calvin-af-crone · 1 year
You might want to read THIS.
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calvin-af-crone · 1 year
I put up another story on Weird Anecdotes. This one is super spooky.
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calvin-af-crone · 1 year
Hi! I don’t know if you’ll see this but I just wanted to say that I’ve missed you on here! I know you’ve moved on from CH but I’d be lying if I said I don’t miss your input on things.! Next few weeks weeks will be emotionally hard for the 2019 era of the Calvin fans but hey what can we do..! Anyway, hope you’re doing fine and everything is well!!
Thanks for missing me. Now you know where to find me. I have no idea what you mean by "the 2019 era". But I doubt anything could happen regarding Calvin that would emotionally affect me—except if he dies tragically. I'd be sad over that because young people aren't supposed to die before I do. Otherwise, I don't give a damn what he does.
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calvin-af-crone · 1 year
I have no idea why this blog is getting a spike of followers when I haven't posted anything here for over a year! I'd love to know WHY.
If you're interested in what I'm doing, check out Weird Anecdotes. Then let me know what you think about my stories. More will be added SOON.
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calvin-af-crone · 2 years
Omg that’s so crazy that he blocked you on Insta, was it bc other people were specifically tagging your account and telling him to block you? I don’t know what you’ve commented on IG but I can’t see you saying anything he would block you for. I’m sorry that happened, especially when you’ve been such a big fan and supporter.
I haven't commented on any of his accounts since I lost my cool & ranted at him in June of 2020 for deleting his IG history. He kindly muted my rant instead of blocking me but I took it as a warning. So no, I did not directly provoke him to block me.
I have no idea what others might have done to get him to block me. Maybe whoever watches social media for him finally told him I don't like him anymore & blocking me on IG was his reaction. It really doesn't matter. I don't care anymore.
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calvin-af-crone · 2 years
The Garage Sale did better than I expected thanks to my great helpers—nearly $1300! They did it all. I didn't even have to go out in the heat. I did have to set my alarm for 6am, get dressed, & go out to give my helper the cash change she required. The first customers started arriving at 6:30am and the last customer came at noon to offer me $300 for all that remained except for a piece of farm machinery, which is worth $400. My helper thinks she found a buyer for that who will come by tomorrow.
Now I'm tired from lack of sleep. I stayed up to nearly midnight because Sandman on Netflix is wondrously compelling despite my knowing exactly what's going to happen. My friend who never read the comics told me he was enthralled w/o knowing what was going on. I can't recommend the experience highly enough. But for those who don't know, some truly grisly events do happen. These stories are NOT sugary fairy tales.
My son offered & I accepted the idea of him driving across the country w/ me. But the more I think about it, the more I want to go on my own. I'm in no hurry to get anywhere. I might spend a couple of days in Asheville, for instance, a place I love & will never see again.
Just got off the phone w/ my son & he agrees I should take my time. That's a relief. Now I can stop & go as I please.
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calvin-af-crone · 2 years
Today was busy. I had to get cash for change at the Garage Sale tomorrow. It's being handled by my two favorite helpers & I don't have to greet anyone at dawn. Afterwards, I had a tech dismantle my husband's network & reduce it down to only what I need. Watching him do that was surprisingly heart-wrenching. My husband was vitally connected to his network & it felt like losing another part of him. Writing that chokes me up. <deep breath in & out>
All day as I tried to write my Long Goodbye I kept being interrupted by texts regarding my ongoing dilemma w/ the rotten child who won't commit to Closing the sale on the house. Monday, I'm calling an Estate Attorney for a consult. I keep imagining this petty bitch objecting during the Closing to blow the deal at the last minute.
My realtor has already come up w/ a fallback: letting the buyer lease the property until the sale can be finalized. That would work for both buyer & seller temporarily. Instead, I'd rather resolve the issue before I have to file a lawsuit against my step-daughter.
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calvin-af-crone · 2 years
My Long Goodbye to Calvin Fandom
I devoted years of my life to Calvin Harris because I loved his music then I loved the man I thought he was. And I was entitled to that delusion because I paid in hours of research & study to write my History of Calvin Harris & watched every video & interview related to him on YouTube. I became convinced he was a flawed genius who might be slightly on the spectrum but his insecurities made him a humble nice guy. I felt that was a reasonable appraisal because I never idolized him. He's done some incredibly stupid stuff over the years & I called him out when they happened. But no one accused me of being a hater...
