canigohomenowplease · 5 months
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8th lv spell scars just to clear up any misconceptions, the scars are for the person who is hit by the spell unless ive written ‘extended use’ next to the spell
(Cantrip scars)  
(1st level spell scars)
(2nd level spell scars)
(3rd level spell scars)
(4th level spell scars)
(5th level spell scars)
(6th level spell scars)
(7th level spell scars)
>8th level spell scars
(9th level spell scars)
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canigohomenowplease · 7 months
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sweetheart it's 3am and I'm posting Halsin covered in honey please save me
prints | high res on patreon
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canigohomenowplease · 7 months
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What if vampires have terrible cold tolerance? (Elves sleep because I said so.)
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canigohomenowplease · 7 months
In a surprising twist that I think no one saw comming from early access, Astarion and Halsin are like totally opposite ends of whatever gay motherfucker spectrum theyre on
Astarion presents himself as alluring, flirty, desirable, sexually available, ect ect, but it's entitely preformative. If given a choice he'd happily go without it all for as long as he can.
Meanwhile Halsin is the most regular, sober, sensible dude ever who probably smells like damp leaves and dirt, and then he just show up one night like "i wanna fuck nasty like the oak father intended"
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canigohomenowplease · 7 months
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more about plums
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canigohomenowplease · 7 months
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canigohomenowplease · 7 months
I saw this TikTok yesterday and I had to think about Staeve, Astarion and Halsin 🥹
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Self-control? Don't know her
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canigohomenowplease · 7 months
Baldur's Gate fanartists will draw Astarion like a renaissance painting and Wyll like the cover of an adventure novel and Gale like a Leyendecker drawing and Karlach like the cover of a trashy romance novel (where she is the beefy hunk and her love interest is the swooning maiden) and Lae'zel like a knight in a manuscript and Shadowheart and Minthara like the cover of a lesbian pulp novel and Halsin coming out of a lake like the bear equivalent of the Birth of Venus and they're all so right
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canigohomenowplease · 7 months
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This is what I imagine a platonic grave scene with the homies was like. IYKYK. Onward to becoming more glorious bastard...
translated headstone for the meme. Tav's got the polaroid camera.
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canigohomenowplease · 8 months
Halsin and abandonment issues
One thing I've come to conclude about Halsin's character, based on many parts of his story and some lines he says, is that he might have abandonment issues.
To begin with: he lost his entire family over the years to accidents and disease, per his writer. That's the kind of thing that leaves deep scars- watching everyone you love fade away over years, until at a "comparatively young age" you're the last of your family and turned over to the Druids to be taken care of. (His writer didn't specify an age, but if he was young enough to be "turned over to the Druids" instead of "finding his way there" then it is likely he was not an adult.) There's no time to lose your family that isn't absolutely horrible, but as a young person is far, far worse.
Then there's Halsin's other traumas, all of which involve isolation; he was a prisoner for three years in the Underdark, and despite this, no one thought to come looking for him to save him. He lost most of his fellow Druids in the battle against Ketheric Thorm and the Shadow Curse that followed- and what few didn't die, he still lost their friendship to his leadership position, the "weight of responsibility". His one lasting friend in all of this, Thaniel, was lost to the curse and Halsin spent over 100 years blaming himself, fighting to be the best leader he could at the Grove, and having no one at all he could lean on for any of his burdens. And then he wound up kidnapped again, this time by the goblins, and when he returns, almost all his Druids have been turned against him, some even holding him in contempt. All experiences that are isolating in nature and reinforce to him that he can't rely on anyone else, that he is the only person he can depend on, and that in the end, everyone he cares for is going to leave or die.
It's not just speculation that he feels that way, either. He has several lines about his survivor guilt and isolation:
"[...] there is a burden to being the survivor... the witness to others' tragedies. It only grows heavier with time."
"[...] Grim as it is now, it was worse on the day of the battle. A vivid wound upon my memory. I was lucky - I lived, when so many did not. It would take me a day and a night to recite the names of all the friends I lost."
And lines that indicate he's used to being left, too.
If the player rejects him after he wildshapes (emphasis mine):
"Ah, I see. Well, of course. Back to camp then."
Saying "of course" implies it's not entirely unexpected.
After the final battle, if the player declines to have a celebration and says the party should split up:
"It was always destined to be so, if we prevailed. But the foreknowledge makes it no less bittersweet..."
He was expecting the party not to stick together.
