cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
I don't even need to be able to punch in order to strike you with a METAPHORICAL FUCKING FIST.
And furthermore, I'll just call you one of the most vehemently terrible examples of the apparent universal floccinaucinihilipilification taking grasp at the birthing channels of HORRID LIVING FECULENCE. 
It’s not your thing NOW. 8P
Come ooon. Nicknames are cool and cute. Maybe I should call you Karp instead! 8P
Oooh, that hurt. Tell you what. How aboat I call you Rocky Mountain canary?
Look THAT up, dickweed.
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
I swear to all that is holy that if you ever call me anything like that again, I will visit upon you a wrath straight from the depths of hell whose ire and contempt know no equal, and strike you down from on high like the fist of an angry god.
And also, I'll just call you an ODIOUS CARBUNKLE.
Whale, I’M getting my point across TOO, MISTER.
Would you rather I call you Kurty? 8)
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
You don't even NEED to do that which is obviously totally MY THING.
I'd actually rather you call me Kurt, cause, you know, it's my REAL NAME.
Maybe I could just start calling you FACINOROUS!
Look it up, bitch.
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chippercadet replied to your post: Curtis. Pssst. Hey. Hey Curtis! 8D
I’m obviously talking to you, basshole. 8P
Well then MAYBE you could call me by my GODDAMN NAME
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
It's not SILLY, it helps me get my FUCKING POINT ACROSS
and it's not really a nickname if it's just a BASTARDIZATION OF MY REAL NAME NOW IS IT
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chippercadet replied to your post: Curtis. Pssst. Hey. Hey Curtis! 8D
I’m obviously talking to you, basshole. 8P
Well then MAYBE you could call me by my GODDAMN NAME
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
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chippercadet replied to your post: Curtis. Pssst. Hey. Hey Curtis! 8D
I’m obviously talking to you, basshole. 8P
Well then MAYBE you could call me by my GODDAMN NAME
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
Curtis. Pssst. Hey. Hey Curtis! 8D
Nope, no one named Curtis here. Try the next asshole.
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
"Well, that's another thing entirely," you say, stretching out. "At least in your clubs you can make friends, right? I'm pretty much friendless, present company excluded." You could definitely not count on any Glee club friends, that was for sure. All those assholes ever did was make fun of you. The closest to a friend you had there was some older guy who gave you a nickname, though that nickname happened to be "tone deaf". 
However, she was right. You did need to practice more if you were going to get any better. You could see about visiting Mr. Vance could give you some coaching on the side. He had approached you in the past, but you stubbornly denied him. You just HAD to do it yourself.
On the other hand, she had been mentioning other clubs and whatnot. Maybe it was a good time to outreach to other circles and see if you could get in with anyone there and make more friends.
"Say, do you think maybe I could just like, tag along to one of your club meetings?" you ask. "Just to see if anything piques my interest or whatever?"
Kurt: Practice your singing
You chuckle a bit, leaning back in your seat with your hands behind your head. “Yeah, you got a point there,” you say. What were you thinking, Kurt? You just met this girl and you’re offloading all this shit on her. That is NOT how acquaintances talk. You have to wait at least a little bit.
But she had called you friend, and you suppose that was a good thing to say. You had only just met her, but you felt something there. Something that said the two of you would have some stories to tell later on. The feeling is warm, almost foreign. You hadn’t met anyone here recently willing to call you their friend. It’s strange and unknown to you, but welcoming.
And as she went on about her hobbies, you could see she was holding a lot back. Maybe she had gone through some of the same things you had. You decide not to press the issue. It doesn’t do any good to open old wounds.
“Well hey, at least you’re doing something,” you say. “I’m just sitting around pretending I’m a productive member of the Glee Club. Other than that, I got nothing.”
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
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arbitraryantiquarianism replied to your post: So, NOTHING? Is that what I’m to take from all of...
this is a fairly accurate assumption small wonders possibly
Well WHATEVER'S going on, I know I'm being left out of it and I'm not really taking too KINDLY to it
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
Is that what I'm to take from all of this?
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
Well I'm awake now everyone.
Please tell me SOMETHING interesting is happening
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
reblog if youre a canon // au homestuck rp blog!!
hi im lizzy and im too shy to follow people
so reblog this if youre a homestuck rp blog?? 
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
[ Your smile quickly disperses and instead, you stick your tongue out and blow a raspberry. Fine, party pooper. ] YES. TRUCE IS AGREED. WE TRUCE.
Good, I'm glad. [You shoot her a grin with your hands behind your back]
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
HA--YES. [ You hold out your hand and give him a half smirk, half smile. ]
[You raise an eyebrow, then tuck your hand back away.] You know what, let's just call this a verbal contract.
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
Well, you're speaking well enough. Let's call it a truce then. Shake on it?
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
Oh come ON! I STILL don't know what you're saying!
Look, let's just call it even, ok?
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
Hey I SAID I'm sorry alright! Besides you DID kind of leave me nude in the middle of the night
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cantankerousglee-blog · 11 years
I still have no goddamn idea what you're saying (NEWSFLASH)
but you look pretty upset
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