candicereeves · 5 years
Candice shrugged at Vivian. "Sure why not. I'd love to see what my best friend has been up to." She said with a smile. "Besides you know I can't turn down a a lab tour." She added.
Closing the doors to the elevator as she gave everyone a dead look and a sharp brow Vivian sighed. “Interesting I thought you guys might have since a lot of our hushed work is developing futuristic tech that revolves around glass. We do all sorts of things here.” twisting her mouth a bit she looked over at Candy. “I can show you our labs if you like!”
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candicereeves · 5 years
"Okay fair, a wet blouse would be worse." Candice said. A soft chuckle left her. "Candice Reeves." She said taking Kara's hand. "Maybe fate did bring us together." She chuckled.
“Oh thank goodness.” Candice said with a smile. “Nothing worse than spilled Jitters.” She said with a half chuckle. “Have we met before?” The red head asked. Time travel always messed with her head, and made it hard to tell when or where she had met someone before.
“I mean a wet blouse is a little worse but only marginally. Caffeine fuels our days, you are on to something.” Kara rocked back on her heels, her thumbs hooking into the linen belt loops of her slacks. “I don’t believe that we have but maybe its fate that finally did. I’m Kara,” she extended her hand out to her with a brightening smile.  
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candicereeves · 5 years
"Well I wish I got unlimited fries and milkshakes." Candice commented as she looked at Vivian. Thinking for a moment she shook her head. "I don't think we did." She said ignoring the people rushing to talk to Vivian.
Vivian blinked for a moment trying to take everything in she tilted her head a bit crossing her arms. “So, Basically- No more spaceship, two massive labs, pretty girlfriend, and unlimited milkshakes and fries?” Vivian listed off pointing to each finger as she listed the things off. 
She then stopped looking over at Candy for a long moment as a realization came to mind. “Did you guys just order a bunch of stuff from my company?” Vivian questioned raising a brow before she started walking again opening the door to the front building she ignored the five people running towards her. Their words weren’t really hitting her ears as the rushed. 
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candicereeves · 5 years
"Okay so I used to be with this group called The Legends. They are a group of time travelers." Candice explained as they walked. "The ship was getting super crowded like I'm pretty sure we had a few people bunking three to a room." She said.
"Anyway, I was up late one night tinkering in the lab. You know working on new tech and stuff, and I got this phone call from this guy I play D&D with. Total dork, but long story short he wanted me and several other Legends to be part of the Time Bureau." She explained.
"Basically like the Legends, but they send agents out on missions." She said. "The best part about my new job, besides the fact that I'm in the present more often and can spend more time with my girlfriend and friends, is that this new job gave me two labs. Two massive labs that could easily be for ten people each. All to myself." Candice said practically skipping as she talked about her tech and science lab at the Bureau.
“No, the last time we talked you mentioned that you were doing the space travel time stuff.” Vivian spoke as they started towards her office. Really she needed to buy her own place she had the money. She wasn’t sure why she wasn’t in the counsel’s trusting graces yet. “Tell me about it?” Vivian questioned to fill the silence as they continued their walk.
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candicereeves · 5 years
Candice chuckled at the small shaking Vivian gave her. "Then let's go to your place." She said with a smile. "I've got nothing going on today, and I was talking about my more permanent here in the present job. I mean still involves time travel, but I'll be around more here in 2019." She explained.
“We can use confetti instead it’s biodegradable and easier to clean up.” Vivian pouted a bit taking Tim’s words as her own. Maybe she should just use confetti for everything from now on? Everyone she knew hated glitter.. “Oh, the time travel thing? You told me that when I came back from my long, long trav-” Vivian stopped in her tracks her eyes going wide. “The box!” Turning she looked at Candy grabbing her shoulders and shaking her gently. “I forgot your box of gifts at my place!”
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candicereeves · 5 years
Candice kept her fake smile up for her co-worker. Though deep down she could feel the nuclear fire of her powers wanting to lash out. Pushing that feeling aside, again, Candice looked at her watch.
Scrunching up her face, the red head let out a soft sigh. Part of her brain wondered if there was a harmless science prank she could pull on the woman before her, but all the ones she could think of were to time consuming or to messy. Instead she pushed those thoughts aside.
