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The Smutty Dragon Age Fanfiction Contest results are in!
The winners of the raffle are:
 1. @scumbag-solas 
 2. @maebyrutherford 
3. @tragicamente 
 And the winners of the writing contest are: 
1. @blustersquall - Two Years, Seven Months, Twenty One Days
2. @halfblood-fiend - Quenching Thirst in the Western Approach
3. (tie) @drinkyourjuicerodriguez - Chocolates
and @shiftylooking-cow - Une Fete dans Mon Pantalon
 Congratulations to all winners! With so many fantastic entries, it was excruciating to pare them down to so few prizes. I added a second runner up slot because I couldn’t decide, but there were seven others that were highly considered, including one from a first time fic writer (!!). I was so impressed by the overall quality of the entries!
A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the contest. I hope you all enjoyed reading the wonderful smut, and will enjoy seeing the art based on it! Make sure to send me a quick note if you won a prize. :)
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I made myself a helpful lineup of my full playthrough DA characters and their LIs! Heights and builds get inconsistent in game, so these are just my personal interpretations.
(Except for Alistair’s height. According to his 1/6 scale figure, he really is 6′3″!)
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Raffle sketch prize for @maebyrutherford, featuring Cullen and his childhood friend and love Sylvie Forester.
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Very belatedly, here are some of the commissions I did at ECCC!
I’ll be at Anime Iowa this weekend, so if you’ll be there, come say hi! My table is #127 and I’ve got some fun new goodies. :3
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Sketch commission for the lovely @knight-commander-becky! Modern Amelia Trevelyan and Cullen being cuties. <3
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Inquisitor: Come on, Cullen, you need a break.
Cullen: Alright, I suppose a few minutes wouldn’t hurt…
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Honestly the mere fact that some people refer to Daddy Long Legs as “harvestmen” is creepier than 90% of all deliberately created horror but like the worst part is that the alternative is calling them Daddy Long Legs
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What if the Inquisitor gives Cullen a plant, like a sapling, to take care of. Something durable that can exist without him but still needs a little help. It’s something to keep his mind on, to talk to when no one’s around (’Talking to a plant? There are rumors enough that I might be a little mad, Inquisitor’ ‘There’s nothing ‘mad’ about speaking to things that will listen’), it keeps to a strict schedule that he needs, it will die if he’s not careful, and most important it requires a gentle touch.
Cullen thinks it’s ridiculous. He doesn’t have time for such a thing and where would he even put it? There’s no proper sunlight in his office. He can barely remember to hydrate himself, much less a plant. He’s going to get it killed. 
But he doesn’t throw it away. It stays on his desk in the spot where the sunlight falls everyday without fail. He keeps a cup by it to remind him to water it and in doing so reminds himself to drink something. He checks the leaves for color, fiddles them absentmindedly between his fingers when he zones out. He leaves detailed instructions with a scout to care for it when he must travel. 
On some nights when his eyes water and he can not sleep, and pray gives him no peace, he creeps down to his desk and sits by the plant. Then he rambles on and on, about what crosses his mind, what makes him angry, what infuriates him, what makes him weep into his hands until he passes out. The plant listens.
It might even have a name but that’s a secret. Cole knows about it–one day he says it’s a very pretty name, the one that Cullen holds on his tongue and writes with his eyes when he looks at the plant, and it suits it. It gives him hope. His hands can be used for growing things, helping them live, not just holding a sword or ending a life. 
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Tennyo-elf’s list of Favorite Cullavellan WIPs
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I wanted to share these WIPs that I’ve been reading and adoring with all my heart, written by amazing writers, with everyone. Of course, I am a huge purveyor of Cullavellan so all the below are fics with that pairing. Most, if not all, deal with a Lavellan mage. 
Let Me Forget the Sky by  Quickspinner
The Revelation of All Things by  EllenEmbee
The Journals of CSR by  Kauri
If You Ever Did Believe by  Sasskarian
Only one chapter so far, but hoping for more! Also on tumblr!! 
