canidfeline · 22 days
Fur boots slowly padded against the snow-covered earth before coming to a halt behind a fallen log.
The boy knelt down behind the log, his breaths slow and careful as if he were doing breathing exercises. He held up his bow, resting it on the log to hold it still as he reached his other hand back to draw an arrow from his quiver.
A blacksmith needs furs for leather and as any mercenary would be, Arius was up for the job.
A 16-year-old aspiring mercenary, but still.
After a good minute of thinking and staring off into the snow below him, his fiery amber eyes snapped to an elk trudging through the snow, its hooves leaving little prints in the slush.
He shook his head to a few loose strands of his raven-black hair out of his eyes. He pushed the arrow he had in his right hand against the bow in his left, locking it in position before pulling it back with the string, aiming for its neck as it leaned down to eat from a patch of grass that wasn't fully covered by the snow.
He loosed the arrow from the string with a quiet but long exhale, biting his lip to stop a small wince from escaping him and shaking his right hand a little from the pain of the small string of the bow digging into the creases of his pointer and middle fingers.
The arrow shot into the elk's neck, the animal letting out a loud bugle before flopping into the ground on the side where Arius had shot, snapping the arrow in half which made the boy roll his eyes. He didn't really have money to spare on extra arrows, he only had about 12 left.
11 and a half now, maybe. He can work with half an arrow if he just ties a few feathers to it.
He scratched his jawline - his growing facial hair irritating the skin - as he stepped over the log to get over to the dead elk, pulling the pointy-ended half of the arrow out of its neck and plopping it back into his quiver before unsheathing a small skinning knife out of a belt loop, his hand brushing against the short fur cloak covering him from his broad shoulders to his hips.
He gripped one of the elk's antlers with his left hand to hold it still as his right stabbed the skinning knife into the elk's stomach, pushing it further left in a regular grip before grunting and switching to a reverse grip so he could have more control over the blade and skin the animal faster. He's impatient.
After about an hour or so, he'd skinned the elk fully, rolling its pelt up so it could fit into his homemade rucksack (but like a medieval rucksack) and butchering a few parts of meat to bring home to his Mother. Then, he took his knife to just below one of the elk's antlers - maybe for decoration in his room or to sell. Maybe crush up to practice alchemy with.
In ten minutes, he'd got halfway through the antler before just tutting to himself and standing up.
He definitely wasn't the only one after the coin from this little job, he wanted to be quick.
With a clearing of his throat, he stood back up and walked away from the corpse to find the road he'd been following to get here again. The wolves should get it. Or the Bosmer.
After thirty minutes or so, he arrived back at Bruma, wonderful Bruma.
He nodded with a 'smile' at one of the guards as they pushed the city gates open for him, walking inside and towards the blacksmith's shop where he'd gotten the job, rubbing his cold, calloused hands together for warmth.
With a quick glance left and right, he noted the smelter to the right of the shop before jogging up the three little steps to the wooden door and knocking before opening it.
The shop was cosy and warm, letting Arius exhale a breath he hadn't known he was holding and not having to see the fog. He thought it was a tad strange to build a blacksmith and have it mainly made out of wood. Especially with the forge and anvil being inside. Also seems like a bit of an inconvenience with the smelter OUTSIDE, but he isn't the professional here, he supposed.
Stone floors at least. To avoid floor fires, probably.
Wall and ceiling fires were still totally possible.
Why is the architecture like this?
He walked up to the shabby wooden counter, knocking on it twice.
''Second!'' The deep voice of the blacksmith shouted from behind the corner of the wall just to the right of the counter - Arius' left.
''I've got they, eh, pelts ye wanted. The ones (pronounced wahns because of the Scottish accent) you made the flyer for?"
''Eh? Awh.''
The Nord mumbled, not really that loud but Arius had some sharp ears on him.
After a few seconds, Arius could hear the man's leather boots marching closer before he appeared from around the corner. Big, brawny Hulgard.
The man's hands and lower wrists were covered in soot, Arius could see it on his boots and his apron, sweat even soaking through his shirt's armpits. He was dark-skinned and Arius could never tell if his skin was just imbued with the suit or if he was actually just darker-skinned.
