campbellbenowitz · 2 years
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ANDREW GARFIELD ━ 80th Annual Golden Globe Awards (January 10, 2023)
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
He'd known in the back of his head when they'd started dating that this could happen, no matter how terrified of the idea he'd been. They'd known each other forever, even went to a few of each other's family reunions when they were young thanks to their mothers', and that had all ended so suddenly when they broke up. It hurt, but he'd gotten past it over the years - until she was right there in front of him again. "I look older, I'm sure. It's been... it's been a while." He ran a hand through his hair as he exhaled another sigh. "Um... well, how have you been? It's really... it is really great to see you, Aria, really."
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Both of them were defiantly surprised by the circumstances and it wasn't like any of them moved here to find the other but, Camp was defiantly the one that got away. The two loved each other but...life happened. "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself...again, I agree...this is just crazy." This must be a sign of something. Maybe they had some unfinished business? Who knows?
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Lily. And a pleasure to be invited 'round for some celebratory ice cream." He used the brief hold on her hand from helping her up to give it one quick shake in greeting before releasing it. "Not really. Feels like it. I moved here from London around a year ago now. But I love it here. It feels like home. What about you, are you from around here?"
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Lily was an easy person to cheer up, the last thing she wanted was to stay sad because her father did the same thing he did her entire life, she was more of a bank for him than his daughter, and it was past time for her to expect something different from him. She was happy that he accepted her invitation and took his hand for her to stand up. "Is a pleasure to meet you Campbell, I'm Lily." She said, always happy to know someone new. "Have you lived in town for very long?" She asked.
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
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"Oh my God, your customer service is atrocious." Campbell shook his head, disapproving, at her, as he continued to waste time staring at the drinks menu on the wall behind her. "Just for that, I think I might take another three, four - hell, four and a half minutes to decide, maybe. But surely you don't mind staying a moment or two late to make a drink for a paying patron, I'm sure." He would never bother anyone in customer service like this, but seeing as he'd only come to the lounge specifically to bother Selena? He would make an exception this time.
location: golden hour lounge // @aurorabaystarter​
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tapping her fingers against the counter impatiently as the customer is taking too long to make up their mind, selena pressed her lips on a thin line. “ have you decided on what you’re gonna order? my shift’s ending in five so— ” she trailed off with a forced smile curling on her lips. it’s not like she had anywhere important to be, but she also has other customers to tend to and this one is just truly taking their damn time.
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
Campbell wasn't an insecure dude by any stretch of the matter. He thought he was pretty likeable and was glad when people agreed. But he couldn't understand when people like her didn't think they were great. She was a classically trained opera singer, a very successful one at that, and obviously stunning. Hearing that she was great shouldn't have been a surprising compliment by any means. The expression she wore struck him as funny, as did her response. "Well, the fact that we barely know each other and I can already tell that you're great should just be proof that you are. So great you can't hide it, even from strangers around town like me." He shrugged. "Maybe I just haven't picked up on the frigid bitch vibes quite yet, but I'll keep you posted on those." He smiled softly.
When she dismissed her own train of thought, Camp shook his head disapprovingly. Before she was even done talking. He'd been paying attention, taking her words in gladly. "I don't think it sounds silly. I think it's good to find reason and purpose in things. That's kind of the point of everything, isn't it? Reason and purpose?" Again, he shrugged, this time more genuinely than before when he'd been joking around. "I don't know, maybe I'm silly too. But I get what you're saying and I think it's a nice way to think about things."
Lydia's question made him pause, brows furrowing in thought. "That's an interesting question. I don't think I've ever thought about it." He leaned back in his seat, brushing a hand through his curls slowly in consideration. "I guess so. Yeah. But I don't think it's anything... like, mystical, assigned by God, nothing like that. I feel like it's more intentional than that. We choose the people to save us and we choose the people we save. I think that's more meaningful than anything." He paused. "But really, fuck do I know. I like to believe in them, yes, to answer your question." He let out a little laugh at his own little, mini crisis of thought.