Atypical by AutumnMTC
This is on ff.net and I haven’t found the writer or story anywhere else.
Misfortune’s Daughter by  dreamslikerivers
Love this one! I can’t look at Rashvine Nettle the same ever again.
A Hundred Year Slumber by  Star_Nymph
Featuring the lovely Eurydice! @star–nymph
The Moments In Between by  dralafas
Most likely abandoned as there have been no updates since 2015, though it’s still worth reading!
And finally an AU, which granted I’m very picky with AUs, so this one is special:
The Witch’s Heart by  Star_Nymph 
Again, featuring the lovely Eurydice! @star–nymph
Every time one of these fics updates, it makes my day a wonderful day, no matter what else is happening! So please check out if these are for you!
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In His Arms
For @cullenappreciationweek Day 3 - Post-game Cullen
Rating: G/General Audiences
Cullen’s neck was sore, but it was not sore enough to stop him from looking down. He had been watching his infant daughter sleep since her birth-swollen eyes had drifted shut. Tiny snores rattled out of her as she slept, and her small chest rose and fell beneath her swaddle.
She was perfect. Down to the speck of a mole on her cheek, she was perfect. She was perfect and she was his.
In his arms, she would never know pain or feel loss. She would know only love and feel only joy. He would keep her safe and comforted, and no one would be capable of doing her even the smallest quantity of harm. He would maim them for trying. He would kill them for succeeding.
“You didn’t come all the way to South Reach with a brand new baby just so you could keep her all to yourself,” said Mia, voice barely a whisper.
Cullen looked up at his eldest sister. She smiled at him in the way only an older sister could smile at a younger brother. It was a smile that said at once that she loved him and that he was foolish. She knew better than he ever could, her smile told him.
She held her arms out near his daughter, fingers splayed wide. “Let me hold her for a little while.
Cullen’s heart sped in his chest. The idea of sending his baby into anyone else’s arms struck a foreign kind of fear into him. How could he protect her if he could not envelope her, if he could not shield her with his body?
“She’s sleeping,” he said to disguise his terror.
But Mia’s smile knew. “I know how to take a sleeping baby, Cullen. I have managed to raise three without causing any harm.” He held fast. “I’ll hold her like porcelain. I promise.” She wiggled her fingers.
His heart raced faster. “I don’t want to wake her.”
“Maker’s breath. I won’t wake her. While you were off saving Thedas, I was here, mastering the art of holding sleeping children.”
Cullen just stared. Mia inched forward to lay a hand on his arm. “She won’t break if you let her go. You need to rest, get a little fresh air. Maker knows your wife needed some time to breathe. You should tend to her. I saw her a moment ago by the tree.” He knew the one. “Bring her an apple. Hold her tight and remind her that she’s your wife and that you love her. You may not think she needs to hear it, but she does. Now more than ever. So hand me my niece and see to my sister.” Mia held out her arms again, more authoritatively this time.
She was right. He had two women to love and to protect, and they would be back at Skyhold soon. Away from his sisters and his brother, no one would offer to take his sleeping daughter. Someone might offer, but no one he trusted to do the job properly.
His arms ached with reluctance as he stretched them toward his sister. His body cried out to keep the child close, and he waged a brief war with his instincts while Mia took her. She was delicate in her movements. In one deft and smooth motion, she swept his still-sleeping babe into the crooks of her elbows. She smiled a different kind of smile then. It was tender, full of hope and awe.
“She’s so perfect,” said Mia.
“I know,” said Cullen.
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Prompt: Can I at least remove my shoes before you pounce on me?
(Slightly NSFW)
He was praying, or at least attempting to. The words left his lips as they always did, recited from what often felt the very bones of his soul, and he knelt before the altar, head bowed, pious and proper.
