candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
He nearly pulls his sword from its cane-sheathe in surprise. When he figures out what had happened his tilts his head down and turns from the two to give them more privacy. "Of course. Take as long as you need, sir."
Lyn’s smile becomes less bitter at Lucian’s positive statement, and he grabs his own cane, standing up.
Before he can move, something comical happens— Myarel—also in his demon form— appears out of thin air and lands right on top of Lyn, making them both tumble to the ground.
At first, Lyn’s annoyed and he huffs. He manages to sit up, and immediately Myarel starts to halfway cling to his back, gripping his shirt tightly. “Lemme guess, ya had another nightmare, didn’t ya?” Myarel manages to nod against his back, and Lyn moves his gaze to where he thinks Lucian is, giving the man an apologetic smile and moving one arm back to put it around his friend. “Sorry, just gimme a minute.”
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
He leaned in to suck and bite at her neck, the control he prided himself on as a gentleman wearing thin as his loosened pants began to infuriate him with their presence. His free hand slid down Braelyn's body on its way to undo his trousers, the article of clothing falling to the floor to leave him as bare as her.
Love Is Sweet
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
He smiled a bit in return, turning to whisper back to her. "You're like a rebellious teenager; it suits you wonderfully." His smile grew as he reached around her to open the carriage door, holding it open with a light bow. "My lady, we have appointments." Lucian looked up at her from under the brim of his hat, eye sparkling with glee.
George hummed lightly as if trying to clear his throat, looking from Lucian's offered hand to Braelyn as if telling the two they might be late if they stayed too long.
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Braelyn nearly laughed at the sight, raising a gloved hand to cover her smile. Giving George a polite nod and smile, she moved closer to Lucian. 
"I hope they aren’t making you wear shoes because we are going out?" She asked quietly, resting a hand gently on his arm. She didn’t want him to be uncomfortable on their outing. Leaning in she whispered, "Maybe you can sneak them off before we go?" A playful smile graced her lips at the suggestion.
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
Love Is Sweet
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
"Of course, Miss." Hanna nodded, shooing Braelyn out of the room and down the halls. 
"If that's what you want." Carrie finished with a wink as she pushed the redhead out the front of the manor lightly. "Have a nice day, m'lady." 
Lucian stood by a black and white striped carriage bickering quietly with his butler, the only words uttered loud enough to carry over to Braelyn being "shoes" and "freedom". The raven stamped a foot, the sound strange to his ears as the soles of his only pair of shoes connected with the gravel. "I have told you many times, George, I refuse to wear shoes!" The butler gave him a look and turned to Braelyn. 
"I am sorry you had to see that, he really is quite sane for the most part. I hope you can forgive Mr. Lars." 
mdbraelyn has arrived at your facilities!
Braelyn felt a wide smile part her lips. She loved hearing these stories. “Rose sounds like she was a lovely woman…” She sat still as Hanna brushed her hair. “Thank you, I’d love to hear more stories… maybe? After I return? If you ladies aren’t too busy?” She looked between them after her hair was brushed, smiling sweetly. 
I could never replace such a wonderful lady… Braelyn’s mind spun slightly. What could Lucian see in me? I don’t think I’m anything like that. Most of his staff doesn’t seem to like me… Except for Carrie and Hanna…
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
A small smile crept across his lips and his eye seemed to light up with a spark of hope. "Every wound has its antidote, my friend. Though it's up to the wounded to find it." He stood, tapping his cane against the leg of his chair lightly. "Let's continue this on a stroll through my garden. I'd like to check on the gardeners. Keep that form if you'd like, all my workers are aware that supernatural beings exist." 
He fixed his hat and dusted himself off, gesturing for Lyn to follow him. 
Lyn didn’t seem deterred by Lucian not knowing this information, shrugging slightly and giving him a small, solemn smile. “Don’t matter to me, s’long as ya don’t mind me talkin’ about it. Ah’m tellin’ ya all Ah am ‘cause Ah trust ya. Anyone who can put up with me fer this long, ‘specially with what Ah’ve shown ya, seems pretty trustworthy ta me.”