''Ah, Arius. S'you.'' The smith said, his tone turning a smidge friendlier. Arius has been shopping here since he was old enough to lift a sword. And with his upbringing and nature, that wasn't that old.
And the height and genes.
''It's me, Hulgard.'' The boy huffed, pulling his rucksack off his back to unbutton the clasp to take his loot out, setting the sack on the counter.
The man opened his mouth to speak before noting the growing mutton chops on the boy's cheeks, smiling a little before speaking.
''Eh... not to burst your oh-so-eager bubble there, Ari, but I've already got the, eh... pelts.''
Arius sucked in his bottom lip, chewing on it and clenching his teeth. He might be overreacting already, but he spent fucking ages in the snow just waiting for an animal, any animal. HE GOT ON ELK! A MASSIVE FUCKING THING! SKINNED IT ALL!
''...who? Ye rarely actually give any o' yer jobs to real mercs to save on the coin, and Bruma's full a' kids like me, so, who?'' He asked, hands gripping his still-full rucksack that was still set on the counter
''If I tell you, are you going to fight them for the coin?'' The blacksmith asked, leaning forward and putting his hands on the edge of the counter. He sounded more exasperated than anything. It wouldn't be Arius' first time.
''Ye are, ain't you.''
''I just said no! I'm honest.''
''Yer as honest as your mother and that's an extremely low bar, young Stone-Heart.''
Arius just let out a loud exhale from his nose, tilting his head and staring at Hulgard all deadpan-like.
The man huffed, hanging his head low before looking back up.
''It was Jirak.''
Fucking Jirak- OF COURSE, it was fucking Jirak, the grey-skinned bastard.
Not that Arius has anything against Dark Elves, he thought the Dunmer were an interesting and relatively cool people.
They were just usually dicks and Jirak was one of them. Isn't at all his fault he would use that phrase. No.
''YOU- JIR- GAVE IT TO-'' The boy sputtered, shaking his head every other word. He took it way more to heart than any right person should. He's a very sensitive boy, it isn't his fault.
Mummy says he's special.
''Just fuck off, Hulgard, you hook-nosed cunt.'' He huffed out sharply after regaining the ability to speak after his little episode, gripping his bag tighter and going to yank it off the table to put it back on himself.
''Och, Arius- I can still pay ye for the pelts, ya daft, young bastard. Not the same price as the job, but you can sell it.'' Hulgard sighed out, hanging his head low - again - before leaning more on the counter, folding his arms under him.
''Ah. Right ye are, aye.'' Arius mumbled, digging into his sack for a second before just turning it upside down and emptying it onto the smith's counter.
The man breathed and nodded, doing some math mentally in his head before reaching back for his coin purse, counting some coin before putting about 15 Septims on the counter.
''Not that bad, I guess.'' The boy murmured, taking the money and stuffing it into his own, less full coin purse. He nodded to Hulgard before just marching off like he was in a huff out the shop.
''By Talos, that boy.'' Hulgard tutted to himself before heading back into the back of the shop where the forge was.
was going to be longer but considering you start college soon (which im unbelievably proud of you for) i wanted to get this out and i'll just do a part 2 later.
this is the song i was listening to so here
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canidfeline · 26 days
not talking to you has made me go actually insane
on the verge of insanity
life is so hard when i dont get to talk to my girlfriend
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canidfeline · 29 days
I take back what I said ages ago
I love drunk kleo I love sober kleo I love 2020 kleo I love all kleo
I want all kleo...
I'm also having to stop myself from calling you baby a lot so I might slip
It's going to happen and ur going to have to be mean if u want it to stop...
