caly-pso-blog · 11 years
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Hooray for my second edition in my Three Brothers Series! Here’s my portrayal of the Third Brother…
And then Death asked the third and youngest brother what he would like. The youngest brother was the humblest and also the wisest of the brothers, and he did not trust Death. So he asked for something that would enable him to go forth from that place without being followed by Death. And Death, most unwillingly, handed over his own Cloak of Invisibility.
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caly-pso-blog · 11 years
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“Loose” 23” x 56” on Gessoed Board Media: Alcohol, Ebony, and Gesso
Done! Officially. It is my first large piece; before this I’ve stuck to my faithful 8” x 10” size. 
I’m not using paint. What it is a technique that involves ebony, gesso, and rubbing alcohol. It’s pretty brilliant, actually. You draw and add the shades with the ebony and apply the alcohol or gesso accordingly to create the tones and levels. It’s a mixture of penciling and blending two different kinds of solvents.
Overall, I’m pretty satisfied. Woo!
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
Dark Horse - The Umbrella Academy (by geekandsundry)
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
Oh... I've been quick to slack.
Sorry Rmy and fans! I've been busy with college shenanigans and exam prep but I promise to get back into the swing of things! :D
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
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Demo Lovers Zip Up Hoodie  available at the MCR merch store!
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
Frank Iero, Ray Toro, and Mikey Way Big Day Out 2012 fan interview
My Chemical Romance Fans asked the band questions on the Big Day Out social networks ahead of the 2012 Big Day Out tour...
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
 "The Kids From Yesterday" Music Video New Blog Post by Frank Iero on MCR.com
Hello friends... Here is the official video for our new single "The Kids From Yesterday" . This will be the last single released from our album Danger Days, and we decided what better song to end on than our collective favorite. This song means a lot of different things to us individually and we hope it speaks to you as well. When deciding what kind of video would work the best with the song we immediately thought of a "video collage" ...something that would show the progression of the band over the past 10 years leading up to one of our most memorable moments, closing the Reading and Leeds festivals this past summer. We began collecting footage and literally stumbled upon an incredible video done by a talented young lady named Emily Eisemann. She had made a fan video, put it up on YouTube and it summed up what we had been trying so very hard to make, perfectly. So we gave her a call, put our videos together, and the rest, as they say, is history.
We'll let Emily give you a bit more insight as to how things came about:
"I heard my first My Chemical Romance song seven years ago. They were everything I wasn’t; defiant and unashamed, confident in their individuality and refusing to apologize for their flamboyancy. It’s easy to shoulder the fears and expectations of life like a burden and sink beneath them. Much harder is finding the inspiration to be something (motherfuckers); to lock eyes on the horizon and tell the world, You just watch me run, and never, ever look back.
My Chemical Romance did that for me album after album. I found a foothold in their music and see a reflection of my life in their art, which welcomes us with open arms and never treats us as ‘lesser’ for being female, or gay, or just massive amounts of nerdy. I can hardly articulate the importance of this. It was only recently that I began to try, but I found that with words alone I lack the eloquence to encapsulate what the band means to me.
I thought a video, though, might work. And really, I couldn’t have done it to any other song. The Kids From Yesterday is my favorite track off of Danger Days. The song is nostalgic; a coming of age anthem about the fear of growing so used to life’s drudging complacency that you forget what it is like to hear the music when your heart begins to break. It’s moving on from idealistic youth, but never forgetting who you were, who you are, and what you owe that to. It’s a journey, both a finale and a prelude. It’s about leaving things behind and flying by the seat of your pants. You never know when the end will come, so hold on tight – or, perhaps, Take my fucking hand – and set off to make something of yourself, because you only live once, you only live now, and the world is what you make of it. In a reflection of words written over ten years ago now, oh, how wrong you would be to think that immortality meant never dying.
I wish I could wax poetic about the intricacies of videomaking, but the fact is that I’m just a girl with a laptop and a knack for procrastination. I drew flow charts, downloaded nearly enough videos to crash my laptop, and spent some nights grumbling discontentedly about fonts. It took a brief entry into a hermit-like existence, a happy neglect of homework, rather too many potato chips and a single all-nighter to finish.
I could never have expected that one day, I would be contacted by the overwhelmingly lovely people of My Chem’s management and asked, in exchange for compensation, to contribute what I had made to the official video for Kids. Not after an era of spectacular Killjoy videos with whose Trans-Ams, inclusion of legendary comic book writers, and badassery, my own creation could never compete.