At Lucian’s talk of luck, regarding Colton, he chuckles somewhat bitterly. “It’ll take more’n luck. S’been four years since Colton ran from his dad, ‘n only one since ol’ Mr. Robinson offed himself. Colton’s still scared to death that he’ll come back.” Lyn clasps his hands in front of him with a grim smile. “Naw, it’ll take more’n luck fer him to ever get over it. Ah personally don’t think that’s possible. ‘M not a psychologist, but speakin’ from experience, stuff like that don’t ever leave.”
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
"It was actually one of our most popular products. Five years ago my wife fell in during an inspection. She is no longer with us and neither is our taffy." He tapped his cane against the railing with a small smile. "45 meters from here to the lowest level of the factory floor. 30 to the top of the tallest machine."
"If you don't have any other questions I can either show you one of the machines up close, or I can take you to the shop at the end of the tour." He tipped his hat slightly, motioning to his workers to let the bronze lift down to the floor open.
nurserenard has arrived at your facilities!
Renard seemed very impressed by it all. He had never actually been inside a factory, and he was almost startled by the size of the machinery. “Wow, all this for making candy? Never realized it took so much.” He admitted, his eyes still wandering across the room as he tried to take it all in. “Why don’t you produce taffy anymore? Couldn’t sell it? I guess I wouldn’t know what candies are considered popular among the average consumer.” Shrugging as he walked over to railing and looked straight down, trying to guess how far up they were.
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
Love Is Sweet
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
"Since the company was first started in 1859." Carrie stated proudly, slipping the boots onto Braelyn and lacing them up expertly. "When Mister Lars first hired us he and his wife still lived in a humble little house in town, back when they still made the candy themselves." She smiled at the memory, patting Braelyn's dress as she stood up.
"We were hired to help Rose keep the house as clean as possible while the two of them slaved away. When they moved to a larger town house in the middle of town we became more of Rose's personal maids." Hanna continued, smiling as well. "We were all good friends back then, the four of us." The woman laughed lightly to herself as if remembering a joke from the past as she began brushing her lady's hair.
mdbraelyn has arrived at your facilities!
Braelyn blushed lightly, “Nothing too much… I’m afraid I was too tired. But he told me how he spends time with his children in his free time and if not he’s making sure his children stay happy. And then I told him how I enjoyed reading in my free time and how I enjoy playing the piano.” She nodded, smiling. “I played for him… I haven’t played in 5 years, but I played for him last night.” 
As she was laced up, Braelyn smiled between them. “H-how long have you two been working for him?” She asked politely, trying to turn the conversation away from her.
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
The male seemed stricken by how openly he shared this information with him. "I-I never saw theirs. This eye patch has been specially made with different holy materials and different types of salts to keep my eye from invading people's privacy in such a foul manner." He refrained from asking anything, further simply nodding at the information given.
"I'm sorry the boy had to go through what he did. I wish him luck on his path to recovery."
Lyn doesn’t seem to change attitudes at this statement, nodding in understanding when Lucian says he’d rather not show his eye to many people. “Ya don’t have ta show her. She’s got a sense fer these things. S’a little difficult fer me ta explain, but to put it simply she can read minds and sense stuff from people.”
Lyn then gives him a small smile. “As fer seein’ what Ah fear, tha only thing Ah really fear is losin’ people. ‘Specially people close ta me. Myarel ‘n Colton have different fears than Ah do, though.” He chuckles a bit before continuing. “Ah know ya saw it, but Myarel’s scared of poltergeists. No real reason why, he’s never met one, but they freak ‘im out. Colton, however…..” His expression becomes serious again.
"Colton still ain’t over his dad. He’s better now than he’s ever been, but his dad— pardon my language— really fucked his mind up. Not just his mind, his body, too. He’ll talk about it, but it hurts him, y’know?"
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
He swallowed and put his eye patch on before putting his pocket watch away. "If I have the option I'd like to show it to as few people as possible. Knowing what it tells me about people isn't something I enjoy." He frowns and looks over at the tea. "I'm sorry for not telling you before, but it showed me what you fear most."