But proper was the last thing he felt. In the drone of his mutters, his mind strolled quickly away from him, from holy prophets to worshipping of a very different kind…
She had been wearing a new dress, some design of Josephine’s no doubt. It swept dangerously low across her ample bosom, curling sinfully around her waist and pouring to the floor, a knee high slit allowing a glimpse of slender legs. She danced around the chapel, graceful and elegant, keeping the attention of the gathered Chantry clerics and nobles. Her pink lips curled in a smile, the gentle bounce of her breast and light tinkling laugh unmissable.
And he wanted to grab her, lecture her on how entirely inappropriate it was, the sin of bare flesh in the chapel, to…punish her… With little trouble, he could see the dress slipping from her as he bared her skin, bent across the expanse of his office desk, his lips marking his neck as his own, surprised little gasps leaving her as his hand spanked her milky white skin.
Maker’s arse, he was supposed to be devout, not…devouring her in his mind. She was Andraste’s chosen, after all, her Herald. Perhaps more holy than the Divine herself. The Inquisitor, savior of all Thedas, and he, a simple tool of the Maker’s will, faithful and loyal. Standing guard by the Light as she crushed maleficar and curled all from the Chantry clerics to the Empress herself around her little finger, whilst the Prophet’s name hung around her neck.
Although, he had a distinct memory of her curled around him that morning whispering filth, that he supposed would bring colour to the cheeks of even a desire demon, into his ear with perfect lips as her fingernails dragged along his back, and he buried himself between her legs with ever increasing fervour, the sounds of their lovemaking echoing throughout the room.
For the love of Blessed Andraste. His mouth seemed to dry, chewing at the very corner of his mouth as he stumbled over the last of his benedictions, and his breeches were uncomfortably tight.
Steel my heart against the temptations of the wicked.
But there was nothing wicked about her, no corruption to be found amongst the soft embrace of her breasts, no sin in losing himself to her each night amongst the bedsheets. Oh, how the Chantry sisters would blush if they knew - a Templar and the Prophet’s Herald, a mage of all people, in the most intimate of embraces.
He clasped his hands tighter, desperately uttering the remaining verses of the Canticles of Transfigurations, praying to his Maker to…well, at this point, rapture would be preferable. Truth be told, he wasn’t so sure he wanted the Maker to know his heart right at that moment.
He uttered the last few lines, before rising from his guard, aware of the eyes on his back. He made his excuses to the waiting guard, rushed, short, snipped, demanding that he had an urgent matter to discuss with Her Worship and was not to be discussed. They looked as bewildered as he felt, but made no protestation as he breezed past them, storming the stone floor.
She was leant over her desk studying some missive, the contents of which he cared little for as he stalked towards her. Her eyes lifted, meeting his gaze, questions, queries rising in them as each footstep brought him close to her. Like a calling, a drumming in his ears he could no longer ignore.
“Cullen? Is everything-!”
Her words were smothered by his lips, one hand curling at the nape of her neck, the other clasping one firm buttock, his straining cock pressing urgently against her leg through the soft leather of his breeches as he pushed her against the bookcase, testosterone leaving him in waves that seemed to be near tangible. She mewled against him, hand curling amongst the golden curls on his head, his sudden frenzy bringing a smug, content grin to her face, tongue flicking at her lips.
“Do you like the dress? I had Josephine alter it especially for you.”
A low growl was her reply, his fingers working quickly to loosen the ribbon laced across her back that held it in place, his desperation to unclothe her only widening the smirk plastered across her face. “You are a temptress…you knew…”
“Can I at least remove my shoes before you pounce on me?” “No.”
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Meant for Pen and Paper (Cullen x Inquisitor/Reader)
When going to check on your commander, you arrive to find a mess.
Word Count: 792
I haven’t got much to say other than I hope you enjoy and have a phenomenal day!! Thank you so much!ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪
“Cullen?” You knocked gently on the wooden frame of the commander’s door, your brow furrowing as it creaked open without any care, the only sound being that of the old, aged hinges.
And a quiet, hushed cursing.