I am thrilled if other fans watch my work, and humbled to know that the band themselves has done the same. The idea that it was wanted for an official release, however, left me flailing. The idea that I could literally thank My Chemical Romance for saving me from having to drop out of college, watch my entire future slip through my fingers, fall short of every single one of my dreams, and possibly live in a cardboard box, left me not knowing what to say or feel. I think I just sat there, quietly shitting myself.
So, yeah. That’s how that happened.
I hope you guys can forgive the length and rambling nature of this. In summary: Overwhelming joy! Artistic fulfillment! This band is fucking awesome. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and I love you all. -Emily"
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
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Danger Days 2012 Calendar Poster Now Available in MCR Merch!
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
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'Yo Gabba Gabba' by Gerard Way
We love Yo Gabba Gabba. And I love DJ Lance. These are some drawings I did after talking to series creator Christian Jacobs and getting really inspired. We talked a lot about Hoth and we definitely wanted a Yeti. Thanks to James Dewees and the awesome people at YGG, that dream was realized.
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
My Chemical Romance - Every Snowlake Is Different
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
The MCR tracks “Teenagers” and “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)” will be featured in the December iTunes WeMix where both tracks will be specially priced. “Teenagers” will be featured in the Punk Rock WeMix while “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)” will be featured in the Workout Songs playlist.
MCR's blog
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
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'Yo Gabba Gabba': My Chemical Romance's 'Every Snowflake Is Different'
If you’re anything like us, you’ve been sick of Christmas music for weeks now. Sure, ’tis the season and all, but you can only take so many renditions of “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” before you have to crank up some Mastodon to wash it all away.
But as My Chemical Romance has proven, there is still room for some new seasonal tunes. The New Jersey band will be appearing on a special episode of psychedelic kids’ show Yo Gabba Gabba!, titled “A Very Awesome Christmas.”
They’ll be performing a tune called “Every Snowflake Is Different (Just Like You),” a bouncy, bombastic little rock tune that wouldn’t have been all that out of place on the band’s woefully underrated 2010 album Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys.
With the band dressed in colorful ski gear, “Every Snowflake Is Different” celebrates uniqueness while also turning up the volume and building a healthy post-emo stomp. You can check out the exclusive video premiere of the band’s performance on the show below. (ON LINK)
The Yo Gabba Gabba! episode "A Very Awesome Christmas" airs on Sunday, Dec. 18 at 8 p.m. on Nick, Jr. In addition to My Chemical Romance, the show will also feature guest spots from Tori Spelling, Mark Motherbaugh, Tony Hawk, Cults, Matt Walsh, and Leslie Hall.
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
Check this out!
Like My Chemical Romance? Like Pokemon? 
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
2011 marks 10 years since My Chemical Romance formed. People first started taking notice when the band released their 2004 major label debut, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge but their 2006 concept album The Black Parade really put them on the map. 2010 saw the band release their fourth studio album, Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys, taking their sound in a new direction. Next year My Chemical Romance will be hitting our shores as a part of the Big Day Out as well as playing a string of headlining sideshows. Before the band begin preparing for the tour, guitarist Frank Iero sat down for a chat with Kill Your Stereo to discuss picking set lists, their next album and exploding sinuses. Hey Gloria, how you doing? Good thanks, how are you Frank? I am alright, it is a pleasure to talk to you. Well thanks for taking the time to chat with Kill Your Stereo, you have probably had a nice long day of interviews? Actually we only started, maybe a half hour ago, so I think I am still fresh (laughs). In a few months My Chemical Romance will be heading back to Australia as a part of Big Day Out. What is preparation for the festival like? Yeah, well I am really excited I must say because this is the second one for the band but it is actually my first one. So I am really looking forward to getting on it because when the guys did it last time they only had amazing things to say about it and I love the country. We came once before they did the Big Day Out, and I was actually on that one (laughs), and it was great. I loved seeing the countryside and the people were amazing so I am looking forward to doing this tour, especially now I heard it’s the 20th anniversary so I imagine it is going to be absolutely amazing. As far as the preparation, well it’s kind of cool I think, this tour for us is going to be exciting because Danger Days came out a year ago yesterday so we have already been doing a years worth of touring on the record and I think we have gotten pretty good at the Danger Days tour. So right now we are trying to think about the next stuff so it is really going to be smack dab in the pre-creative headspace of what the next record is going to be, so not it is going to be Danger Days fuelled but also possibly fuelled by whatever the new thing is. So we are going to get together, actually in two weeks, and start kind of brain storming about stuff and start playing together and I don’t know even know what the set is going to be like. I