capt-wayan · 11 months
Hi tumblr! I'm still okay if you'd ask.
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capt-wayan · 1 year
Binigyan na ako ng motibo, malalang motibo, so may karapatan na ba akong masaktan?
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capt-wayan · 1 year
Chapter 3
It was a chilly night underway to Port Said taking our way in North Atlantic Ocean when I questioned myself "Why am I still single?" Honestly, the only answer I can cope up with it is that I am scared. Scared of being played at, scared for being stereotyped by other people, and scared for being liked by someone only because of my profession, not me being me.
I cannot agree with other people saying that seafarers are being considered as womanizers, unfaithful, and just jerks. I cannot disagree as well because I witnessed with my own eyes that some are. However, blame not the profession, but the person instead. I can also attest that not every seafarer are the same with what others foresee as they are in their own minds, we are just like normal citizens and just like them, we ain't all the same. So please stop with the bullshits and earn a lot of money instead.
I might be single for now but I do hope to find the right person at the right time and I hope I won't run out of time lol.
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capt-wayan · 1 year
Chapter 2
Seafaring  is not easy as it seems. Some may say that "driving a ship is as easy as driving a car" or whatever bullshits they'll come up with their tiny heads but no. Ain't a joke to kid around with this tiring profession. When I thought of pursuing this career back then during my senior high school year, the vague thought of traveling the world always excites me despite the fact that this path isn't the path I really wanted in the first place. Well, up until now, traveling the world still excites me but the hardships before arriving a certain country is like fucking me with a gang all at once. No, you just have to imagine! I'm a fucking virgin! Believe it or not. I don't care if you don't.
Although my body can keep up with all the work, my mind doesn't. It's not that I want to give up, I don’t want to give in duh. It's just that we all wanted to have a looooooong rest but we cannot. Sad truth about seafarers is that we cannot stop working until it's done whether you're sick, tired, sad, or whatever excuse you can come up. So, if ever you have relatives that has the same career as I do, have some respect bitch. You see that person? That person have faced and took risks and dangers for their love ones. You see those hands? They have carried things that weighs more than what you can imagine.
A seaman does earn huge amount of money, yes it is a fact but thou shall not be blinded to just pursue this career with just that thought because this is a profession for strong minded people that chose to earn and risks their lives for some dollar bills.
Seafaring is for everyone but not everyone is for seafaring.
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capt-wayan · 1 year
Chapter 1
I was once a dreamer who wanted to be someone great in the future. As a kid back then, I have a lot of things I wanted to be, to do and to achieve. Well who wouldn't? I think every kid does. But as I grew up, things become uneasy. Life isn't easy as it is and choosing a path to pursue for a life makes it more difficult. I always wanted to be a doctor or medically profession person but thinking about the time, money and blood I may spend throughout the journey, I may not be able to make it, so I chose another profession that lingers around me since I was in Senior High School and that is to be a Seafarer.
The journey I had throughout my academic years was a BLAST. I met people that helped me realized that I am in the right place and time. Special scream for my solid college bestfriends, Kim Prado and Nowell Aldovino. I met these two back in my first year in Lyceum International Maritime Academy (LIMA) in Batangas. The two of them were originally bffs and when I get closer to them, I instantly knew that they will carve a special memory in this path and in my heart. Even though I made a lot of friends, best of friends, special friends, no one can ever replace them at the top of it well in this case, college term.
Everything may seem so easy for me but nah, it's not because I  admit I am not really good at a certain subject, math. I first got my 2.00 grade in college because of it. But when I received it, I was a little bit hurt since I will not achieve the grades I am looking forward anymore but the hell I let it be as it is. Life won't stop because of something like that. You know, some things you wanted to be won't be in the place you want, sometimes it is not there but it is in some place where it really should be. You just have to accept the fact that everything will not go as planned.
Yes, my college life was fun and memorable but not always. There will always be an obstacle in every place I am in. I got into a fight with a professor whom I am friends with back then but I am glad that we are not anymore since it's not good to my health as well lol. She is a she and this she shits my second year. Although my grades wasn't affected, my personality does. Here goes one of the stories: There was once a leak of answers in her quizzes which she taken a SUPER BIG deal out of it since she said it was still a CHEATING well I agree with that since cheating is still wrong. SO, the thing is that the one who was caught said that the answers came from his secret admirer from our section BUT our section is all BOYS and I am the only one who is openly GAY, YES I AM PROUD GAY. So, this bitch immediately assumed that I AM THE ONE WHO LEAKED THE ANSWERS. When I don't really know the one who got caught. What the f**k right? She silently attacks me with her tactics which didn't affected me since I somehow find her subject easy. I knew, we all knew, my classmates that she is pertaining to me when the topic is heated and being talked about. I feel attacked back then since I am being attacked silently. But when the SECRET ADMIRER was caught, I didn't even get an apology for my preference being innocently attacked. And until now, that SECRET ADMIRER, and that PROF, I held grudge against them. Sorry not sorry but I do.
I shared so much in this chapter. Update next time.
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capt-wayan · 1 year
A prologue I must say.
This is somehow a personal biography and talk shits about my life.
If you're interested in me, continue to read but if not, I couldn't care less.
If you're wondering what will be written, I do too. It may be written issue by issue, or whatever comes to my mind.
But one thing I am sure about is that this Journal is about my Seafaring Journey.
Read at your own risk b*tch!
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