candylungs · 2 months
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candylungs · 7 months
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candylungs · 7 months
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Why are you weird??
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candylungs · 8 months
Geuss what daddy made
Will be available in my shop once iset it up
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candylungs · 8 months
everyone is talking about new music right now but no one is talking aboit this hole that i dug and the dirt started leaking blood and the deeper i dig the more comes out and its starting to fill up the hole but the blood made really sticky mud at the bottom of the hole thats filling with blood and my feet are stuck in the blood and dirt mud and i dont think i can swim through the blood that is leaking from the sides of this hole that i dug and oh no its
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candylungs · 8 months
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candylungs · 8 months
I'm not dead, I've just been working so much overtime that I wish I was.
Also being bullied into watching Hazbin finally worked and I regret to inform everyone that I got sucked in by this TV demon likes its the fucking Shining. So may write something about him being a fuck ass yandere if I have the Will (eeheeeeheeeeee) to do anything other than knit and rot this week.
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candylungs · 8 months
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candylungs · 8 months
kisses you platonically uwu
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I am fainting (platonically)
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candylungs · 8 months
lol tehe decided to make a lil face snip of the dating sim
this is the neutral ending of his rout , where you are turned in to (as someone put it ) a relic to worship , where you are sedated and tied to his bed or on his lap forever ! no longer having to sin by envying everyone who once looked at you !
due to the years he would do this to you , eventually he wouldn't have to drug you anymore. not because he trust you ! but because you muscle function loss, or paralysis, becoming your muscles lose function, you won't be able to properly operate the affected parts of your body. but thats okay, gods dont need to move there bodies!
thats what your loyal worshiper is for ! like it or not.
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candylungs · 8 months
I've been drawing this for a very long time and to be honest, I can't finish it in any way.…
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The author of the character: @gatobob
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candylungs · 8 months
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I had this pose on the backburnner for a while, i think i saw a pic similar to this when i was younger but i cant remember the artist ! i thought it would be perfect for law !
song its Dionysus
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candylungs · 8 months
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i do NOT care what he does i will defend this man till the day i die.. i love him
i need to draw the other cc characters soon...
also im working on 100%ing the game on steam.. hehe
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candylungs · 8 months
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I haven’t gotten that many new messages from tumblr before but it shocked me-
thank you for your support!sorry I didn’t have the time to draw these months …but here are the unfinished sketches from earlier.
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candylungs · 8 months
What if he killed me. What if he couldn't handle the feel of my flesh beneath his hand. Where is my romantic slaughter, huh???????
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candylungs · 8 months
Notes: I have something longer coming (sub Will.....) but here is something that could not be contained. Nothing too extreme just allusion to non con towards the end.
By chance, you catch Will in a vulnerable moment. Washing one of the two shirts he keeps until his patchwork isn't enough to spare the cruelty of never warming skin again. Once its too threadbare, he'll steal something sturdy from his father. It's safer than stealing from strangers. Makes the hollow aching just underneath the flesh feel justified.
Will's eyes shift from shirt to treeline again.
The shirt he's rinsing is getting near to end. The thumb of potash he's scrubbing with stings the little cuts littering his hands, gained foraging for berries among thorny bushes, and the sensation spreads when he spots you.
Wooden, as though strung from one action to the next, the potash is wound into the shirt. The shirt is thrown to the rocks. Will has a knife brandished. A harsh tear of fabric draws your eye. In his panic, the blade has torn through his pocket, exposing a flush of thigh.
He does not shake. But his breath swells. And his eyes flitter from branch to branch like a bird.
Despite the knife, you feel some confidence. You've overcome this before, after all. With a rising calm, you take your time. The pattern of freckles sifted to settle across his cheeks and shoulders are charming. In the sprinkling of sun the trees allow through, Will is flush with life.
The paint and suit hide so much life. Peeled away, you see a man terrified of the honesty the moment's forced upon him. And your heart wavers at how much you want him.
Is that what those collection of bones are to him? Is that what he sees in you? Something wonderful yet hidden?
His knife rises and you give your softest smile.
You have your palms raised to the level of your hip, but he doesn't budge. He can't verbalize what he needs. You can only guess, can only stay hushed and raise your arms until your fingers peek through your peripheral. High and visible like the flush spreading from the apple of his cheeks.
"I'm going to leave, okay?"
The nod is a jerk of chin and hair when he finally gives it. He is mumbling, too low for you. Not meant to be heard.
And you turn, trusting that he'll let you. Knowing that you'll come back again, twice shy of being bitten.
Will fingers his shirt once you're gone, his heart still angry in his chest. Perhaps he'll wear it out a bit more. Perhaps he'll leave it in your trunk and wait to see what you'll do. Perhaps you'll wear it, the jumble of patches rising and falling as you sleep, and he'll slide his fingers under to find your warm skin and you won't fight this time, will just lie so wonderful and still as your heart beats with his.
His hands shake, adrenaline finally taking hold.
"It stings," he mutters, thinking better of rubbing his eyes.
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candylungs · 8 months
Oh my fucking GOD. You are such a comrade for feeding my derangement with this ask to let me know. Just got back from purgatory and am back in Hell, burning for him.
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