“Do you think I thought I was capable of that? Callum it took me nearly four years to admit that I liked you! Do you honestly think I planned for this to happen? You do know me! You might not know that side of me because it never existed before that night! I was drunk! I was drunk and alone and upset and I fucked up. I fucked up and I hate myself for it, but you know that this person isn’t me!” She deserved it. She deserved everything he was saying and despite the fact that her feelings towards herself mirrored his, it didn’t make it easier to hear from the man that even now, she loved more than ever. 
As soon as he mentioned her name, Alice felt herself recoil. In the first few months of their relationship, she had been plagued with insecurities. How she wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, witty enough. She was the best friend he might screw for a while but she’d end up back as the best friend some day. Sarah, his study partner, maximised all of those insecurities. Before Alice, she was everything she’d have said her best friend would go for. She was the one person she couldn’t stand having near Callum, even before they were together.
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He heard the sudden crack of skin hitting skin, the shock as his vision suddenly slammed to the floor. There was a moment, just before the pain started to bloom across his cheek, where the only though he could spare was a semi-amused I think she just slapped me.... But then the sting came a moment later, and the ache in his jaw, and he looked up just in time to see the fury in Alice’s face as she pushed him away. 
The shock forced him back a step, but he refused to yield her any more than that. It was almost terrifying, the way he could call that rage to him so quickly, the same potency that had made him sleep with Sarah now allowing him to tell her. But with that rage came shame, and once the words were out of his mouth he remembered why he hadn’t told her sooner. It wasn’t something to be proud of... What he’d done - it might have made him feel better, but it didn’t make him the good guy. 
And there was Alice - a woman he had once loved more than life - stood in front of him, more broken now than he had ever seen her. He had done that. Not Henry. Not Alice herself. Him. Suddenly, he didn’t feel like the protagonist in the story anymore; he certainly didn’t feel like the victim. He felt like an ugly, brutal thing - vicious and callous and maybe not even worthy of redemption. It was a sickening feeling, the kind that made his feet feel heavy, but his head light as air. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like himself, either... 
“No,” he shook his head, fighting against the grain of truth in Alice’s words. latching on to everything that was wrong. “You were never a prize to me. Henry made you into one. Not me.” 
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The Shermans yummy close-ups.
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Callum remembered coming to this event growing up: five years old and carving pumpkins, sixteen and winning the biggest stuffed animals at the carnival games for Stephanie Hurtzman, twenty-five and the pride of being able to go on the Boos Cruise for the very first time.... Alice had been a part of so many of those memories, and while he found the times he missed her growing less and less over time, for some reason this night was particularly hard. So he decided to go outside to get some air. 
“Good thing I wasn’t sneaking, then,” he smirked at Violet’s greeting, coming up to met her at the rails. “How are you doing tonight, Detective Langwood?” 
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A soft smile played on Violet’s lips as she watched the karaoke in session. She could remember participating in such events when she was younger, Archer sitting on the side clapping along slightly out of tune. Shaking her head, she fiddled with her gloves. The whole point of coming out on the cruise was having fun, was distracting her. Yet, here she was still thinking of him. Standing up, she left her spot and walked over to the edge of the boat. Looking out at the dark sky, she rested her elbows on the railing. For a moment, she was somewhat peaceful. The noise turned to background sound as she lost herself for just a moment. Despite that, she was still well able to hear someone coming up behind her. “I’m sorry to tell you that sneaking up on a cop never really works.” @callumreynolds
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» INSTAGRAM: Callum Reynolds uploaded a new photo:
@kingcalreynolds: On Halloween, we assume our true forms… #knightsinshiningarmor
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“Oxadiazin suits. They cold compress the muscles and rejuvenate the skin. McConaughey told us about them in Napa.”
“Now that man’s body is a work of art.”