My reality got shattered by The Split™. There is no excuse for what he did to Aarika. NONE. We've talked that to death. I'm firm in my opinion & that's that. I had just barely recovered when I got the second shock—Vick! Then came the shock of her tabloid stories claiming they'd been dating for 5 months! Excuse me if I do not approve. I'm an Old w/ clearly defined ethical boundaries. Nice guys don't overlap relationships. That's cheating.
Since then I've been holding on in case I felt the need to say anything about FWBv2. I am so relieved that I like it. Even filtered thru my negative opinions of him as a person, I can still appreciate his musical genius. I'm very happy about that.
But that was not the end of being shocked. This happened on 1 June:
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I thought Vick having nudes on the internet was a joke until I entered her name & the word "nudes" into Google Search. Oh wow! How dare I give away such deeply hidden search secrets? No one made a fuss when I joked about Calvin's dick pix on Twitter. Public information is public. There's no "weird conspiracy theories involved". Facts are facts.
Also, he's full of bullshit. Here's a screen shot of his Archive from this morning. Opting out of an Archive is the only way to "exclude" Google Search & he obviously still has one.
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Then Supa did this:
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Honestly. He's the one who was harassing me for posting stuff about Aarika. I switched that content to my side blog to avoid annoying him. Then he starts using trolls to trash talk about me & pulls this shit like he's a victim.
You're wondering how I can see his Archive & can take screen shots of his content after he blocked me. First, Tumblr is dependent on Google Search to compile their Archive function. That's the down side of setting your blog to "private". Blocking only keeps me from directly visiting his blog or communicating w/ him. Second, years ago I made a bookmark to quickly access his Archive for reference. I was only slightly surprised that it still worked.
So yeah, all this time Anons were running back & forth telling tales, I could see them! And I saw how Supa responded by continuing to refer to me as crazy hater. That was his new theme & being allowed to drag me boosted his Anon content.
Then this happened on the morning of 7 July:
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This Anon is outright trolling. I never "pretty much revealed" where they were because I never knew. All I ever said was Northern Italy, which doesn't exactly narrow down their location to a resort.
But here's the part that bothers me. Supa believed the troll! If I had gotten a similar message about him, I never would have believed it! Why should he think I would suddenly change the rules we all agreed upon years ago? Ah but, he was building up his theme & this Anon message served that purpose.
Then that evening this showed up...
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Followed by realizing...
Calvin blocked me on IG!
Oddly, I wasn't shocked after a gang of people spent a month making me out to be a crazy hater. But why only IG? If he meant to exclude me, why wasn't I blocked on Twitter? But the strangest thing is: losing that access didn't interfere one bit w/ my blog's content. It was pretty remarkable to realize...
Calvin's IG was not a necessary source for my blog!
If Calvin did post something worth seeing, it got shared by half the people in his inner circle. Or I found it on TikTok AND Facebook! Most of my info comes from Google News Alerts.
You, too, can know as much as I did. The parameter that works is "Calvin Harris DJ". Otherwise, you get baseball players & criminals. I'm deleting my Alerts. If Calvin wants my attention, he'll have to do something that goes viral on Twitter or pops up under the Entertainment section of Google News.
I'm done w/ him & I'm done w/ this blog.
If you're interested in my personal journey, you know where to find me. If you absolutely need to talk to me do so via chat. Except for a small group of virtual friends, this chapter in my life is closed.
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calvin-af-crone · 2 years
Hey! I’m Lisa (Unkharris). I’ve been follow you since dunno 3 years or so? And tbh you gave a lot to this blog and also to CH. What makes me upset it’s how people lose their respect when they attack a real person, with a real life and thoughts on your mind. You don’t deserve this kind of threatening, also you don’t hate Vicky. It’s just her personality that isn’t acceptable. I was like that with Aarika at the begging and took me years to accept i shouldn’t do any hate (which isn’t your case) to someone i don’t know and that i should give less fuck about my idol’s personal life. I wish you all the best in life and you can count on me for everything, even a little chat on twitter!!! You are not alone, internet is a toxic place and we should all take a break once a while. It would be better for everyone, also for stopping to being a c@@t. Lot’s of regards to you xx
Ps: sorry for the grammar. English isn’t my best.