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Lydia felt the same fluttering sensation in her chest, giving him a shy smile as she looked down to her teacup and traced a pattern on it. Did that go without saying, though? That she was great? Most people didn't think that. She couldn't remember the last time someone had actually told her she was great, or anything similar, if she was honest. "You think I'm great?" she asked quietly, looking up at him from under her lashes, her smile still shy. "We barely know each other. For all you know I could be exactly the frigid bitch the bloody Sun and all the rags make me out to be."
She quirked an eyebrow and chuckled a little bit, slowly lifting her teacup again. "You're right, it does seem like it was pulled right from a romantic comedy or something," she said with a laugh and an amused shake of her head. "It sounds a little ridiculous, now that I think of it. But...it felt like a sign, you know? That Fate was trying to give me a little push, or something." She looked down again, shaking her head a bit. "It sounds silly."
She was quiet for a few moments, taking a sip of her tea and then looking up at him once more. It was still nice to think that Fate had led her here...and maybe that Fate had caused them to end up in the same place. It was a little odd that they grew up so close to one another and now were suddenly in the same town, having coffee together. "Do you believe in guardian angels?" she asked quietly after a moment, the question completely serious.
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
Her answer was crazy, and it didn't help the bizarreness of the situation by any means. She just moved here because of her publicist... there was just no way. He felt like he could wake up at any second. "You just... just moved here. Okay. That's - okay, hold on. Hold on." He invited himself to her table, setting his cup down and running his hands down his face slowly. "I mean... it's wonderful to see you. Really. You look amazing. It's just... what the fuck, man?"
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Aria was in complete shock, she felt like she was dreaming and about to wake up. Yes, it was nice seeing Camp again but, what the actual fuck is going on. What are the odds of them meeting here out of all the places?? Her heart was racing and she felt like she couldn't breathe properly. "You are?? I just moved here...my publicist thought it would be a good idea to come here and write my book..." She finally let out "I-I can't believe you're here..."
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
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THERE WAS SLIGHT HESITANCE before his smiled revealed he was joking about the ridiculousness topic .  thank goodness . mickey could let a lot of things slide but her unwarranted loathing for rob dydrek was not one of them .    “  yeah,  come on ,   get your head in the game .  ”    she plays along  ,  her fingers snapping in spite of her prior urgency .   though  the jokes were quick to falter from her as the other came up with a genuine excuse for her to leave work .   “  no shit ,  a doctor ?”  a surreal moment  and  for someone who cared very little about religion ,   she was certain this was a miracle .     “  no,  yeah, sounds good.   fool-fucking-proof,  doc  ,    have at ‘em .    you accepting marriage proposals too ?”
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As someone who had worked at a convenience store for years to put himself through university and medical school, Campbell knew how desperate of a situation it was for her to escape the rest of her shift. Jobs like this were actual hell. If he had to bend the truth and abuse his title a little to help her out, he was glad to. "A doctor. A pediatrician, specifically, but hey, children have ankles too. I'm still liable to diagnose a twisted one." He waved his hand dismissively, though he let out a short, loud laugh at her question. "I'm not against them, but let's hold off until we see how well this works before you pop the question. Let me - oh shit, mate, I'm about to put the cherry on top of this sundae." He reached into his jacket pocket as he spoke, retrieving his nametag from the hospital that read out 'Dr. Campbell Benowitz' clear as day. "So, the story - I was walking past, you dropped something off the curb, tripped tragically, and obviously begged for me to help you get back inside to finish your shift, but it just can't be done, you need medical attention. Good?"
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THERE WAS SLIGHT HESITANCE before his smiled revealed he was joking about the ridiculousness topic .  thank goodness . mickey could let a lot of things slide but her unwarranted loathing for rob dydrek was not one of them .    “  yeah,  come on ,   get your head in the game .  ”    she plays along  ,  her fingers snapping in spite of her prior urgency .   though  the jokes were quick to falter from her as the other came up with a genuine excuse for her to leave work .   “  no shit ,  a doctor ?”  a surreal moment  and  for someone who cared very little about religion ,   she was certain this was a miracle .     “  no,  yeah, sounds good.   fool-fucking-proof,  doc  ,    have at ‘em .    you accepting marriage proposals too ?”
