callistoann · 13 days
Кину ещё кое-что из своего портфолио
Да, это анимация-пятиминутка
Да, мне ок
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callistoann · 1 month
me when someone complains about something that's been genuinely bothering me too but i just brushed it off because i was worried that i was just bitchy/callous/sensitive but now I feel Vindicated
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callistoann · 1 month
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Chapter 450: A chapter set in the future — Concert Translator: https://twitter.com/maomaozaii Editor: https://twitter.com/Lum_Cheng
Please credit maomaozaii on twitter as the translator if you upload it to instagram etc. Join our discord if you want to chat with like-minded people and be the first to see new updates~
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callistoann · 3 months
it’s like nobody wants to dry hump and make out on the couch in the living room anymore
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callistoann · 3 months
everything is sex, except sex, which is about tennis
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callistoann · 3 months
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Cute pizzas appreciation post
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callistoann · 5 months
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she has a uti
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callistoann · 5 months
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callistoann · 5 months
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callistoann · 5 months
Stinky group of gamerz
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It came to me in my fever dreams
tag yoself, I’m Chilskyrim
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callistoann · 5 months
Stinky group of gamerz
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It came to me in my fever dreams
tag yoself, I’m Chilskyrim
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callistoann · 7 months
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callistoann · 7 months
How to spot a smear campaign:
Victims’s “crimes” will be enlarged, and even if they’re small missteps, they will be treated as if only the worst person on the planet would do such a thing
Accusations against the victim will always be a reach, aka, they did ‘this little thing’ but it actually means they’re a racist/murderer/genocide supporter/fascist/have blood on their hands, even when the person’s actions never conformed to those crimes
All and any actions of the victims will be misenterpreted in the worst possible way, anything the person does will be taken as an offense and intentions will be read as hostile and manipulative, regardless of how clear they are
All victim’s actions will be taken out of context; ie, victim said something cruel to someone, but they take out the context of the victim being abused, threatened, tortured, forced into defense mode and finally attacking out of desperation to defend themselves and get free
The victim will commonly get provoked into giving a bad reaction, (anyone gets defensive if they’re accused of the crimes they never did, or simply triggering insults until they snap), and the reaction will become the new 'proof’ that the victim is in fact, evil and guilty
A lot of pressure will be put on you to react 'correctly’ to the smear campaign; if you don’t accept to demonize this person at once, you’re getting scrutinized, shamed for your lack of morality, told that you support all these horrid things and that you are just as despicable
You will notice a trend of people ganging together based on their demonization of the victim; they will set a standard where you’re accepted and welcome if only you also will demonize and hate this person, and if you don’t, you’re blocked, cast out, and accused of causing harm
It will feel very easy to accept to demonize this person, and going against it will feel risky, like going against the grain, doubting the word of the many and risking being demonized yourself.
The smear campaign continues all the way until the victim is chased out of the community and denied a voice, even if the victim commits no further crimes, awful things will be said about them, their past 'misdeeds’ continually brought up, until the victim is commonly believed to be worthless, and becomes completely isolated, scared of society and alone
There will be no limit to what is considered okay to do to the victim of a smear campaign; even if the victim is accused of minor bad behaviour, it will become okay to threaten, insult, shout slurs, trigger, provoke, humiliate, manipulate, and repeat any kind of abusive behaviour to the victim, all because 'they’re bad so they deserve it’.
People leading the smear campaign will switch between being 'extremely grossed out and enraged’ to showing absolute joy and satisfaction when they find a new reason to demonize and smear the victim. People truly horrified of someone’s actions do not get a leap of joy when a new disaster happens, they’re not beside themselves to abuse the perpetrator all over again.
It will never, ever be acceptable to show any mercy to the victim. Forgiveness is out of the question, trying to understand them is out of the question. Even reading or listening to what this person is saying will be banned and forbidden, unless it’s for humiliating purposes. They will be shown as absolutely irredeemable, and associating yourself with them as evil and unforgivable. You will be instructed to block or unfollow or report the person based on what you’re told, without any significant proof.
Do not fall for smear campaigns. If a large amount of people all agree that a person is the worst, but their story is exaggerated, out of context, sounds fictional, and doesn’t show any proof, and the people switch from being enraged to eager, doubt it. Participating in a smear campaign will help the abusers isolate and abuse someone, and you do not want to be a part of it. They will also smear anyone who stands up to their abuse, so you’re helping the abusers to create a place where pointing out abuse gets you cast out of the community.
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callistoann · 7 months
eastern europeans love tumblr because it's literally a website for complaining. and we fucking love complaining like nothing else
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callistoann · 8 months
to me demons are like cats just doing whatever they want causing problems on purpose, while angels are like hares theyre painfully aware of their place in this world theyve seen the end
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callistoann · 8 months
george saying he has snacks in his setup room that dream likes too and trying to get dreams attention To the point of literally texting him and yelling his name like I don’t know what to say People in love I guess
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callistoann · 8 months
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