canadasworstcrimes · 6 years
The case of Ardeth Wood
On August 6th, 2003, 27 year old Ottawa woman named Ardeth Wood left her parents Orleans home on her bicycle and headed towards Rockcliffe parkway, near Beacon Hill.
When she never came home, a massive 5 day search for her insued with hundreds of police, volunteers and military and her picture was shared nationwide. The search ended when her body was found near Green's Creek, under a bridge. She'd been drowned and sexually assaulted.
A Canada wide manhunt followed. The above composite sketch of the man who had been attempting to lure women into the woods in that area, was posted in most public places in the country.
Over 2 years later, on October 20th, 2005, police arrested 25 year old Chris Myers, who had been charged with assault in Northbay, Ontario previously.
On January 8th, 2008, Myers plead guilty to murder and was sentenced to 10 years in prison without chance of parole.
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