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canidfeline · 1 month
also with me having insane writers block with DC shit and waiting on ur clones post
reyno will come back
soft rebooted btw hes getting redone the same as the clones and t+l
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canidfeline · 1 month
tonight made me realise i am in love with talking to you
i mean obviously but i mean vocally especially
it feels so nice to hear your voice and you hear mine back
the breathy thing you do after laughing silently, how your laugh sounds when it's audible, the way i can hear you smile makes me feel ten times better talking to you
im glad thats the voice im going to be hearing for the rest of my life
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canidfeline · 1 month
I know how you are with intimacy and I completely understand it, and its something I love about you because it makes me feel as if you won't expect too much from me and I don't mean to seem too like forward or whatever but I didn't just dream about us cuddling last night
We were in my bed (i think, my eyes were closed), talking in the same way we do all the time and we kissed like it was the most casual thing ever, a few more times before just going back to talking
I aspire for us to get to that without it being a dream, no matter how long you need to be comfortable with it, I cannot fucking wait because it was so euphoric with how seemingly casual it looked and amazing and eeuuuuuuuhhhuuhhhh
Posted while I hug the u pillow
Is this the honeymoon phase
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canidfeline · 1 month
Not to be overtly gay or anything but I am genuinely saddened that I've forgot what your perfume smells like since you sent me the poster
I am sad because I can't smell you
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canidfeline · 1 month
oh my fucking god we are dating
that is genuinely insane like
a good insane though because who the fuck would I date if it wasn't you? people do usually call their partners their best friends and we've already checked that off
ive felt really weird today but not in a bad way and absolutely no fault of yours, i'd say stressed but I would have told you if I was
i think i am genuinely just that bewildered an insane amount by the fact that I'm dating you
i hope this doesnt seem lovebomby that isn't my intention
i mean what i said by we go at your pace, this is all up to you. we can go back if it's what you want or we can go forward
in whatever way you need me to love you, you can have it
i have a girlfriend and its you oh my fucking god
am i domino from x-men just having the most insane fucking luck
i do genuinely just think i need to have a minute and think about this before my head explodes this is insane
if we were physically close to each other I would either beat you in excitement or squeeze your hand in excitement
edit: i made a pinterest board of you.
I was on the bathroom and I remembered like oh I have a girlfriend I'm so happy
Then I remembered its YOU and shoved my face into the towel I was holding yo like dry my hands
Ever since thinking about holding you and just being with you my bed feels so much more uncomfortable. like it doesn't feel as nice to lay in with you not there
I want you...
Also I can't make fun of you cuddling your pillow to pretend it's me anymore its the comfiest thing ever
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canidfeline · 1 month
after reading the marking you gave me again
i may have overreacted
the tiniest bit
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canidfeline · 1 month
i want you
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canidfeline · 1 month
X's fingers drummed against his temple as the other three teenagers talked. He had plopped down on a trash can he had turned on its head.
The people in his head were getting louder without his mother. She made them quieter when she talked to him and let him go out into the yard. But she was bad. He shouldn't miss her. He does though.
The stench of coffee is getting to him, making him want to vomit, even on an empty stomach.
''We need food." The more gruff voice in his head spoke, making X glance over to ST-021 for a second all confused before turning back around to face the brick wall of the coffee shop as he realised what it was.
''So do they.'' It spoke again, making X turn around to his little group again. His semi-worried, semi-angry scowl became more annoyed at Forta's never-ending whining.
His brooding and borderline hallucinating was interrupted by a sudden, soft but huffy little voice echoing between the walls of the little alley the four clones were hiding in.
''Are you four the kids that stole those clothes from the store?''
Kallen's head whipped around first, then Forta's but way too far to the right, nearly bumping his head into the outer wall of the other store; a laundromat, then ST-021's, and finally X-107's.
A boy - a teenager, maybe a little older than the group was standing just in front of the alley, looking in.
They all shared a look - Forta at least trying to - before ST went to grab the blind, whiney little shit so they could all run away before the boy spoke again.
''W- I'm not gonna, like, tell on you guys or whatever.'' He said quickly, stepping forward a little bit as the group stopped in their tracks, X turning back first with a confused, worried-but-angrily little look.
''Was just gonna say, uh- there's, like, a homeless shelter. Down the, uh... road.'' The boy added, an eyebrow raising as the darkness of the alley showed off the reflectiveness of X's and ST's eyes.
Maybe it's just the angle.
X's lips pressed into a tight, straight line as he analyzed the boy, the others slowly turning. Evidently taking X's lack of attacking as confirmation that they didn't need to run. Well - Forta was still trying to run before ST tapped his shoulder and plopped him on the ground again, earning a whiney little huff from the blind boy before standing up properly next to X, towering over him and the rest of the group.