Taking another look at her watch, Candice did have time for some argument, or one upsman ship contest at the moment. "Fine." She finally said. "Have fun doing whatever it is you're doing." She said.
Turning to leave, Candice thought for a moment, but stepped away from the other woman. "Maybe I'll see you around the office." She called back as she left. Though her smile faded, and for a split second a flame sparked near her before she controlled it.
Candice knew that tone in Antoinette’s voice. It was clear she didn’t like that Candice was an ex Legend. Letting out a sigh, she watched her co-worker. “Wow really? Still you’re like this?” Candice asked.
“Cool. Look, I have the full order, I’m gonna pay and I could really use an extra pair of hands. I’ll even let you hold and deliver Director Sharp’s drink to her and you can spout all the nasty hate you have for me.” Candice said with a smile as she fixed her suit jacket a bit.
It was rare that she wore a suit, mostly because of how easy it would be for it to get stained or messed up in the Science and Tech departments. However Candice had a meeting and she intended to stay within the guidelines of the Bureau.
Eyebrow cocked, Antoinette allowed herself to make eye contact with Candice. She was clearly unamused with the girl and the bite in her tone. Some girls who tried to be Antoinette might have had respect for Candice and the way she refused to back down, but Antoinette didn’t respect anybody but her superiors– and even that was finite. “Let me make myself very clear,” she started, crossing her legs in a fashion that showed she was in no way ready to get up from where she stood. “I. Don’t. Do. Coffee. Runs.” 
And maybe that was the spoiled brat of her, but at least she wasn’t afraid to admit it. “And for the record, if I wanted to talk shit about you, I’d say it to your face.”
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candicereeves · 5 years
Candice's normally happy demeanor fell at the words that snapped at her. She was getting tired of people being hostile towards her. The red head might be a Marshmallow 99.9% of the time, but that didn't mean she had to take abuse from people.
A tiny spark of flame, started to form around her hand before vanishing. Sara, of course, always inspired people to be in awe of her. Watching for a moment, Candice let out a soft sigh. She had no words to say.
Watching as the two walked into the Waverider, Candice stepped closer and put her hand on the hull of the ship. Candice knew if she set foot on the Waverider she would want to stay. The sense of adventure was strong, and the Waverider was a thing of beauty, but she couldn't.
Seeing Sara and Natira vanish further into the ship, Candice started heading the other way. Pressing her comms to talk to Sara privately, she let out a sigh. "Sorry to bolt Sara, but I think you would rather keep the Waverider in one piece. Don't think she likes me, which seems to be a theme with me." She said.
"Pretty sure I'm also gonna get some damn lecture from Director Sharp. So cheers to that." She said. "Anyway.. it was kind of nice seeing you again." Candice said before turning off her comms.
(( @whitecanary-lance , @usedtobethefuture ))
Candice watched as flames started to surround the woman, but they quickly died out. Her brow furrowed a bit as she heard the soft plea of the stowaway. “Saving your dad is Noble and all, but doing so hurts the time line. Like seriously hurts it.” Candice said.
She looked over at Sara with a soft look. “Listen I get it 2040 was horrible, and I could see how wanting to save your dad seems like a good idea but it really isn’t. The ripples it would cause are potentially catastrophic. We’re talking Flashpoint kind of problems.” She explained.
“And I realized that means nothing to you.” Candice said with a sigh. “Captain Lance.” She said looking at Sara. “Obviously we can’t have her running amuck in 2019, but perhaps there is some kind of compromise?” She asked with a shrug.
(( @whitecanary-lance ))
Sara’s sterling gaze softened at the tenderness in Natira’s resolve. She wasn’t some selfish stowaway hungering for a new break. She wanted to save her father from the grim nature of the future. A malleable future at that. Her own heart ached at the solutions to fix the broken nature of the future. 
“Alright, let’s not get into the scientific ins and outs of events like Flashpoint.” Sara hardly grasped the concept when Barry Allen’s lot of nerds explained it. “I need to know everything you know about the future and who your father is. If you want help, you need to pull your own weight on this.” Sara nodded towards the waverider before knocking on the exterior for the airlocks to disengage. 
Her boots squeaked against the iron wrought landing. She tossed an encouraging glance to the young woman, “you coming or not?” 