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As someone who had worked at a convenience store for years to put himself through university and medical school, Campbell knew how desperate of a situation it was for her to escape the rest of her shift. Jobs like this were actual hell. If he had to bend the truth and abuse his title a little to help her out, he was glad to. "A doctor. A pediatrician, specifically, but hey, children have ankles too. I'm still liable to diagnose a twisted one." He waved his hand dismissively, though he let out a short, loud laugh at her question. "I'm not against them, but let's hold off until we see how well this works before you pop the question. Let me - oh shit, mate, I'm about to put the cherry on top of this sundae." He reached into his jacket pocket as he spoke, retrieving his nametag from the hospital that read out 'Dr. Campbell Benowitz' clear as day. "So, the story - I was walking past, you dropped something off the curb, tripped tragically, and obviously begged for me to help you get back inside to finish your shift, but it just can't be done, you need medical attention. Good?"
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
For someone that had seemed unhappy, borderline somber, when he'd showed up, a little bit of trash-ketball seemed to cheer her up efficiently. He wore a bright smile as she returned his high five. "Well, when you put it like that, I couldn't possibly say no. I'm not a monster. I also would just never say no to some ice cream." He stood up from their shared spot on the bench, offering his hand to help her up. "I'm Campbell, by the way."
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Lily chuckled happily when he manage to get the paper in and shared the credit with her. She lifted her hand and gave him a high-five. "I don't know you, but I always celebrate my victories with ice cream." At least she did since she moved into town. "You're not going to let me celebrate alone, are you?"
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
It was weird, like, beyond weird. Campbell didn't know how to feel. On one hand he was thrilled to see her. They'd known each other for forever, obviously he'd missed her in the years since they'd spoken. But why the fuck was she here of all places? It felt like some kind of weird, practical joke. In the same week he'd meet a famous, former opera singer from his home country, his ex girlfriend also showed up in the same town across the world? Fucking weird. "Sorry," he mumbled after a moment, taking her response as indignant when she was certainly just as shocked as he was. "Me? I live here. I work here. I have for a year," he rattled off, watching her notebook fall to the floor. On instinct, he stepped forward so he could pick it up, though he just stood beside her table with it in his hand now. "Um... what are you doing here? Since- since when?"
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Aria was frozen in her place, she couldn't believe that Campbell was standing in front of her. She didn't say a thing as her eyes were big and nothing really crossed her mind. What were the odds of her meeting him here? "Of course, I am real" The Brit finally let out a word, feeling herself shaking. Campbell and Aria met back when they were kids, they knew each other their whole life and dated for a few years. Their breakup was probably the worst breakup Aria ever had. "W-What are you doing here?" She asked and then accidentally dropped her notebook on the floor. She was so anxious and it showed.
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
As they talked, Campbell was really growing fascinated by Lydia. She came off so dignified, so regal, but it was like she slipped up and forgot to be elegant sometimes. He supposed it made sense; from his general knowledge of her, she'd been in somewhat of a spotlight for a very long time. Apologizing for laughing and blushing any time she said something that might not be perceived as proper enough was no way to live, especially after she escaped that aspect of her life. Hopefully the barrier that was making her so anxious would come down, eventually. She didn't deserve to hide herself like that.
The compliment didn't phase him at all, but her reaction to the compliment did. His eyebrows furrowed, at first in befuddlement, but then steadily into amusement. "It's okay, it's okay. I know I am. Thank you," he reassured her, with a small wave of his hand, masking his little smile with a drink from his coffee. "You're great too, though that goes without saying."