Lyn does the same thing he did before, except this time he trains the watch on Lucian’s eye. His own eyes widen slightly, and he moves the watch a bit closer to study it a bit more. “Hm…. can’t say Ah’ve seen anythin’ like it before. Ah ain’t an expert on eyes, or even injuries caused by demons, fer that matter. Ah will say this— whatever kinda demon bit ya, it seems like it left ya with part of its power.”
Lyn blinks a bit, continuing to study the pupil of the eye. It was a curious thing, and it seemed almost artistic, in a sense. Then he handed the watch back to Lucian, releasing his hand again. “Tha only thing Ah’ve seen that’s even remotely similar to it would be Colton’s eye….. ‘n it ain’t nothin’ like that. S’a bionic implant, ‘n he never really shows it ‘cause he don’t want people to get freaked out. It has a red dot in the pupil ‘n when he gets mad it takes over his whole eye.”
He thinks for a second, clicking his finger-claws together. “Ah only know one person who could tell ya fer sure about yer eye. Myarel’s mother, Rowan, is more of an expert than Ah am. If ya’d like to meet her sometime Ah’ll be sure to tell Myarel. S’just if you want to, though. She’s a good lady ‘n she enjoys company.”
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
Hanna rolled her eyes and Carrie sat on a stool unlacing Braelyn's boots. "Oooh, tell me everything. What did the two of you talk about last night?" As Carrie prepares her shoes Hanna was lacing her corset and dress.
mdbraelyn has arrived at your facilities!
Blushing lightly, she followed Hanna’s tug. “Oh… we are going out?” She smiled, looking between them. Braelyn was virtually a ragdoll in Hanna’s arms, knowing that getting into corsets was not easy, or comfortable - but once she was in it, it was too bad.
She couldn’t help the smile that pulled at her lips while she thought about being out with Lucian. “He’s such a sweet gentleman…” She said, sighing happily. 
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
Love Is Sweet || (From the meme))
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
He doesn't react to Lyn's form at all, simply pulling his eye patch off as though the man hadn't done anything. He kept his eye closed until he'd handed the watch back to the demon, stating quickly, and sincerely, "I'm so sorry." before he opened his eye.
Unlike his normally uncovered eye his left eye was completely black, except for the pupil. The pupil was a moving, calculating swirl of red and gold. When the eye locked onto Lyn the colors flew into motion, twisting in varying directions frantically for a few seconds, then stopping and going back to it's slow, counterclockwise spin. The pupil opened wider and switched directions.
Lyn nods and smiles, holding his palms together. “If you’ll gimme tha watch and one of yer hands back, Ah’d be happy to.”
As he’s speaking, he changes before Lucian’s eyes. His skin turns to a graphite color, and his ears elongate, looking more like an elf’s ears. His fingernails turn into small, black claws, and a lion-like tail with a tuft of hair the same shade as that on his head appears behind him, curling next to his right side. The last change is that a pair of horns, like a Gazelle’s, grow from his head, parting his hair slightly and making some of it fall into his eyes. He frowns a bit, mostly because he’s afraid, deep down, that Lucian’s going to freak out on him.
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
"Mister Lucian is taking his favorite flower to the market to flaunt her colors~" Carrie swept herself and the dress in a circle, fluttering her eyelashes at the Hanna and her.
Hanna laughed and rolled her eyes again, pulling Braelyn away from the view of the windows. "He simply wishes to make your stay as pleasurable as possible." Carrie began snickering at that statement and Hanna waved her off.
mdbraelyn has arrived at your facilities!
Nodding at them, she smiled. “Yes, very well actually…..” Her gaze shifted to the dress. “Oh my, that’s…. that dress is so beautiful.” Pushing the blankets off of her, she gracefully slid from the bed. Standing, she stretched again and rubbed her eyes one more time. 
"Carriage? Are we going somewhere today?" She asked, smiling and looking between the women. 
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candyishardlyahobby · 11 years
Love Is Sweet || (From the meme))
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