callistas · 7 years
     Atticus nodded, answering Callista’s question. “Yeah, it is. He gave up a lot for us; I owe a lot to him,” Atticus admitted. Gabriel left the good college campus that he once went to, to come back home and help his crumbling family. He could have been selfish, he had the right to, but instead, he was selfless and came back home. Sometimes Atticus wished he could scream at his brother to leave and live his life, to go back to his schooling and actually get a job he wishes to have, but the words could never leave his mouth. It feels useless and selfish, but Gabriel deserved more than to be swallowed whole in the small town they call “home.”
     Atticus’ cheeks reddened as he slowly crossed Callista’s threshold, walking ahead of her. He heard her close the door behind them, but he didn’t move his head. Rather, his eyes roamed the walls and furniture that filled the rather large home. Compared to Atticus’ home, which was a small one story home, this was like a mansion. The home felt airy and a bit empty, even though it was filled with furniture and pictures. His home was crowded, an image that could only be compared to every piece of furniture in Callista’s home, coming together in her own living room. Aside from all that, he liked her house. He could tell that Callista lived there–from the pictures of her on the walls to the aesthetic style that filled every room that screamed Callista to an extent. 
     He turned toward Callista, “Nice house,” he said. He smiled softly, placing his backpack against a wall.
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The corner’s of Callista’s lips curled up into another smile when she heard the boy’s comment about her home. ‘’Thanks, I think it’s pretty nice too.’’ She replied, slipping off her shoes and hanging her things up on the coat hooks. She saw the boy place his bag against the wall and quickly reached for it along with his jacket, hanging them up on the hook beside hers. Her house was an airy but still warm home, all white and wood. Her mother took pride in her decorating skills and made sure her home showed that, but her ideas were a little bit.. dull, so Callista added her own personal flare to a few of the rooms. She hung up some pictures she liked, little knick-knacks she valued, and her mother never seemed to mind. Since she was there so rarely she allowed Callista to tweak it, but not too much. The girl stepped out into the living room, head turning towards Atticus. ‘’You want a drink, or maybe a snack? I’m going to get some water anyways so don’t think it’s an inconvience or somethin’.’’ She asked.
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— &two.
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callistas · 7 years
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296K notes · View notes
callistas · 7 years
     Atticus paid no attention to Callista’s response to him about meeting her parents. It seemed like a normal response; most teens didn’t want their friends to meet their parents out of the fear of being embarrassed. Atticus continued staring ahead as they walked, choosing not to respond.
     His eyes flashed over to Callista at her new question, his throat feelings as if it had tightened considerably. He gulped and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself and keep Callista from seeing his discomfort. “Uh, well, my mom is a nurse at the local hospital,” Atticus informed, during his gaze back to the street in front of them. “And my dad? I don’t really know… He bounced a couple years back and I barley see him. He goes on a lot of business trips, I guess.” Atticus was surprised with himself. He didn’t know why he was being so open to her, but it was better to be honest than to lie. She’d find out at some point anyways. 
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     “My brother works at an auto shop downtown too,” Atticus added. “He’s pretty much the breadwinner of the family.” Gabriel helped pay for the bills and make sure he was fed. Atticus owed a lot to his brother. His mother tried, don’t worry, but you can only earn so much as a nurse. Atticus occasionally got jobs as a photographer, but a lot of his clients lived out of town. Very few people in their small town would even consider hiring Atticus, for obvious reasons.
‘‘Oh, I see.’‘ Callista replied, her brow quirking slightly when he said that his father went on a lot of ‘business trips’. That was her parents go to excuse for their constant travelling —  she knew that was partly true but she also knew they did it just for the fun of it. They liked to mingle with the elites, attend posh parties with their co-workers, experience different cultures and further climb their way up the business ladder without having to worry about lugging their teenage daughter along with them. Callista could kind of see where they were coming from, but it was extremely blurred. There was a time when they spent, well, a lot of time together as a family — what suddenly changed? She often wondered if she had something to do with it, but forced herself to shake the thought from her mind. However, there were times when it crept back in. ‘‘Gabriel, right? I think I’ve seen him around town a few times.’‘ In a small town like the one they lived in, everyone ran into one another at some point. ‘’That’s really cool of him to help you guys out like that,’’ She said as they reached her street. They walked down a few houses and made it to hers, the brunette stepped up the front steps and stood in front of the door. She turned back briefly to make eye contact with Atticus and shoot him a smile, pulling out her house key and putting it in the lock. She turned it and pushed it open, stepping inside. ‘‘Come on in, don’t be shy.’‘ She teased. 