Thank you so much.
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calvin-af-crone · 2 years
The weird thing is you wouldn’t even talk about Vick if it wasn’t for some anons sending asks. You have mentioned many times you don’t care-they should take the hint and stop. They can start their own blog or go on the other blog who will be glad to show their praise/adoration. It’s that easy
Yep. Thank you for seeing that. I think I also suggested they should get their own blogs.
And you'll never know the actual hate for Vick I got in my Inbox because I never published it. If I really hated her, I would have promoted & reveled in that shit. But, I didn't.
Ya'know, only disliking Vick's personality was reason enough to call me a hater on another blog, where I have been falsely accused more than once.
<heavy sigh>
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calvin-af-crone · 2 years
That is really sad because like you said you have done so much for the fandom over the years and you have every right to feel the way you do about Calvin’s behavior. I feel the same. I don’t hate him or Vick. I just don’t feel the same about him and you at least can separate the man from his music. I can’t bring myself too. I have no interest in either of them. I will say my final goodbyes with you. People should be careful sending death threats to ANYONE we don’t know their state of mind.
Thank you.
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calvin-af-crone · 2 years
Yes! Calvin’s behavior was unacceptable and to embrace him & his new relationship says a lot about people. You are honest and forthright and it’s too bad it has brought you hate. You will be missed!
Thank you.
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calvin-af-crone · 2 years
I can hardly wait for your Calvin news drop but sadly will miss your blog. If I need Calvin news I might have to follow other blog. Nah!!! I swear he is on Calvin’s and Vick’s payroll and he definitely doesn’t have even 10% of your writing skills. Anyway I hope things get back on track with your home sale and you can enjoy your new life!
Thank you.
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calvin-af-crone · 2 years
Burns have production and writing credits on the album
Good grief! Sorry I didn't have a clue to what you were talking. Ya'know, when I searched Google for "ready or not" I got a virtual war game instead of Calvin's tune. HA!
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calvin-af-crone · 2 years
I feel the need to be more specific about my last Anon reply:
I don't hate Vick. I don't follow her or harass her w/ hateful comments.
I am the one being harassed by Anons telling me to drop dead because I don't like her. They are the ones constantly telling me shit I don't care to know. I hate those Anons—not her!
I realize this might be too subtle for those who think I should forgive him for dumping Aarika—again—& embrace his new fuck buddy. But his behavior is unacceptable to me. That's that. I don't like him anymore but I don't hate him either.
And thank gawd I can still enjoy his music. I'd be really sad if I couldn't stand to listen to his work. But I am perfectly fine w/ kissing off this shitty fandom & it's juvenile mentality. I've worked for my readers for 6 years & if you aren't grateful—oh well—you'll miss me when I'm gone.
I'm gonna give you all a final goodbye that might surprise you. But not now, I've got real world stuff to do. Later...
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calvin-af-crone · 2 years
Look back at the first post about Vick you said “No one should hate her” and that’s what you’ve been doing for months!
Fuck you!
I simply don't like her or care to know more about her. That's not "hate". It's indifference.
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calvin-af-crone · 2 years
This morning I'm feeling much better because two of his rotten children have happily agreed to ignore the Creditor Notice & proceed. The reluctant one remains silent & I'll give her another couple of days to fall in line. If not, I'll have to pay for a consult to figure out what to do. I'll worry about that next week.
Today I need to get ready for the Garage Sale tomorrow & will continue to sort & pack whatever I'm not using now. I find myself setting aside the oddest things to keep w/ me like adjustable pliers I use to open bottles. Also, I have this art nouveau statuette of the Good Fairy, which used to be a drug store display for selling a brand of soap. It feels silly but I want her to travel w/ me.
I am also considering the content for my last post on my main blog. I'm greatly relieved that I still love his music but I'm done w/ being a Calvin fan. You may be shocked to find out how he nailed the coffin shut. Are you all ready for that?
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