The boy looked jittery, although in an awkward kind of way. X could hear his heartbeat with how focused he was, he wasn't... scared, which was surprising to X - even with his 'limited understanding' of 'normal' people - but it was a good sign. He'd say the boy was nervous if he understood nervousness.
''I could-'' He cleared his throat as his voice cracked ''-I could take you there if that'd help.'' He swallowed after speaking, letting out a shaky little breath before his eyes flitted from X's to the ground, from the ground to ST's, to the brick wall of the laundromat, to Forta.
''W- is he, uh, blind?''
X looked to Forta, then to ST and nodded for him to speak instead of himself.
''Kind of.''
The boy's eyes - again - flitted all over the group. Already this was beginning to feel like he bit off more than he could chew.
But being nice is good, so he'll try. For, like, five more minutes.
''And can that one not talk?'' He asked, raising a slightly unsteady hand to point at X.
''No.'' ST huffed out. This guy was getting on his nerves for reasons even he didn't know. Maybe it's just the fact that X is obviously mute, why even bother asking?
Strange, though. He felt bad for feeling annoyed at the boy.
''Uh... 'kay. Erm- c'mon, I'll take you to the homeless shelter. They have food and stuff." He said, running a hand through his light brown hair as he backed up, making a little motion of eating out of a bowl for X, even though he'd understood every other word the boy said. Then he stopped, realising how (probably) patronising it was.
X let out a grunty little ''Hmmm.'' before following the boy, the rest of the gang following suit - save for ST lagging behind to put Forta's arm around his shoulder to drag him.
''Wuh- we're moving?''
''No, dude, we're standing perfectly still.''
''...no, I can feel my feet mo-''
The back-and-forth bickering between the tallest of the group made Kallen turn around with a surprisingly narrow glare. But like tired narrow. Basically saying ''shut up'' with her eyes.
It isn't like she could blame ST much, Forta had been whining the whole week they'd been out
''He's lying. He's with Mother, he's going to get you and them killed.'' The more loud, formal and 'chanty' voice in X's head hissed, making him slap the butt of his palm against his right temple as he walked alongside the 'normal' teenager leading them, nearly shoulder-to-shoulder. However, X did glare at him for a second to see if the voice's words proved true.
No, too scared looking to do anything like that. He felt like Forta except all the unnecessary whining was replaced with unnecessary stuttering.
''Can't wait to eat, mom only fed us, like, 2 weeks ago. We never shoulda been mean to the guards.'' The whinier voice in the clone's head squawked - the one that annoyed the ginger the most. It was really shrill and annoying sounding, and it always made really annoying jokes at bad times. Like saying that they ''didn't wanna turn crispy!'' when X was thrown into the oven room.
X's inner monologue(s) was thwarted by the shaky, although slowly steadying voice of the teenager leading him.
''What's up with your arms?'' He asked. His mom told him not to just ask about people's physical deformities, but sometimes curiosity trumps reason.
''Is it, like...'' He paused for a second, his gaze breaking from the pavement they were walking on to glance at X's forearms before looking up (although not by much) from them to look at the boy himself.
''...burn scars?''
He asked, pointing at X's forearms a little.
Sure, the back of X's claws were... weird, to say the least. Less serrated, more barbed and weird, but not yucky weird. Probably did more damage than just being straight, but still weird.
X brings a forearm up as he walks forward, inspecting himself, and he only has one question.
How do they at all look like burn scars?
Not that he's ever seen a burn scar per se, but he's seen a normal scar he gave a guard once and it looked nothing like it.
He dropped his arm and looked at the boy, shaking his head before raising his hand back up a little and deploying his left claw (between pointer and middle fingers).
(also ik im calling the normal one 'the boy' a lot but idk what else to call him so)
The boy's eyes widened a little before his lips turned up a little.
''Woooaah... cool.'' He murmured, leaning down a little to look at the claw before his shoe scuffed against a pebble on the pavement, making him look forward again.
''You should put that away, by the way. Might scare some people.''