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— &two.
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callistas · 7 years
     “Maybe you could come over sometime?” Atticus casually asked, grabbing his bag and beginning to follow Callista out of the school. Atticus wasn’t sure if he truly wanted to bring Callista to a family dinner, not because she wasn’t a good person, but because of the fact that he knew his mother and brother would scrutinize him throughout the whole thing. Plus, he didn’t known Callista that well, nor did she truly know the real him.
     Atticus looked over at Callista, her words ringing through his head. “Okay. I guess I’ll have to meet your parents at some point, now I have a bit of time to prepare,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood. He felt a small weight fall from his shoulders at the knowledge of not having to meet her parents. He could only imagine the type of gossip they’ve already heard about him, making him cringe.  
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A smile softly spread across the brunette’s lips as she heard his offer, her head nodding in response. ‘’Yeah, absolutely.’’ She chirped. It was the perfect way to get to know Atticus on a deeper level, how things were behind closed doors could potentionally show her a lot. If he really was this crazed party kid who killed his sister in a drunken stupor, she knew it couldn’t easily be hidden — she just had to wait to find out. Which she didn’t mind doing because she was actually geuinely enjoying his company. And those eyes, god, they were so nice to look at. The girls smiled slightly dimmed at his mention of meeting her parents and formed itself into a lopsided one. ‘’Oh— uh, yeah, maybe.’’ was all that she managed to get out, a little disappointed that she didn’t come up with a better response. She could feel her palms getting a little sweaty but ignored it, continuing the conversation. ‘’Speaking of parents, what do yours do for a living?’’ she asked, putting the light back on Atticus. They were already quite close to the girl’s house, a few more blocks and they would be there. 
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— &two.
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callistas · 7 years
     Atticus smiled widely at Callista, glad that she liked his photograph and wanted to keep it. He watched her carefully hold it and place it in her bag; he hoped it wouldn’t crinkle or fold in her bag. He shook his head in response, turning to grab his backpack. “No, we can go now,” Atticus informed her, turning back to her and smiling. “I was just wasting the rest of the period in here, and I’ve already put up all the pictures I’ve needed to earlier.”
     Atticus was excited to go to Callista’s house, but he would be lying if he didn’t say he was nervous. He wasn’t sure if Callista’s intentions were as pure as she made them out to be. He also didn’t want to make a fool out of himself in her own home. He hoped this wasn’t some kind of trick to get him to answer the “rumors” that surrounded him or to prank him. Callista didn’t seem like the type to prank him or use him. She was truthful and at times blunt, that was some he liked about her. 
     “I’ll have to be at my own home before six though,” Atticus confessed, leading Callista out of the room. “My mom would kill me if I missed dinner.” And that was the truth. After everything his family has been through, his mother still insisted on having family dinners with his brother and himself. His mother made sure they always had a family dinner, and if one of them skipped out she’d raise hell.
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The brunette was glad the boy didn’t have anything else to take care of and that they could just leave, it saved them the stress of being caught in the after school rush. She nodded in response to his words about not wanting to miss dinner, she couldn’t help but be a little bit envious — she could only wish to have dinner with her family every night. Callista shook the envy from her mind and went to exit the room with Atticus in toe. They walked down the hallway with Callista a few steps a head of the young man, then slowing down her pace when she realized he wasn’t at her side. Once they were outside she made sure to walk at the same pace as him, side by side with little room between them. The girl’s hazel orbs moved into Atticus’s direction, a pleasant smile falling upon her lips. ‘’I only live a few blocks from here, it won’t take us long.’’ She quipped, beginning to walk down the sidewalk. ‘’Oh, and if you were wondering my parents aren’t home so it’ll just be us.’’ She bit down on her bottom lip slightly when she realized how what she said could have came off as. ‘’If that matters...’’ Both her voice and eyes trailed off.
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— &two.
