cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
If you had to pick between Bucky and Nat, who would you pick?
“neither. they could have each other, if I chose that way”
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
What would be your best achievement to date?
Having the amazing kids I do, getting to co-found that local kids organization back in new york, both are pretty high up there
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
How do you feel about Bucky being back?
“I’m happy, really happy. I’ve missed him. And well..his family deserves to have him around. He deserves happiness”
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
"Who's your favorite daughter?"-Totally Not Brooklyn
“Well considering I have more than one daughter, probably not safe to answer”
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
ᕤ (Eli)
22. “Did your aunt bake you another years’ worth of cookies?” @bottleitup
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
56. “How do you politely reject a stalker?” 
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
“Because, and you listen close, Steven. You always stand up.”
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
      The Soldier already knew that this gym would be a great outlet– he gave one mild swing at the punching bag, causing it to reel backwards. It was odd to be back in a semi-normal setting, and he was trying to be professional about it. As it was, he could hear the heavy gym door creak open.
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        “Sorry, the course hasn’t begun yet. Still setting up.”
“Like i’d take your class, punk.” Steve mused from the doorway, tossing down his own gym bag and making his way over to his old friend. “Were you just planning on saying hi in the halls eventually, Buck?” He’d been taking it easy the past few days, serum making the healing process almost unneeded. “when did you get in?”
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
56. “How do you politely reject a stalker?”
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
{ @kid-barton } Steve was reading, sitting up in bed as he scrolled through news articles and feeds on his tablet. A week didn’t seem long, but so much had happened and the concept of idle resting wasn’t something he did. Not now, not with so much still a mystery. He was so wrapped into his reading that it took far longer than it should have to notice someone in the doorway.
And once he did look up, he smiled. Steve had seen Frankie at the warehouse, helping carry out Alissa and others to safety. It was something that made him proud, seeing how the boy had grown into someone so fit for a team, especially in the absence of his father. “Hey, kid. Good to see you.”
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
it is your burden to bear
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
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incorrect avengers quotes - teen avengers 
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
Brooklyn didn’t even know what room her dad was in, but she kept running. The blonde sprinted down the hall until a particular mop of blonde hair came into view. She stopped so suddenly she slipped on the floor and fell, but quickly scrambled up and into the room. Brooklyn didn’t even break stride and she jumped onto the bed and hugged him tightly. “Don’t ever do that again.”
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Steve had been floating in and out of consciousness for a few hours now, the meds given to him enough to tranquilize a horse. Even then, he was not fully sedated. He heard a small scuffle, looking up just in time for the blonde bundle of his daughter to come flying at him. The bullet wound to his side not yet healed, he hissed as her form met his. “Careful B, your old man still has a hole in him.” He teased through gritted teeth, though he did his best to send her a smile. “I’m back, nothing to worry about.”
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
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Margot shot on instinct, there was no need to second guess now. Each bullet lodging itself exactly where she needed it to as she gracefully moved through the organised chaos to the cage. Spotting him immediately ( hadn’t changed in the 7 years since she’d last saw him ) and having to hold back the relief that threatened to destroy her concentration. She’d been given a second chance to make things right between them.
“The weather could have been a little better but I can’t complain.” The Super Soldier daughter indulged him with a dry reply, unsure whether to offer a hand until her blue eyes landed on the wound and then there was no question. “People are gonna start thinking you like being shot, Rogers.” Margot smiled tightly, free arm wrapping round her dads waist to take some of his weight.
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It always stung, the realizations of how much he missed. And looking at Margot now, he was reminded of that. She looked so...grown. She was grown, no longer someone who needed to be kissed goodnight and told monsters weren’t real. So much had passed between them, it felt like a chasm at times. 
He laughed at her reply, groaning instantly at the mistake as the wound flexed with the movement. Steve leaned a bit on his daughter, glancing around the room with a focused eye. “That bullet could have ended up in some first year. Seemed like the safer choice. The whole power bars thing didn’t register until after. What can I say, maybe the scar will stay this time around.” Even as she helped him, his eyes scanned her, studying her and committing it all to memory. “You aren’t hurt?”
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
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Natasha had an interesting time knocking out the guards. They had been a different from normal humans, and she chalked that up to Madame Hydra. She and the team had made their way over to where the people were kept. 
Upon arriving there she saw Steve hurt. She made her way over to where he was. “It was silent, Rogers. Would have been better if you had been there.” She said a tight smile at her lips. In her own way that was her saying that she had missed him. She moved over to the door of the cage opening in before making her way inside. She made her way over to him wrapping an arm around him. “Come on, Rogers, It’s time to go home.”
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He chuckled weakly, relieved to see her of all people. There was no doubt in his mind that with Nat there, they’d all make it out. “And the team said they hated my jokes. I knew they grew on you.” He took the arm, slowly raising to his feet, leaving his free hand to hold the cloth to his ribs to staunch bleeding. “Good, i’m glad to go. Kinds tired of vacations for now, this one blew” 
Joking may have been odd, but he was far too mentally and physically drained to analyze like a leader right now. Even Captain America knew his limits. And yet he had to ask---”no casualties, right? I did what I could but, a cage can be effective”
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cap-rcgers-blog · 8 years
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All he felt was the dull resounding ache of pain that pulsed through his body. It had made sense at the time, to put himself in harms way rather than the student that the villains had been attempting to ‘study.’ and then suddenly there was a bullet hole in the side of the star-spangled man. such a silly name he mused idly, groaning as he struggled to an upright position. The shot had been two days ago, but due to the confines of the bars draining his serum, Steve had yet to completely heal. He held a jacket to the wound, it still bleeding sluggishly even as the bars hissed, alerting them all of the release of the dampeners. 
And then there was someone in his eyeline, saying something that he almost missed. Steve smiled grimly, heaving as he pulled himself upright to his feet, a small wave of his strength appearing as the bars green glow diminished. “gotta say, really happy you guys could make it. how was the ride here?” the joke was weak, amplified by the small groan as the wound in his side was jarred.
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