X nodded, making a soft little grunt since the boy himself wasn't scared, retracting the claw back inside his arm, the blade visually shifting back into place. It relaxed him, knowing he didn't terrify everyone outside of his little group. Especially since every animal - even the ones he didn't hunt - was terrified of him when they were in the forest.
''You're like that Wolverine guy. He's cool. He's also Canadian, which makes me feel cool.''
X furrowed his brows in a confused kind of way as the other boy put his hands in his hoodie pockets, glancing back for a second as Forta's foot scuffed against the pavement, Kallen giving him a soft smile as she thought he was looking at her before he turned back to the boy.
''I don't mind mutants, by the way. I think it's cool. I really like looking up on evolution and that kinda thing anyways.''
"Oh yeah, probably shoulda asked way before, what's your name?''
X huffed softly, putting up both hands to make an X with his pointer fingers. Because even if it's a fake name, he hates the name Jack. Kallen has bad ideas.
''X? Like... Xavier or just X?''
X shook his head at Xavier and then nodded at X.
''Oh, weird. Cool, though. My name's Liam.'' He said in response before X's gaze drifted back down to his shoes to watch himself step forward.
Liam. Lee-uhm. X likes that. Those are sounds he's made before when he gets annoyed. Li, li, li, li - um, um, um. Nice noises.
Liam turned to X, an eyebrow raised the tiniest bit. ''I thought you were mute.''
X shrugged before continuing to repeat it over and over until it matched what the boy had said.
''Li... um. Li...am? Li-uhm. Li-am.''
''You got it.'' Liam responded, ''About three tries ago." He thought, but that was just mean, the guy was borderline mute and was trying his best, so he should feel bad for even thinking that.
Kallen reached over, patting X on the shoulder softly and offering a small smile when he turned to look at her. ''Well done.'' She whispered.
X nodded, his lip curling up the tiniest amount and letting out a soft huff in appreciation before turning back to face forward.
X - or rather, the gang as a whole save for the normal one leading them and the blind one, peeked, or, at least glanced into each shop/building window they passed. It was so strange to them, so foreign.
One was a place with loads of computers in it, but food too. Then there was one with lots of tables and chairs and people.
Cities are a confusing and massive sort of thing.
''Where are you guys from?'' Liam asked, breaking X from his little thinking session, the rest of the gang apart from Forta continued to inspect each passing building.
X was probably going to try his best to explain it literally, so Kallen jogged up a little to get in between X and Liam. Her red hair bounced atop her shoulders. If it could be called real hair, anyways. She had enough sense to lie.
''Just... around.''
''M'kay... don't you guys have parents?''
Kallen sucked in her bottom lip a bit, turning to X to see him staring down at the pavement they were walking on. He was unreadable, but he wasn't scowling anymore, so the question was still an open wound for him.
He misses his mother, as much as he hates and doesn't want to. As much as she hurt him and his friends, he misses her hand in his hair. The scent of her perfume. He misses kisses on the forehead after training properly, after following orders like a good little soldier, after doing whatever she asked of him. Sure, Kallen's morphed a similar kind of hair to hers, but it isn't the same.
He misses her and he hates himself for it.
''Not really,'' Kallen answered for them all, still wearing that same soft smile.
''Weird. I mean, sad, but, you know, weird. Not to be, like, a dick.''
Kallen was confused at that last thing, she didn't really know the word but she didn't show it.
''So... like... are you all mutants? 'cause X showed me his claw.''
Kallen's eyes narrowed a little, although not in an angry way or any other kind of way. Just narrowing while she thought.
Lying's probably better than not, even if he likes mutants. If they can be called that.
''No... he's the weird one.''
X grunted.
Liam let out a soft little laugh, making ST-021 glance over at him. It was a nice noise, although he isn't too sure why it got his attention.
''What are the rest of your guys' names?'' He asked, turning to Kallen the tiniest bit. He didn't like not looking where he was walking, never did.
''I'm Kallen, the blind one's Forta, and the tall one's...''
What name did they choose for him again?
Stan? Stanley? Definitely something with ST at the start. Steven? Oh, Steve, right. Steven sounds better, nevermind.
''Kinda... normal compared to the rest, huh?''
