lookin’ at my ass right now, sweetheart, especially when i have something sharp in my hand…” she was going around, doing little repairs. the one thing she wouldn’t touch, were people’s bathrooms. fuck that. she’d call a damn plumber. gio gets to her feet and dusts her hands off on her jeans before turning around to face the tenant. or who she thought was a tenant. she didn’t actually have photos of these kids - that’s what she knew, though. that most of them were kids, really. thankfully this place wasn’t a complete disaster. “can i help you with something?”
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“yeah, no offense, but i definitely wasn’t staring at your ass.”  callie stated, her voice monotone. “i appreciate you coming you though. me and noah have been freezing lately. i’m talkin’ five blankets, huddling for warmth cold, ya know?” callie sat at their kitchen table, eating a slice of pumpkin pie. “there’s plenty of pie, by the way. help yourself.” she muttered, her mouth full of pie.
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
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ophelia was having a pretty bad day, she was really just struggling with all things life. work was insane and all she wanted was to get home. the slightly warmer weather had messed with the snow, thus causing that nasty slushly sludge to form on the streets and of course just at it would go she had fallen in. she just wanted to get back to her apartment and change. her eyes landing on someone in the lobby of the building, a pathetic sigh escaping her lips. “don’t comment on the mud…. i fell in a puddle on the way over here.”
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callie’s day was going pretty well. no shift at the diner, pickle had finally come home and almost instantly fell asleep in a warm ball on the sofa, and she had plenty of cookies. she walked out of the elevator in the lobby, on her way to grab her’s and noah’s mail, when she spotted ophelia. “oh my gosh, you'll catch your death like that O.” she fussed, walking over to her, quickly taking off her cardigan and wrapping it around the other girl.
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
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they audibly groaned at callie’s pun, though the smile that coupled with it only hinted that raven had actually enjoyed the joke. “cream and sugar,” they answered, folding up the blankets offered and placing them back on the couch once neatly taken care of. of course, the pair were friends but raven couldn’t bring themself to tell callie as to why avoiding their own home was so high on a to-do list each night. “if we weren’t such good friends, i would have pinched you for that pun.” they want to ask so badly about jasper, if callie had talked to him recently but they remain silent on such talk and move to grab mugs from the cupboard. 
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“a gal after my own heart.” she smiled, putting a slight southern tang in her voice. “oh cmon. it’s pooh bear, winnie the pooh bear! wherever you go oh won’t you take me please!” she sang, her soprano tone husky in the early morning. “honestly, i still can’t believe i have today off. it’s insane. people really love that crappy diner food.” she laughed, loudly and without hesitation.
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calliopehqs-blog · 6 years
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Jasper made a face at Callie, “He’s just another player… it’s fine, I s-swear.” That was a complete lie, but anything to calm the redhead down at this moment. Jasper, nor his team, needed the conflict that would come with Callie confronting the man who ripped the necklace from his neck. “I already punched him, thrice, and he got me back on the fourth hit as you see from my eye… It’s okay.”
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callie stopped struggling to get past jasper. “that necklace means the world to you. its mean! it’s cruel!” callie’s face relaxed. “i just. it’s not okay.” callie crossed her arms, pouting slightly. “next time you play them? i’m kicking his ass!” callie hollered the last part of the sentence, turning her head towards the huddled crowd of hockey players. “yeah! i’m doin’ it!” she nodded, quickly turning away, her fiery hair swishing.
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