callmeaegis · 8 months
The question threw Aimee a moment. It wasn't as though it had been a difficult question but she just didn't know what to tell Chen. She didn't yet know about her secret life as a crime fighter. Not that she knew of, at least. Still, her civilian life was going well. She could voice that.
"I'm doing pretty well, actually. We're... maybe even thinking of adopting one of your kids." She blushed deeply at the thought. She and her husband had been married for a few years now and they were hesitant to have kids of their own. Both being mutants, they were torn between pride over it and not wanting to bring a child with powers into a prejudice and dangerous world. Since her sister happened to run a home for displaced children, it was only natural they would look there for a good fit.
"But we haven't finalized anything yet. Just toying with the idea. Please, don't tell Noah yet."
"He knows. We tell him all the time." Aimee grinned, happy to have a fun night with her sister-in-law. Ever since she started working as a social worker she'd been working closely with the Steele home and Chen by proxy. However, it was rare they had moments anymore that felt like it was just the two of them. Not since everyone came back from the blip. Not that she wanted to go back to those days by any means. She just didn't want to drift from the only person who had her back then.
"Come on. Lets get some cake."
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callmeaegis · 8 months
"He knows. We tell him all the time." Aimee grinned, happy to have a fun night with her sister-in-law. Ever since she started working as a social worker she'd been working closely with the Steele home and Chen by proxy. However, it was rare they had moments anymore that felt like it was just the two of them. Not since everyone came back from the blip. Not that she wanted to go back to those days by any means. She just didn't want to drift from the only person who had her back then.
"Come on. Lets get some cake."
"Oh. Gross." Aimee frowned at the knowledge Chen had to deal with that for her profession. She had her own level of obnoxious with hers but she didn't necessarily have to be nice to them all the time like Chen did. Well, she still was but she fanaticized about being mean to them. That wasn't the same though, was it?
"Well, I'll stick with you." She squeaked confidently. "No obnoxious men tonight! Just me!"
It was hard to believe Aimee wasn't a marshmallow that had learned human speech, she was so sweet and soft to be around.
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callmeaegis · 8 months
"Oh. Gross." Aimee frowned at the knowledge Chen had to deal with that for her profession. She had her own level of obnoxious with hers but she didn't necessarily have to be nice to them all the time like Chen did. Well, she still was but she fanaticized about being mean to them. That wasn't the same though, was it?
"Well, I'll stick with you." She squeaked confidently. "No obnoxious men tonight! Just me!"
It was hard to believe Aimee wasn't a marshmallow that had learned human speech, she was so sweet and soft to be around.
Cake. Ooo, that was good. Aimee was about to grab another piece of cheese but stopped herself and decided to wait for the cake instead.
"No. No, I wouldn't. Noah around? I haven't seen him yet. I thought he'd been glued to you."
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callmeaegis · 8 months
Cake. Ooo, that was good. Aimee was about to grab another piece of cheese but stopped herself and decided to wait for the cake instead.
"No. No, I wouldn't. Noah around? I haven't seen him yet. I thought he'd been glued to you."
For some reason, Chen couldn't shake the nerves tonight. She had no idea why; for the first time in years everything had gone to plan exactly how she had wanted it to, yet that nagging feeling that something was off refused to go away. She strutted around the room in her signature red gown, checking in on every little thing until her assistant shooed her away from the band, insisting that everything was going to be fine.
That didn't stop her though. As soon as she saw a familiar face, she slid right up to them and asked, "This is all going well, right?"
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callmeaegis · 8 months
"Of course!" Aimee greeted her sister-in-law cheerfully. She gestured to the rest of the lavish party. "Look at it! It's amazing!"
The youngest of the siblings had never been one for talking until recent years. During the blip, when she was left alone and without her brother and sister, she had to find her own voice. Having one seemed exhilarating to her and she found she loved to talk.
"Have you had this cheese?"
For some reason, Chen couldn't shake the nerves tonight. She had no idea why; for the first time in years everything had gone to plan exactly how she had wanted it to, yet that nagging feeling that something was off refused to go away. She strutted around the room in her signature red gown, checking in on every little thing until her assistant shooed her away from the band, insisting that everything was going to be fine.
That didn't stop her though. As soon as she saw a familiar face, she slid right up to them and asked, "This is all going well, right?"
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callmeaegis · 3 years
‘Sure, kid and I’m secretly a millionaire who doesn’t take orders for a living.” The sarcasm is heavy in his tone as he looks at her, her mask covering most of her face, leading him to wonder exactly who in shield she was related to. “I’m sure.” He could see the way her brows knit together and he shrugs. “Hero type, feel like you’ve got something to prove, feel like you gotta protect the little guy.” He speaks from experience at least when it comes to protecting the little guy, he’s not a hero. 
