cannibal-art · 9 years
reserve contest!
Although we aren’t planning to open our reserves fully until a few days before site open, we thought we’d give two members a chance at an early reserve each. 
In order to participate, all you have to do is post in the tag [#EOERP]. Post blurbs, character ideas, graphics, playlists, want ads - and tag it with both the site tag and #eoerpcontest. The two winners will be chosen by a randomizer and each post will be considered an entry. This contest will run for a week, and any entry in it will places the odds that much more in your favor. Have fun and good luck!
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cannibal-art · 9 years
the next person to tell me a wwii site promotes racism had better not have ever played a death eater on a hp site.
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cannibal-art · 9 years
the english patient was a form of entertainment. all the light you cannot see is a form of entertainment. sophie’s choice is a form of entertainment. band of brothers is a form of entertainment. schindler’s list is a story taken from reality and converted into entertainment. flags of our fathers, the pacific, full metal jacket, good morning vietnam, defiance, the boy in the striped pajamas, magneto from x-men’s storyline, every nazi in every comic book ever … 
the fact of guernsey is that there were forced workers. this is not a slave plantation, nor are we encouraging any exploitation of any character role. the focus of the site is the rescue of those workers and the liberation of the island. nazis take villainous roles. good men fight against them.
for those of us who are deeply invested in this historical period, yes, we do take these roles seriously and we do take them to heart. some of our staff are jewish. some of those staff have direct ties to people who lost their lives in the death camps. this is not an endeavor in racism. this is an exploration of a very dark, very serious period of human history.
it is every individual’s choice whether we see this as racist trivialization or as triumph. you want to see the glorification of a villainous nation; we strive to produce a heartfelt uprising, and to glory ourselves in the victories of our forebears.
i really hope you reply to my last ask and that you don't decide to just brush it aside and never answer it. this is honestly a serious problem and making a roleplay out of this is really gross. not to mention it's also extremely trivializing of the struggles that peoples families and countrymen had to go through during the war. i really hope the staff here reconsiders opening this rp and examines why they thought it would be a good idea in the first place.
Your first ask was never received, and we apologize if you felt we had brushed you off. Tumblr often “eats” asks, and the occasional ones inevitably go missing. 
In answer to your concerns: the staff greatly respects the struggles and conflicts suffered during the Second World War, and intends to be sure our members handle all subject matter with grace and dignity. As with any reconceptualization of a historical conflict, there is inevitably a certain question of where the line lies between honoring and trivializing; and, as with any (good) historical roleplay, the admins have taken care to err always on the side of the former.
Any subject-specific roleplay can (and will) be accused of trivializing its subject matter. All we can ask is that you give us a chance to prove that what we want to do here is honor the men and women who committed their lives to this fight, the soldiers and the brave citizens alike, the women who volunteered as agents to go behind enemy lines, the mothers who sat home and prayed for a letter every day. This is a beautiful era and it is one rich with characterization and the triumph of human spirit, and that fact is self-evident in how many very wonderful books, films, and plays have been made about the time period. 
Our site is clearly advertised as a World War Two site. Anyone who is uncomfortable with or triggered by that subject matter can easily avoid the details. 
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cannibal-art · 9 years
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let's do it (let's fall in love) by kingschultzies.
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cannibal-art · 9 years
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rose-tinted yore; romantic & nostalgic melodies by librarian-esque.
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cannibal-art · 9 years
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The Classiest by mcperry.
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cannibal-art · 9 years
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That Smoky Bar by librarian-esque.
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cannibal-art · 9 years
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max adler.
37. german. michael fassbender. (soon-to-be-awol) ss officer. jewish sympathizer.
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briony arkwright.
26. british. felicity jones. soe agent. woman of consequence.
