caprianh · 7 years
You can’t be abandoned by people that you made up
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caprianh · 7 years
New York Day 5
New York Day 5
Just to calm your minds, because I’m sure everyone was worried about it, yes. Yes, I did get two ice creams today because I missed having any yesterday. Past Anna is probably quite happy. The day started very low-key, with some coffee and cereal accompanied by some excellent conversations.  Then we got dressed and set off for the High Line. The High Line is an extremely cool, beautiful railroad…
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caprianh · 7 years
BEN PLATT BEN PLATT BEN PLATT!!!!!! oh, and Central Park. Day 4 has been my favorite day so far, except for the fact I didn’t get any ice cream. A true travesty. I am disappointed in myself and how I let down past Anna’s one dream of eating ice cream every day this week. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to get 2 tomorrow! To start the day Ali took us to a great falafel place, and again I was blown…
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caprianh · 7 years
New York Day 3
New York Day 3
#1 Rule in New York City, pee before leaving the restaurant. Getting that out of the way, today was another fantastic day in good ‘ole New York. We woke up around 11, and then decided to go out for lunch and stop by the 9/11 Memorial Museum before meeting Mikey’s family for dinner. Ali took us to a very cute diner called Gee Whiz, which was located in Tribeca. I had a Gyro for the first time in…
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caprianh · 7 years
New York Day 2
New York Day 2
Day Two began slow but pretty much perfect. Mikey, Ali, and I just sat on her terrace and drank coffee and talked. Most of our conversations had to do with family gossip (where I discovered I was my parents favorite gossip subject). We ate leftover pizza, which was still life changing even a day later, and then got ready for our first excursion into the City. The subway was still pretty new to us…
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caprianh · 7 years
New York Day 1
New York Day 1
NYC Baby. The soothing smell of fish that Downtown Cleveland proudly exudes graciously sent Mikey and I on our way at 5:50 Saturday morning. It was both of our first time on an Amtrak so trying to figure out how to get on the actual train was an adventure in itself. Eventually we just decided to “leech” onto the first person we thought knew what they were doing. Thankfully, the person we decided…
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caprianh · 7 years
Entry #1 : An Intro
Entry #1 : An Intro
HEY! First of all, I am just making everyone reading this aware that I do not think I am a great technical writer. However, I’d like to think that I am a good storyteller, which is why I hope readers will ignore some mistakes they come across in my writing, and focus on the positives instead (the content hopefully). After getting that out of the way, I’d love to introduce myself and give a…
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caprianh · 8 years
I hate when teachers leave a ’?’ when they grade my work. Like mate I dont know whats going on either.
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