''...he isn't the favourite.'' Kallen adds, thinking it's a more than reasonable response.
Liam just laughs, thinking it was a joke.
It wasn't.
(please get the joke)
He cuts off his own laugh, letting out an attention-grabbing little hum as he pointed at the building just in front of them in the middle of Edmonton.
''This is it, Hope Mission-Herb something, I think it's called. It's, like, religious, but still. Free food and beds and stuff.''
X tilted his head slightly up to check the sign.
How he hadn't noticed the lack of buildings leading up to it, he didn't even know, but it looked nice.
The cross thing on the circular window on the top left looks weird, though. He doesn't like it.
''I could go in with you guys, if you're, like, nervous or whatever.''
Kallen shrugged, turning to X for an answer before he just shrugged himself.
''Sure.'' ST muttered from behind, Forta making a(nother) whiney little grunt as ST stopped dragging him, his arm still slung around the taller boy's shoulders.
felt like an awkward ending to me but I didn't know what else to do but if you like it idm
no blink reminders my apologies
also ik u got confused at Liam and X being referred to separately
just tell me if u wanna do part 2 or leave it to me because I'm okay with this being a part 1
things to work with: hope mission (a real homeless shelter btw!) is religious, if there are guest preachers or whatever it could establish the gangs hatred for god. vincents sexuality, also with the religion thing, could start picking up liams god part of his ego
also ive been thinking abt leaving song links somewhere in the post (top or bottom) with either a song I think matches the vibe of the post or what I was listening to while writing. if u like the idea pls tell me!
felt very weak in my own writing at some parts but eh
also so sorry for not using kallen much, idk if its just bc shes your character or just a fault of my own writing, but I struggled with utilising her properly (I think at least)
kk lyvm
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canidfeline · 1 month
the more you come online for a bit and say nothing at all the more my hate for you grows
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canidfeline · 1 month
Please can we get a bidet I've been wiping for 10 minutes
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canidfeline · 1 month
i hate being upset at you because it makes me feel like a liar but it feels as if you are fence-sitting just how you said you hate lily doing it
you defend tree from me and lily and then defend us from tree
tree openly disliked lily and said he hated me before me and lily even fucking did anything for no reason
none of this would have happened if tree didnt hate us for no reason
again you dont owe us anything and im not asking you to stop being friends with tree, i just want to be heard and i would like it if you could at least set the fucker straight or even me and lily if thats what you think is right but one thing i really fucking need to say (even if it seems like its me wanting you to stop being friends with tree, it isnt, i just need to say it) i would not be friends with someone who said they disliked lily and hated you
i would rather you be on his side rather than just be sitting on the fence because us disagreeing wont make us not best friends
to soften the blow and attempt at being funny: you hate femboys yet defend and are friend with one.
YOU. ARE. FRIENDS. WITH. A. FEMBOY KLEO BOWEN (on a more serious note its a bit hypocritical with you saying you hate femboys yet are friends with/defend one)
this was really hard to make all the nice things ive said have made it harder to be angry
just shows my love for you is greater than my hate for tree 🤗
im only being somewhat nice in the server bc of you i hope u know that
if u were not there I would be saying some very choice words
stressed about this to the point my bones are getting tired wtf man
also my next post is most likely going to be clones then winnie
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canidfeline · 1 month
much progress has been made on the post
it will be long
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canidfeline · 2 months
I want to start working the Arkham games into our dc universe. Soon bc its going to be a bit weird timeline wise but I think rn asylum would be starting soon
Joker taking over arkham Island and also it would have scsrecrow turning from twink cillian murphy to scary scarecrow
also wensyould play the Arkham games in prep it would be very fun
and I like spending time with you
Edit: could get Thomas to substitute Bruce during the main scarecrow parts for an intro to Linnet and establishing Crane as a Thomas villain
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canidfeline · 2 months
i didnt mean to offend and i couldnt tell if you were jokingly offended or actually so i am very sorry and i love you lots
i love your responses because theyre so very kleo
edit: you. slash loving but annoyed at you for reasons im not going to communicate because they arent your fault
even when i am upset at you, whenever it may be, i want you to know it doesnt mine ive stopped loving you
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