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Leah felt the tears leaking out of the corner of her eyes as she finally finished wretching, spitting into the toilet as she rest her head on her arm. She tried to find the nerve to regain her strength as she heard the bathroom door open and Callum begin to speak. She flushed the toilet before standing up carefully, feeling lightened from the loss of bodily fluids. She made her way over to the sink, trying to ignore him. She should of known not to get involved with him, having moment of weakness after the many times he had flirted with her. But there was something about how he could just think to gloat after he had told her that they weren’t event a thought to have. “You flatter yourself too much,” She said as she washed her hands before moving to flush out her mouth with water. “Any particular reason you’re in here?” She said, looking at his reflection through the mirror.
It wasn’t the first time he’d heard that - you flatter yourself too much - and he shrugged it off as though it were no skin off his back. Instead, he casually leaned against the wall, arms crossed, in the ultimate show of nonchalance. It was the most informal he had been with her since they slept together, but he couldn’t help but feel slightly cocky. “The way I see it, we’re in the men’s bathroom. If anything, I have more of a reason to be in here than you...” 
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“I don’t like cheaters, they disgust me” he shrugged. “She didn’t have any proofs that he cheated? Because if that’s the case, is different”
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“Amen to that,” he agreed, raising a glass as if in a toast. He was riding too high on his recent victory to be dragged back down into Aliceland, but that didn’t mean he didn’t still feel the sting of it. “Not any substantiated proof - nothing that would hold up in court, anyway... They didn’t have a prenup anyway, and the guy’s lawyer was a hack, so it didn’t even become relevant...” 
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The problem was, at the base of everything, that she missed him. She missed him more than she thought it was possible to miss someone. There wasn’t a time in her life that she remembered that Callum hadn’t been there. When she lost her first tooth, when she first rode a bike, when she broke a bone, her graduations. He was always by her side, through the hard times and the good times, he was there. Not only had she thrown away the love of her life, she’d lost her other half, something he had always been since the day they’d met.
Since she was fifteen years old, she’d had her dream life planned. She’d work with her siblings at the family company, continue the dynasty, she’d marry Callum, they’d have two, three, maybe even four children, a couple of dogs and a nice house. In one evening, she’d not only destroyed her life and his, but she’d destroyed their future as well. Thrown away the wedding she’d already put so much time into and she’d broken them both beyond obvious repair.
It had been so much easier when they kept away from each other, or when they were only together in the presence of other people, because then this conversation couldn’t happen.
“I never said that! I have never once tried to play the pity card or act like I’m innocent because I know I’m not! I have never once asked for anyone to feel bad for me because I know I don’t deserve it!” Her eyes blazed, with what she didn’t know. Anger, maybe, frustration, yes. Pain? Definitely. “Don’t you dare act like I did this because I whore myself around. You know me, Callum and you know what I’m like. I made one fucking mistake and lost the only thing I truly cared about. You have no idea what that feels like! You think I want this? You think I want to be here? But if I walk away, then what did I do it for? Why did I destroy the best thing in my life? It will all be for nothing!” Her voice was gradually getting louder and she could feel the curtains twitching from Henry’s neighbours, but she just couldn’t bring herself to care. “Because I don’t want to be a god damn stranger to you, Callum! Yes, it’s selfish but I can’t not see you. Not seeing you hurts more than seeing you.”
Running her hands through her hair, Alice looked down to the ground, unsure of what to say. It was only in the moments of silence that she realised just how quickly he’d smashed through the walls she’d put up so long ago and how easily she dropped her poker face when she was around him. “I will never be able to tell you how sorry I am for everything I’ve done… It was, no, it is the biggest mistake I have ever made. I was upset, I was lonely, I was drunk.. I don’t know why I did it but at the time it felt he was the only one who showed me any attention..” Looking up at him, it hurt more than usual because she had no defences left. “I’m not blaming you.. But you deserve to know the truth.“
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The worst part was that he almost felt compassion for her. Maybe he’d never gotten to say it in a church, in front of all their family and friends, but he had vowed a long time ago - longer now than he cared to remember - to do everything in his power to make her happy, to stand and fight her battles alongside her. So what happened now that they fought on opposite sides? 