@usedtobethefuture​ @candicereeves​
“Nobody asked you,” Natira snapped at Candice, the anger bursting through her like a flame. If the girl wanted to cry for her captain, then she needed to leave the business to the actual captain. At least, that’s what Natira wanted to say. She bit those words back, knowing that if she wanted this to work, if she wanted help– or at the very least, for them to turn their eyes away– then she needed to keep her temper under control. She couldn’t act like some brat.
Instead, she turned away from the other girl, her eyes purely on Captain Sara Lance. Nat was speechless at first, almost gawking at the woman. Was she- was this actually happening? 
Quickly she snapped out of it, straightening herself. “Yes ma’am,” she said quickly, rushing back into the ship she had just exited. 
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@candicereeves​ @whitecanary-lance​
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candicereeves · 5 years
"Glitter gets everywhere Vivian. I absolutely don't want to go home or to work covered in glitter." Candice said. "Speaking of which, you don't know about my job... Or do you? I always forget what I have and haven't told people." She commented.
“How do you feel-” Vivian thought about it for a small moment. Throwing little sidewalk poppers at un-excepting people sounded fun. But, that didn’t seem right. “Making harmless glitter bombs?”
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candicereeves · 5 years
"Science is fun." Candice said. Though once again she was reminded why Vivian was one of her best friends. "What did you have in mind?" She asked as she was dragged along for whatever Vivian may or may not have planned.
“It’s because of all that science you need some fun.” Vivian insisted as she circled Candice as if scanning her with a device. Which was obviously her phone in her hand. “We should go have some fun!” She squeaked out excitedly taking Candy’s hand and heading off in a direction like they used too. 
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candicereeves · 5 years
Candice smiled as she looked at Vivian. Pulling her into a hug, Candice patted her back gently. "It is so good to see you again." She said as she pulled away from the hug. "Oh you know how I am. I get locked in my head some times and just forget people exist." Candice said with a soft chuckle.
"Yeah sorry... I wasn't paying..." Candice said. "Been a little distracted lately. What were you saying?" She asked.
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candicereeves · 5 years
"Yeah sorry... I wasn't paying..." Candice said. "Been a little distracted lately. What were you saying?" She asked.
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candicereeves · 5 years
Candice knew that tone in Antoinette's voice. It was clear she didn't like that Candice was an ex Legend. Letting out a sigh, she watched her co-worker. "Wow really? Still you're like this?" Candice asked.
"Cool. Look, I have the full order, I'm gonna pay and I could really use an extra pair of hands. I'll even let you hold and deliver Director Sharp's drink to her and you can spout all the nasty hate you have for me." Candice said with a smile as she fixed her suit jacket a bit.
It was rare that she wore a suit, mostly because of how easy it would be for it to get stained or messed up in the Science and Tech departments. However Candice had a meeting and she intended to stay within the guidelines of the Bureau.
Candice looked over seeing the woman her get pretty riled up over something. Walking closer she recognized her from the Time Bureau. “She doesn’t want any.. are those… Marbles?” Candice asked looking confused. “Dude no one wanted marbles.” She added.
“Not the point. Point is I’ve been looking all over for you Antoinette.” Candice said turning to the woman. “I could really use your help making a Jitters run for the office!” She lied with a smile.
Antoinette hadn’t even taken the time to look at whatever it was the guy was trying to sell her, but– seriously? Marbles. Jesus fuck. She stifled a sigh, giving herself a moment to contemplate just up and walking away– not just from the seller, but from her coworker.
She recognized that the woman was trying to save her, but there were two issues with that. The first, was that Antoinette didn’t need saving. Especially not from men. The second, was that she recognized Candice as an old member of the Legends and that deserved it’s own category for incompetence. Finally she allowed herself to look up at the girl, barely offering her a grimace. “I don’t do coffee runs.” 
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candicereeves · 5 years
Candice looked over seeing the woman her get pretty riled up over something. Walking closer she recognized her from the Time Bureau. "She doesn't want any.. are those... Marbles?" Candice asked looking confused. "Dude no one wanted marbles." She added.
"Not the point. Point is I've been looking all over for you Antoinette." Candice said turning to the woman. "I could really use your help making a Jitters run for the office!" She lied with a smile.
“Listen, whatever you’re trying to sell or peddle or whatever, I’m not interested. I don’t do pyramid schemes and I don’t buy garbage, so,” Antoinette waved her hand in the face of the person who had just approached her. “Get out of my face.”
