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Nutrition And Fitness Tips For Women After 40
 Life is full of changes. And, throughout life, our body adjusts and moves on with these changes. Similarly, once you reach your 40s, your body starts transitioning in not only one but multiple
facets. This major life transition needs extra care for you to lead a healthy life. But, no matter the changes, proper nutrition and fitness will always be your answer for fluid transition to your life's next stage.
 Below in this article are the 6 best nutrition and fitness tips for women after 40.
 7 nutrition and fitness tips for your 40s
 1. Regular exercise
We can't stress enough the importance of exercise for maintaining a healthy life. According to research, weight gain increases as you age. So, incorporating physical activities into your schedule is a must.
A simple 30 min workout will be enough to kickstart your fitness journey.
You can also incorporate some light jog or strength training into your schedule.
 2. Get enough sleep
A good night's sleep checks a lot of your health essential boxes. From clearing and sharpening your brain function to keeping your emotion in control: sleep assists them all.
So, get at least 8 hours of sleep for a new day ahead.
 3. Keep in check with your bone health
Another growing concern amongst people in their 40s and beyond is bone health. Many women complain of joint pain and minor injury leading to fractures. It is due to the decreasing bone density after your 40s: osteoporosis. The solution to this will be to take enough calcium-rich foods, supplements, and calcium tablets if necessary, per the doctors' recommendation.
 4. Reduce Processed foods intake
Processed foods contain multiple ill health factors. It lacks required nutrients and contains excessive amounts of sugar, sodium and fats that can be a reason to stop eating them. Also, as per research, it was found that with every 10℅ increases in consumption of processed food, there was an increase in cancer risk.
All these will have a higher ill health risk for people in their 40s.
 5. Balanced diet
Make sure to eat the proper proportions. And always add your carbs, proteins and essential fats as per the chart. It's all essential because, after 40, your metabolism tends to slow down. It is also why weight loss after 40 is very hard. Include green vegetables, peas, beans, fruits, whole grain, fat-free dairy products, sea foods, meats and soy products in your diet.
Also, eat food rich in calcium, vitamins and fibre to balance it all.
 6. Regular checkups
Clinical examination plays a vital role in maintaining your body after the 40s. So, do go for full body checkups at least once a year.
The importance of Gynecological examinations also can't be stressed enough after the '40s.
 7. Drink sufficient water
Water maintains your body weight by burning fats and balances the body's electrolytes and temperature. Water is an overall beneficial natural element.
Ageing is a natural, beautiful process. It has its flow and results. However, with age and time, our bodies might not function the same and may change accordingly. Therefore, follow the tips listed above to live and enjoy your 40s to the fullest with ease.
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Foods to avoid while Breastfeeding
Breast milk, without a doubt, is the perfect food for babies. It covers all the essential vitamins and minerals and contains carbohydrates, proteins, and fat in the right amount. But that's not all.
Mothers still need to put an extra layer of caution to maintain the contents of breast milk. It is because what you eat is what your milk produces. This, in turn, determines the health of your child: progressive or degrading. So, a food check is the ultimate answer here.
 Given below, we have listed 6 foods to avoid while breastfeeding.
 1. Fish high in mercury
 Fish are a great source of protein. They also contain omega acids like
docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid.
But this doesn't mean every type of fish is suitable for your baby. Especially those with high mercury content can cause severe health conditions in the child. These can range from cognition defects, motor skill impairment, and delayed speech and language development.
Therefore, avoid fishes high in mercury and opt for a healthier option. Some fishes high in mercury are shark, swordfish, bigeye, king mackerel, marlin, orange roughy, and tilefish.
 2. Alcohol
 Avoiding alcohol during breastfeeding is the best you can do for your baby's health. According to research, alcohol reduces breast milk output by 20%. Also, high levels of alcohol in breast milk can cause psychomotor and cognitive problems in the child.
Therefore, stopping the consumption of alcohol is the best. But, if you still want to drink some: then make sure to wait for at least 2-3 hours before you breastfeed. It is because alcohol takes at least 2-3 hours to be cleared from the system.
 3. Caffeine
 We know that caffeine messes ups the sleep pattern. And, especially in the case of children, caffeine consumption is more alarming because they can't metabolize caffeine easily. It leads to its toxic accumulation.
So, as a result, along with sleep disturbances, systemic problems can also be seen in babies. Therefore, doctors recommend a daily dose of 300 mg of caffeine for breastfeeding mothers.
 4. Spicy foods
 Spicy foods are generally not a problem during breastfeeding. But, mothers need to make sure that their intake is not out of proportion.
