LIVE: There’s a key vote on net neutrality and the whole Internet is watching
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Starting at 10am ET today a key congressional committee will vote on the Save the Internet Act – the best bill we have to restore net neutrality.
Unfortunately Big Telecom shills on the House subcommittee voting today have already proposed dangerous amendments that could completely gut the bill or leave gaping loopholes for Internet providers to block, throttle, and charge Internet users new fees for access.
To get a clean bill that restores net neutrality passed need to show them the WHOLE INTERNET IS WATCHING.
Here are the best things you can do to help:
1. Reblog this post to spread the word. 📣
2. Embed our livestream widget into your Tumblr blog using the code here.
3. Call your lawmakers to demand they vote for a clean bill to restore net neutrality.
If we get the bill out of committee without any bad amendments, then we have a solid shot of winning the next big vote on the House floor in the week of April 8. Take a second to help out!
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i still love you
I still love you, yes I do why? for reasons my heart can only explain. I still love you I really do my heart still beats with undying and unforgetting love for you. I still love you, your smile still stays in my mind everyday. I still love you, why can’t I forget days, weeks, months have passed yet the thought of your eyes still crosses my mind everyday. I still love you, maybe it’s time start all over again as people with open hearts and genuine love to give. I still love you, as I talk to you confessing truth that yes I still love you yes my heart still beats for your every smile, glance, and stare. I still love you, and you ask the question why? why? do you still love me, I left you, abandoned you and left your heart in isolation. I still love you, because I know that true love always forgives gives second chances. I still love you, but do you still love me? I am still trying to forget you, but still hoping for you to come back. 
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How Do I Love Thee 
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sometimes trying to fix something tends to break it even more
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Rap Battle
Team The Don
To finish things of I can come to a conclusion Life is fair and acceptance is the solution Yo my man Don Quixote he always saw life’s beauty Unlike Oedipus who believed in destiny We should accept life and that’s fair  Our lives is similar there’s no compare Don and Oedipus suffered just like everybody  Life is fair because it’s unfair to everybody @annereadsanddances
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An Ode to the Most Beautiful Woman in the World
                    As I glance at your face my body is frozen. Your seemingly perfect heavenly smile that never ceases to amaze, your angelic white teeth complementing the beauty that is your smile. Your rosy red cheeks that perfectly matches your perfect complexion. Sometimes i wonder how beauty has come to be, but from your godly Greek heritage I would not wonder anymore.
                    Your unending service to your people is unparalleled. Your gold life does not hinder you from treating your people equally and fairly. As I wake up this morning I am saddened by the news that comes to me, it is said that you have been kidnapped by a prince from Troy. My sun bright life has suddenly dimmed. My sadness cannot be described, my face that used to be so full of life has been drained of life . I cannot find anymore purpose in life as if the Gods has betrayed me, as I hang in the air I let go of all the struggle and rest my eyes hoping one day we can finally be together. 
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An Ode to the Most Beautiful Woman in the World : a reschedule :)
Heya. Sorry haven’t been in great shape. Will get the drafts to you soon as I could. Let’s move the deadline on a Saturday. :) Sorry.
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revenge best served grilled 
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Give a man a mask and he’ll show you his true self 
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I love you as the first time I saw your face just realizing how beautiful you really are your hair so naturally beautiful that perfectly matches your face that can only be compared to angels that come from heaven, and my favorite part your red cheeks so perfectly rosy red and complements your perfect complexion. I love you as everyday I greet you at every time of the day, as we start smiling to each other at every stare, I value your every stare like it was the last one but I was always wrong. I love you as I confess my true feelings towards you and you gladly accept it and like a heavy burden was lifted when you said you like me back. I love you as everyday of my life I never forget to say how perfectly beautiful you are in every single moment. I love you as I ask for your forgiveness for the first time I have disappointed you with my wrong actions, and you forgive me for what I have done. i love you as our relationship gets better everyday your smile lasts longer, and as if you get more beautiful everyday your hair smoother, your face much more perfect and your cheeks redder and much more beautiful. I love you as you feel as if you don’t like me anymore and I try to convince you to still love me for i could not bear you missing from my life. I love you as yet again you feel empty and I ask for you not to leave me because you are the best thing that has ever happened to my life and you have made me realize more about who I am as a person and my flaws that I could not see myself. I love you as we dance together in a night I will never forget and you realize you still like me. I love you as you say that you love me and I thought it was not for me but I was mistaken and it really was for me and was genuine. I love you as Valentine’s Day comes and I give you a box full of calories and carbs that you enjoyed. I love you as we now genuinely give each other love that is true and unmatched, as everyday I say I love you and you say I love you too, and I could not be happier with my life. I love you as the school year ends and I fear that I might not see you again but I keep in mind that love is not seeing you and still care and love you the same way. I love you as you asked for distance for you are confused and in disarray, i respect you so I give you space and time to cool off. I loved you as you say the words that I most fear, and those were “let’s end this” I am left in a confused and shocked state, you say to me that sometimes you love me but sometimes you don’t. I loved you as I look back at the time that I gave to you and realizing I can never take that back anymore I can only move on and move forward. I loved you as today I don’t know how to approach for you remind me of regrets and wasted time I could have possibly used to do something else. I forgive you as you as for forgiveness after realizing what you have done and now we’re happy like a heavy object being lifted off our shoulders.