You stepped inside hesitantly, your head cocking curiously as you saw the man hunched over his desk, mumbling as he moved surviving papers from the spilled ink sprawled about on his desk.  
“Andraste’s sake what happened here?” You spoke up, more butterflies bursting into your stomach than you’d like to admit as Cullen shot up, his eyes wide and cheeks reddening in an instant.  
“Ah – Inquisitor…!” He blurted, setting down the papers and resting his palms on the desk’s surface. “There was an uh…accident. A recruit dropped by to report in, and…clearly he more than a bit clumsy because he tipped over all of…this.”  
You didn’t have the heart to tell him he had set them into the puddle of the ink, his dark gloves seemingly melding with the color almost perfectly.  
But as he raised his hands to run his fingers through his hair, you wish you had.
Black smeared his front and sprinkled in his curly strands, hardly noticing in his exasperation.
You couldn’t stifle your laughter, pressing a fist over your mouth as your shoulders began to lift.  
“What? What is it?” He asked, furrowing his brow worriedly. “Is something wrong?” 
“No, no just…” You snickered, reaching for a handkerchief you kept in your pocket, stepping towards him. “Do you mind…?” 
“Mind what?” 
“You uh…you got ink all over you.” 
He scoffed in disbelief, only letting out a defeated sigh as he glanced down at his gloves, noticing the smudges all about the leather. 
“Oh – Maker’s breath.” 
“Here, I’ve got it don’t worry.” 
You laughed softly, easing him down as you grasped his jaw, tipping him to the side as you began to wipe away at the specks. 
Yet as you eased them away, you couldn’t help but notice the heat that seemingly poured from his face, his frowned sheepishly, struggling to come up with a single thing to say. 
“Inquisitor you don’t-” He bit his lip, hesitating as he spoke. “you don’t have to do this.” 
“Do you not want me to do this?” 
“No I – I just…” He huffed, sinking into your touch just a tad. “imagine the rumors that’ll soar if anyone sees.” 
You don’t quite know how you managed to admit it, but somehow through all the warmth that bloomed in your chest, you found the words simply spilling from you.
“I wouldn’t mind too much.”
His cheeks darkened, electricity rippling through him as your fingers fretted through his hair, swabbing at the splattered strands. 
But he smiled, clearing his throat as he locked eyes with you, his brows raising. 
“Perhaps they might be…bearable this time around.” 
You pulled back the rag, your thumb fixing the tousled curls about his features, never quite shifting back though as he took it in his hold. 
“And why’s that?”
He held himself back for a moment, eventually conceding in his own thoughts. 
“I’d be lying if I were to say I minded the idea of there being… something more here.” He muttered, gentle and nearly afraid to admit. “Whether it all be in my mind or not I – I do…I do feel something like I never have – for you.” 
He tensed, chuckling apprehensively. 
“Am I going to regret admitting that?”
You were almost stunned, breathlessly replying as a smirk began to lift the corners of your mouth. 
“No…I don’t think you are.” 
He lit up. 
“I’m not?” 
You shook your head, blushing like a fool. “Not at all, but…I am wondering something.” You confessed, the tips of your boots brushed against his. “What does this all mean?”
“Well…hopefully, it means that I will be able to do something I’ve been wanting to do since the very moment we met.” 
“What might that be?”
He tipped his forehead against your own, a bittersweet sort of taste to him as he brought his lips to yours, melting into you.
But he couldn’t hold it for long as he beamed, admitting the words he never thought he’d have a chance to say to you. 
He had never been so grateful
Or so happy.
“Getting to hold you in my arms, and never having to let go.” 
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I saw your Alistair master post, and I was wondering if you had any Cullen fic recommendations? It's okay if not!
Thank you for asking! ❤   I don’t read much at all involving him anymore… so these are mostly all slightly on the older side fics… though there might be one of two that are still updating on this list.  I am so sorry that this has taken since May to write, I am so sorry.
