I’m new here so bare with me. I have to let you know about my sister inlaw. I’ve got 2. Lucky me…. not really. So lemme just break it down for you w #1 first cos she came into my life before #2 (duh) so #1 has always hated me for some strange reason but before I found out she hated me I really really liked her like I use to tell my friends and partner how cool she was I admired her friendship AND THEN I found out through family that she had always bad mouthed me and she called me ugly like omg me? Ugly? Yes I am kind of ugly but at least I don’t look like a drag queen, she even told my partners fam about a dance video my friends and I did for fun and she showed everyone that would watch it but to this day she still hasn’t mentioned anything to me about a video, anyways this piece of information got to me and it low key hurt my feelings because I actually liked her! Thy moved to Australia then I started to distance myself from her. She’s that kind of girl that tries to get all the boys to like her and she shows off her money (which isn’t heaps) always wore the latest trend. A few years later we found out that her n her partner had a kid and she tried to act like her baby was blue ivy by never sending any photos of the baby, always hiding the baby which I really didn’t care then a few years after that we found out that they were in debt, SERIOUS DEBT because she wanted a iPad and an iPhone and all this other rubbish. I have kids of my own now and she even mentioned it saying her own child looks like a Alien and mine look so beautiful and I really wanna tell her yeah mine look beautiful cos I’m not like you stink bum lol fast forward to now, 2017, she is currently nonstop texting me trying to act like she cares “how’s things? How are you guys?” Like no I’m not gonna reply, no you’re not gonna get a reaction from me and yes I fucken hate your guts lol. That’s just a rough idea who #1 is. My next blog I will tell you all the things #1 has done from the time I have met her until now… in detail. Until the next….. girrrrllll bye!
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