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callistas · 7 years
You are made of wildflowers and sunlight; wandering is etched into your soul.
awinterlion  (via wnq-writers)
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callistas · 7 years
     Atticus’ cheeks flushed at Callista’s comment. “Thanks,” he replied, thankful that the dark room hide his reddened face. “I’m glad you like it. You have no idea how long it took to get that perfect shot before the sunset vanished. I was so worried that I wasted all my film without getting a single shot. I’m glad that one turned out well.” He paused for a moment, his mind racing with a millions thoughts. “You can keep it if you want? I can get it framed for you as well, so you can hanging or whatever…” 
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     Atticus’ eyes widened at the fact that Callista actually came all this way to see him. The Callista Burke wanted to talk to him, the boy who was believed to have been the reason his sister died and a complete alcoholic! He couldn’t believe his ears when she asked if he wanted to hangout again. It was like all his dreams were slowly coming true; as if this was the way life was apologizing for all the misfortune placed upon him. Atticus couldn’t believe it. “I’d love to!” he replied, a bit too fast for his liking. “I mean, yeah, sure. I don’t have anything planned.” The thought of hanging out with Atticus made his heart skip beats and lead to his mind racing with excitement. But a small voice in the back if his head continued to remind him: ‘that life never stays great and that things could end terribly, just like they had before.’ 
Callista’s cheeks reddened as Atticus claimed the picture, she wouldn’t have ever guessed it was his but she was now wondering how she didn’t realize it. She nodded, ‘’Yeah, I’d actually love that. No need to frame it though, I like it just how it is.’’ She purred with a smile, reaching up to unclip it from the line of photos. She was very careful with it, making sure not to mess anything up as she slid it between two papers in her tote bag. As she turned back to him she heard him speak again and allowed her small smile to grow larger. She was relieved he didn’t turn her down, she wasn’t quite sure how she would take it — but she didn’t need to worry about that now. ‘’Great! are you ready to go now or do you have something to take care of before we do?’’ She inquired, leaning back slightly on the black wall behind her as she waited for a reply. She was nervous to have Atticus over, she was showing him another side of her world that he hasn’t yet seen. Callista was quite a private person, she separated her home life from her social life and no one knew what her home life was really like. Whenever someone tried to pry she would just spit out a quickly thought of lie, or change the subject. She didn’t want her ‘issues’ to overshine her true self, nor did she want anyone to feel bad for her. Besides, she had talked about it enough when she was younger ( back when things were stable ) that not many bothered to ask about it anymore. And honestly, that’s exactly how Callista liked it. 
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— &two.
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callistas · 7 years
     Atticus nervously laughed, scratching the back of his neck. He watch her carefully as she walked around the semi-large room. It wasn’t as big as most classrooms were at the school, but it held enough space to hold all the technology needed to print pictures as well as a little “lounge” area. 
     The boy nodded at Callista’s reasoning, a bit surprise that it was almost the end of the school day. The darkroom did in fact have a clock, but you could hardly see it upon the wall. “P.E.” he answered, chuckling lightly. “Coach doesn’t notice me anyway, so I’m in the clear.”
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     “I probably come here too often,” Atticus admits, leaning his back against the door. “I get a lot of homework done here though, and if I miss anything Max let’s me know.” Atticus spends about a quarter of his days at school in the darkroom. It wasn’t like he purposely missed class, its just that being in here was much more peaceful then in the classrooms he has to sit in for fifty minutes. Most of his teachers are aware of his whereabouts and understand, which Atticus appreciates greatly. 
Callista snorted at his talk of P.E, she was treated much the same by their overly jock focused coach. ‘’Been there,’’ she smirked, eyes moving up to a certain image hanging above her to dry. She reached up and carefully grasped the bottom of the image ( making sure now to leave any fingerprints or smudges ) and titled it her way so she could see it better. It was just an average picture of the sunset peeking through branches and leaves of a tree, but the way the pinks, dark blues and oranges out shined the basic green leaves made her stomach lurch — in a good way. The corners of her mouth twitched into a subtle smile and she turned back to briefly glance at Atticus whilst still clutching the image. ‘’I absolutely adore this one, whoever took this has a hell of a lotta talent.’’ Her slender hand finally resumed it’s position by her side, her focus back on the lean male in front of her. ‘’That doesn’t sound too bad actually, I can imagine it’s nice to get away from all the havoc highschool brings.’’ she responded. ‘’So, I actually came in here to ask you something.’’ Callista pulled on her bag strap lightly. ‘’I was wondering if you’d like to come over today, but of course if you have other things to do I’ll understand.’’ 