Na inspire ako sa nakita kong tula XD 
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Reminders for the P.T.
An Ode to the Most Beautiful Woman in the World proofread draft due on Wednesday. Not until dismissal time but should be ready once I come in the classroom.
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Sample of Descriptive Writing
As I glance at her at a distance her constellation-blue eyes makes contact with mine I am captivated by her rosy-red cheeks that is never artificial and always matches her perfect complexion. Her smile that are heavenly-white that captures my eyes just like a camera’s focus. I could not further describe what for I was left speechless and asking how a creation could be so beautifully perfect. 
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too funny 
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The Legend Of Calydonia
    Meet Calydonia a man living a simple life, or so he thought. You see Calydonia is a powerful demigod, he is the son of the great god Zeus, he only lived a very simple life as an average fisherman but he also was a skilled warrior and he had godly reflexes. He rode a black pegasus that was given to him by his father. One day as he was doing his daily routine, Zeus came to him and invited him to talk. Zeus said that the walls of Tartarus is falling due to them losing their powers and immortality because humans have lost hope and stopped praying for them and worshipping them. Every god had grown weaker and weaker every second. Zeus asked for the help to Calydonia but as a simple man, Calydonia refused because this was the personal business of the gods. Zeus accepted his reason but he said if ever, keep his heart open.
     As the following past days got darker and night seemed like a lifeless abyss. The next morning Calydonia wakes up and heard people screaming, saw buildings being destroyed brick by brick and families being torned apart. He saw a demon that came down from the sky and he is tearing the village apart. As a warrior Calydonia took his armor and weapons, he fought and slayed every evil demons limb by limb and made sure that there was none left. After the battle, Calydonia was restless and wanted answers. Why is there chaos? What is happening to the world? Because of his curiosity, he went to the temple of the gods but he was flabbergasted as he saw the great god Poseidon on the floor coated in blood, filled with wounds and slowly dying. Calydonia asked Poseidon what happened to him. Poseidon said “The walls of Tartarus are falling and letting all the demons on the Underworld loose on Earth.” Poseidon also said that his father Zeus had been captured and being kept at Tartarus while being drained of all his powers so that Kronos would live again. All of this happened because Hades had a bargain with Kronos that in exchange of  for Zeus’ powers, Kronos would give him his immortality back. Calydonia confused, asked Poseidon what to do or how to defeat Kronos and bring back peace. Poseidon said “ Travel to the Island of Kare and meet my friend Hephaestus.” those were Poseidon’s last words as he turned into dust and passed.
    Calydonia wanting to save his father went to Hephaestus at the Island of Kare and asked for help. At first, Hephaestus was confused but he help Calydonia by saying that the only way to Tartarus was through the Labyrinth and that the only way to defeat Kronos was combining all the all of Zeus’, Poseidon’s, and Hades’ weapons to form the spear of Trium. Hephaestus helped Calydonia to get passed the Labyrinth since he was the one who built it. When they reached the end of the labyrinth, Calydonia thanked Hephaestus and was going to leave but Hephaestus hands Calydonia the Triton of Poseidon that was given to him a day after his death and wished him goodluck. As Calydonia fought the demons and every evil creature he faced, he finally saw the his father, Zeus weak and cold and tried to freed him. However, Kronos was already alive and was planning to kill Calydonia and Zeus. Out of nowhere, Hades using the last of his godly powers stopped Kronos temporarily and gave Calydonia and Zeus enough time to escape. Unfortunately, while distracting Kronos, Hades was hit. He fell to the floor and gave Calydonia his Pitchfork and uttered his very last words “ Save our family.” Calydonia thanked Hades for saving him and his father and promised him that he will die trying. Hades gave a sad smile then he slowly turned to dust and died.
   With the power of Zeus’ they escaped by transporting back to the Earth’s surface where the demons were raining chaos on Earth. With the help of Zeus’ last powers, his lightning bolt and Calydonia’s Spear of Trium, it bought enough time for Calydonia to ride his black pegasus near a rising and furious Kronos. When Calydonia got near enough Kronos he threw the Spear of Trium into Kronos’ mouth, he swallowed the spear Kronos felt a severe pain in his chest. He fell to the ground, yelled in pain trying to lessen the it but it only got worse. Suddenly he exploded to millions of tiny pieces. That’s how the war ended. Zeus’ rests and gave Calydonia a victorious smile and sincerely said “ I’m proud of you my son. Thank you for saving us. Without you, we will all be in Kronos’ mercy. Thank you.” as he taped Calydonia on the forehead. Calydonia suddenly felt dizzy. He felt like the there’s a hammer on his head, he felt like as if he was slowly dying from his severe headache. Because of the severe pain on his head, Calydonia passed out. Suddenly Calydonia wakes up, he found himself on his bed where his house was placed and the people walking and conversing with each other as if it was just another normal day. He got up, confused about what happened and tried to what had happened. But all he can remember is his dream where he  remembered every detail from the dream he just had. A dream where he will never in a million years forget it.
Dayana Benegas - #18
Daryl Garces - #8
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weird focus music 
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