“I mean, you could be.” Aegis shrugged. Didn’t matter how he looked or dressed. Tony Stark wore crazy band tshirts and had facial hair. It’s not like there was a definition of what a millionaire looked like. She decided to concede though. “But I see your point. I don’t exactly exude intimidation.” 
Hero type? Oh. Oh, yeah. That did sound like her. Sounded like her whole family, really.
“You’re pretty good at reading people.” She said, laughing a bit nervously. 
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callmeaegis · 3 years
“I didn’t see the point,” Chen answered with a shrug. “She tends to just send junk she’s trying to get rid of. One time, she sent me a whole box full of VHS tapes that had all her soaps recorded on it. I just assumed she’d found some weird things to send the baby.”
She gave Aimee her thanks and pulled open the flaps of the box. Her body froze as she looked into the package, a soft gasp escaping her. She managed to push back her emotions as she picked up the framed picture that was sitting on top. The photo was of a young woman, smiling widely as she held a small baby in her arms. The woman was a near spitting image of Chen’s mother, except for the fact that this woman had a short bob. Chen’s fingers brushed over the picture as if it were a precious trinket before she turned and showed it to Aimee, a hint of tears in her eyes.
“That’s my aunt.”
Aimee knew that look. It was something she saw on Sterling’s face from time to time. That look of emotional recognition. In seeing something from his mother. It was a look she herself wished she could have but the only family she’d ever known was the little one she currently had. She remained quiet a moment, watching Chen and letting her have her moment of nostalgia before speaking. 
“What was she like?” 
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callmeaegis · 3 years
That got Chen to laugh. “You’re probably right. As long as he can hold it together in that delivery room before she gets here, he can cry all he wants. I just need his head in the game during that time.”
With the topic turning towards one of her favorite people now, she smiled down at her stomach, resting her hands on either side. “She’s been a trouper today. I’m just waiting for the shoe to drop and her start kicking me in the ribs or something.”
“It’s gonna be WORSE in the delivery room. You know how long this man has wanted to raise a kid who wasn’t blonde? He’s gonna need more recovery time than YOU.” Abby laughed, nudging her playfully. 
“Nooo... Ara is gonna be a good girl for mommy today, isn’t that right?” Aimee cooed sweetly to Chen’s stomach. “That’s an order, little one.” 
“Yeah, you’ll be hearing a lot of that.” Abby crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “It’s still ok if we stay with you guys that first week, right?” 
Aimee looked up excitedly, hoping the plan hadn’t changed. 
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callmeaegis · 3 years
Despite the fact that the whole point of her requesting help from Aimee was so that she didn’t have to get up, Chen found herself moving to try and stand. “You know, I don’t actually know what she sent. I figured it was a bunch of junk and decided to deal with it down the line and now…well I’m too far gone to move it. But I suppose we could open it together if you want to know what’s in there before anyone else.”
Aimee lit up with the possibility of finding out first. A rare mischievous smile crossed her lips and she eagerly jumped to her feet. 
“Deal!” She said, racing down the hall to retrieve the box. It took her a moment to find it but when she finally returned she brought it with her into the room with Chen to open rather than straight to the nursery. “Why didn’t you open it when you got it? It’s from your mom. What if it was important?” 
Aimee gave a soft ‘oof’ as she let the heavy package drop onto the couch beside Chen and took a seat on the other side of it. 
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callmeaegis · 3 years
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“When is anything around us ever normal?” Ava shot back, finishing the rest of her hot dog in one large bite. That was what she struggled with the most: going back to normal and being without the pain or getting to use her talents for something better and continuing to suffer. “… no one’s ever told me about my eyes before. It was… different to hear something nice being said about me for a change. So, thank you.”
Aegis smiled widely at her friend, happy she had given her something nice. It did bother her, however, that she was so unused to compliments that this was her first. Even if it was just about her eyes. 
“Get used to it. I got plenty more where that comes from.” She had been taking such small bites of her hot dog she had barely touched it, especially since spilling ketchup on herself and the talking really started. She tried to take some bigger bites but ended up packing her cheeks and looking more like a chipmunk, covering her mouth with her hand to hide it in case she had to chew with her mouth open. Her eyes were a bit wide with embarrassment and she tried to avoid looking at Ava’s reaction to her plight. 
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callmeaegis · 3 years
She smiled again at the two of them. She never thought she would have ended up with such a loving family and the thought left her a little misty eyed. Her entire life had seemed like it was heading towards a path of loneliness and isolation. And now here she was, surrounded by friends, married to the love of her life, supported by her family, and with a baby on the way. It was all a lot to take in, all in the best possible way.
“Oh absolutely,” Chen chuckled, quickly going to wipe a loose tear away before they noticed. “I’m almost crying over Gouda but I’m still willing to bet that man is going to end up crying more than I will over this whole thing.”
