canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
(2) the harsh language. but people take this stuff too far. >.
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
Alright, I'm not a fan of "truth" blogs, (and I use the term lightly) but fucking seriously Anon's personal attacks? 1: beauty is subjective, no one is truly physically ugly. 2: Telling someone to go harm/kill themselves over a fucking opinion? I wonder/wonder (yes I actually get the two mixed up XD) if you would be so brave(stupid?) to post this shit if the lass had Anon disabled, would you really man or even woman up to post this shit so under your real ID? don't think so. ps sorry for (1)
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
exposing tmzanon
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
plus, that photo of a HAT saying 'kill yourself' was most likely a joke because her comment was blown out of proportion.
telling people to kill themself is never a joke
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
no. not 'daisy herself' (coincidentally what cathyostrengastfureloaded said when i expressed my opinion about it too... interesting). just someone with an opinion.
thats just something people say either way your wrong.
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
I just want to say, you are admirable. At first, I was a little put off by the intentions of this blog, but I'm glad you really got to know R and had a change of heart. I'm not quite sure what you're doing with this blog now, but whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be awesome.
im going to show the real bullies. internet famous or not. r has issues but shes not a bully and thats the thing i really hate and want to stop. 
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
Also I like how you are standing your ground. If other people have problems they can handle it on their own, they don't need you to fuel their personal problems against someone. You are really cool and great for that. Wishing death on people is awful and I am glad you have a good heart in that matter. Hope this blog does well.
thank you!!! ive had some help but hopefully itll be much better if i can find some new stuff. im writing a huge post now
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
I think you are cool that you can change your mind after knowing people. A lot of people forget that is what makes humans great. You can see good in people regardless. Keep it up Sass.
she was really nice about it and to me. im writing up questions to ask her while looking for some new people to expose. well the freelicers who bully anyways
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
hery i'm the girl that sent those two big asks you posted below. i just have to say i'm very proud of you! your response to my asks seem very well written and you definitely aren't stupid! kudos for your improvements! i don't think r is a bad person, i'd love to watch her videos but unfortunately i don't think i'll ever get to. :/ oh well.. but i look forward to your future posts!
Thank you and maybe shell post them one day
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
Who's R? I've read somewhere that she's a tumblr famous person?
im not saying who she is. But shes gots a following on youtube and tumblr.
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
changed the name from sassybitchesz to canwejusttalk
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
I have a tracker now. and id like to have a some help.
I realised i need a corunner. any one in freelice reform will do. please send me apps in the submit. 
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
just don't spew senseless hatred about dumb stuff. you SHOULD learn so read and absorb knowledge. when she does something shitty you'll have your material. also, why not expand to other bloggers? i thought you were anyway.. you have a good foundation you have the attention so build on it! maybe this could be fun and helpful? who knows? you arent just some piece of shit who should kill themselves. you're somebody! you're whoever you are offline and youre sassybitchesz and i admire you! pleasestay
im going to stop writing about her. i know who she is now and she is not who i thought she was. im going through a weird period right now and the freelice blogs just made me angry. i was bullied a lot in highschool years ago and it just reminded me of it. 
my new goal is to use a tracker to show who is really a bad person. i took the "kill yourself" messages to heart. i have a learning disability and thats why i dont write well. its really hard for me, but im not stupid. i just got really upset over all the hate. ive dealt with people calling me stupid my whole life. what i did to r wasnt right and i apologised after she reached out to me today. she wasnt the one who sent eveyone after me and she never bullied me on my grammar. so thats why shes being removed. 
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
r and daisys problems have nothing to do with you girl! im sorry r is sweet but definitely thinks shes the shit she DOES come off condescending. hey youre a truth blogger, so is she! you both catch hate, occupational hazard i guess. you shouldn't delete i'm sorry most of these girls are up her ass. YOU DO HAVE SUPPORT! my online suggestion would be STAY HERE and just think a little bit about what you're typing, how it would sound if it were spoken, and be mature! you're just starting girl!
she really does at times but im going to stop posting about her. i dnt really think its that bad. shes much different when you message her privately because i guess shes not en gard. we might even do a questionaire type thing to end it off. she told me how to get a tracker so im gonna do that and see who it is and expose them instead. thats my new goal.  i think of r a lot better now. theres definitily much worse people in freelice like GAP. i think he was the one who sent me those messages.
i just thought id start at the top and it seemed like costfu were the top people but i dont hate them anymore. they just get blamed for freelice problems and my rants i see now were really stupid.  
i dont want to say much more on our conversation but i know who she really is now [really] and she helped me with a few things. 
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
From what I saw daisy didn't tell her to go kill herself. She ended her sentence with 'for all I care'. If I said 'go dye your hair purple for all I care' is me TELLING you to dye your hair purple? No. It's me telling you I don't care what you do with is what daisy did in my opinion.
i read through her blog and she posted a picture sayin kill yourself so fuck off. this is probably daisy herself.
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
in good news omnigirlz deleted
they were so obnoxious
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canwejusttalk-blog · 12 years
I would never wish death on some one or tell them to go kill themself.
This is a truth blog about R from costfu.
I do think she can be bitchy at times and really unfair. i think she takes things to far and is not the best person to judge but daisy is the first person she got me to change my mind about.
She read my blog. She liked my blog. i was happy i got some support.
now i am thinking about deleting. because of what i said on my blog she told a pregnant girl to go kill herself. that is not right. i was hurt when i got many messages to kill myself and i would never say it to someone else. i am a very depressed person. when i get depressed i dont think clearly and after reading r's responses i see how wrong i am
im not revealin my identity. i want to try to get to know her better. now that i see something she said has proven to be true maybe she isnt that bad. she can be mean but i dont hate her any more. her telling people to tell others to better themself and not kill themself did it. it showed me that costfu is not malicious and out to hurt people costfu wants to help people be better. 
so im leaving this blog as far as exposing wise but ill answer asks about her and stuffs. 
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