calumsfocus · 6 years
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calumsfocus · 7 years
But being in labour with Calum’s baby and he’s just having a sudden realisation that he’s about to meet his baby so he gets really nervous and starts coming out with stupid shit, that really irritates you whilst you’re feeling the worst pain of your life, like “wait babe, do I look ok like do you think he’ll like me oh my god” whilst checking himself out in the mirror before turning to look at you dead-panning him. “Sorry” he says quietly, before returning to your bedside “You look beautiful” he says in a way that makes him sound like he just realised he loved you for the first time.
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calumsfocus · 7 years
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calumsfocus · 7 years
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calumsfocus · 8 years
What if Calum was scared tho? What if he was so afraid of the vulnerability of being in a relationship? What if he was scared to admit that he loves you because as soon as he admits it, he gives you the power to break his heart into pieces. What if you'd been together for over a year and his biggest fear was admitting he'd done it - he'd fallen in love and he was shitting himself. What if you told him 6 months ago that you loved him and now every time you say those three words - a lump forms in his throat and he see's red - he panics. He would think about it and over think everything until one day he isn't scared anymore. He's sat with you on the couch and you crawl over him to grab a handful of popcorn and as he watches you, he realises that every little thing you do makes him love you even more and that even though the possibility of having his heart broken was the most painful thing in the world - he would experience it every day for the rest of his life if it meant he could spend it with you.
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calumsfocus · 8 years
but when Calum is bored he calls or FaceTimes his girl so when he’s on voice rest he’s literally going mad because he just wants to speak to her and he hasn’t in 2 days. Calum doesn’t ever want her to feel neglected whilst he’s on tour so he texts her constantly until she agrees to FaceTime which ends up being her just talking to him about her day and eventually reminiscing old memories of when the pair first met. Calum sits content with a comfortable smile on his face and it's v cute.
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calumsfocus · 8 years
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calumsfocus · 8 years
Luke hates one of your male friends because he feels like this guy oversteps a line and flirts with you way to obviously so one day whilst you’re on the phone to this guy laying on the bed, Luke gets down and starts eating you out, when you realise what he’s doing you mutter to your friend “one moment” and turn to Luke whilst covering the phone “baby, give me one minute please” he replies with a smirk “it’s cool baby, don’t let me interrupt, carry on” to which your jaw drops “and in fact, the moment you hang up I stop, got it” you don’t have time to reply before his lips are on your body again. You return to your phone call not hearing anything your friend is saying and mumbling half hearted replies. Luke moves his perfect mouth to your clit applying pressure with his tongue, without a thought you release a pornographic moan, you cough in a failed attempt to cover it up when your friend says “what the fuck”. Luke keeps his tongue performing figure 8’s on you before slipping a long, calloused finger inside you, pumping slowly before adding a second finger and dragging them both across your g spot a few times, you’re now pathetically releasing whimpers and breathy moans without shame, Luke brings the thumb of his other hand up to your pussy, you suck in a sharp breath, Luke is applying pressure, circling vigorously over your clit pushing you to your release with a loud exclamation of his name, a string of moans and an “oh my god” as your upper body jumps up from the pillows and the phone drops to the floor. Luke just looks up at you and smirks observing your shaking body and eyes screwed shut before glancing down at the phone on the floor and laughing silently to himself.
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calumsfocus · 8 years
Calum really isn’t a relationship person but when he’s not looking for her, the perfect girl comes into his life and she’s everything he never knew he wanted or needed. She changes him, he stops thinking about the next party and starts thinking about his girl in a white dress. He swaps spending his nights off drowning in alcohol, surrounded by bright lights and pretty women for nights in binge watching Netflix and baking cupcakes with the prettiest woman, and then nights in flicking through wedding magazines, and later reading bedtime stories to his baby boy. He’s now more than a ‘relationship guy’, he’s a husband and a father and it’s better than he could’ve ever imagined it to be and he wouldn’t change it for the world.
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calumsfocus · 8 years
but imagine u surprised Calum on tour and u told Michael u were coming and so he randomly during the set is like “WHO WANTS TO KISS CALUM” and Calum gets all blushy and defensive and then you would walk on and you’d have arranged it so u have a mic and be like “I’ll do it?” or smth and he would turn around and smile the biggest aw aw aw
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calumsfocus · 8 years
Josh is so cute w babies but can u imagine him w his baby girl tho he would just constantly cradle his baby and then show her off to everyone but when they wanted to hold her he would be rly reluctant and you would have to be like "Josh pls, not here just give them the bby pls don't embarrass me like this boi" (wait I'm not done, lemme ruin ur life some more) bc then he would totally stare them out the whole time they were holding the baby omg and he would like rest his chin on ur shoulder and keep whispering in ur ear like "babe, are they done yet" "I can't look" "omg can u pls get her back" he would be literally OBSESSED W HIS BBY
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calumsfocus · 8 years
ok but try and convince me that you and Calum wouldn’t totally jam to like Good Charlotte or Green Day in the car and ur kids are teens and they literally die of embarrassment when a song like Counting the Days by GC comes on and you guys totally sing along and dance in the car in front of ur kids and their friends. SIGN ME TF UP
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calumsfocus · 8 years
I’m like 1000% sure that Josh Dun would hold ur hand at all times, like even just when u guys were grocery shopping or even like if you guys just had an argument and he was still mad like I promise u he would hold ur hand 24/7
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