capriciousreaper · 10 years
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How can anything be worth anything if it lasts forever?
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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Kuja with his Silver Dragon fan art made by 雨, Final Fantasy IX
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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"--You'll just expect me to do all the work. What a pain."
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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He can hardly argue before he feels the foreign sensation of arms swept around his lithe form, ones that he has no recollection of asking for either. This gesture... Was not one beneficial to the planet. 
Kuja deserved to die. There was no arguing against that. 
The man might've argued had he been able to find his voice in that moment. But in the end all that he could do was open his eyes, look upon his supposed 'savior' with pale irises. 
A creature who did not look as though he belonged here. And the glare that Kuja was able to muster should've conveyed that suspicion well enough.
The Fragrance of Death
    Dashing his way through winding paths, both eyes and ears attentive, the Guardian recollects the purpose in his detour from his own timeline. Much time had been spent watching events unfold from a distance, across all planes of reality and existence. Of course there are instances which hold his attention most, helping to segregate the fruitful from the futile. 
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    It isn’t long before he stumbles upon the person of interest: an effeminate man by the name of Kuja, whose species is of an artificial construct. Blasphemous, yet useful. Approaching slowly, he attempts to determine whether or not he poses any threat. Judging that he doesn’t from his current condition, Caius carefully lifts him from the ground. 
    “You are in my debt.”
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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"How creative. We'll see how much barking you'll be doing with my hands around your neck."
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"…So there is a purpose for those heels other than your Napoleon complex. I’ve already seen hell. What should I be sad about?”
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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"Your first mistake will have been underestimating me. I'll remember this once I'm stepping on your throat and you're begging me for just one more breath." 
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"Certain circumstances allow Chaos warriors to battle each other. I did say you wouldn’t be the first one I’ve cut down."
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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"--And become a traitor to Chaos in the process? I don't think I need to explain to you how poorly that situation would unfold. Although I suppose it'd be flattering that you'd go through all that trouble just for my blood to be on your filthy hands. Truly a privilege."
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"That entirely depends on whether or not you find satisfaction in your own demise. You wouldn’t be the first traitor I’ve cut down."
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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"--Or what? Is this supposed to mean pushing you will gift me a more satisfying reaction?"
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"See that you do the same in future."
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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"--You're infuriating. It's no wonder the rest of them stay away from you."
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"Everything returns to the planet."
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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"Never. You're beneath me--"
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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"--Not to someone like you. I'd never give you the satisfaction."
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"Why do you fight it? Why not simply d̩̹̦̘͢e͖ś̙̮̩͚͔̹̰̻͠p͏͈͔̦̘̩̞̥a̵͜҉̞̮̝͚i͔̟̪͇r̳̝̭̮̗̕?”
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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"--Enough! You're weak. I don't need to take this from a pawn like you!"
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"My endeavors are not nearly as pointless as this conversation. Why do you have so much time on your hands? Are you, yourself, p̨̭͉̦̱͕̺o̪̺̮̣̱̖̹̥͍͟͟i̤̗͔̗n̝͓͓̠͇t͇̥̖̙̳̯̙͔͜ͅl͉̺̪͢e҉̘̻̹͕̘̺̮̪̰s̺͚͉̬̲͍̪͘s̵͇̱̼͓͕?”
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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"...Tch. If it helps distract you from your own pointless endeavors." 
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"Only the second? I thought your inexperience was everyone’s favorite target."
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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"--You're the second one to tell me that."
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"You are unfocused."
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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"Oh, I'm sure. You wouldn't want anyone foiling your countless ploys for 'world domination' or just whatever other frivolous intent you have. Don't you boorish type have anything else on the mind? How drab."
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"There is a reason I keep my own company."
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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"--It's not in my best interest to go making enemies amongst our ranks. But to go as far as to consider me a friend? I do hope that was sarcasm."
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"Kuja… Sanctimonious as ever. Have you come to make enemies of your friends?"
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capriciousreaper · 10 years
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"--Unsurprising. You're a terrible pain to get along with."
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"An unfortunate matching…"
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