His question obviously took her aback a bit, and he felt the urge to tell her that she didn't have to get into it if she didn't want to. But she did launch into the explanation, albeit a bit shakily, and he watched as she spoke. It was clearly still a sore subject for her, understandably. "Your car broke down here?" he repeated, his smile returning. "That's cute. That's very romance novel-esque. Did you wind up on some handsome bloke's doorstep on the beach? Because that would've been perfect." He took another drink and set his cup down on the table. "But really, though, I'm glad you wound up liking it here. It's a nice town, and I hope it's doing well to keep you company through all this. You're dealing with enough bullshit without being stranded somewhere you don't like."
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She could feel the eyes on them when he laughed, but she suddenly found that for the first time in her life she didn't care. Lydia was having fun, and she wasn't going to let the thoughts of others ruin that for her. "You really are," she breathed softly before her cheeks reddened when she realised she had said the words aloud and not in her head as she thought. "I mean, you are...great, that is," she quickly added, stumbling over her words as her cheeks pinked a little bit more. "Fuck...sorry..."
She took in a deep breath, willing her cheeks to return to a normal colour. "I was often in the owner's box but, I mean, it's possible," she said with a small nod. She was clearly a few years older than him, though, so even if they had crossed paths, it wasn't likely either of them would have noticed one another. A small laugh escaped her again, shaking her head in amusement. "Oh, so you were that boy," she teased, even though she really didn't remember the staff being too upset about anyone.
Her heart jumped as he squeezed her hand, a small, fuzzy feeling growing in her chest. Her smile suddenly became shy, her eyes quickly averting to her hand as he released it. "Umm..." she breathed, trying to regain her train of thought. "Well, you already know about the divorce..." She took in a deep breath and looked up again, meeting his eyes. "I just needed to get away. It was a trip...at first. And then my car broke down near the town, and I had to stay here for over a week while I waited for a part to come in to fix it. And...I found that I didn't want to leave by the time it did."
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
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Andrew Garfield at the Behind The Scenes Of The 24th Costume Designer Guild Awards Portrait Studio on March 09, 2022 in Santa Monica, California.
Photos by Momodu Mansaray/Getty Images
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
Campbell never stayed out this late, especially not to drink. He didn't drink much in the first place, but when a few of his coworkers all teamed up with the plan to get drinks when they were all off, he couldn't bring himself to reject the plans. A few drinks and one night when he wasn't out cold by eleven o'clock wouldn't kill him. Though, the bar of choice wound up being a little rowdier than anyone anticipated. Most of his coworkers had cleared out by now, but Camp was lingering in favor of the one or two that were still hanging out around the bar. He didn't want to go home without knowing everyone else was okay. So when someone he knew worked at the bar pointed out a poor soul that had been left in that manner, it irked him. Kaede was right, it was a rude thing to do. "Especially if they're drunk enough to pass out in public like that. Real shit move on their part," he agreed with a little frown. "Maybe we let them rest a bit. If I were in their position, I'd be more ready to handle something like that with a little less booze in my system, you know?" He paused. "Do you serve food at all? Any snacks or anything? They'd be on me, but that'd help them out for sure, too."
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Location: Reef Bar
Status: Open 
Kaede had thought at first it would have been a relatively easy night, but when two men who had too much to drink started to argue over a game of pool, Kaede knew the entire vibe of the bar seemed to go south for the evening. By around eleven, someone was trying to take free drinks from behind the bar. Finally at  around midnight thing’s seemed to calm down quite a bit.  Kaede however did someone had been left in a booth by their group and was  sleeping with their head on the table. The author leaned over the bar to the person closest to him and stared at the scene. “ That just seems rude of them to do. “ He noted shaking his head. “ Do you think I let them sleep it off a bit before waking them or calling them a ride right now?” He asked, considering he had been left the bar by his wife after she had passed and he still liked to ask for advice even after owning the place for almost a year. “ Either way, they have bad friends”
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
Her question made Camp laugh aloud, tipping his head back a bit as he did so. His laugh was loud and generally attracted a few looks in public, but he never cared. A little attention never hurt anybody. "Like what? I have no idea what you mean, actually. I'm being great." Through his wide, amused smile, he took a drink from his coffee that he'd been neglecting since joining her at the table. "A perfect gentleman, maybe? Yeah, I'm always like this, then."