“I don’t!” he objected to her assertion that ‘he knew her.’ “Clearly I don’t, because once upon a time, I wouldn’t have ever thought you capable of going behind my back and fucking my brother. I thought I knew you as someone I could trust - I guess that’s my mistake that I have to pay for...
“Do you think I didn’t have opportunities?” he asked, his tone caustic and dripping with acid. Maybe it was the part of him that would always be Henry’s brother, but right now he wanted to maim, to kill, to destroy until there was nothing left. “There were plenty of girls who would have fucked me while we were together - some I even gave a passing thought to. Sarah - you remember Sarah, from my study group 2nd year? - she used to try so hard. She’d wear shirts that had her tits hanging out, and she’d slip me notes in class about how she wasn’t wearing any panties... And every night I came home. To you. I didn’t give a fuck about Sarah, because who was Sarah compared to you? 
“But you know what Alice?” his lips curled up into a vicious smirk. “You know the truth that you deserve to know? After we broke up, I fucked Sarah. In our bed.” 
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“Thankfully I don’t see that happening, he’s never shown any interest in even meeting his father, let alone changing our custody agreement.  I know it’s not likely to happen, it’s just something that’s always been in the back of my mind.”  She blushed a little and looked down with a smile, “I get that a lot, I was just very young when he was born, so there’s only a 15 year age gap between us.”
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“15. Yikes, I can’t imagine having a kid that young,” he shook his head even at the thought of it. “I mean, I was like... a total shit at 15. Just a complete idiot - it’s frankly embarrassing... I think I had frosted tips...” 
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‘‘Well I’ll be having another coke, so it’s hardly a round..’‘ Alfie let out a laugh, sitting his bat down on the table walking over to the bar. ‘‘But sure let’s get another round.’‘
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“Lame,” Callum teased, but didn’t push it as he made his way back over to the bar. “Bourbon for me, and a coke for my friend,” he ordered with the bartender. “Put it on my tab.” 
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Leah liked to think that she was pretty irreplaceable when it came to her position at the law firm. She had proved herself to be very faithful and good at her job. But lately, her mind had been distracted when it came to work. Not only was she anxious and confused about her pregnancy, she was nervous to run into the child’s father. Especially since Callum worked for the firm and was friends with her boss. Because of her ongoing dilemma, Leah found herself trying to avoid him at every turn. She tried to focus on work but it seemed that she was messing up everything. Not to mention that her morning sickness had gotten worse. She had been drinking tea when one of the interns walked by her desk, his strong cologne causing her to jolt up and begin to power walk her way to the closest bathroom. She was pretty successful at avoiding people, her fist clutching her thumbs tightly to help ease her nausea. But she took one eye off of the road ahead and she winded up heading face first into the cause of her problems. She felt Callum steady her and stomach lurched, her hand going over it to try and sooth her stomach. “It’s fine,” she mumbled as she covered her mouth, nervous she was going to throw up. She felt that rush coming over her and she tried to eye the closest option to her: The men’s room. She pushed past Callum and headed straight inside to the men’s room, surprised no one was in there and she threw up in the toilet that was available, hoping that no one walked in on her getting sick.
Callum had mastered the art of casual indifference; there was a fine line between being reserved and being a dick, and while it had taken him more than a few tries to find the right balance, his behavior around past trysts was now streamlined to a fine science: Be gone before she wakes up. Make a point to greet her formally the next time you see her. Engage only in polite small talk. Never initiate physical contact. He was sure his tricks had caught on now around the office, and while he should have possibly felt some shame about that, he figured it could only work to his advantage. By now, women knew what they were getting into when they slept with him. It perhaps wasn’t the best reputation, but at least it kept things from getting sloppy. 
So there was something about the way Leah rushed away from him so quickly that piqued his interest. He hadn’t thought there was anything particularly noteworthy about their hookup - fun though it had been - and he couldn’t help but wonder where his civility after hookup plans had gone array with her. 