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— &two.
16 notes · View notes
callistas · 7 years
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26K notes · View notes
callistas · 7 years
she would have swallowed the sun to make you warm enough. she was nothing but love. she was nothing but love.
goddamn this line.
(via wendlawrites)
72K notes · View notes
callistas · 7 years
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6K notes · View notes
callistas · 7 years
    Atticus’ eyes flashed open at the sound of a knock against the door. His heart accelerated from the surprise of the sudden noise. He slowly got up from his seat and made his way towards the door. He prayed that it wasn’t a teacher or an administrator.
    He sighed lightly before opening the door, revealing the girl he was thinking about mere moments ago. “Callista,” he breathed, shocked to see her standing at the entrance of the darkroom. “Uh, hi…”
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    He never would have thought that Callista knew where the darkroom was. He wondered how long she had to search and why she had. Did she come to see him? Atticus highly doubted that. It had only been a couple of days since their rendezvous. He probably wasn’t even on her mind.
    Awkwardness fell over him as he stared at her, unsure of what to do. After several moments of silence, he quickly shook his head. “Come on in, I guess,” Atticus said, stepping aside to let her in. He quickly closed the door behind her, hoping that a teacher hadn’t seen them. “Whatcha doing here? Don’t you have class?” he asked, curiosity laced within his words.
Callista’s eyebrows raised at the sound of her name, smiling at the boy. She was relieved he was actually there. ‘’Hey there, stranger.’’ She replied. Her eyes moved moved past Atticus’s shoulder and into the room behind him, but didn’t settle there for long. She quirked a brow at his words. ‘’You guess? How inviting.’’ The brunette teased, shooting him a sly smirk as she walked inside. Even though she hadn’t been in the darkroom for years it still looked exactly the same. Tacky educational posters were taped to the wall as well as some photography ones and the occasional picture by one of the students. There was a radio sat in the back which she always used when she took photography class, she found it to make the process a lot more enjoyable. Her hazel orbs moved up to some images hanging up drying, wondering if any of them were Atticus’s. She turned her head when she heard him speak, nodding in response. ‘’Yeah, but I was getting restless and there’s only a few minutes left of school so I decided to leave a little bit early. It’s harmless as long as you don’t overdo it.’’ said Callista. ‘’What about you? Don’t you have class?’’ She played.
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— &two.
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callistas · 7 years
     Atticus squinted at the dark, blank picture as he attempted to attach it to a clothes pins so it could dry. He loved the dark room dearly, but the one thing he hated about it was that, well… It was dark. The place was like his second home essentially. It was a quiet, peaceful, and majority of the time empty. 
     If you were to ask a random student if they knew where the dark room was, most (if not all) of the student body would reply with confused stares and either having no idea what a dark room was or that they were surprised that they even had one. That’s what Atticus liked about it; he liked being alone and being in a place not even a teacher could find him.
     He stepped back and turned away from the drying picture. He walked over towards an old, saggy, plush chair someone had randomly brought into the room from years past. He inwardly sighed in relief and closed his eyes, thankful from the small break and time for relaxation. His mind immediately went to Callista and what they had done only a couple days ago. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. 
     Every time they saw each other a smile would spread across Atticus’ face and he would wave lightly at the girl. He hoped that Callista had enjoyed their hangout just as much as him, and that they would hopefully have another one soon.