Similarly, if a love-interest player breaks up with him in the ending:
"I see... After all my years of living, I know all too well that nothing lasts forever. Yet a parting can sting, nonetheless. But that just means what we shared was precious, and will live on in my memory. Thank you - I am a richer man for having met you."
The "nothing lasts forever" really sells it, to me, especially because the context makes it clear that he isn't just making a general statement- he's talking about relationships and people. Again- he was expecting it all to end.
His worry in the epilogue, when a solo-romanced player comes to the party with him, hints at this even more: "You could have done anything, gone with anyone... yet you chose me."
He's surprised that the player, even if they're in love, would want to live with him and share his dream. He can't believe they really wanted that- he even says that he keeps expecting to "stir from the dream".
I feel like that shows a lot about how Halsin feels after all the loss he's endured- he doesn't ultimately believe anyone is going to stay with him, whether because they choose to leave him, or because they'll die.
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canigohomenowplease · 8 months
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the gang is all heeeerrreeee
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canigohomenowplease · 8 months
Do you ever think about how Halsin's entire arc was always leading up to him adopting all those children?
One of the first things we learn about Halsin is that he took in the Tiefling refugees- many of whom were children.
The first thing he does when he returns to the Grove is scold Kagha for trying to cast them out, and for holding the Idol of Silvanus on equal weight to a child's life- and if Arabella dies, he is so livid he tells Kagha she should have died to her face, speaking with such anguish at what happened.
Then we learn that his first friend was a timeless child nature spirit, who Halsin feels protective and paternal of, and this extends to the Shadow-Cursed version of him. He speaks to Oliver with kindness and gentleness, never patronizing, but always full of empathy.
When you get to know Halsin as Wyll, you can say you've always wanted a child, and Halsin will agree and all but say he wants one too.
Then he gets to act 3 and spends the entire act furious at how those in the city, especially children, are treated. He wants Yenna in their camp not only to keep her safe, but because "our little abode could use a child's laughter." He gets distraught over the plight of many children in the city, and if Yenna is killed by Orin, he's crushed- but also vows to fight so there will be no more Yennas. In fact, he is so upset about this that he is the only character the player has a special dialogue for to check in on him after Yenna dies. This option doesn't exist for, say, Karlach, Jaheira, and Wyll, despite them being kind characters with a soft spot for children too. Halsin's care goes even deeper than theirs.
He also sadly says how unlike Jaheira, his Archdruidic duties prevented him from being able to have a child of his own.
Literally Halsin's entire arc foreshadowed that he wanted to be a father more than anything, and that he wanted to help the defenseless- nature itself, animals, refugees, children. He got to do all of that at once with the commune and all the children there.
When talking to a romanced player after the final battle but before the epilogue, which is implied to be the very next day- but if not, certainly not more than a few days after- he says the children call him Daddy Halsin. It took less than a week for him to meet a group of terrified, traumatized children and gain their trust and affection so thoroughly that they already considered him a parental figure.
It just says so much about exactly what kind of person Halsin is.
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canigohomenowplease · 8 months
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At the end of Winter...
Promise is going to have to put his traveling on hiatus.
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canigohomenowplease · 8 months
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I started designing Promise's (x Gale) children. (Promise is AFAB) Given his sort of whacky genetics, I figured he would have twins that look more like their father, no horns, tail or hooves. Their next child would be like a mini Promise, a sweet little girl that is protected by her brothers.
Bonus: Promise's fathers meeting the twins.
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Tareth absolutely LOVES babies and would be a devoted grandparent. Ezra (Promise's bio dad) seems a bit dubious about the situation. Luckily Tareth doesn't take shit from anyone when it comes to children, not even his devil husband.
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canigohomenowplease · 8 months
Doing this meme thing about Tavs/ Durges on Twitter (X whateverdafuck) and so I am going to repost it here in batches
1: Basic Information
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2. What were they doing when they got taken by the nautiloid?
Promise was out traveling as normal for him when suddenly this giant Nautiloid appeared. There wasn't much he could do to avoid it
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3. Who did they romance? Either canon or not
Promise was actually slotted to be an Astarion run, but due to issues with another playthrough things were swapped.
In the end, Promise is happily with Gale.
On the non-canon things, I thought it would be funny for Promise to be paired with Rolan.
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That's it for this batch! Check out the prompt HERE
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canigohomenowplease · 8 months
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Promise is not feeling especially glowy after having to pee three times in fifteen minutes.
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canigohomenowplease · 8 months
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I forgot to post Promise's background here. He's sweet in spite of everything.
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