i finally moved into my new dorm!!! 
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I really hope things get better for you.
“So do I,” Camille whispered.
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“I’m a bit confused, what’s all this about people missing? I was expecting a welcome tour when I got here, but instead the secretary practically interrogated me about who I am and if I’ve seen these people? I don’t mean to be insensitive but it’s just that no one’s bothered to explain.” 
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Camille had been so wrapped up in her own problems that she’d completely forgotten about WDA’s current crisis. “Yeah. it’s weird.” She shoved another chip in her mouth. “Normally, I wouldn’t jump to this conclusion, but I think it’s aliens. I mean, it’s, like, groups of people. Not just a few people missing. Every day, there’s another group of students gone. It’s just not normal.” 
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Anonymously tell my muse something you'd never say to their face.
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“Not until you’re okay.”
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Camille forced out a sigh, tilting her head to face Cleo. “My dad’s having an affair, and my mom’s completely okay with it. Happy?” 
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my activity has been so horrible lately and im so sorry !!! there’s just so much stuff to do w college and trying to get in for fall 2015???
 i got into a college, but there was money issues so i had to take the compass math test to replace my math score on my act so i could get into another college but now the first college is offering me a 1,000 scholarship so i can go there & the director of the performing arts/theatre & dance wants me to send in videos of me performing so i can get into theatre & perhaps find more scholarships??? tHINGS R JUST CRAZY SO PLS JUST BARE W ME ILY GUYS AND I PROMISE I’LL BE ON A LOT MORE ONCE EVERYTHING IS SETTLED HOPEFULLY EVERYTHING WORKS ON EITHER WAY ??? 
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i'm honored
If that’s how you want to look at it, then sure. We are both winners here. Even if I was, you could just think of it as more to love. I don’t think you do either, it was….a lot. I spent an easy hundred bucks on tacos. There is more salsa in my veins then blood. My lungs are layered with a coat of Dorito dust. And I was unsurprisingly feeling pretty sick yesterday. [Troy was only half paying attention to his own spiel about Taco Bell, his attention first and foremost on Dan’s lips, feeling that talking was getting quite overrated at this point.] But I’m all good now. Just in time to see you..mhmm, whatever you say. 
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It is the way I want to look at it- I think it’s for the best. Well, that’s a sweet thought, it’s true I could think of it that way, but there’s already a lot of you to love, so it’s okay. Yeah, don’t tell me, I don’t want to imagine how clogged your arteries are. [Dan moved his hand to cup Troy’s face a little, kissing him back and merely humming in agreement against his lips.]
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r they both making out with camille
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Viktor laughed quietly, “Yeah- I managed to stay pretty sane and normal.”
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“Yeah, okay. We’ll see about that,” Camille lightly teased. 
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“Oh no really I do not want to be a bother, I’m quite alright. Just trying to reach a few things- thank you.”
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Camille shrugged before heading off.
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“You’re treating me like some stranger off the street. I’m your best friend. If you can’t talk to me, who can you talk to?”
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“Can we please just drop this, Cleo?”
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“Yeah!” Alice reached for a bunch near her feet and held it out to the blonde, “They’re small but are really nice for making a bouquet look fuller. They can look good on their own too, very delicate and light.”
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“Oh,” she replied, sticking her nose in Alice’s handful. “They smell a bit weird, though.” 
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“Then don’t? I wasn’t going to listen either way.”
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Camille exhaled through her nose, taking a sip of her drink.
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Viktor shrugged, “I wasn’t born there- but I’ve lived there my whole life.”
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“Still. It’s your hometown.” Camille crossed her arms. “You just don’t seem creepy, or mentally ill.” 
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“Not even if I ask nicely? Not even if I say please?”
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“No offense, but I barely even know you.”
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“Oh. Um. Okay. Well… We don’t have to, if you don’t want to. Is- i mean. Is everything okay?”
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Camille forced out a sigh. “Everything’s fine. Just peachy.”
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“Don’t give me that shit. You can’t just not talk to me.”
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“It’s not personal, Cleo. I just don’t feel like talking about it.” 
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“Yeah- I’m from Halloween Town. Is there a reason you asked?”
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“Seriously?” Camille raised her eyebrows. “It’s just...hard to believe, that’s all.”
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