There’s a lot of cross-over between authors from the Alistair list and this one. (And I know I’m forgetting ones as always!)  No particular order once more, but grouped by author.  I know I didn’t do the comments on each fic as I did with the Alistair one, and I’m sorry, but if anyone wants them (or if any authors would like to be removed from the list), please let me know.
The original Alistair fic rec post I was asked for is here.
Reparation by @slothquisitor, Tumblr / AO3
See also the rest of the fics in this series.
A Class Act by @slothquisitor, Tumblr / AO3
She Is His by commander_cullywully, AO3
This Feels Like Falling in Love by commander_cullywully, AO3
Consummation by @theprettynerdie, Tumblr / AO3
The Lowlander by @razzmatash, Tumblr / AO3
See also: The Fire Dance, Tumblr / AO3
The Second Dragon Age by @razzmatash, Tumblr / AO3
So This Is Love by @razzmatash, Tumblr 
In Vigils by @more-aoe, AO3
Whispers in the Dark by @reellifejaneway2, Tumblr / AO3
The Stories We Tell Ourselves by @lechatrouge673, Tumblr / AO3
Written in Shadows by @lechatrouge673, Tumblr / AO3
Once Upon A Time by @themightyzan​, Tumblr / AO3
See Also: An Unused NSFW Bit
Shit by @themightyzan, Tumblr / AO3
Agreeable Girl by @kill-your-idles, Tumblr
Easy Like… by @mirabai0821, Tumblr
Family Portrait by @mirabai0821, Tumblr
Letters from Orlais - Prequel by @kauriart, Tumblr / AO3
See Also: Letters from Orlais by @kauriart​, AO3
As the World Falls Down by @khirsahle, AO3
See also: All I Ask of You, AO3
Sleep Well by @fatally-procrastinating, AO3
Livi & Cullen by @scribeklio, Tumblr
Golden Afternoon by @nerdofmanytalents, Tumblr
As You Are by @valammar, Tumblr / AO3
Sing With Me by @valammar, AO3
Hate by @eeveevie​, AO3
Command by @eeveevie​, Tumblr / AO3
The Lion of Skyhold by @cometeclipsewriting, Tumblr / AO3
Midnight at Skyhold by @ladydanya, AO3
The Summer’s Ashes by @penthesilea1, Tumblr / AO3
First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Love by @frank-a-lank, Tumblr / AO3
A Moment of Respite by @darantha, AO3
A Hot Bath and a Meal by @darantha, AO3
Sugar by @head-bitch-inquisitor, Tumblr
Broken!Cullen by @artsyneurotic & @fatally-procrastinating, Tumblr
Old Wagers by @dgcakes, Tumblr
Untitled by @elhuen, Tumblr
And again here’s a few favourites of ones I have written myself… just because I can. (These ones, however, are in chronological order of my Inquisitor and Cullen’s relationship.)
I Want You, Tumblr / AO3
Cullen Rutherford and Emmalee Trevelyan are intimate for the first time.  Set a few hours after the events of Wicked Eyes, Wicked Hearts at the Winter Palace. nsfw.
Runaways, Tumblr / AO3
One of my top two favourite things I’ve ever written.Cullen spends the night with his Inquisitor, before she is to face Corypheus for the final time. nsfw.
The Way To A Man’s Heart, Tumblr / AO3
Inquisition Cook AU: Cullen Rutherford never expected to find love in the Inquisition, until one of the cooks from Haven’s Tavern visits him one night. An Alternate Universe for Inquisitor Emmalee Trevelyan, if she had become an apostate and joined the Inquisition not as the Herald of Andraste, but as a kitchen hand.
In Your Heart Shall Burn, Tumblr / AO3
Inquisition Cook AU: Cullen asks what Emma will do now that the Inquisition will no longer be needed in Haven now that the Breach has been closed, what will become of their budding relationship. Until an army of Templars interrupts them.
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Note to self: never cockblock Cullen.
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omg I was looking at Cullen’s wiki for research purposes and came across this near the bottom
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