camkill Β· 7 months
so uhhh, it's been several months since i last showed up here but what if i possibly maybe make a comeback? probably won't do a complete revamp, but maybe purge my account and start everything fresh πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
if i come back i'll def make more of an effort to interact with people than i used to, but i also feel like i should stop thinking too deeply about how to make this bitch work in every universe and just go with the flow? i feel like my goal would be that i'll take ask box interactions as they come and not stress too much about reply speed (i know that was my initial plan when i first made this blog but alas, i ended up stressing anyway), but also focus a lot more on headcanon stuff, and when it comes to plotted threads, i might try and keep them to a minimum; a) so that i don't get overwhelmed and b) bc i think i'd like to go forward with plotted threads being a lot more... plotted than before.
anyway, stay tuned to find out!
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camkill Β· 1 year
β€œWell, legally, I have committed many crimes, but morally, I feel good about my standing.”
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camkill Β· 1 year
the way i sat in my bedroom yesterday bored for such a long time but still didn't attempt to write anything, my brain is one big fried egg apparently
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camkill Β· 1 year
it's sinday and i have nothing to offer aside from providing you all with the knowledge that stefano takes his time eating
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camkill Β· 1 year
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she is the brush, blood is my paint and this world is the canvas. ― STEFANO VALENTINI ( IND / PRIV / SEL / EST. 2023 / WRITTEN BY MIMI )
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camkill Β· 1 year
been thinking about stefano in stranger things for a while now and maybe it's time to start putting it into action
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camkill Β· 1 year
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camkill Β· 1 year
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camkill Β· 1 year
I'm not on my rp blog that you know me on so I'll send this anonymously, but recently I've come across a beautiful song and animation called The Greatest Living Show and realized it reminded me a lot of Stefano! You should give it a watch if you find the time!
i won't lie, i spent a good several minutes being sus of this message bc i literally never receive anon messages and i was worried it was bait to get me to search up and watch something shady. BUT then someone informed me it's a genuine music video from the guy who made undertale so i'll take a look!
reporting back to update now that i've watched / listened to it: i like it! the vibe lowkey reminds me of something from nier too
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camkill Β· 1 year
good afternoon my lovely people! i have the day off tomorrow so replies maybe?! oooo exciting! also i am In Pain today so no replies today :c
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camkill Β· 1 year
pssst stefano shotgunning your muse 😳
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camkill Β· 1 year
new dash icon, new banner, same psd, i'm satisfied, goodnight!
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camkill Β· 1 year
7, 8 and 15!
When roleplaying, do you pace yourself when answering replies or do you like to write for them as soon as you can?
in an ideal world, i'd reply to them as soon as i can ( and often i do when my blog is still new and fresh ), but it always ends up with me pacing my replies simply for the fact of life being what it is!
Do you reply to threads you have the most inspiration for first or do you work on them in the order in which you received them?
it depends on a number of different factors like how long my oldest owed reply has been waiting or the overall length of some threads. in general i mainly do replies when the inspiration to write strikes, and then i'll browse my drafts and it can go either way.
Between mobile or desktop version, which do you prefer regarding writing drabbles or roleplay replies?
100% desktop! bigger screen, keyboard use, , html formatting, the ability to have multiple tabs open at a time so i can easily refer back to previous replies whilst writing up my current one etc. mobile is good for when i have the urge to write on the go, but most of the time if i write a reply on mobile, i'll keep it in my drafts so i can fine tune it on desktop when i'm at home.
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camkill Β· 1 year
roleplay / writing habits
How much time do you spend thinking about a reply before you sit down to type?
What’s a grammar rule you notice other people ignoring the most?
Are you proficient in any language outside of your native tongue? do you write characters that speak multiple languages?
If you translate your own writing or the writing of others, what sort of obstacles do you face regarding syntax or dialects? Idioms or slang?
What time of day are you most productive with regard to writing?
Do you proofread / edit as you write or do you just wing it and save editing for last?
When roleplaying, do you pace yourself when answering replies or do you like to write for them as soon as you can?
Do you reply to threads you have the most inspiration for first or do you work on them in the order in which you received them?
What is your average length / word count regarding roleplay replies? does the length of your partner’s replies matter or is important to you?
What is your limit for how many active threads you can handle at one time?
What kind of formatting do you use? is there any particular quirks or style you prefer over others?
Do you use icons or graphics? if so, how do you feel it benefits your replies? Does it matter if your partner / followers use them also?Β 
Are you more comfortable writing in private or public spaces? Why or why not?
Do you have a routine that helps you prepare to work on your writing?Β 
Between mobile or desktop version, which do you prefer regarding writing drabbles or roleplay replies?
When it comes to replies do you trim your posts? Does it bother you when others don’t trim their own replies? Is trimming not a problem at all?
Have you ever had a roleplay partner who helped you to improve something about your own writing quality?
Is there another hobbyist or writer whose style or content is one that you enjoy? Is there anything specific that stands out to you about it?
When publishing a body of work, are the amount of likes / replies important to you? Why or why not?
Do you prefer roleplay threads over drabbles? Or Reverse? Or Both?
If a reply isn’t coming easily do you draft it for later, delete and start over, chat with your writing partner for help, or something else?
Are there any writing elements that you sometimes find difficult? Monologues, character engagement, setting, progression, dialogue, other?
What subjects / genres do you find yourself becoming the most passionate about when you’re writing?
When working on items in your inbox, do you spread out the answers, queue them up, or work on them all at once?
Does fatigue affect your ability to write or do you always have energy for the grind?
Are there any genres that you will not write or avoid writing?
Are there any writing habits others may have that you find frustrating or exhausting?
Are you comfortable asking your writing partner to correct something in their reply if they got a detail incorrect?
Do you use a threadtracker or other methods to keep track of your roleplay threads other than drafts?
When working on replies or drabbles, do you prefer a desktop keyboard, a laptop, typing on mobile, or other accessibility methods?
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camkill Β· 1 year
It's sinday! πŸ’¦ | Send my muse the dirtiest questions you can!
{ multimuse blogs please specify muse! }
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camkill Β· 1 year
πŸ–€ this post for me to raid your ask meme / prompts tag and toss my bastard at you!
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camkill Β· 1 year
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too beautiful to leave in the street. I HAD TO DISPLAY THEM.
for @coveragenx
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