camerontwigden · 7 years
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“You did good kid”
(via The Joy of Tech comic... An apology from Apple)
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camerontwigden · 7 years
Consumer laws
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camerontwigden · 7 years
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David Plunkert, the artist behind this week’s cover, seldom takes on political subject matter, but felt moved to do so in light of Trump’s response to the violence in Charlottesville. “A picture does a better job showing my thoughts than words do.” 
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camerontwigden · 7 years
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(via Shkreli Jury Selection)
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camerontwigden · 7 years
Facebook uses an internal database to track rivals, including young startups performing unusually well, people familiar with the system say. The database stems from Facebook’s 2013 acquisition of a Tel Aviv-based startup, Onavo, which had built an app that secures users’ privacy by routing their traffic through private servers. The app gives Facebook an unusually detailed look at what users collectively do on their phones, these people say. The tool shaped Facebook’s decision to buy WhatsApp and informed its live-video strategy, they say. Facebook used Onavo to build its early-bird tool that tips it off to promising services and that helped Facebook home in on Houseparty.
The New Copycats: How Facebook Squashes Competition From Startups - WSJ
So, Facebook is taking your data from a service that is meant to IMPROVE your privacy, and using that to explicitly monitor everyone’s overall apps and internet usage.
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camerontwigden · 7 years
For autocrats, angry denial is the first phase of responding to accurate charges against them. "No! Never! A complete fabrication!"
As evidence accumulates, this shifts to feigning ignorance and claiming misunderstanding, along with attempts to distract by slandering the accusers, blaming others for similar sins and discrediting the concept of knowable truth. "I didn't know it was wrong! The media is out to get me! Others have done worse! Who knows what really happened?"
When even this proves insufficient, it's time for the final step, confession. Not the kind that is said to be good for the soul, but the aggressive, defiant boasting of someone who is sure that they won't be punished in this life or the next for the crime they denied for so long. "I did it, but so what? There's nothing wrong with it! What are you going to do about it?"
After many months of denials, lies and distractions in an effort to dismiss the mounting evidence that the Drumpf campaign knowingly worked with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election, the Drumpf train is approaching the final station.
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camerontwigden · 7 years
the pitch for data scientists from Silicon Valley is: "Come work here, you can build advertising models and pretend that you're saving the world," while the pitch for data scientists from Wall Street is: "Come work here, you can build trading models and not have to pretend that you're saving the world."
Ethics, Quants and Cold-Calling - Bloomberg
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camerontwigden · 7 years
Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Tesla, Twitter, GE, Goldman Sachs — the leaders of all these companies spoke out against Drumpf’s moronic decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement. Even Shell and Exxon wanted the U.S. to remain in the agreement. The only CEO the Times quoted who supports this nonsensical decision is from a fucking coal company. 197 countries agreed to the Paris Accord. Prior to today’s U.S. withdrawal, only Syria and Nicaragua weren’t in — Syria isn’t in because they were in the midst of a brutal civil war at the time, and Nicaragua refused to sign only because they felt the accord didn’t go far enough. Every major captain of industry in the U.S. outside the coal industry publicly asked Drumpf to keep the U.S. in the Paris Accord.
Daring Fireball: ‘Climate Change Is Real’: U.S. Companies Lament Paris Accord Exit
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camerontwigden · 7 years
The kingdom is now one of 45 countries sitting on a panel “promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women,“ according to the UN. 
No comment.
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camerontwigden · 7 years
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When she a real freak
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camerontwigden · 8 years
Not only did he pass the screening for the Trusted Traveler Network, he has been allowed inside the Pentagon and even the White House Situation Room as part of his work.
Foreigners Trapped in the United States by New Policy - The New York Times
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camerontwigden · 8 years
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(via Lamebook – Funny Facebook Statuses, Fails, LOLs and More – The Original » Biden His Time)
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camerontwigden · 8 years
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(via The Joy of Tech comic... The Greatest Shitshow on Earth!)
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camerontwigden · 8 years
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#CarrieFisher #RIP 
(via The Joy of Tech comic... Circuitbroken)
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camerontwigden · 8 years
Nicely done.
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camerontwigden · 8 years
Here’s the thing though, we did choose, and you should all stop protesting against it. Yes, more of you voted for the iPhone, but you also seem to forget that the mail room staff liked how the Galaxy Note 7 has such fun games, and their votes count more. That’s the system that we have always used, that’s the system we will always use. Get used to it.
Now is Not the Time to Criticize the Galaxy Note 7 - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency
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camerontwigden · 8 years
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(via Trump’s plan for a better Internet | CommitStrip)
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