captain-facepatch · 4 months
Yes.. The very descendant of the infamous Captain Nosepatch, who has done many things that I wish to never recall and caused me a burden to try to rebrand the pirates' image with a ridiculous name and an unnecessary mask on, 24/7.
So sorry if I haven't asked you yet !! guess who was sleeping 🥲
Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
your answers will be documented and recorded:D👍
Was it a criminal, Snake Rattler is his name, yes?
You can't "of" a meal owned by "out hot," even if he has or hasn't eaten the food yet. We call it an oven because that's what the people from before named it, also by its definition.
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
You fell asleep by the police station, no?
So sorry if I haven't asked you yet !! guess who was sleeping 🥲
Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
your answers will be documented and recorded:D👍
Was it a criminal, Snake Rattler is his name, yes?
You can't "of" a meal owned by "out hot," even if he has or hasn't eaten the food yet. We call it an oven because that's what the people from before named it, also by its definition.
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
So sorry if I haven't asked you yet !! guess who was sleeping 🥲
Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
your answers will be documented and recorded:D👍
Was it a criminal, Snake Rattler is his name, yes?
You can't "of" a meal owned by "out hot," even if he has or hasn't eaten the food yet. We call it an oven because that's what the people from before named it, also by its definition.
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
... That's nice?.. *sips wine*
Quite a compliment, I must say... *chokes on another sip*
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
I agree so too.
The correct grammar coming from him with the little emoticon is quite daunting.
Captain that’s not Harl me, Tippy, and Snake of all people agree on that
-Shirly Keeper
..I can see why, he isn't behaving like his usual self.
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
Hey captain has Harl been near the docks today?
-Shirly Keeper
I have to apologise, Shirley, I haven't seen Harl by the docks, nor anywhere within the vicitiny of my ship.
I asked my crew about it and sadly none of them answered anything you'd find helpful.
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
hi guys good morning just woke up what's happen- HOLY SHMOLY WHAT JUST HAPPENED IN THE RP BLOGDS
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
How to find a Duke DeTain:
(Added Tip 5-9)
There's only one Lt. Duke DeTain in Earth, so searching around the globe would be a bad idea in finding him. Here's some tips and tricks, specifically from the Narrator.
Tip 1: Visit places he is shown to go to. (35%+ of succession)
- City Bank (usually during patrols)
- City Hospital (rarely)
- City Jail
- City Park (usually during patrols)
- City Steel Factories (rarely)
- Fendrich & Sinclair Arch (rarely)
- Hotels (mostly the one the doorman works at.)
- Lt. DeTain's apartment
- Police Station
- Mr. Producé's Stand (especially in early mornings, possibly 4:30-4:45)
- Shifty's Pawnshop (rarely)
- Alleyways (usually near the Bank/City Jail/Police Station/White House)
Tip 2: Ask anyone who knows everything about everyone: Narrator, Shirley Keeper, & Tippy Doorman. (N: 65%+, S: 50%+, T: 30%+)
Tip 3: Going to stores with Cubby the Cop merchandise. (40%+ chance of succession)
Tip 4: Challenge Tread Octane into who can find the lieutenant faster. (75%+ chance of succession)
Tip 5: Ask Carter, Aiden, & Rose. As they stalk Lt. Duke DeTain in a way that Duke just sees it as admiration from kids. (90%+ chance of succession)
Tip 6: Helpful, handyman Harl Hubbs. (60%+ chance of succession)
Tip 7: New episode/merchandise of Cubby the Cop shows up. (65%+ chance of succession)
Tip 8: Have other citizens to (help) find him:
- Criminals (most wouldn't help: 10%+ chance of succession)
- The Firefighters (20%+ chance of succession)
- The Guardian of The Oceans (only water-search rescues: 20%+ chance of succession)
- The Police (25%+ chance of succession)
- Westbrook W. Sleet & Toby (only if the topic in Wild Wilderness is about people again: 25%+ chance of succession)
Tip 9: Having these things. (I'm talking about you, Shifty.) (30%+ chance of succession)
- ukelele
- art materials (especially for painting)
- more handcuffs (specifically over 27 handcuffs)
- soda (specifically in a can: not Vita Rush™)
- hot cocoa (only during December)
If all fails, don't blame me; blame who misplaced him. And start panicking with Firefighter Clemmons if no one else seems to find him. Or look in a lost in found.— Narrator
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
Those puff pastries were wonderful, Rosy, and my crewmates agree so too.
Our little meeting was such a pleasure, especially with the little chit-chat we had, and those little pirate challenges that Billy still kept up.
Would love for you to come and visit us again.
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
zomg you gonna get freaky with the chief?
Ask the same question to my 50 cutlasses, thank you very much.
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
I think the anon was referring to the whole “then beg” thing
Idk though wasn’t my anon
I just now realised that, I am not too familiar with what most say as "freaky."
Thank you for what you've thought and shared.
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
You’re into something freaky there cap?
Excuse me?
I do not quite follow.
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
Captain ???
I have a skin care routine, my greatest apologies.
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
Slight burns on my lap, but yes, fine enough.
Just... surprised by the whole "then beg," as it sounds in a way I can't word without stuttering to type or say out loud.
hm perhaps violence is okay sometimes
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
hm perhaps violence is okay sometimes
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
Yes, yes. Will do, he'd very much appreciate it.
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captain-facepatch · 4 months
Oh-ho-ho!.. Puff pastries? Me and my crew just love those!
... Well, if you insist.
Would be such a privilege for you to come and visit us, Ms. Thorne.
hm perhaps violence is okay sometimes
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