"You know, we probably crossed paths at least once or twice, then. Though... I mean, I imagine you probably weren't in the skyscraper seats. But if you saw a loud, skinny kid in a Benowitz jersey causing a scene and pissing his dad off?" He pointed back at himself with both of his thumbs. "I was your guy. I know for a fact a lot of the employees there did not love when I'd come around." There were many horror stories he could conjure up from those days, but he'd save those. Not that he was counting on getting to talk to her again. She probably had a lot better to be doing than talking to some rando. "I am very glad to meet you too, Lydia Bellaston. It's a pleasure." He gave her hand a gentle, friendly squeeze before releasing it. "Is now an appropriate time to ask what's brought you out to Aurora Bay? You're a wonderful addition to the town, absolutely, but it feels a bit random."
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Lydia smirked, shaking her head in amusement. He left no room for doubt with his express, which she appreciated. If he had been more straight-faced, she may have been concerned. But she knew he was joking from the broad smile on his face. "Are you always like this?" she asked with what could only be described as a small giggle. And that surprised her. What was that? She hadn't giggled in years. Likely since she was a teenager, if she were honest.
"Well, I practically did live there," Lydia said with a small chuckle and a shrug. "And interesting experience, to say the least." She studied him as he spoke, a small smile lingering on her lips. The club clearly brought back good memories for him. When he brought up his mother again, she couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, don't torture the poor woman," she teased with a smile. "But if you had your own kit, you were clearly a big fan." Her smile grew a little bit when he finally told her his name, reaching out to delicately take his hand. "Well, Campbell Benowitz," she said with a fond smile. "I am very glad to have met you."
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
Living here was very different from living in London. Partially because the people were different, of course, but it was also just a different experience. Campbell could walk down the street without being nearly run over by passersby. Not that he really minded the hustle and bustle, but even after a year of living here, he wasn't fully used to it yet. It was definitely soothing. So while going out aimlessly for a day used to be a bit stressful, he relished in not having any set plans on his days off. They usually took him to grab a cup of coffee at some point, and today was no different. He'd ordered his usual, a large caramel latte with oat milk, and was actually heading right back out when Aria appeared in the corner of his vision. Actual, real, in the flesh Aria. He stopped in his tracks, making the person behind him walk directly into his back. "Sor - sorry," he apologized, giving them a very quick glance before refocusing on his ex-girlfriend. After a moment, he approached her, his expression still perplexed. "Are you... you're real?" he asked, knowing how dumb he sounded but not paying it any attention.
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Aurora Bay was a very small town. Obviously, it was nothing like London in any way and maybe it was a good thing. Aria came to town to get some sort of inspiration for her book "Like there's no tomorrow" and all she really wanted to do is to stay at her new house and do absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. But, it wasn't on the agenda today...she got up, got dressed, and walked to a nearby coffee shop with her laptop. She ordered herself a large americano with soft pretzels. She tried to write but nothing came up. Suddenly, as Aria was glancing around at the people sitting around her she noticed something, someone. Aria felt like her heart is about to pop out of her chest as she saw that it was indeed Camp. She sat there frozen, staring at the male. "This can't be happening" She whispered to herself or so she thought she did.
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
Her follow-up throw missed even worse than before, somehow. Campbell watched as it whizzed right past the trash can again. He let out a quiet, disappointed hum as he picked it up for her again. "Bad luck, mate. The wind's working against you today. Here, let me try." He invited himself to sit down with her on the bench, aiming for the trash can, and shooting. It made it in, barely, and he clapped his hands together in celebration. "Yes! We did it. You warmed it up for me." He held a hand up to high-five her.
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Lily was not expecting him to react as he did, but it was a good surprise, he immediately made her smile. She tried to aim at the garbage can, however as she threw the paper was very light, and with the wind, she missed again and chuckled. "I have zero aim." She chuckled. "I could stay here all day and I might get a lucky shot, I should just not be allowed to throw things."