have been thinking a lot about it and I know how much time we have but I don’t want to pigeonhole us into “Well we are only going to play this stuff, we are only going to play that stuff” I kind of want to keep it open and if some new stuff makes its way in that would be really great, as for the vibe I have no idea what it is going to be. I definitely want to play some songs that I think the Australian fans haven’t gotten to hear live because we haven’t been there on this tour. There is going to be some Danger Days stuff, I think we should play some older stuff, and hopefully some of the new vibe will work its way in. As you said before, you guys haven’t been to Australia for a while. How does it feel coming back again after all this time? Well, unfortunately I can only speak for the first first time we came over to Australia. The last time I was all ready to go, we had a Japanese tour, I think it was a week long Japanese tour and then we were going to Australia and New Zealand and a couple of weeks before we left for Japan I had gotten my wisdom teeth taken out. So it was supposed to be healed, I got on the plane and as soon as I woke up in Japan we touched down and I had this fever and I was bleeding from nose, it was horrible. So apparently what happened was my sinuses exploded in my face (laughs), so they took me straight to the hospital from the airport, or I might have gone to the hotel and I was like “I really need to go to the hospital” so they took me to the hospital and I was there for a couple of hours and then I was on the next flight back home (laughs). So yeah, it was horrible, but a friend of ours came and filled in and unfortunately I missed the entire Japanese tour and the entire Australian tour on the Big Day Out that we had done last time, so I missed all of it. But I only heard great things from the rest of the guys, they were like “Oh man, it was so much fun, The Killers played and it was awesome because we got to watch them play every night” and I was just like “Ah, what the fuck?!” So I missed all this fun shit. But anyway, so I am really excited, really really excited about this one because, I don’t know, the first time that we went over to Australia we had so much fun and I thought it was beautiful. We got to hang out with kangaroos, that was great, it was amazing to me and I’d never got to do that before so I am really excited to just see a lot more of your country side because the first time we only did a small amount of dates but with the Big Day Out you get to travel a lot more and you travel with the tour so I’m looking forward to that and then you have your off days and the days you get to do your own headlining shows, so it is going to be amazing. Well hopefully we can make up for you not being able to come here last time. Oh yeah, as long as I can make it there this time and I can play (laughs), then we are already one up on the last time. For people that were at those shows, how different will these ones be, aesthetically and otherwise? They will be absolutely different. The last shows were a part of The Black Parade tour so it is going to be 100 percent different from that in every way. Danger Days stuff has been a lot more colour driven and throughout the year we have added more and more stuff to it. But now I think, that’s the great thing about it, is that you are going to get a show that is smack dab in the middle of what Danger Days was and what it has now become and also what the new stuff is going to become. So it is going to be unique to any of the shows that has come before it and hopefully any of the shows that come after it. The set will be completely different but hopefully we are probably going to do a bunch of stuff of the new record that people haven’t gotten to hear but hopefully we will also do some older stuff that we didn’t get to do on Black Parade because we were mostly playing Black Parade stuff. So we will play some Danger Days stuff, some older stuff, and if everything goes according to plan, which it never does, but if it does there will possibly be some of the new vibe, whatever that may be that we are working on right now. What’s exciting to me is that Australia is going to get a really excited band, a band that is really creative, that feels like they are in a really creative moment and I don’t know what that is going to be, but that is the fun part for us. I am really excited. You guys have a pretty massive catalogue of songs, how do you decide which songs you will actually play? Normally it is one of those things, I will look through, like I have this master list of all the songs on every record and we just kind of pick our favourites sometimes. Other times it is like, you have too many songs within your allotted time slot so you kind of change it up a little bit from tour to tour, from week to week kind of thing. I don’t know, I think it’s just a vibe when you go into tour. I see things in colours so I am looking at art right now, so I am going through the songs, but I don’t want to put us in a box I don’t want to be like “Oh, we can only play this stuff” because if things come up and new songs come up it will be able to make the set one hundred percent unique. I think that was one of the biggest things that we had done, we had played a few shows in LA then we had gone and done Summersonic in Japan and we were right in the middle of recording the first time around recording Danger Days and we got to play three or four new songs that we have never played ever again because then they didn’t make it onto Danger Days, it was like a moment in time, it was a band that you will never see again but it was just us doing what we were doing in that moment and it kind of felt like if you were there you saw it, you got into it, and then it was gone. I kind of like things like that so I’m hoping, I kind of think that’s what Australia is going to be, I don’t know yet because nothing is set in stone but it is the same kind of feeling where we are in this moment in time and