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candicereeves · 5 years
Candice watched as flames started to surround the woman, but they quickly died out. Her brow furrowed a bit as she heard the soft plea of the stowaway. "Saving your dad is Noble and all, but doing so hurts the time line. Like seriously hurts it." Candice said.
She looked over at Sara with a soft look. "Listen I get it 2040 was horrible, and I could see how wanting to save your dad seems like a good idea but it really isn't. The ripples it would cause are potentially catastrophic. We're talking Flashpoint kind of problems." She explained.
"And I realized that means nothing to you." Candice said with a sigh. "Captain Lance." She said looking at Sara. "Obviously we can't have her running amuck in 2019, but perhaps there is some kind of compromise?" She asked with a shrug.
(( @whitecanary-lance ))
“Extremely important things like messing with time?” Candice asked with a tilt of her head. Narrowing her eyes, she thought for a moment, before touching her ear comms. “Captain Lance you have a 2040 stowaway.” She said. “Currently outside of the Waverider.” She said.
(( @whitecanary-lance))
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Sara’s footsteps rattled the metal grates as she jogged out from the depths of the cargo bay. With static in her ears and an incurable hangover, she focused on the voice that chimed through the coms. “Fia say what…” she gritted her teeth at the minor error of their sweep and the dangers that came with an anachronism. “This will be an easy clean up,” not so easy on the soul. Sara understood why someone from the future, specifically that future, would want to flee from it. Did she have it in her to send them back? 
‘Gideon, open the hatch.’ Sara bellowed.
“You better have a compelling story for trespassing on my ship.” 
@usedtobethefuture​ @candicereeves​
“Extremely important things that are absolutely none of your business.” Natira’s eyes burned orange and a moment later, her hair licked up in flames, the rest of her body following suit. She needed to make a quick getaway, one that would keep her from getting into trouble, but before she could take off, she felt the sharp pang in her side from where she had been shot. Quickly the flames dispersed, just in time for Natira to notice that she had been caught by the one person she wasn’t supposed to. It was now all she could do to just… not mention Zari.
This was it. This was the end. Natira had taken it onto herself to do a mission and she failed. Squaring her shoulders she tried to shake away the fear and despair at the fact that this was already over, before it could start. “I just want to save my dad.”
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candicereeves · 5 years
"Oh... Didn't realize anyone was in here." Candice said. She didn't really like the physical training, but it was one of those 'you are required by your job' kind of deals. "Didn't mean to make you stop." She commented as he turned off the music.
With repeated motions, Leo slammed his fists fiercely into a punching bag. He trained alone as the collisions of his punches echoed in the empty room. His booming music playing from the device strapped to his arm only somewhat dampening it.
Even though he was somewhat of a social trainer, today he didn’t mind being alone, it meant his mind could wander. It couldn’t help but go to the future they had come from, what it all meant, if that’s what was coming one way or another. He was so invested in own thoughts and his training he almsot didn’t hear anyone walk into the room, seeing them our of the corner of his eye, he turned his music off.
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candicereeves · 5 years
"Oh thank goodness." Candice said with a smile. "Nothing worse than spilled Jitters." She said with a half chuckle. "Have we met before?" The red head asked. Time travel always messed with her head, and made it hard to tell when or where she had met someone before.
(( @girlofxsteel ))
Candice was glad to be back in 2019. Things were bright and cheerful again. Enough to put a spring in her step. As she walked to Jitters, Candice had to avoid bumping into the blonde walking out. “I am so sorry I almost made you spill your coffee.” She apologized.
Central City buzzed with a new found mission. The recent events forced the city to rebuild in ways that outstretched over just general infrastructure. People  lending a hand to extinguish fear but there was something looming. Something far more eerie than she wanted to accept. Breathing in the calm, Kara skirted around the growing lines in Jitters. Sensing the incoming body, she cradled her latte close to avoid the incoming collision. 
Déjà vu. 
“It’s fine. No coffee spillage, no foul.” 
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candicereeves · 5 years
(( @girlofxsteel ))
Candice was glad to be back in 2019. Things were bright and cheerful again. Enough to put a spring in her step. As she walked to Jitters, Candice had to avoid bumping into the blonde walking out. "I am so sorry I almost made you spill your coffee." She apologized.
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