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
The dumb joke worked; the somber look on Lydia's delicate features softened with laughter, an amused snort accompanying it. In turn, Camp's smile returned easily. Her apology, immediately after, confused him a little, but made him laugh again. "Oh yeah, I'm horribly offended. How dare you laugh at my jokes? Unbelievable." He shook his head at her, though he still wore a broad grin.
"Yeah, I haven't thought of that place in ages. I would've lived there if I could," he recalled with a faint, warm smile. Thinking about his memories with his dad wasn't necessarily his favorite thing to do, but he had a huge soft spot in his heart for that place. "No, I think I should take this up with my mum. It's an outrage." He shook his head, again, like he was really disappointed in himself and his mother. "I had my own, yeah. My parents got me my own for my... seventh? Eighth birthday, maybe? Said my last name in big letters on the back." He set his coffee down on the table at her question. "I didn't yet, sorry. Campbell Benowitz." He offered his hand to shake hers across the table. "It's nice to formally meet you."
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Lydia couldn't help the small snort that escaped her as she imagined the woman trying to convince the press that Richard's murder was justified. Her eyes widened in sudden horror and a blush rose in her cheeks as she shook her head. "I'm sorry," she said with a small laugh. "That was...very undignified. Just...imagining that scenario was absolutely delightful."
The smile that brightened the man's face as he spoke of her father's football club was contagious, and soon Lydia felt a similar smile return to her face. "That sounds like a very nice memory to have," she said with a smile. I assure you, it's not shameful at all. In fact, there's a chance your mother may not even be aware that I'm the daughter of the owner." She studied him for a moment, taking another sip of her tea. "Did you have your own kit?" she asked after a moment, a smile playing on her lips. "With one of the players' names on it? Or perhaps your own...what did you say your name was?" She found she was actually quite enjoying talking to this man. She was glad he had decided to sit.
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campbellbenowitz · 2 years
The sudden sadness that overtook her face also dampened Camp's mood, too. He didn't like people not being happy. Yeah, maybe that wasn't the healthiest way to think, but when he was around at the very least, he wanted people to be in a good mood. "You couldn't get my mum off your side if you tried. I think you could've publicly murdered your ex and Mum still would say you were justified." He paused. "Which, probably true. Sounds like he had it coming." Campbell grinned, gentle but still playful.
He had fully planned on letting her return to her book, but when she mentioned Tottenham FC, his expression brightened entirely. "Seriously? I went there all the time when I was young!" Though he'd worried about intruding on her space, he sat down across from her without thinking about it, jazzed completely by the childhood memories that flooded his brain. "My dad and I would get the cheapest tickets and go to matches whenever we could. I had one of those kiddie, membership packs - you know, with the drawstring bag and water bottle with the logo on it? I thought it was so cool. And it was, to be honest. It was pretty great." He let out a little, short laugh, thinking back to young, eight-year-old Campbell, decked out in his Tottenham merch. "Yeah, I loved that place. I had no idea your dad owned it. I'm the son of your biggest fan and I didn't know that?" He shook his head in mock disappointment. "That's shameful of me. I'm sorry."
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Lydia couldn't help but laugh a little bit, shaking her head as she tried to imagine this woman. "Oh, god, I really hope she didn't do that," she said with a small chuckle. Though it was very nice to know there was someone in England who didn't believe everything The Sun and all the other rags were saying about her. Even just knowing there might be one person out there on her side––other than her parents, of course––really helped. "It is nice to know there is someone on my side, though," she added, her expression turning sad.
She couldn't help the raise of her eyebrows when he responded to her question. "Edmonton?" she asked, a small smile lifting the corner of her lips a bit. "I grew up just around the corner from you, then. Tottenham. My father actually owns Tottenham FC." She gave him a small smile, lifting her teacup to her lips and taking a small sip. "Well, I suppose not literally around the corner, unless you count the amount of time I spent in the stadium growing up."
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