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cannibal-art · 9 years
coming soon
follow & track { also hiring! }
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cannibal-art · 9 years
alias: augie timezone: est favorite netflix binge: 3rd rock from the sun or mst3k, negl guilty pleasure: cheesy old sitcoms (i.e., the old nick-at-nite line-up) and nutella obligatory gif: 
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cannibal-art · 9 years
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coming soon
follow & track { also hiring! }
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cannibal-art · 9 years
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jack schrader
41. reserve ranger. right hemisphere.
german-bred once and future jaeger pilot
once: shrike havoc
future: southern comfort
in-between: professional alcoholic asshole
lost his previous co-pilot
ironically after they’d semi-retired from piloting
turns out riding motorcycles without helmets is a bad idea
he’s only a little bit pissed about being called on and re-paired
re-paired. hah.
he’s not so much of a what-you-can-do-for-your-country kind of a guy
it’s more like a i’m-good-at-this-job-so-i-do-it motivation
either way, he’s good at it
and ngl, he enjoys it, too
but only a little
and he tries not to admit that out loud
also he’s sort of an impulsive risk-taker
even though he’s got an ex-wife and kid kind of relying on him to stay alive
i’ll probably request her maybe, idk
he’s been sort of slumming it for a while between wars bc why not, right?
and probably training pilots or jumphawks maybe? idk
he accidentally turned into one of those sunglasses-are-acceptable-in-literally-every-situation douchebags who is either perpetually grumpy bc of the hangover or perpetually hungover bc of the grumpy
but now that things are all srsbsns again he’s trying to shape up and adult
he might be like 5% out of shape
but mostly he’s ready to do this thing again? 
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cannibal-art · 9 years
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cannibal-art · 9 years
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15 years. That’s all the peace that Earth was afforded. Now, the kaiju are back, and they are bigger, badder, and stronger than ever before.
Six months ago, a Category 4 kaiju named Mizuchi rose out of the Pacific to ravage Japan once more. Precautionary measures long thought irrelevant saved most of the population, but the two days it took to bring Mizuchi down left their own casualties. As humankind prepares to battle its demons once more, many are left wondering how much longer will it be until all that is left are THE BONES BELOW.
THE BONES BELOW is a private Pacific Rim site soon to go public, and we are excited for you to join us in the world of New Tokyo and the Tokyo Shatterdome! FOLLOW US and track our tag #BONESBELOWRP for updates and inspiration.
Set to open July 13th! Early reserve contest going on now!
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cannibal-art · 9 years
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15 years. That’s all the peace that Earth was afforded. Now, the kaiju are back, and they are bigger, badder, and stronger than ever before.
Six months ago, a Category 4 kaiju named Mizuchi rose out of the Pacific to ravage Japan once more. Precautionary measures long thought irrelevant saved most of the population, but the two days it took to bring Mizuchi down left their own casualties. As humankind prepares to battle its demons once more, many are left wondering how much longer will it be until all that is left are THE BONES BELOW.
THE BONES BELOW is a private Pacific Rim site soon to go public, and we are excited for you to join us in the world of New Tokyo and the Tokyo Shatterdome! FOLLOW US and track our tag #BONESBELOWRP for updates and inspiration.
Set to open July 13th! Early reserve contest going on now!
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cannibal-art · 9 years
name: lux
age: 25
timezone: est
favourite sense8 character: fk idk LITERALLY ALL OF THEM
favourite play-bys: (see above)
favourite plots: (see above) no uh tbh all the dark and awful stuff, severe angst and lots of questionable decisions, bad people making each other better(-ish), [tw] ships and ugly, ugly love you’d die before letting go of
what u want out of (un) existence: something awesome
gif that represents you: 
(extra question) you are in a cluster with the gif below you, how screwed or happy are you?: just waving bc HI ANAIS I KNO U
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cannibal-art · 9 years
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15 years. That’s all the peace that Earth was afforded. Now, the kaiju are back, and they are bigger, badder, and stronger than ever before.
Six months ago, a Category 4 kaiju named Mizuchi rose out of the Pacific to ravage Japan once more. Precautionary measures long thought irrelevant saved most of the population, but the two days it took to bring Mizuchi down left their own casualties. As humankind prepares to battle its demons once more, many are left wondering how much longer will it be until all that is left are THE BONES BELOW.
THE BONES BELOW is a private Pacific Rim site soon to go public, and we are excited for you to join us in the world of New Tokyo and the Tokyo Shatterdome! FOLLOW US and track our tag #BONESBELOWRP for updates and inspiration.
Set to open July 13th! Early reserve contest going on now!
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