Even more worrying was the fact that she ducked into the men’s bathroom to escape him, and by that point, Callum couldn’t help but follow. Her heard the sounds of her wretching, and while he was concerned, his need for casual indifference won out. 
“Y’know, I think this is the first time a girl’s ever thrown up at the sight of me,” he quipped sardonically, trying to lighten the mood. 
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“Same, man. We have a dog now too. But the damn cat, well, he grew on me, I guess…” Ethan laughed quietly, shaking his head as his thoughts went to Slugger and how he had ended up with the cat after the breakup despite everything. In truth, he wouldn’t have had it any differently. Still, he frowned with confusion at the man’s confession. “How does that work?”
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“I show up for dinner, and then she shows up with my little brother,” he explained plainly, no sense of remorse or shame in his voice. He hardly cared to be pitied for what happened, and as far as the rest of the world was concerned, he was long over it. “Lovely pair, those two...” 
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‘‘See I wasn’t even there for that vote, so that ones not on me, it’s on the idiots of the country.’‘ He let out a chuckle running a hand through his hair. ‘‘Oh definitely, we’ve both beed ridiculously stupid. Of course you did, inherited all the bad crap.’‘
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“Well, as long as there’s someone to blame, I’m happy,” Callum shrugged, purposefully hitting the ball way out of bounds on the next volley to end the game. “I’m getting bored of this... Care for another round?” 
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“Well,” Kami said, “My son just turned 17, so I’m almost out of the woods there, and his father’s never been in the picture, but I have this fear that I’m going to let my guard down for a second and she’s going to show up out of nowhere and take him from me.  I’m sure it’s not going to happen, but if it does, I’d like to know ahead of time who to talk to.  Mostly because I’ll be a complete wreck in the moment and…I’m probably just being silly.” 
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“Well, courts generally tend to rule in favor of the mother, and you do have a 17 year precedent of caregiving on your side. I’d say unless your son makes some kind of motion to change of custody, you’re pretty safe,” he shrugged. “But, forgive me for saying this, you hardly look old enough to have a 17 year old son...” 
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      “Alright, alright…guess it does make the most sense for me or ol’ Hal here—” he angled in to the bartender, Hal, in a hinting manner at a round on him but hoping ol’ Hal would have a heart of the drinking kind. “House honors and all that.” 
        …..Instead, a couple beats later and the house wasn’t payin’, that much was obvious. “OR mine…one on me buddy. Anyone I know? Better…anyone I know that I should steer clear of until the prenups and lump sums really set in?” 
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“Not unless you’ve got a thing for cougars,” he shrugged. “Or more lije... a cougar plus an additional 10 or 20 years...” The now-former Mrs. Sullivan was sweet enough once Callum got to know her, but he had to admit that the idea of spending a night with the woman was enough to make his dick shrivel up inside his body.
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By the time they were finished, the bed was far less pristine than they had found it, but all the residual stink of travel had washed away in the tangle of sweat and skin. The slight haze in his mind was no longer the heavy, dragging sort from jet lag and while it felt like more energy than he should willingly expend, he managed one final flop of his limbs to tuck himself at Alice’s side, an arm and a leg starfished across her body as he nibbled lazily at her earlobe like it was an after dinner digestive. 
“I dare you to find a lifeguard that good,” he mumbled lazily, his voice low and raspy. “Not gonna happen, babe. Is it too on the nose to say I’ve ruined you?” 
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“I hope that every single penny was taken away from him, because that’s what cheaters deserve” he shrugged, he was cheated on before, when he found out, he broke up with the girl, he wouldn’t stay with someone that cheated on him. “At least the woman got rid of that asshole”  he wouldn’t ever be able to stay with someone that cheated on him, his trust in the person wouldn’t ever come back and he would be paranoid every time she got out.
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“Strong feelings for a guy you’ve never met,” he observed amusedly. “I mean, you’re not wrong, but still... Not really one to give the benefit of the doubt, are you?” 
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