While many babies tolerate spicy food, some babies react to it unusually too. So, if your baby is grumpy and gets diarrhoea every time you take spicy foods, then it's time to cut spicy food from your diet.
 5. Sugary and highly processed foods
 During breastfeeding days, it's normal for mothers to have higher food demands and thirst. But this doesn't mean you can munch on junk or sodas. A balanced diet is always important to meet food demands to refuel. So, make a conscious choice to add healthy foods to your food list.
 6. Peppermint, parsley, and sage
 While it is a good idea to include herbs in your diet: make sure to avoid peppermint, parsley, and sage. These herbs are anti galactagogues which are known to decrease breast milk production.
Though research states that a small amount of these herbs used in the diet will not affect lactation: it is always a good idea to cut it off when you start noticing decreased milk production.
 Being conscious about the food you take during breastfeeding is one of the evident pillars of
motherhood. So, it's absolutely necessary to dig deep into the food and nutrition chart.
While this blog gives you a brief idea about the foods to avoid during breastfeeding: you can also directly book an appointment at Belle Vue's Cambridge Hospital for a thorough consultation. Call us at +91 96630 11112 or visit our website http://cambridgehospital.in/. You can also visit our hospital located in Halasuru, Bengaluru.
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Know About Minimally Invasive Surgery
We live in a fast pacing world. Therefore, with every passing day, new things are added to our information list. Well! obviously, we don't need to catch up on everything, but what if you are a working woman who just peaked in her career or a mother of 3 who can't afford to juggle their time with the kids? We can't afford to lose time, ain't we? It is where minimally invasive surgery comes in: a time-convenient surgery that favours rapid wound healing and lesser post-operative complication. Minimally invasive surgery is a one-stop solution for most of your reproductive operative concerns.
Learn more about it in this blog.
What is minimally invasive surgery?
Minimally invasive surgery is a modern surgical advancement in which small skin incisions are made for the operation. These incisions are made with specialized technology to ensure the body endures as minimal damage as possible. It is a growing procedure that has caught the attention of the medical field due to its multiple benefits, as compared to conventional open surgery. There are currently three methods to do minimally invasive surgery.
 These are hysteroscopy, laparoscopic and robotic procedures. Also, for a long time, minimally invasive surgery has secured a distinct spot in female reproductive health due to its convenience.
 Listed below are the conditions which can be treated with minimally invasive surgery.
 1. Endometriosis
It is the condition in which there are endometrial growths outside the normal lining of the uterus.
 2. Abnormal uterine bleeding
Irregular bleeding from the uterus without any fixed duration and time is called Abnormal uterine bleeding.
 3. Ovarian cyst
As the name says, an ovarian cyst is a cystic growth in the ovary.
 4. Gynecologic cancers
Gynaecological cancer can be of varying ranges. Teratomas, dermoid, cervical, uterine, and Vaginal cancers are some of the varieties.
 5. Cervical or endometrial polyps
These are polypoidal growth on the cervix and uterus.
 6. Uterine fibroids
Fibroids are noncancerous uterine growths. Also called leiomyoma.
 7. Pelvic inflammatory disease
In this condition, one or more upper reproductive organs are infected.
 8. Tubal ligation
Tubal ligation is a permanent female contraception. Here, doctors ligate your fallopian tube to prevent pregnancy.
 Benefits of minimally invasive surgery
 1. Fast recovery time
The small incisions of the surgery give it an edge to heal and recover fast. This advantage is actually the best reason to opt for minimally invasive surgery if you are a working woman.
 2. Lesser complication
There is no doubt that: minimally invasive surgeries have fewer complications than traditional open surgery.
Also, according to research, minimally invasive surgery has a lesser infection rate than other surgeries.
 3. Less pain after surgery
Small incisions equal less pain after surgery.
And the pain that occurs is easy to manage and only rarely requires pain medication.
 4. Less scarring
The benefit of minimally invasive surgery is mainly due to the small incision. Therefore, it is also the reason for less scarring on your skin surface. It makes minimally invasive surgery a better option cosmetically as well.
Minimally invasive surgery is the stepping stone of modern medicine. It heals faster, has fewer complications and has relatively lesser pain.
At Belle Vue's Cambridge hospital: we have board-certified surgeons who provide minimally invasive surgery. So, contact us at +91 96630 11112 or visit our website http://cambridgehospital.in/. Also, for more information and appointment booking, please visit Belle Vue's Cambridge. Hospital. We are located in Halasuru, Bengaluru.
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