capricoopla · 17 hours
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It is my burpday
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capricoopla · 3 days
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WAIT A JIF I JUST REMEMBERED I HAD THIS GROX OC I NEVER POSTED?? Old art btw, I'm rlly unmotivated pff бал, балтазар, бал, балтазар🎶
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capricoopla · 8 days
happy to take part
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Newfangled Scissors technology
alternate mouths/faces gif with help from @capricoopla ↓
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capricoopla · 9 days
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Iterator doodle to not make it seem like I'm dead I was going to give her a brown coat instead of blue but I realised it made her look like Shrek
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capricoopla · 12 days
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@raindoeart Biting you and swinging you in my mouth like a dog toy (lovingly)
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capricoopla · 13 days
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capricoopla · 14 days
What's up with the random influx of bizarre bots I've been getting
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capricoopla · 15 days
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Ms paint yayyyy
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capricoopla · 17 days
Not really an ask, but seeing a fellow serbian rain world fan is super cool!! keep your cool stuff up bud!!
ayy cheers!
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capricoopla · 17 days
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I'm your only friend I'm not your only friend But I'm a little glowing friend But really I'm not actually your friend But I am
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capricoopla · 20 days
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Random fact but Alp's got a real name, First Of Hollow Chimes No one besides the iterators in Horizon's local group actually calls them that tho
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capricoopla · 22 days
She's like the Samsung of iterators if that makes sense
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Silly idea don't worry about it
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Him is here too
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capricoopla · 22 days
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Silly idea don't worry about it
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Him is here too
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capricoopla · 22 days
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treasured beast
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capricoopla · 23 days
I will remake this later in life
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capricoopla · 24 days
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This is about something story related but its information that only exists in my brain currently But yeh Whir doesn't care much for taboos, but anytime he hears about it he just defaults to "woah, what do we think, chat?" speech
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capricoopla · 25 days
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I designed a slugcat with anxiety, me coded fr
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