these shows on this tour are going to be unique to anything else we have ever done. What is your personal favourite song to play live? Do you have one that you always like to see in the set? Well (laughs), it is very cliché when you say, “Oh, well every song I have ever written has a special place in my heart” but it is true and they do, but I think there are certain songs that we have never played where these songs didn’t appear in the set, songs like ‘I’m Not Okay’ and ‘Helena’ never get old for us, I don’t know why that is but they are just the kind of songs that you can play with your eyes closed but at the same time there is a certain gravity and time for the songs, it just works and the reaction from the crowd is always different each time so that is always fun. So those songs always appear on our set list, I think it would be a jinx to take them off but some of the new stuff too has been more than fun to play, songs like ‘Destroyer’ and ‘Scarecrow’ have made it into the staple set list songs and have become some of our favourite songs to play. With every record the My Chemical Romance sound has evolved substantially, how do you incorporate all those different sounds into one live set? Does that make it harder to choose what to play? Well, I think that you are write, the sound has changed for every record but that’s definitely a conscious decision but I think that is part of the fun of our lives shows, is that you get to see songs that were written earlier in our career, but music is an amazing thing because it evolves and it grows, the songs become living and breathing things and they change from tour to tour because the band changes and grows. We could play a set list that we had played maybe two years before but the entire set list will be completely different, it sounds different, it feels different because it is a different band up there playing it. That is the beauty of music in general and also the beauty of the band, it is fun to see these songs take on a different light and a different shape, so it’s not hard to make a set list I think it’s harder to figure out what songs grow into and what story you want to tell every show but as far as picking the songs that is the fun part because the beauty is the outcome, to see what works and what you can do with your sound. You mentioned possibly having some new songs to play, has any work gone into full-length number five yet? At the moment it is just ideas, you know, but inspiring ideas at that. Nothing has been laid down or recorded, as far as properly recorded, everything is just spread out, emailing ideas back and forth and we are putting some together, but even doing it we have been working on these ideas for a while now. We actually started on this last tour, we were lucky enough to have a rehearsal room every night, so some weeks we were sore and other weeks things were fresh but that���s the fun part about creating music is weeding out the good from the bad and see what will work, but I definitely think we are on our way. Awesome. Well thanks a lot for having a chat with Kill Your Stereo. Good luck with all the tour preparations and we will see you in Australia soon. I am looking forward to it. Thank you very much for taking my time Gloria, I appreciate it. No problem, see you later. See you soon, bye.
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
Jeez, time flies friends. Where did the hours go? One year ago today Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys was released into the world. I honestly cant believe its already been a year. I must say a year into any of our other records and it felt like we wrote the songs a lifetime ago... But with this one it kinda still feels brand new somehow. I dont know how to explain it. But maybe thats a testament to the way we feel about this record. I dont think every stone has been unturned with this one yet.
The great thing about records is they dont die, they age. Some gracefully like a fine wine, and others just wrinkle and wither. Only time reveals a records true inner beauty. Time spent together, getting to know one another, falling in love... In love with it's imperfections. This year has been a journey for us, and for you all. Together we have made new friends and lost old ones. We have celebrated and cried. Made love and waged war. We have grown as people and found our true selves along the way. We've traveled many miles and eventually found our way back home. We have lived the most dangerous of days to the fullest and more times than not, come out on top.
All of us are forever endebted to our incredible support systems. The ones that have been there from the beginning, and would never turn their backs. It is because of you that we have found the incredible strength inside to be ourselves, and to ultimately not give a shit what anyone thinks.
We are anxiously looking forward to contaminating Australia with you next year. But until then live dangerous, be yourselves, and dont ever give a fuck.
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
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Killjoy Jacket Design Contest Winners
Thank you to all the killjoys that submitted entries for the Killjoy Jacket Design Contest! There were hundreds of submissions and the quality of the entries and the amount of effort everyone put into the designs was overwhelming. Check out the winners here!
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caly-pso-blog · 12 years
In addition to the Big Day Out festival dates, MCR will be performing 3 headlining shows in Australia.
Tourdates: January 24, 2012 Eaton Hill Hotel- Brisbane
January 27, 2012 The Hordern Pavilion- Sydney
January 31, 2012 Festival Hall- Melbourne
General onsales for all 3 shows begin Monday November 28! Ticket presales for the shows will begin at 12noon Friday November 25 to 11:59pm Sunday November 27 via bigdayout.com. The presale password is: BIGDAYOUT
Check the Tour Page for all dates!
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