“Oh God yeah. By the end of this party he’s going to be in the bedroom crying his eyes out over something star shaped too. And he doesn’t even have hormones to blame.” Abby grinned widely. She liked this adorable sisterly holding hands thing. She half expected the lights above them to brighten announcing that they were the new Power of 3 witches like in Charmed. Wouldn’t that be some shit. Aimee would totally be Phoebe. Chen would be Prue. 
“But that’s ok. There’s a little star in here making me a little weepy too.” Aimee squatted down to get more level with Chen’s stomach but just stared at it lovingly. 
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callmeaegis · 3 years
“Think she believe me if I said they made me cry because they tasted so good?” Chen asked as she popped another one into her mouth. She chuckled quietly, shaking her head at Abby. “Nope, that one was a fifty-fifty decision. Here’s hoping Ara doesn’t get sick of looking at stars and turtles as a kid.”
She finished off her last piece of cheese, chewing it as she reached over to take each girls’ hand. A warm smile passed her features as she looked at them. “I’m really glad you both could be here today.”
“I think she would. It’s cheese. I might cry too when I go get some. If enough people do it she’ll have to believe it, right?” Abby grinned, crossing her arms, but soon Chen was stealing one of her hands. Her smile softened and she double squeezed Chen’s hand for support. 
“Of course. We wouldn’t miss this for anything. You’re our sister.” Aimee nodded, double squeezing her hand as well. 
“Yeah, and so is Noah.” Abby winked.
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callmeaegis · 3 years
JJ wandered through Sterling and Chen’s apartment nodding at people and eventually finding a quieter spot to sit and take everything in. She knew Sterling kept the list small for a very good reason, but the number of people here still set her on edge. She’d give it a little bit then she’d go over and talk to the woman of the hour, but Chen was pretty popular.
“Miss Joon, I--Oh! I’m so sorry!” Aimee looked up in surprise as the red headed woman she had approached turned out to be the wrong woman. She hadn’t expected that. “I’m Aimee. Noah’s sister. Sorry, Erikson’s.” 
She often forgot his work friends didn’t call him by his real name. 
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callmeaegis · 3 years
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“I don’t know if it’s the hormones or the fact that they were so stinking cute, but the star cheese platter almost made me cry.”
“I’m sure Mrs. Hazel would love to hear that.” Aimee grinned, patting her sister-in-law a bit awkwardly. She really didn’t know how to comfort hormones. Sadness, sure. Not hormones. “They are pretty cute. Noah always did love stars.” 
“Hope he didn’t shoehorn you into that theme by being a giant nerd.” Abby added. 
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callmeaegis · 3 years
The look on Chen’s face showed that she hadn’t previously considered Sterling acting as ‘security’ and the thought was now starting to worry her. “You also have permission to keep him from doing anything stupid.”
She chuckled at the offer, her hands resting on her stomach for a moment. She was getting ready to give her usual answer of declining the help, but then she remembered something. “Actually, I could use your help with one thing. There’s a box in the closet my mother sent months ago. It’s on the floor but I can’t bend over to get it. If you could just throw it in the nursery, it’d be a big help.”
“He’s the least of my worries when it comes to doing something stupid.” Aegis shrugged. He had too much control over his emotions. If they were talking about her sister THEN she would be worried. But her brother? Nah. 
She perked up at the idea of being given a task. She was so used to people just dismissing offers of help. Her entire family was like that. Finally, she was of use!
“Of course! I can do that! What’d she send for the baby? I bet it’s cute.” 
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callmeaegis · 3 years
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Oh. Well, now Ava just felt foolish. Everyone else she’d known had been so hush-hush about the blip; the one responsible for getting her her particles had only said he’d “been away against his will,” whatever that had meant, and she’d never asked. Mostly because she’d stewed in her answer so long that her hands threatened to wring his neck if she didn’t keep herself under control. “I guess… mine did too? Though I don’t know why I didn’t notice.” Too busy dealing with her pain and escaping the authorities, more like. But it made sense now why they probably never found her: the blip had probably taken them too. “Like fledglings. Their parents push them out of the trees to force them to learn how to fly. … except this was probably more like the whole damn tree being pulled out from under you.”
She didn’t notice. How could she not have noticed? Maybe the whole thing was so traumatic. Maybe she was estranged from her family. Maybe she had memory issues. It didn’t matter. Aegis wasn’t going to ask. She had grown up in a house of secrets and she honestly knew better by now. 
“Yeah. The whole tree.” She nodded. “But everyone is back. And well... It’s not back to normal but... It’s lead to some nice things.” With her mask down so she could eat her hot dog, Aegis smiled at Ava to show her she was one of those nice things. If the blip never happened she wouldn’t have gotten the courage to do this crime fighting thing. If she hadn’t done that she wouldn’t have met Ava. She had so few friends outside of her family. She was so terribly shy. Having Ava was nice.
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callmeaegis · 3 years
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