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Callista was currently in math class and was less than amused. Her legs were crossed over one another under her desk, her eyes looking at anything but the chalkboard in front of her. She was eager for the day to end, to get outside and have her freedom back. She moved around uncomfortably in her seat, then raising her hand up in the air. ‘’Yes, Ms. Burke?’’ replied her teacher, ‘’May I be excused to the restroom, please?’’ The woman nodded and made a shooing motion with her hand. Callista could tell she was deep in her lesson and didn’t want to be disturbed. But it worked in her favour, she was too focused to catch on the fact that Callista wasn’t going to the bathroom at all. The brunette quietly scooped up her bag, slipped out from her desk and headed out the door. She then padded down the hall and stopped at her locker, putting the textbooks she needed for homework into her tote. The girl closed it and locked it back up, eyes moving up to the clock on the wall once she finished. School would be over in about thirty minutes so she didn’t feel too bad about walking out early. Next to the clock was a poster for photography club, which immediately made a certain person pop into her mind. The girls’ mouth twitched up into a small, sly smile and an idea came to mind.
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The brunette was now trotting back down the hall but in a different direction, trying to remember where the heck the darkroom was as she hadn’t been in it in years. It took her a bit to jog her memory, but she eventually got it. Callista walked up to the black door labelled ‘DARKROOM’ and knocked gently, she didn’t want to open the door herself and possibly expose any images hanging up. She hoped that Atticus was actually there, she really wanted to see him. After their last encounter she was beginning to see him in a completely different light. 
— &two.
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callistas · 7 years
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―    Oscar Wilde
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callistas · 7 years
I want to sit in the grass with you and stick little flowers in your hair
61K notes · View notes
callistas · 7 years
     “They’re so good!” Atticus agreed, impressed with how good the food and shakes were here. Mandy would have loved this place, Atticus thought to himself. The pastel and neon colors contrasted brightly with the white tables and dark-colored seats. The atmosphere was thrilling, yet calming and casual. Classics played from the radio on the counter across from them, causing Atticus to lightly bop his head along to the fast beat. He could imagine Mandy coming here every weekend with her friends or just coming by herself with a vanilla milkshake and an order of onion rings (seeing as she loved the combination even though his whole family found it absolutely disgusting). 
     “Awesome’s my middle name, so it’s not a surprise,” Atticus jokingly replied, laughing with a wide grin on his face as he looked across at Callista. “You’re not too bad yourself.”
     Atticus was surprised by Callista’s suggestion, never suspecting that she would want to hang out with him, let alone for a second time! “Yeah, definitely!” Atticus replied, a bit to quickly for his liking. “Uh, yeah. Sure. Sounds great,” Atticus quickly corrected him in a more laid back and ‘casual’ tone as he fiddled with his hands. He prayed that he hadn’t come off clingy or stupid, but knowing his awkward-self he wouldn’t be surprised if he did.
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Callista could sense Atticus’s nervousness but it only made her giggle a little to herself, she thought it was cute. Her lips were still curled up in a bright smile from smirking at his moment about her not being so bad so him agreeing to see her again only made is widen. ‘’Awesome, just let me know when you can.’’ She purred, then looking up at the clock on the wall across from her. It was getting a bit late and she was now remembering about the history homework she had to do. Callista wasn’t an honor roll student but she always tried her best to be a good student, which she usually achieved. She had her fair share of slip-ups but mostly kept them at bay. ‘’Hey, I’m sorry but I’ve got to get going. I have a few things to work on at home.’’ She said, taking out her wallet from her bag and pulling out the amount due for the fries and shake. She placed it on the table and looked over to one of the waitress’s to signal that they were ready to pay. Her attention moved back to the dark haired boy sitting in front of her, every time she relocked their gaze she felt tingles travel down her spine. Ignoring the shivers Callista smiled once more — god, she couldn’t stop. ‘’Thanks for letting me make up for my mini freak out,’’ she teased. ‘’I hope the pictures for your project turn out well.’’ She added as the waitress came to collect their money. She scooped up the money and gave Callista a small pat on the shoulder as she walked away as a little goodbye. The brunette collected her things and slid out from the booth, legs re-adjusting to standing. She waited for Atticus to follow and then walked out of the diner alongside him, making sure to hold the door open for them. It was the little things that made Callista appear so kind. She stood beside him as he unlocked his bike and trotted to the corner with him. ‘’I guess this is it,’’ she giggled. ‘’Get home safe, okay? Thanks for the shake, Atticus.’’ The brunette gave Atticus a light squeeze on the arm, smiled, and waved goodbye. She turned on her heel and began walking in the direction of her house; spine still tingling. 
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— &one.
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callistas · 7 years
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